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Comments on "On the Street....Sara, One Year Later, New York"
She is gorgeous and she is able to transition her style with ease and versatility...even it was after a year!
The I on Fashion
Wow. I'm the first to comment.
Anyhow, the difference! But I think both photos are lvely, just different aspects of her.
I love the transition over the year. Both looks are great - but I am loving the more sophisticated chic look for the PR internship.
Much love,
She is a beautiful girl, with lovely red hair. Her dress has that perfect summertime look too. Uncanny that you ran into her again, at around the same time of year.
Beautiful and so versatile. She is tiny.
She's grown up and she looks so much happier!
Very sexy, very pretty, excellent style...in that order.
She looks fantastic in both pictures. OK, OK...I won't lie the recent picture really does it for me. Reminds me of Lindsay Lohan a bit, before all the problems. Really pretty young lady. One of those gifted people who looks great in everything they wear.
Really nice look and nice looking young woman. Notice the way her belt is knotted the same way in both pictures. :)
she is gorgeous!
I love her style
♥ shanicexoxo.info
she looks awesome, and i agree it's lovely how she can transition her style so well - looks like she kept the pop of neon green though! in her bandeau under the shirt and then in her belt! love it
Woooow 2 opposite style.... she's so beautiful ;)
I love the look on the 1rst pic, but she's more beautiful on the 2nde pic ;D
Beautiful! Love the transition :)
TT's Attic Fashion Blog
TT's Attic - Edgy, Affordable Fashion for a Cause!
She is so gorgeous..love her hair on the second foto!
what a stunning woman.
Wow it's incredible how much her style has changed! Gorgeous dress!
love the shoes! so chic!
Gorgeous then, gorgeous now. love the shots! :)
love the pop of yellow.
It's like Zora la Rousse (ask Garance about this reference) becomes Serena van der Woodsen!!
WOW! What a gorgeous girl. I love the contrast of styling in these photos. I have hair envy!!!!
Yes, a lot of things do change in a year.
So pretty! I have that Gap belt too!
I love her hair wavy... I wonder which style took more time? Not sure about the neon belt with that beautiful lace though?
love the combination between fluo and crochet!
kiss kiss
laninna bijoux blog
You're not the only one getting Serena Van Der Woodsen vibes!
- Vanessa @ Project Zen
I see a sad girl in the first photo; but in the second one,I see a gorgeous young woman, who must have had an extordinary last year.
and that dress is to die for...
dandy photos! adore the neon belt!
Loving her gorgeous red hair...that dress rocks too!
In the second photo of last year she seems sad, in the first one she looks hopeful!
She's pretty and have a nice colour of hair! ;P
wasn't expecting that second picture at all. very cooooooooool.
In the older photo she looks more natural and younger (because of her hairstyle =) )a little bit "laissez faire" but in a beautiful way.
But, indeed, she's a very nice woman :)
it's very cool to see the two photographs together! they are definitely very different outfit choices. i love her crochet dress with the neon belt, very stylish!
In two case.....such a beauty !! interesting !! bravo !
STUNNING... nice to see something in someone's hand that's NOT a cellular device... this bring back the portraiture of john singer sargent and NOT the social networkers
Gorgeous outfits. Love both the photos, as I do all your photos.
Love from Norway
Karoline Kalvo
Love the last year, this year pictures together. If I bumped into Sara just once a year I would consider that year a success.
omg, Loving the dressss!
x http://www.jnsoo.blogspot.com/
I LOVE her shoes in the top shot! They remind me of the Chinese Laundry "Show Me" Such pretty shots :)
she is very sexy!
all of us love saraaaaaaaa
Goregous red-head!
She looks amazing in both shots, it's so interesting to see how much a person's style can change in a single year!
Love it :)
Pedro Garfo
Mens fashion Blog
'my, how we have grown'...what song is that lyric from?
She has gorgeous hair! Love her pop of neon.
Hot Pink Day
Shop Blue Vanilla
Mamma mia, che bella ragazza!!!! She is so pretty!!! give me her phone number xD
Love her dress:) http://shu84.blogspot.com
She'd stop traffic here in Orlando, that's for sure.
Love her dress :)
pic #2 Lolita.... pic #1 Lolita goes to work
She's gorgeous! I like the dress better, but her hair looks so amazing in last year's picture. Wow!
This girl just projects happiness! She looks very relaxed and comfortable in her body (enough to show it off on her terms), and with all reason.
