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Comments on "On the Street....Poolside, Los Angeles"
so edgy and feminine simultaneously!!
2nd picture is beyond beautiful.
Peace and love!
ah, such a great intersection of carefree and boyish attitude with supreme femininity and sensuality.
The second photo is just STUNNING.
The lighting is perfection.
And I want that hat the girl in the first photo is wearing. ;)
Love those red frills. Racy top and great hat. Daring and it works.
Both pictures are very hot!! The women are beautiful and intriguing. The brown woman in the bottom photo with her dewy eyes waits wistfully for her lover to return, ready with a warm embrace--that jacket is just not enough to stave off the chill of being alone.
wow! great photos!! love them!!
Meena xxx
Love living by the sun. Best summer activity being pool side with a drink at hand.
the second image is very arresting...beautiful lighting!
her clothes add so much subjective narrative, amazing =]
gotta love l.a. ... just another day in, ho-hum, paradise. except for our traffic and smog and no real sense of "city" in our urban jambalaya and suburban sprawl. but, we 10 million angelinos call it home. "i love l.a." (nod to randy newman) ... gotta love it.
i wanna go to new york.
Wish I was there right now...that would be perfect on a day like today.
Much love,
Love that hat... Very cute. And the second picture is amazing! She is so beautiful....
Xxx from Formentera!! :D
Nothing sexier than a little casual sideboob. I'm glad she got the memo.
Love california summer!!
Re:2nd picture.
I love how sensual she is and her big feet.
Oh, I love looking at other women...
not a fan of the side cleavage. dignity is a lost art.
Such a beautiful last photo, the colors are so bold and intense!
So glad your HERE!!! :)
That second photograph is so beautiful.
great pictures! love the last one ! the light is awesome
love the shorty on the 1rst pic... ;)
Beautiful pics ;))
If I am not mistaken the red shorts are Billabong. I tried the same few days ago.
Nice shots
That second photo is drop dead gorgeous. Everything about it - the woman, the lighting, the composition. Just... wow.
Las fotos espontaneas siempre dan mucho de si saludos
Who are all the people in this alternative universe who are cool, cool, cool / beautiful beyond belief / look like they have no cares in the world. This is not my world. Have any of these people known suffering?
i love the first girls bloomer type bottom..she's hot
So sexy!
Oh I think the Second photo needs it's own post alone! IT's one of my favorites of yours! Great capture!
Splendid! Some coverage of L.A., could we get a tad bit more?
My boyfriend and I love your photos, to the point where he got his second tattoo a couple years back from this blog: the image of the gentleman with the brocade shorts and the gilded shoes.
And that ink was placed right below a tattoo that reads "Los Angeles". Point in case:
I know you have a tremendous following over here, could we get a little more love?
Sofia Vivanco
this is part of the reason I live in LA. :)
Sideboob, the fashion accessory that goes well with any outfit...
Cue the double sided tape. Love it either way, though. She looks perfect.
i just keep thinking...she couldn't possibly go in the water in that outfit! that would turn R rated very quickly...
I'm not really sure how I feel about the first photograph. It just seems random and not very well thought out as an outfit, even for pool side.
Quelle force dans ce portrait , bravo ! cette jeune femme est magnifique , il se dégage une grande douceur ;EB
love the first photo.
Girl in second pic is pretty.
2nd picture -> beautiful skin tone, and i love how the light is bouncing off her showing a contrast (head) and a gradual blending (legs)
Interesting to compare the strong, open spirit of the quite feminine woman carrying her suitcase on her oar in the vintage photo with the just trying too hard look of the woman in the red bottoms. We've lost the plot...
LOVE THESE IMAGES! they are kind of intense...
I love the lighting in both these shots...amazing!
Um, the one with the hat looks tacky in that shirt. Would wear that around the house...but out in public? Tacky, cheap and lowbrow. Too bad because she is beautiful. Second pic lovely and elegant
love the second picture!
Intensives beauties !! i
The white shirt is very cute. Good version of a swim suit. I like her hat too.
