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Comments on "On the Street....Kanye West, Paris"
great shot of him!
Oh Kanye, always a stylish one, funny how he has ended up on your site here Scott so often.
Angels Point of View - Street Fashion Blog
How cool! :D
Woaa - how nice. Dressed all in white.
The big, baggy look has never appealed to me. Don't know anything about this guy but you captured a nice expression.
perfect capture of KW! i love it!
wow, great shot! XOXO, www.NatalyasCloset.com
I love that Kanye loves fashion! I wish I could travel to the shows with him
Francis Baker
Whether Kanye is annoying or sweet, one thing he always has is great style, whether flamboyant or minimalist.
The one and only!! Great shot!
i'd be interested in seeing this look from the front, it is a bit difficult to decipher the look from back here.....
Whoa, what a great shot. I'm not a huge Kanye fan but I like this photo!
He looks happy!
Loves me some Kanye! He looks hot in this shot!
Peace. Love. LOL!
Haute Khuuture Blog
Can't see what he has on, but this is a great shot that shows personality and expression. I would have liked to see the one before and after this one
The contrast of his brown skin with the lightest blush colored shirt is pure lovely.
That's so funny. Like his shirt though
He's so perfect for me!!!!I love his style.....
quite an encapsulated portrait of his public persona! =] i think it works very well!
i am not a kanye fan..but this shot is nice
awww Kanye! ILL. I love him.
^ Russian Street Style!
I love me some Yeezy!
Love his style! Great shot!
This is a great photo of him!
It is nice to see him caught in a more off guarded and natural moment - not a fan of his, but when he is not upstaging himself, he comes across as easy and cool.
I like his garb - clothing comes in many shapes - star or not, creativity is a good thing.
shoot and Kanye......... just ...great ! bravo !!
Best accessory -- his gorgeous smile! Lately, he's been sportin' some beautiful outfits, this one is no exception. Simple, understated, yet chic. I love the way he wore the shirt. He's become such a fashion icon. I just love his relaxed look...you can see it in his eyes.
Ye made the Sartorialist! Too cool!
It seems like you run into him a lot! Great smile and the wind catching his shirt is wonderful!
Nice smile, a funny picture turned out!!! inspired look))
i love kanye's style. he puts such a crisp and modern edge on hip hop style. i love the oversized shirt
Indeed! Mr. West.
Kanye looks so fresh in this shot... liking that shirt. Giving me ideas for future ensembles.
Great shot of him!
I'm not a fan of him or his style though...
organic Kanye just flows!
Very Nice :) http://shu84.blogspot.com
Kanye has great style There is always air around him very refreshing!
wow...what a photo! I love the contrast of colors.
xo Jana
Sweet tunic Mr. West!
Great shot, and don't Kanye look cool, though?! I'd love some specifics about that shirt. I do this with a large man's shirt sometimes, roll the sleeves waaay up, to trim up the silhouette.
gotta love kanye :')
I love the way you have photographed him over the years! His fashion is odd for his genre!
This is probably because of that guy in the foreground, but I can't shake the feeling that Kanye looks really short in this photo. Anyone know how tall he actually is?
Cool photo though. It's hard to pull off the baggy look without just looking like you don't know how clothing sizes work.
Hey Mr. West,
Good to see you looking happy AND stylin', the white's nice.
I like that the people in the background have their eyes on someone else...his turned and happy face contribute to a great shot!
What a tease! This image just makes me wonder what his shoes look like... :)
You ALWAYS post Kanye pictures Scott
I love this! scotty!
dashikis tunic are everything!
wht on wht is in
not matching in the same pallet is life!
i see you ye!
this is a nice shot of homeboy he looks youthful
Kanye Cool in PARIS
Mr Kanye West in da house! LOL
yeezy breezy!
He's workin' the white. I love the shirt.
amazing pic!
He looks fresh.
The Right to Cultural Heritage!!
All white's a good look for him, but I don't think he'll top the woman's shirt he wore at Coachella, and good for him for not having any hang ups about it, because that shirt was gorgeous.
you got him good.. nice style. check my style and show some love.. http://jaystrada.blogspot.com
what a great photo..
looking good, great shot
Love Kanye! So nice to see fashion from all walks of life.
the shirt is more of a men's kurta..been around for ages in our part of the world( India)..he puts a nice spin on the style with his rolled up sleeves and white jeans..and yes.. the smile is great..xx meenal
Kanye West is such a style icon,usually menswear is all the same but he knows how to pump creativity in his outfits.Gotta luv the shirt,so inspirational....
KANYE IS AWESOME! He's basically the only "rap" person who's style I actually like. I don't care if he's a jerk, he's dressed so well!
You need more of Mr. West!