I wish her hair would remain natural though - the colour and texture are gorgeous. + I love the heels!!!
Great personality foremost.
I absolutely adore her hair!
Sophie x
still working the belt style...love it.
I LOVE that dress!! She is a gorgeous redhead. My own hair color is very similar, though I only wish I were as pretty as her. :-)
Scott, I think my absolute favourite thing about your blog is your 'one year later' posts.
I wouldn't have recognised her. And I'm still trying to decide which look I like the best.
what a hottie!
Girl to young woman. What a transition! Very sensuous and professional.
Sara, marry me
Please,leave the hair curly back again.
Sorry but there's something about her that I find very tacky. Now that doesn't mean she's not pretty.
the 2 nd pic she plays into your camera!!
Well dadgum, either year will do just fine.
Her earlier look is def my fav! It is flirtatious yet innocent at the same time.
She should be rather looking at a great future in modelling. Her looks are incredible in both photo's. Absolutely stunning.
She's gorgeous and so vivacious looking in both photos. So glad to see hair that isn't dyed red (at least I think so)
Well isn't she gorgeous! So funny that you ran into her again. I can see how her style has seemed to evolved.
The dress hand made is very chic. And the tiny belt fluo give it a modern touch.
Only in NYC..love the two sets of Photos..Amazing
She has transformed from being darling and carefree into a lovely lady!
♥, Jamie
Gorgeous! Sweet and sexy!
wow! wow!! wow!!! She is rockin it.
takes a lot of confidence to wear that white dress...i so envy her
I have to admit, I always wonder how a person's style can change so drastically over a year; i.e. I know many 'trend-humpers'(lack of a better word) who look completely different every time I see them. I feel like style, as opposed to fashion, is dictated by you and what you feel, as opposed to, say, the runway. I do hope she still dresses like the bottom pic on her off days. Jobs can do thar to you. I mean, if you took a pic of me between 9-5 and then any time besides those, it would look very different.
The best kind of before and after picture!
she's tremendous, but that yellow belt needs to go...
Great hair, great style!
She is cute, but a lot cuter in her shorts and sandals. Especially her hair looks better un straightened.
i literally stopped this girl on the street today to tell her how much i loved her look! fantastic!
wow! she transformed into a lady.
She's got great style. Love the white lace dress.
WOW this is what PR girl look it! She's so pretty
Pretty, but she looks way too tanned - doesn't suit her hair color at all.
yellow belt and that dress are not successfully combined
javier, from Toledo (Spain)
Pretty girl. Very sexy. But the new hair style does not work well.
Elle est bonnnnnne !!!!!!
Not my kind, but objectively gorgeous... and the belt is a touch of freshness.
she is stunning. i am in love with lace right now so i dig her newer look.
this hair...oh my god... so beautiful... but what's up with this yellow/green belt :-/
I prefer her new style but also her wavy hair of last year.
Talk about a huge change! She almost looks like a different person altogether. Versatility is a great asset!
I think the crochet look + these shoes is not the best one for her physicality, she looks like an italian tv starlette ... She can do without! The former look was so simple and effective.
She looks gorgeous in both pics!!! Love the evolution
Wow, she looks great after one year...what a difference! Love her beautiful hair!
Loooove her first look !
She is a beautiful woman, no doubt about that, but I think both her outfits are extremely boring. So plain considering those outfits are exactly how the majority of the girls at least here, already dress. You see these looks on everywhere. She is gorgeous, though!
I`ll buy today a plain ticket to go after her ;)
oh my, her smile, her smile. her impecable style... so many things
I love so much her shoes!!The dress is vintage and particular
She IS beautiful but it is her confidence that makes her so alluring. It's what I immediately noticed in both photographs.
Lovely girl. Last year's look is much nicer - more voluptuous and natural. I admire the ability to morph into different looks, though.
I love it when you post "then and now" photos of streetstyle. It really shows how people, everyday people, evolve themselves and their look.
Thank you so much! I hope you'll continue!
What a transition... thats life !
I think everybody is missing the neon belt that is breaking the line of the outfit...
There seems to be an untold yet very evident story her that women often have, but it is rarely captured so vividly.
The Maturation Process....
What a difference a year makes and that year looks great on her.
She's simply... so hot. Really beautiful and sophisticated.
She was, she is. Two sides of the same card.
so pretty! i love that she still ties her belt the same way...
