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Comments on "Vintage Photos"
Such a gorgeous photo! Completely in love with these posts.
They look effortlessly cool.
I love his trousers and her shades.
They are so spectacular, if only I could ask them a few questions....sigh.
Love this.
Thank you for sharing.
I want those sandals.
Wow! This is wonderful on so many levels. Thanks JBO.
I know you love the clothes...but I love their gorgeous faces and glasses :o)
Trés Chic!
I LOVE this pic !!!! you're a GENIUS !!!
Lovely. I would like her shoes, please.
I am curious what got their attention. It is amazing that their sunglasses are fashionable today once again!
The woman's outfit reminds me massively of Jil Sander (granted that it's in black/white) mixed with some Prada. Those shoes! Me gusta.
Ohhhh.....They seem artists!! :)
just LOVE
just GREAT and the woman's shoes !!
So chic. I love how she is carrying her bag, and the way they are both looking around in wonder.
- jerome
they are absolutely lovely and chic
Gasp! Gasp!
This IS Rock Solid amazing!!!
love this!!! great foto!!!
This is so stylish. What a beautiful couple!
Love, love, love these vintage photos. This is sanother one where the outfits would be as perfect today as they were in 1959.
The Styleseer
Love this! They both look like movie stars on a day off.
Her shoes... so 90s : ), too cool.
Fascinating, glamorous intrigue--
like in a Graham Greene novel.
cool, i'm living in Saigon, is that Continental Hotel behind them? The hotel is still there. I love to hang out around that area, there're a lot of things that resemble the ols Saigon.
I'm currently having a serious love affair with black and white photography, and this image just added to it.
dandy photo! so classy!
"Like"....very glam.
wow! does anybody know where a man can get trousers like this nowadays?
great photo and fully vintage!
What makes this photo so easy on the eyes? Stylish, but not too; well tailored clothes, but simple; one outstanding detail on each, his pleats and her shoes; timeless style for both.
In this day and age, we are so overloaded with "style" options from head to toe that few people these days will ever comprise a future vintage shot as lovely as this.
And, one more thing, as I enjoy looking at this shot again, there is no hint of sexiness in their dress, rather the allure is in their togetherness.
Brilliant picture, they both look so chic.
I love his pants.
Nice how the position of his hands and the little piece of paper he holds conspire to make the tip of his tie look like a heart...
street style so 50s I love it.
Amazingly beautiful vintage photo! Love it!
Amazing style! Back then everybody dressed very fashionable.
semplicemente meravigliosa! love love love!
Groaning here ... I Want those sunglasses !
* my vintage Armani sunglasses might come close *
What an epic photo.
Love from Norway
Karoline Kalvo
You have the most beautiful vintage photos
Copper Etiquette Shop Dresses
Great picture, beautiful couple!
Lovely photograph. Black & white photographs are so inspiring. Something spectacle about them.
they look so great because we no longer as a society dress up when going out.
The sunglasses and sandals are very elegant and understated.
Gorgeous vintage photo! I love it ;)
I love this photo, it reminds me of my mum and dad. My mum always wore skirts or dresses, even ones she sewed herself. In fact, she made a lot of our clothes as kids. And the hair! When a man wanted to look casual, he simply left off wearing his suit jacket.
Beautifully vintage
Gorgeous picture, she is so beautiful and he is dressed perfectly!
So" kennedy"'s looking !!
Amazing blog! greetings from http://futuristicchic.blogspot.com/
This is what "casual" should look like. They almost seem to float on the background. If only we knew the story behind the photo.
they both look gorgeous!
Nice pic and couple - I love especially his trousers and her shoes...
What a beautifull picture!
What a stylish couple! They're very beautiful :)
wonderful picture! :)
Una Bellissima Coppia!!!
I have to say that eventthoe the photograph itself does have an aura of elegance...the woman in the photograph seems a little lost, a little sloppy, a little shoddily put together...just because a photograph is "vintage" it does not automatically give the people in it elegance and the je ne sais quoi element of someone with great style....
I love the black and white photo!
Those trousers! They are remarkably well tailored. Beautiful post.
I want to go on holiday with these two, preferably to Firenze.
love it!
Love how the position of his hands and that piece of paper or cigarette box conspire to form a heart at the tip of his tie...
Gorgeous! It gives that amazing feeling of long ago gone times! Old good America! Truly beautiful!
Look @ her shoes!!!:)
Wow. What a perfect couple. I love her shoes.
They really seem to be channeling Rosellini's Voyage in Italy!
@Lou you are so right! a tiny heart at the end of his tie! Great spotting
She reminds me of Grace Kelly for some reason.