Awesome photos, chic pool party ;)
The girl is the first pic is HOT!
I love the hat and the white tank-top is beyond sexy!
-Joseph, ItalianBarber.com
As a woman living in la, the first picture of the woman in bloomers is the one of the two which most accurately portrays summer style in the city. The sideboob, the bit of an androgyness feel to it, the sort of "not give a sh*t" look on her face. I wouldn't say she's not a lady, or this look is trashy as some have been commenting. It's strong, bold, and beautiful.
I want to go to this pool! Where is it?
Besutiful pictures and cool poolside looks
Part of the reason I need to get out of L.A. Completely useless people.
I'm sure you will get lots of differing comments about the first photo. What is hot to one person is tacky and cheap to another. But that second photo...no doubt it will evoke a unanimous yes from all. It's a sensual, alluring and altogether artful photo of a beautiful woman.
Love them both, the first especially. Is this the first post from LA?
Can't believe you're finally in LA!
Love the 2nd photo.
Not a fan of the first picture. The proportions are not flattering at all. The hat is the saving grace of it. The second picture is lovely.
photo 1: all too small
photo 2: gorgeous colors
The second picture is actress Robinne Lee. Beautiful!
I'm just not cool enough for the first photo - for me that's a don't...ever - but the bottom picture is really AMAZING. Without trying to implicate race in any way, I can't help but see a Gauguin Tahiti image in the angle of her head, the depth of the backdrop, etc. It's just gorgeous; she's just gorgeous.
the second image is stunning! the light on the woman's face and all the dark, rich colors are absolutely beautiful.
The second photo is exquisite!
The Styleseer
Second photo - beautiful, beautiful woman!
the woman in the second image is stunning, the lighting and colors make this pic extremely beautiful
Love Both of these shot's.. Something to confident, strong and sexy about both of them but in total different ways. Love it.
The first photo looks like it was shot at the Roosevelt hotel in Hollywood?
Great dialogue between the patterns on the bikini bottoms of the two girls in the first picture.
this is at the roosevelt hotel on hollywood blvd. need to visit again...soon
Love the poolside shot and I am so glad to notice the lack of a belly ring!
Really sexy look with the boy style shorts and vest matched with a great hat.
Is this Robinne Lee? :)
Love the hat from the first picture. Any chance you know where I can get it from?
Love the hat from the first picture. Any chance you know where I can get it from?
A summer straw hat is at the top of my wish list when summer finally rolls round done under... Love it!
Add me to the chorus of folks singing the praises of the second photo and the woman in it.
The first photo... hmmmm. That look is a bit much, esp. since with one wrong move she'll be illegal in most states. But I do like the almost tomboyish vibe that keeps the look fresh and appealing.
As for the comments about the look being tacky--honestly, I find the blue bikini bottom to the right a whole lot tackier.
I have just returned home from the amazingly beautiful pool-side bliss of the Roosevelt hotel in Hollywood. This photo sums my experience up perfectly. Pure bliss.
Love the 2nd picture.
With that light and the jacket, with her pose and her eyes, she looks beyond mysterious...
The second picture is the one that really stands out to me; the lighting is absolutely stunning...very beautiful woman! But the first I'm kind of not feeling :/..don't know why. I think it looks a little too stiff maybe?
beautiful feet in the second photo.
I love summer...!
Love the hat.. what a great look!
finally a post that speaks to the heterosexual man.
more of that, please!
Great photos, the 2nd one is just perfection, the lighting and context is stunning! ty...L
Such complimentary colours
second picture is amazing!
i think this is the first photo i've seen from you that's taken in LA. I love it!
It's nice to see some fashion from my side of the country!
ahh, first photo...Garance on your mind? Looks like her. Very sweet.
OK, the first photo is really tacky, the way she wears her tee shirt, the way she's posed. Who are these people? Do they care about anything beyond the next drink?
Love that there is a pic from California! Come to SF!:)
The hat is cool, but the outfit is off, I think the t-shirt kills it...
Like the girl on the phone in 3rd pic, she looks elegant and soft.