I always enjoy your posts! And I'm really lovin the "vintage photos posts" you've offered to your readers such a romantic moment!
robyn of boluxe.wordpress.com
Wow, what a difference a year makes!
Love seeing the difference of a year! Insane yellow belt, I love how it pops out against the nude lace.
2nd photo: wow. Simply beautiful
Very sexy, in both pictures..but without her trying. effortless. both pictures are beautiful.
I love women with flowing locks <3. Also love how though the styles are different her style of tying the belts are the same. Great looks
WOW...she's so SEXY! ( except the shoes...) Lovely girl!
Beautiful person
She's a beautiful woman with to-die-for hair and a hot body. But I agree with one of the previous comments: I find her style choices a bit tacky. To sit at the conference table as an intern at my work place she could still be gorgeous but she'd need to show a bit more class.
Great hair, and great name!
Much prefer her hair in it's natural state in the bicycle photo! You can tell in the straightened one that the texture is suffering from being 'ironed flat'. She is a beautiful woman, even if I don't like her taste in clothes.
Beautiful hair! And I love the neon belt in her outfit.
What a transformation. She looks striking in both photographs, but so much more mature in the latest shot. Lovely outfit in that photo, too.
I Love that she has the same way the belt is wrapped!! beautiful girl
I adore your photos by the way...
She is ridiculously beautiful. Oh, the hair. Love it. These are like the two side of her personality. Love both!
Second (older) photo: the hair, the hair, the hair!!!! Unlike some others I don't think she looks less happy here: she looks confident and on her way to great things.
First (new) photo: love the dress and belt, but loved to see different shoes to go with, shoes made out of leather completely (sole aswell)and in a different colour (dark blue? orange?). And: please, wavy hair again, its amazing!
Oh, man she's got a Orange Pelligrino in her hand, those are TASTY AND REFRESHING! nice get up as well. looks like she threw the belt on at the last minute, it works...
Adore that neon belt with that dress! Genius!! You look gorgeous!!!
moonstruck exposé
x. juliana
Wow Scott! That's what I would call "aging beautifully"....and I'd love to treat her to a fancy dinner including super rare wine! :-D
what a year can do...with style and beauty...gorgeous girl
i very much like how she wears the dress and all, but the difference in how old the lady looks is kinda scary for me. a year? looks like 20
I like the more casual look. Her hair is extremely gorgeous!
Unfortunately, Sara's feet will be ruined by the time she's my age (62)if she keeps wearing heels that high. Just say'in.
Such opposites! I must say, I like the second style better... but the neon yellow belt almost seems to reference the first picture. See her neon yellow bra strap? It looks like the exact same shade! Very cool, both are nice pictures.
She looks amazing in her PR outfit!
The caterpillar turns into a butterfly.
On the bike, she looks like a little girl.
I think the PR outfit is very tasteful, classy, and appropriate summer office wear for an early 20-something.
I don't know where people are getting this "tacky" nonsense. Look around, 20-somethings are wearing flip flops, jeans, and beach wear inside office buildings nowadays. This young woman is dressed very professionally. I like everything: shoes, belt, bag, hair, smile, etc. and, add that she's not flaunting a cell phone, on a scale of 1 to 10; I give her a 20.
Bottom picture for sure.
wow amazing transition, she looks young and fresh and fun in the 2nd picture and in the first one she looks just as young(she ages well ha) but she looks elegant too.
celestial faun
great tshirt...girl's got attitude!
i think she looks much better in the earlier picture- she looks beautiful in both, but its a good example of the why its best to dress for your body type. she's got a great athletic figure, and so she doesnt stand in a way thats flattering in a cute little dress like that- strong women look best in strong clothes.
She is too too much. I am in love with her for she is Spring incarnate, the body for the bloom, the beauty that is a season of rejuvenation, of luxe, of transcendence. She is too too much for me to bear. Thank you for her, to the nature, to the gods, to the sartorialist.
She is adorable and I will echo that the hair is INSANE! I don't think it is so much a 'transformation' as it is a pic of her on the weekend vs a pic of her whilst working.
Not sure how I feel about the neon belt. I get what she's going for, but I might like it better with orange or another bright, but not neon, color.
Definitely like the hair in the earlier pic. The straightened hair is not quite straight and smooth enough to pull it off. But with a profesh blowout it would be perfection! :)
so gorgeous, i love her hair. such a pretty red. i also love how she's rocking the neon yellow accents in both, the belt above and the tank/bra below
In the recent pic, she's trying way too hard. I don't like it.