It's all about the style :)
I don't know why , I don't like short sleve shirts...But Kanye is awesome!
The shirt looks to be Kris Van Assche. I have the same.
Yeezy's smile makes the outfit. What a great shot. I love photos like this.
You definitely got a good shot...he loves to wear white!
Gorgeous !!! Visit my blog to win lovely neckles http://agnieszkowa-szafa.blogspot.com/ Just live your mail adress in coment. Kisses
I definitely love this shot! & the boy is so hot... :-P
You captured his smile and glowing eyes contact.
This kind of momentous shot that is instilling a kind of timeless and living soul to your creativities.
Bravo and thanks.
he looks really nice in white :)
Everyone looks great in a crisp white shirt. Even when it's a little rumpled and the sleeves are rolled up.
This is such a great shot. The clothes don't even matter, which I probably shouldn't say on this site. Looks like a piece of history.
Glad to see him smiling (for a change) ! He has a lot to smile about.
Americans are so funny, opting for white and khaki(?) as a summer fashion statement.
You sure post a lot of Kanye shots.
OMG!!!! Kanye West looks great! so fantastic shoot!! love it!!!
At last a photo where he doesn't appears bad or aggressive! he looks like a teddybear! very nice shot, you give us another vision of him
With all due respect to Vernon Duke & Yip Harburg,
it's 'Kanye in Paris'.
He always looks fly . . .
He looks great... glad he cut that hair!
Clean and Crisp! Love that smile too!
oof, i can relate with his body language so well. especially that facial expression. so carefree and summery.
je deteste kane west mais je vais dire que quand j'ai vu cette tof je l'aitrouve tres chic, j'adore la large chamise...¡
Great pic. What a smile! The best accessery.
Why this obsession with Mr. West?
My friends told me, Kanye have an incredible presence, is that true? Sure it is.
As usual, great,magical shot by you...but...what's the deal with the Kanye fixation? Why does he pop up here so frequently?
Dior homme shirt?
It's nice to see him look happy. I must point out that this look has heavy influences from India and the Middle East. Worn by an African-American in Paris with an air of ease, he appears quite the 21st century man of the world. Who would have thought when The College Dropout dropped?
well he seems to be much happier in Paris than most of the pictures you see of him in the states. Probably because he is left alone for the most part. Beautiful man for sure.
I love Kanye!!!! He looks amazing in this shot! His style is impeccable as always!
I like it all...except the wrinkles are bothering me alot! And it's all the way up his back, not just where he may have sat on the tail or tucked it at one point. The rest of the look is so clean I wish he had ironed the shirt to match.
I LOVE HIM despite what anyone says about him. and yes, he is definetly a fashion icon.
ever since his Coachella wardrobe, I applaud his style choices.
Rocking a Celine-inspired look I see. Classic Kanye.
Andrea x
Big kanye fan, both his music and style is great !
LOVE his shirt...
Mr. West is in the BUILLLLLLLLDING! Great Shot!
Love it! The long and lean shirt appeals to me these days! Whether it be a soft cotton or shirt like KW is wearing so scandinavian!
Love him !xxxx great photo
Sharp white shirt!
I love it ~ all white stay fresh
no one man should have all that power
It's all about the style :)
Kanye is a fashion Icon in his own right...
Bit too much white for me, good photo though
I think that shirt is from the Celine spring summer 2011 collection!! Ive seen him wearing other Celine stuff before!!
While it's a nice smile he's sporting, This outfit immediately reminds me of 10 years ago, when I would finish work at Starbucks and untuck my baggy white button up from my baggy khaki trousers for the day. Minus the coffee stains. Just not really stylish to me, personally.
What always amazes me is that Kanye's smile is always so prevalent! Regardless of when or where the picture is shot!
kanye is pretty cool. but whats up with the massive shirt/coat whatever it is??
Copper Etiquette Shop Dresses
Great shot of him! Very fresh!
White is right!
He wears white quite winsomely!
I love this white on white but not quite! Rolled up sleeves sophisacated swagg...love him love him....HAPPY for Fashion!
He looks so effortless and happy. <3
I hope that he was barefoot.
This shirt is just a copy or is an west african islamic tunic/garment or an indian garment, check the sides of the shirt under, they are normally to be use large and with the same color trousers, is amazing that khaki trousers go so good with it. Is super nice he is wearing this, indicates to me an special ethnic proud. an people who use this garment/shirt white in the americas are using this for special spiritual rituals on african traditions, for example in Brazil or cuba. anyway he is Mr west and is Paris and is just such a good image.
Nice picture scott. As far as style goes, I'm not a huge fan of KW. I do like some of his music but it's not hard to be somewhat stylish when you're rich, famous and hire a stylist.
i love how kanye just rolls up his sleeves, ehehe