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Comments on "Vintage Photos"
very stylish.... although not the most attractive.
nice socks kid
great mood picture
Well this is just an amazing photo. There is some sort of weird energy in it that makes it so fierce!
There's something strange about this picture, could be the poster of an old cult movie
none of them look to happy & they all are looking in a different direction.
Fantastic people !! Can be in a novel !!
dapper dons... so serious and stylish! j'adore :))) the little boy stole the show with the expression on his face and his perfectly styled shirt and socks :)
They have such unique faces. Love it.
Love what they're wearing in this picture. Would be nice to add little bit of info in idividuals in this photo.
Royal exiles?
I love old photos like this. They are so ghostly...
beautiful, i love black and white
x http://www.jnsoo.blogspot.com/
great photo!
if you like photography, you can check out my blog!!
the mood of these people is so deep and genuine! loving the boys attire!
this photo is beautiful
I love seeing photos like this
they always tell so much about what was happening during the time
just by the style of dress, love your blog!
Wow! There's just something about this picture. The woman especially looks like she could step out of the frame.
I look at her and I see Chloe Sevigny hiding in there somewhere.
They all look like serious ass kickers.
Wow, amazing photograph. Such unique features on each subject. I love the kid's shirt and haircut and the way he's holding the neck of the woman.
I love that kid's shirt - and that he has his dad's ears. I wish you would have included a caption with this.
This group has a regal-ish air about them, very striking! The gentlman's nose is arresting. The nose is such a focal point in general and there don't seem to be as many distinct in this kind of way. (also think that dominant facial features either make or break a person's character - it's all in how you own it!)
Thank you for sharing this family.
this hair part she's got going on, might need to be further explored as in a trial run. it's not one i've seen or noticed before.
I think hair style have big proportion in VIintage style.
there is a real seriousness and mood to this picture it says bite me xx
♥ A fox that meows http://rochellefox.blogspot.com/
I love vintage photos! It's always interesting to see what the styles were back then. And to see how blank and unsmiling people can be. I find it funny that they all don't smile. It makes me wonder who decided to smile in photos first.
Beautiful. I love how each member of the family has their own style.. especially the clean-cut, yet quirky-styled kid.
They seem so unhappy. Kind of a cool blast from the past though.
Each one of them is focused on a different point, which is what makes the photo so wonderfully strange. That, and the fact that (I believe) sitters were told not to smile so that they could be completely still. Makes you wonder all the more who they really were in real life.
Such a gorgeous photo. <3
There is something to be said for this photo for sure. The only thing perplexing to me is the attire of the boy, it seems out of place and not from the same time frame of the other two.
Is there no history for this pic?! I must know, "who are these people?" Also, i agree with the comment on the intensity of the photo/subjects.
Prince charles much....?!
I like it! Beats the modern cheesy family portraits with Mum and Dad holding a dumb sign that says "and then there was four" or some daft thing. They look dignified and stylish, and not in a contrived way.
Styley. Beats the modern family portraits with the daft signs where everyone is in grey tones or a white shirt. They look dignified and you can see a glimpse of their personalities.
Beautiful pic!
Wow, you gotta wonder what those stern expressions are about. Not your typical family photo.
Prince Charles?
I bet the holidays are fun at their house!
Wow. Looking in different directions; bored and fierce at the same time!
Interesting distraction from your normal pictures just radiating energy and happy.
But please bring back happy. Soon!
The man looks like young Price Charles:)
The picture shows my father with his parents, dated 1940.
My grandparents died both already during the 50's.
I think not to smile was normal in this times for a typical family portrait.(?)
such a pretty and classy woman! She's very alluring and reeking with intelligence. I'm sure she was an avid reader!
Wonderful dress and hairstyle. The kid also has a special outfit.
Wow. Okay, the thing about this photo what fascinates me is, the persons are truely themselves. They don´t to try to smile just for the fact making a picture. They are just as they feel like I think. And that´s something I like. To be honest and look how you feel.
dirk where was this photo taken?
This family takes their sartorial nature very seriously.
absolutely fabulous photo. I am completely drawn in by that woman's gaze. The secrets she must know.
This is a stunning photo...Love it!
The guy looks like a cross between Prince Charles and Charles De Gaulle; the woman looks completely out of character for that dress; and the boy has a soup bowl haircut. Altogether a fascinating picture on many levels!
The woman is very beautiful. Very stern. But then, I suppose smiling for photos wasn't typical yet. Actually, this looks better then a bunch of people smiling like idiots for no reason. I like it.
Again love the vintage photo!
Very elegant family photograph!
This is a trippy photo! Based on it one could write a novel. Either they've been persecuted by the Nazis or they are Nazis, it's so incredibly ambiguous and chock full of tense emotion.
My guess is that they are Norwegian aristocrats and this photo was taken by the Germans when they kicked them off their grand estate in order to use it as a military office in the war. Any other guesses out there?
Such serious faces. The boy's shirt makes me think this is Greece .. but something about the man's face reminds me of the Mountbattens ... in any case its a photo that makes me want to know more about these people and what happened to them after this was snapped
the man looks like Reinhard Heydrich
looks like a Modigliani portrait
Vivid photo. Would have liked some back story. Suppose I could make one up.
What fabulous faces!
Portrait photography had more character back then - due in large part to the fact that people didn't put on fake, forced smiles.
Such definite style... Great portrait! I like the fact they're not grinning like loons, as people tend to be in too many other family portraits.
Terribly shortsighted comments. There was a time when character was visible in a photograph instead of just silly suburban smiling faces, which are so boring. Unattractive? Comments on this blog are often pretty fluffy but that is incredibly unsophisticated. A good strong set of faces like that? Please try harder, this blog deserves better.
stylish but creepy
I don't know that I agree with a lot of comments that photos were better when people didn't smile.
Me? I enjoy the company of my family and tend to smile when I am with them. Ditto, with friends.
I also smile when I have a solo photo taken, because I am adorable.
Your photos are so lovely.
Fascinating photo. I love their faces and the details on the woman's blouse and the little boy's shirt.
Who are they? Where are they? They looked vaguely Russian to me.
god damn that it one serious family
Startling photo!
The man's expression is menacing and dangerous and I'm certain the poor woman is thinking "Help us. My son and I have to get away from him!"
I like how everyone was thin back then. It made for more interesting, angular faces.
Umm hello can anyone else see where we draw our 'new' styles from... prarie tops on the kid, and the lady is sporting some fierce power shoulders!! not to mention the ever classic pinstripe.
the gent resembles Prince Charles when he was younger.
This woman is not touching her son.I find that riveting.
reply to Dirk (who said it was his father&grandparents) who wrote:
"I think not to smile was normal in this times for a typical family portrait.(?)"
Many or most upperclass brits and americans before WWII felt it was undignified to smile or "grin' in
formal portraits. Some of my own grandparents felt that way, and as a former photo restorer I can confirm that a helluva lot of those folks felt that way.
somehow the man looks like a young Prince Charles :D