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Comments on "On the Street....Canal St., New York"
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 !!!!!!!!!
Did i said I LOVE IT!!!???
Matchy matchy
I think I know this girl? Love the combination of the tartan and Christopher Kane top, very nice.
Adore that dress, so wonderfully whimsical! Perfect paired off with the DMs.
i love and need that shirt
i love and need that shirt
Ah! A Shark Week tribute, perhaps? I love the boots...
Wooooow amazing look!!! Such an incredible dress ;D
News: Carine ROITFELD stylist @ Vmagazine preview http://magmoiselle.fr
ah nice!
x http://www.jnsoo.blogspot.com/
Where are those boots from?
love her boots :)
wow, seems so dangerous
Triste ¿?
The bag is impressive.
Very nice styling mix : the sophisticated dress à la Mary Katrantzou & the dressed-down lumberjack shirt.
Just awesome. You have to be a lady with balls to wear a shark around your nether regions. She is definitely rocking it.
Hand drawn:
My Closet in Sketches
that i so cool! i love it!
She is lovely. But those jaws! Are they part of her loins??? How uncomfortable!
I love this so much. I need a dinosaur dress. STAT.
that top is so epic!
It's going to eat me.
Love this dress! <3
either a subversive message worthy of Freudian proportions or someone has been watching episodes of 'swamp people' on cable too much.
I wonder if this dress has a feminist message... ;)
She scares me and I'm fearless.
whaaa, awesome dress!
where is that dress from???? Amazing!
Christopher Kane dress, the tartan shirt and the boots are such an edgy combination, love it!
I'm sensing a theme here with the plaid shirts. Love those boots!
The Styleseer
I love that!
Grotesque. Looks better suited for a horror film screening than a fashion blog.
Isn't she hot? It's like 100 degrees in NY.
Is she sending a message to would be suitors with those T Rex choppers so strategically placed?
I'm going to call this "I'm a washed up hipster, see me roar"
Yay tribal!
That's one way to look sharp.
Land shark!
Cool boots.
Its about time I get some boots like that! Gorgeous x
Did you jump up and down when you saw this so excited to get the shot? How did you keep your cool? Hehehe...
honey please have some sleep or do SOMETHING with the bags in your eyes...
I'm pretty sure that's NOT a shark..
Amazing, statement dress.
lovee her kane tee dress!!
What a great sense of humor...It's certainly the double take of a skirt.
I love christopher kane. This outfit suits the doc martins so well
X Zoe X
I love the dress... what a great look!
Love the proportions of the boots with the skirt & the shirt with the whole.
The dentata print is funny, if unnerving...
I think I had saw this tee dress on NYLON JAPAN before.
It is really amazing.
I like that the plaid shirt hides the print on the rest of the dress, it makes the mouth all the more unexpected.
Strategically placed. You say that t-shirt is a designer item?!
damn she is absolutly beautiful. great outfit. i love thos awkward modles, !
Let me say i LOVE this skirt. I just hope she favors women becase as a man I would be real hesitant, maybe facinated, with this on her.
She must be dying in this heat right now... NY today is forecast to hit over 100 in the heat index!
Awesome shoes!
So original! The whole outfit is awesome!
So good !!
WOW!!!! Great pattern!
Awesome. Dino-chic.
cute girl, but that dress scares me....
I love this. Beautiful!
Love this, its like grown up grunge. Her Christopher Kane dress makes the entire outfit.
She's ready for Comic-Con! :-) I think the outfit would be better without the shirt on top.
awesome t-shirt!
The wrinkled madras is an awesome look right now. Individualized Shirts and Gitman Vintage offer many combination over seas.
she is SO beautiful.
Stylish girl! I love it!
is that a warning? :)
OMG this dress is SPECTCULAR and ferocious.
Très Awesome - A Chicago Street Style Blog
whoa. i didn't really notice the shirt at first and it made me jump. haha it's pretty awesome. (:
i would so wear this dress if i knew where to get it from!! and in love with docs.it's so trendy now
awesome boots!
The Fashion Cycle
a don t like it at all!
Fantastic! .... the shirt is so wonderful.
Not a great dress for a first date...or for meeting future in-laws.
wonderful the t-shirt
TEETH! Ahh love it. She just looks so cute, despite the grunge.
funny shirt :D
Love the graphic tee.
Guaauuuuuuuuuh! =)
Kisses from MY STYLE
Vulgar in a good way!!! ;)
She looks amazing and I'm having a little obsession with graphic T's
Shark? Dinosaur? You fools... It's a crocodile.
At first I was put off by the dress's graphics, I thought it was a shark. And it seemed to be coming out of her. Then I realized it was a dress of a crocodile, and I liked it with the plaid shirt and Doc Martins. It's very butch and fun.
I've probably been obsessed with this Christopher Kane dress for forever. Love this. s00per hip.
rawr!! i want a shirt with a print like this.
Just saying, thats an alligator, not a shark or whatever else I read, lol. Either way, she looks like a badass.
This girl's got a killer shirt!
Very beautiful !!!!
I will never understand why the girls wear such heavy boots in summer! Poor toes! jajaajjajaja
The dress is Christopher Kane's 2009 collection for Topshop...
Love it.
love it
i love how she styled this dress
wow the skirt is amazing, it seems to jump out at you. great 3d skirt.
girl's a beaut..but she looks so tired :)
wow... thats a real mouth in her stomach???
I love Doc Martins. I'm thinking of raiding my niece's closet...hers are all worn in.
Its a crocodile. I agree, anyone that wrote shark or should be ashamed. A crocodile is a bit like a dinosaur so thats not as bad. I think she looks great. I love her face too. But why is she clutching her bag?
vestida dentata
I really like this!