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Comments on "On the Street....Carlos Castillo, Madrid"
Carlos has a very romantic look, similar to the men in the French Impressionistic period. I, too, love that crumpled linen look, but, as you said Scott, it works because he's wearing a proportionately correct fit clothing. His whole appearance makes him deliciously handsome!
this proves to me that layering can be done effectively for any season. :) I love how the jacket contrasts with the neatness of his dress shirt
I love the linen suits! The picture is amazin!!
Xxx from Spain!! :D
i LOVE his beard :)
It´s absolutely fascinating.
His eyes has got something mysterious... vintage ??
Sigh... A great pre-summer post! The book does really capture that certain feel, that breeze... and it goes great with Carlos' look. Sigh...
BTW, love his haircut and beard!
so chic ;)
Love the gold belt buckle!
Beautiful jacket! I love the rumpled effect...makes for a wayyyy more intriguing story than something pressed and tailored...so much character seen through this look! Great shot!
Peace. Love. LOL!
Haute Khuuture Blog
Let's comment on that belt!
love your new post!
Very nice, I love vintage books .
Http://www.copperetiquette.com SHOP DRESSES
I don't love it. While I am not a fan of the European, tight, overly-tailored look, this looks sloppy to me.
"Golden Age of Travel"---Reminds me of a New York radio host who recently compared airline travel in the 1960's (when men wore suits and ties, the stewardesses looked like models, and you were served a real meal), to today, when you consider yourself lucky if your seat mates have bothered to shower and/or wear shoes, and you can get your 'flight attendant' to throw you a bag containing 6 peanuts.
Mediocre: It's the new spectacular.
I'm not so fond of this particular linen suite, though I like the guy. He looks cool. And the book is pretty nice too.
I like this look too!
I love the way he looks! a kind of stylish urban shipwrecked
Very interesting man. Not the average Spaniard, neither the common look there.
My wardrobe is full of linen clothes for the spanish summer. Greetings.
Not a fan of tight fits, this is much more elegant.
Like the linen suit!
love his look..though the jacket is a little too crumpled for my liking..almost sack like..xx meenal
Love your blog! I've been following for a while and you never disappoint!
such a cool and unique look...
An unique élégance !
Handsome mansome! Plus I love linen!
The disarrayed pocket square and tie match the unconstructed linen blazer perfectly.
Que guapo!
he's not the same guy of firenze(italy)???? This kind of men is very common to see in Madrid when you are walking on the streets like Serrano or Ortega y gasset... Magnifico,Bravo!!
his eyes, smile and the whole look - delicious!!!!!!!!!
Amazing jacket!
This is the first good photo you've taken in months.
Lovely pictures! XOXO, www.NatalyasCloset.com
He's really handsome...
Linen is by its very nature crumpled in a delightful way. It is almost useless to iron it as it is also very stubborn. I like the look. Makes me want to pull out my linen wardrobe and pretend it's summer.
The linen jacket and the mix of colors is incredible, I love this look!
He looks a little rumpled and unkept (see the tie)...not lovin it!
I just came back after 6 weeks in madrid. Never saw a guy with such a wrinkled jacket, especially not in Serrano where "los Pijos" to show their style wear Belstaff every thing. In San Sebastain I saw flowing linen not tight linen, in Granada and Sevilla lots of cotton.
Sorry but I fail to see the elegance of this look. If he were my son I would send him back to change :)
I love how that crumpled jacket makes the look less tight and smart and a little more casual. Nice detail with the hankerchief hanging out his pocket. C x
This is a real man...confidence is the best accessory...
oh, I'm in love with this look....also surprizing, is the contrast between Carlos age and his crumpled suit - you expect an old man it it. Maravilloso!
Very handsome and effortlessly stylish man!
This look is full of charm!!))
So good!
what a gorgeous photograph. he looks so sharp!
I also really love this mans rugged look! It's careless BUT careful at the same time. He is very tailored and clean BUT the jacket throws the whole look off in a very good and appealing way.
Check out my trendy blog!
Ciao Scott...mi trovo a Madrid....Notami, voglio finire sul tuo blog!
Awsome! As I mentioned in an earlier post, I've been getting a lot more inspiration from the guys than from the girls on this blog. My rumpled linen blazer is a major staple in my wardrobe, and this guy just reassured me it looks great! In fact, I prefer this approach than the 100% tailored, super form-fitting one seen on the Italian guys (which is gorgeous and very tasteful, but I prefer this one). Glad to see some pictures from Spaniards here as they are a very stylish bunch!
What a handsome man! I love when men take great pride in how they look. It is a wonderful thing to see.
wonderful post!
i think mr.castillo's look also works so well with him because of the way his hair and face is all scruffy and rugged-like... as well as the messy tie and his pocket square with a mind of its own...
actually i think you caught this guy after he slept over some ladies' house... i think you caught him on his walk of shame... but that walk was his runway because he looks fabulous... call me mr.c... ;)
That's the second picture in these days that shows mens with their hands into suit jacket front pockets. What's that? I have thought it were so inelegant...or at least it would damage the jackets....
The coat makes the look because of the shaggy beard and hair. I love a person who knows themselves perfectly.
Pretty women love beards or so I noticed.
Fire! i want that coat i already got that beard!
Love the look and the book reference. Good call.