She looks so classy. Love the barefoot angle!
I am not sure if anyone noticed but the second photograph is actually actress Robinne Lee :)
Beautiful. Great outfit and what magnificently stunning bosom! rock it with pride girl x
Ahh, the Roosevelt poolside in the summer, nothing says LA hipster like a velvet rope and vip list to hit this trendy spot:)
Thank you J9! I knew that face was familiar! Robinne Lee! Her picture definitely steals the spotlight. Sideboob cleavage or not!
LA photos!!! Yay.
Lookin' good!
i love a bit of sideboob action!
Check out my blog if you want to see my diy tutorial for sideboob tank top with chain detail.
Take note shoe designers world wide - this is the size of many women's feet and they deserve as much attention and opportunity as smaller sizes, more in fact! I'm size ten and desirable shoes sell out so quickly!!!!!
First girl is sex-y without looking like she tried. I love LA. Note to Las Vegas pool people--you don't need 4-inch stilettos, dragon lady nails, gold lame' monokinis, and sprayed-on tans to look sexy as hell at the pool.
Interesting that folks diverge on the first gal (as my dad would say) but unanimously find the second one beautiful and classy.
Subtlety is underrated.
Very unpretentiously sexy top photo but beautifully sensual at the bottom.
Love it!
kisses from MY STYLE
I personally know Robinne Lee, the beauty in the second photo, and she is all of 5'4" and wears a size 7 shoe. I know this because I covet her fabulous shoe collection and can't fit but a portion of my 9 1/2s into her shoes. The photo, though stunning, is merely taken at a funny angle.
Dear Satorialist,
Can you please come back to Los Angeles to take pictures of our people? How is it you take to the streets of Paris, Milan, Tokyo and New York for random style checks but on this rare occasion you have come to document L.A., you throw on some flip flops, slather on sun screen and head to a pool party?! REALLY!!?!?! Unfair.
A Disappointed Fan
Uh, Scott, I need you to provide names and numbers of the subjects in the photos. The second pic's girl is a MUST have.
The t-shirt in the first picture is sexy. The 2nd picture the atmosphere is sensual
wow,the first photo,she rocks
Girls in bikinis - yawn.
The second picture, though, is wonderful! What a gorgeous face! What gorgeous lighting! What glowing detail! Well done!
What does the woman in the second picture looks? I love the expression.
The second picture is glorious and the first is tacky!
Everyone's talking about the second picture. I think the first one is better and the girl is far more stunning.
any particular reason why the girl in the bikini (first photo) is wearing gloves (is her drink that cold?)
Loving the first picture. I don´t find her outfit that much worth of photographing, but the way she wears it.
wonderful pictures. Great, unique bikinis in the first photo, this girl looks so cool.
Love nr 1
XO Charlotte
Wow! #1 is HOT!!!!! Just wish I could see her shoes.
Hooray for LA!!! Come here more, please?
Beautiful. You look gorgeous!
I absolutely love the top picture. The t shirt and hat are great!
As for the little wall flower with the feet, I don't know. Is she talking on the phone or just posing? Its a lovely picture, however.
LA is one of the most amazing, beautiful cities I have ever been to. Traffic is a small price to pay for the beach and the attitude, and the amazing weather.
To the people who are harping on dignity I should like to say that dignity doesn't come from a bra. It comes from how you treat yourself, and more importantly, how you treat others. There is very little dignity in judging people you don't even know. What do you all wear poolside? A three piece suit?
She is stunning and naturally beautiful. She looks like an actress from one of the Tyler Perry TV shows. Does anyone know who she is? Her name?
love both! and really want that hat. the light and blue color palette is so lovely in the 2nd photo...
God! I wanna be like the 2nd girl when I grow up.
Oh, wait, I'm thirty one already... Is it...still.. possible...; sigh
Photo #2 looks as if it could be Tatiana in "A Midsummer Night's Dream". It's superb.
Robinne Lee!!!! goodness she is stunning in that second photo
WOW the first picture is as sexy as the second is beautiful.
The second picture: Great shot! :))