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Comments on "Vintage Photos"
love it!
x http://www.jnsoo.blogspot.com/
oh nice! so classy!
He's adorable! What a classy kid.
Very classy!
It's like there's some sort of an aura around him. Nice photo.
Had to click to get it to open. But loved this sweet little shot. I worked on the AC boardwalk in the 70's as a young girl, on both Steel Pier and right across the boards at Taylor Porkroll. Dated the Peanut Man that summer . . . I was 14 years old.
great photo!
This is a beautiful photo. The adults, fading off into the mistiness of the boardwalk, focus one's attention on the beautifully turned out young man.
This is the best fashion blog in the World, Greetings from Verona
That's so cute!
So cute!
Amazing shot, down to the diagonals of the wood planks. I love how people always used to be dressed up every time they walked out the door.
and a very good photograph too!
On the first sight I was not sure a man or a child. What an influence clothing can have!
So dapper!
Thanks for sharing it with us.
The real beauty of this photo is that we can be sure he wasn't the only child dressed so. Small children of the past seem to render the grown folk of the present hopeless, no?
Great photo!
elegant indeed. especially from the knees up. beautiful photo, too.
elegant indeed. especially from the knees up. great photo, too.
This is absolutely freakin' adorable! His mittens and high wool socks add a little boyish charm to his grown up look!
Love it! Effortless...
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that is one seriously classy boy! love it, it's just too adorable :)
Absolutely Love! Thanks for sharing these great photos! They totally bring me back in time, almost feels like I'm there every time I see these :)
Really nice. And I really like this Vintage Photos-thing - a real lot of fun to watch them all!
Classy picture for a first class gentleman!
Oh, I love this photography. Honestly, I wish we still dressed the way people dressed back then. It was so elegant and classy. Though the jacket looks a tad big on your father, here, as a boy, he sure looks better in this than most people at this age in this day and age - wearing puffy, plastic-like, mass-manufactured coats and less-than-good-quality clothing. The way people dress (most people, at least) in these "modern" times, just makes me wonder if anyone knows what real class in an outfit is. This is surely a good example of it - even though back then it was commonplace.
Great photography. Sorry about the rant.
The depth of field is perfect
This is fantastic!
Mist makes the image look so wonderfully vintage and mysterious, love it!
Such a great photo, and such a stylish boy.
Oh how adorable !
Check out my new posts !
Beautiful. Makes me think of Boardwalk Empire.
Nowadays, they don't allow you on the NJ boardwalk unless you're wearing an ill fitting shirt with an oversized logo.
beautiful picture, I love these kind of old photo's.
pure boardwalk empire!
could onlz wish zouth todaz to dress more like this elegance!
Great picture; reminds me of artwork for a book cover.
Great pic and of course I adore the coat.) Such a little gentleman!
Great to still have such old pictures.
Thank you for sharing.
these vintage photo selection keeps getting better and better! But your audience would really like to see your own vintage photos too.
Young boy in an sublime elegance !!
I love this image. So moody and atmospheric and that coat is awesome!
Oooh, I love this.
Just wonderful, simply wonderful.
Now that is classy.
I wish people still dressed there kids up. Its amazing how many people out there don't have the slightest idea of how to dress.
both stylish and cute :)
So cute! They dressed so classy back then, I wish we still dressed the way we did then.
Great!! Looks like à shoot from "Board Walk Empire"
Boardwalk Empire much?
How cute!!!
Love the style...little boy -mini man! haha
What a great photo, really captures an emotion. Sometimes I truly feel like I was born at the wrong time, I'm such an old soul.
Its a wonderfully adorable picture. But as to people having to dress in the itchy looking clothing of the day; No. Thanks. I don't want to iron on a hot day for a few hours before going out. Sounds time consuming. And i have never heard of a little boy that really wants to wear a pair of pulled up wool socks with no lycra even to make them bearable. Textiles are a lot better. you probably don't even want to THINK about the underthings people wore back then. I think the bras were built from titanium. It would be fun to force all the people who "want" things to go backwards to live like that, though.
Photographs back then are so beautiful even without the help of retouching.
Mars of fashion insouciance
nice, naturaly picture, old setting & old cloting
It really shows. I like the look very vintage and classy at the same time. Nice one! The quality is outstanding and has attitude that's why I was mesmerized.
What a stylish little boy! He's a real candy! :)
Love your vintage photos.. wonderful!
Classy dressing
It was a time when children were elegant too.
How dapper! Oh for the gold old days when people had pride in how they presented themselves. Now it's just a bunch of slobs in tank tops, gym shorts and tattoos.
Wow, such a great photo!
My wife loves your photos, they are too lovely.
Awww, great! I'd like to see more elegant and stylish little boys / girls around now...
When looking at photos like this it seems to me to remember old times (it seems because I was not even born at that time)when things were more clean, honest and a young boy was feeling the king of the world in such nice cloths. Maybe the past seems always better compared to the world we are living today, but this image let me feel happy, clean and in peace.
(sorry for my English, I hope I was able to trasmit what I'm feeling)
Gorgeous photo!
Such a great coat, and worn by a little boy! Kid's got taste
I would love a blog just dedicated to these vintage photos. They're so unpretentious.
This picture totally reminds me of 'Boardwalk Empire' - a great TV show!
Your dad's a cute little rocker of fashion.
Your father looks divine...I hope he kept up his stylish ways....xv
he is just lovely. :)
sad that we have lost the value of dressing properly. even in europe we have taken on the "comfortable" ways of the new world
so cute !
your father gave quality to fashion.the pictures are very nice. i like the pictures.thanks for sharing
Beautiful. It only takes a moment.
Beautiful dreamy photo.
composition is amazing.
Love the photo.. again its fantastic!
I love this photo. It is so beautiful. The people walking behind him look like they are in a misty fog. Makes it look kind of dreamy.
- Meredith
OMG!! this pic is so amazing!