Yes, the difference is confidence, not just age. I know far too many people who are grown up but lack the self belief to carry it off. And conversely too many full of themselves to beam as she does. (The black bra helps, too.) Despite all that, I find the younger Sara more mysterious...
Different belt...but tied exactly the same way a year later.
Sara looks so exquisite, her belt compliments her sexy dress! Very nice! =)
great style and everything, but what really mesmerizes me is her hair on the second picture.... oh that hair...
From Lolita to lovely Lady in just a year! She reminds me of Maggie Rizer back in her heyday, with a dash of Patti Hansen!
i luv the last year look so much more, this year look has no soul to it...
wow what a drastic change
she looks beautiful both ways
but she looks a lot more chic now
I like how you showed how she evolved, love your blog!
She ties her belt the exact same way. It's her signature if you notice the belts from both photos. Nice!!!! She knows what she's doing.
I love the outfit she is wearing. Both of them are great.
The most Gorgeous Red Head Girl
Beautiful girl, beautiful hair, but I'm not loving the black bra, the neon belt, or the shoes with that great dress. could be very chic with a few tweaks
I love the way that she ties her belts. It's not terribly original, but I love that she quite obviously considers it her subtle signature. It's the same in both photos, a year apart.
Yes, the belt tie is her signature perhaps. I just thought it interesting that no one had commented on it.
Both are lovely, but I prefer the more recent.
Our Sartorialist sure likes bicycles too. But, that's been obvious for quite some time. Well done.
different permutations but equally stunning in both..
i love the sandals! they would match the Chan Luu Wrap bracelet perfectly!!!
(Available from http://www.theclothesparlour.com/ )
wooww... cute pic.. Love it!
Lucky girl to snag an internship .. and she cleans up nicely
if this is stylish, all the 14-year olds in sweden would be stylish
Amazing how leggy the current photo apears. What a difference a pair of heels makes.
She is a showstopper in either state of dress. A bit more mature but still just as alluring in her second picture...I bet she still has those shorts and wears them. How many of us can say that year to year--those of us that seek continuity in our closets. The neon belt works with a bit of confidence and snap. Damn those fools that could wish they could look this good, any day...
she still does the belt trick. It's really beautiful the way she manages to translate it from one look to another. Great photo!
it seems she has really matured/blossomed, i love her lace dress too. the only constant i see in the two pictures are belt. its nice to see she is still true to herself, but in a grown up way.
WOW, she's beautiful! i love a redhead, and i love how her love of thin belts wrapped like that hasn't changed!
Wow. What a transformation from summery girl to nonchalant professional woman!
OMG, I'm loving the crochet dress. It's nude too!
She is so sensual!
love the asymetrical hemline of the crocheted dress.
some are saying she's changed/transformed but really her choice of clothing is simply time and place appropiate. in the older pic with the bike shes enjoying a carefree day so her clothes are laid back. in the recent pic she's going to her internship. both looks are great. she's a beautiful girl.
Wow, she is absolutely beautiful.
A beautiful girl, but kind of sad to see her PR-ed into cookie-cutter "sexy." Kind of like she's been consumed by the Borg.
Que Mujer mas Preciosa.... I love it!
She's gorgeous!
Gorgeous hair!!
everyone knows i like red heads, wow she's looks great...that pic with the trek absolutely amazing... red heads and bycicles - two of my favorite things, seriously!
Super hot & beautiful & sexy...I love her little shorts & natural wavy hair. The yellow neon belt is a great way to say...she did not get sucked into the corporate boredom, its a little token of wildness.
That's awesome. Love seeing both sides to her wardrobe, but a year of growth as well! Love the neon lime accent in the belt!
Nice look :)
I love her.
awesome dress & look!
the dress, the shoes and the bag are just lovely.
...though I wouldn't wear a yellow shinny belt.
i love her ginger hair
Great how the two looks are so different but she keeps on sticking to one same thing: a belt with a tie
So beautifulllllllll!
It will be great if you could take a picture of her every year and follow her on a long period of time!
Thanks for your nice pictures...
Bottom line : she is hot. And that requires intensity. The more dressed up look still feels like an effort. It is still not 100% her. But she looks great.
Fabulous hair and this sort of open, confident look about her.