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Comments on "On the Street....Denim Sportcoat, Paris"
Denim jacket is always nice.
Loving the denim and the beard!
Wow... great beard!
that's a cool coat..and awesome nerd glasses
I'm not too crazy about men with a beard!.. Sorry.
I just bought a lookalike version of that jacket for about 10 Euro. Seeing as I'm a girl I'm not gonna attempt the beard and bow tie look, though.
I want it. It's the perfect shade of denim. My new "boyfriend Jacket"....er...."Husband Jacket"
love his beard!
Denim in Paris (hummed to the tune of "April in Paris").
Love it. Shave this guy and add 20 years and it's me. Even the same glasses. So maybe I can actually carry off this excellent look.
Denim is the best always!!
Farmer meets denim leisure suit??? Not a fan!
This is one wise man. The smart denim blazer, massive and awesome beard with those studious glasses to read those clever books.
Amazing facial furniture - well done sir! :)
I am loving the denim blazer, the glasses and the massive beard. An outrageous combination. Loves it.
Love the beard and jacket.
That's a cool stylish man! love the denim jacket.
Nice denim jacket and I really dig his beard!
I really like this blog
in love!!
So timeless yet so modern. What a beautiful look!
Cute man! (Love the contrast between the super short hair and the full, though still neat, beard.) The jacket, hmm, not so much. He's pulling it off, but not many men could.
lovely, but that beard would need a longer hair style... really nice anyway!
Beard inspired by Brian Wilson of the Giants possibly?
Unique style!
Nice Beard
I like that!!!
I don't get it
love the glasses!
check out my new blog: mariiinspiration.blogspot.com
He looks like a cool teacher.
Copper Etiquette Shop Dresses
Intellectual chic! So cool.
The Styleseer
Umm His beard is very manicured and his glasses r bold........ given what hair he has......i would buss the little island of hair in the front...... because that where the eye stop and yes I'm a hairdresser and i do beards very well
What is he carrying?
I love his denim jacket... !
At first glance I thought it was a cerulean velvet. Looks really nice on him.
I like the beard, haircut, glasses, and the books
me no likey the denim jacket. Not much of a fan of denim in general, and specifically not light blue denim.
Cool sportcoat.
His face very much suits the combination of beard+that particular glasses frame. Well played, sir.
Tajmahal Tailors Japan
Simple and neat... Incredible color.
Nothing like a good and nice jean jacket, specially this kinda soft jean that apparantly is.
Looking casually sharp he is.
Mars of fashion insouciance
Super short hair and long beard? That always reminds me of the Islamic fundamentalist look: not a fan of it. The jacket and the bow tie come to his rescue.
He definitely rocks the look! Love that denim is really back now.
Chic. This guys is fabulous!
i dig the sports coat and the beard! sigh. paris.
Great beard! & i love the notebooks.
I'm thinking this is the look of one of my history professors. Especially with that bow tie which is not easy to notice in this shot.
Wonder what he's reading. That jacket makes him look smart! ;-)
i like the buttons
dandy denim blazer!
he's really one of the guys to beat if not to look up to during fashion week. he dresses so well.
looking good
love this denim jacket
So stylish :D
He's so elegant and the blazer really suits him :)
Hey all, that is Angelo Flaccavento. He's been all over Guerreisms lately.
Love the whole look and I am interested in knowing what books he is carrying?
Love the jacket and the whole look. Cilty-slicker look. Wondering what book he is carrying other than Issey Miyake Men's catalogue
Love the glasses but what is with the tiny phone? Love it though!
Reminds me of Walter van Beirendonck.
Loving the denim! This guys is fabulous!
Homeowner Insurance Policy
who is this guy? have seen him in millions of shots from paris fashion week. mostly accompanied by his other bearded friend.. the men have outdone themselves this year.
We love this pic!!
Gotta love denim.
I really like this look. Very professor summer cool.
- Meredith
Lovely casual look!
I adore those glasses!
If that guy is also ripped, then that beard is like +100 charisma. Otherwise it's +25.
oh how i do love men with facial hair. so so sexy.
- Juliet
A bit somber, befitting a philospher;
but pair the denim sportcoat with patchwork
leather pants--like that asian lady's skirt--
and it's a livelier school of thought.
I often question the use of denim but he rocked it
A playful take on the "academic" look always makes me smile.
Angelo F. looks always great !!!
I pretty like this kind of sportcoat - and on this guy looks simply perfect.
He looks like Manet.
I would never have imagined a denim blazer could look so sharp. Well done, man!
What a great look. It gives the wearer some added edge!
righteous beard~
It looks exactly like my Barena double breasted... It is an absolutely GREAT sport coat! I got mine on sale at Barneys!
Charming. Love his jacket!
I love denim tops, I think it is a great thing that now it is so damn trendy
I love everything about this man! his beard his glasses that jacket his presence! EVERYTHING!
I have a girlfriend and am deff straight but this guy...
Very D.H. Lawrence.
It's Angelo Flaccavento! He has mad style.
Kind of modern-day Van Gogh.
Nobody in America ever looks this cool.
Oh my, yes!
"Glorified is He who beautifies women with long locks of hair and men with long beards. There is beauty in the beard, yes, beauty in the beard!" (An excerpt from "The Beauty of the Beard"). Oh, and great denim jacket!
oh beards are back!
a guy i won't forget in a hurry, he has personality.
Beards are HOT!!! My boyfriend does the buzzed head and big beard look too but if you're somewhere where it's hot out I imagine it's not too comfy. I live in Newfoundland in the middle of the North Atlantic where it is rarely too hot ever so beards are a year round occurrence and a welcome one compared to the "bro" look I see alot of young men adopting, wearing ugly ufc and tapout shirts and too much axe body spray. Real men know how to dress!
Amazing beard and jacket!
LOL he looks like every second student at Melbourne Uni
Nice Beard
The book looks to be just a note book with funky image on the top, not a phone or similar.
Might be wrong.
Denim jacket is looking too much fantastic...
Reflective Motorcycle Vests
Jacket is too heavy....denin now a days must be softer....really oldfashioned as fabric....not coolllll, not nice at all, just old!
This picture could be a complete throw back to the 50's/early 60's but his shaved head keeps it modern.
Amazing image. I love everything about it.
Hmmm missing button on the cuff, the rims are great too. Issey Miyake Men... what a sexy man.