A few days ago, a commenter asked if Le Corbusier Glasses Guy's wrinkled linen was "ok" or "acceptable" (I'm paraphrasing). This man would neither ask not care what anyone thought of his jacket. And thank goodness--the rumpled coat is fabulous (just wish it were unbuttoned so it could really drape), as are the slightly shaggy hair and beard. All in all, so very much nicer than the over-groomed, uptight, self-conscious and fussy looks so often adopted by those aspiring to be stylish.
you took a march pic of him too, right? he looked dashing and untamed in that one as well. i think his attire captures the reality of the summer season, which isn't friendly toward constrictive clothing and naturally pushes all those - except ones locked in air conditioned denial - into a search for comfort and breathability. he succeeds with a classy color palette.
Beautiful pics
besines from Spain
It tends to be obvious to say linen is crumpled, but the beauty really comes from the silken glow which gives depth to the granularity of the fabric.
it´s look so effortlessly chic.
it look so effortlessly chic.
I'm with you, Scott: I love this look. Any leads on the brand of the jacket? I'd wear it to death all summer if I could find one just like it.
Yep.....looks pretty good!
Fantastic picture, you managed to shw the essence of Spanish elegance! I love Madrid!
Viva espana!!!
Oh dear! I don't like the way the jacket is pulling on the button, especially with his hands in pockets...
Otherwise I love crumpled linen in the summer and he definitely wears it well..
My linen suit is coming out tomorrow. I have just decided.
Of course it helps that, as with all your subjects, he is INCREDIBLY easy on the eye. He looks painterly. I like what I can see of the belt - a gilded touch to contrast with the earthiness of his jacket and hair.
Aie muchacho!
His look is timeless
Thats beautiful
Casual, fresh and elegant at the same time, great...
Like the crumpled look on Carlos but the beard is a no-no for me, I'm afraid...
LOVE the vintage poster!
everything is perception for me the shirt and tie gives the apperance the jacket was washed dryed and came out wrinkled
i like what he's done with that jacket. It would be difficult to make thhat jacket look as sophisticated as he has done it. brilliant!
looks like Steve Zahn
veramente un bel look
I do love the look of the striped shirt with a plain black tie, was looking for some ideas on how to pair ties with shirts and suits. As for the linen suit itself, the rumpled look is a nice contrast to the pristine shirt and does complement the loose tie, rugged beard and gives him a relaxed but stylish look overall. It just goes with his look :)
You're right - there's something very appealing about this guy despite his rumpled attire. Who knew that "slept in" could look so good?
The Styleseer
You can say that, FINALLY, a new kind of 'pijo' has emerged in Spain, and you can see this phenomena specially established in Madrid.
I say FINALLY because after many, many years of 'classic pijos' or 'pijos 1.0', we are whitnessing are 'pijos 2.0. Thanks globalization!
Thanks for document this for a wider audience.
Yes, rumpled he is.
He's a good-looking man, but I can't get behind the linen jacket. It just looks rumpled and creased. I tried this look for years and just always felt that I looked unkempt. I really like the idea of summer linen, but I never think it looks good on anyone unless you sit still and don't move.
All of us love Carlossssssss
His tie askew, open shirt collar and carelessly stuffed-in pocket square just add to his sloppy look.
Love the poster colors!!
My first comment to your blog. I admire your eye and your pictures and observations are a welcome addition to my day.
I can't get behind this look for summer. Carlos has a wonderful face. The jacket is totally out of synch. It just doesn't work.
Summer... seersucker, madras cotton, linen blends all work for me.
Very nice belt!!!
what a fashion guy!!
I love his look too. It feels very natural, like he isn't trying too hard.
Pure spanish style...
I'd love to see this look head to toe.
I love how it looks like it's not just wrinkled but it simply hasn't been ironed after it was last washed. Let it go, if you are going to wear linen you must embrace the wrinkles just like Carlos has done! great job.
Also a big fan of Khaki suits like this- http://9tailors.blogspot.com/2011/04/get-this-khaki-suit.html
I agree. Winner of the Steve Zahn look alike contest.
Often wish I could jump into a book world too. Thanks for bringing us the world through your eyes!
I saw this and immediately threw my J.Crew linen suit into the washer and hung it to dry! Seriously...like 5 minutes later! Thanks for giving my old suit a new life and saving me a few bucks for dry cleaning!
très chic ! mais qui est Carlos Castillo ? pas un joueur de football en tout cas ....
Great look!! I love his LOVAT & GREEN´s belt... Thanks Carlos for your image...
Pure spanish "stale" posh look, very common and boring (here in Spain, of course).
Whenever people talk about living in a past era, I always remind them that they didn't have air conditioning back then! I'm happy to live in the now.
I love linen suits!
Who is Carlos Castillo...??? Somebody made this question... Carlos Castillo is the founder, owner and "soul" of the MAN´s brand!! He has 2 of the most special and unique men shops in Spain (Madrid & Bilbao). Many people would recommend visit these spaces.
Thanks for his spirit & creativity!!! XXXXXXOOOOOOO
This photo inspired me to pull out a similar linen jacket out of my goodwill give away bag. After a few months folded up in the bag it came out pefectly wrinkled, bingo. I'm wearing it today.
I like his tie and the way his collar is situated most of all. :)
If only my man would dress like this!
Meanwhile, MY rumpled linen jackets are being enjoyed - I've given up ironing for the Summer months ahead.
great looking guy, but the jacket gives off a bathrobe vibe. not appealing.
pretty special, great..
Don't like the way the facing rolls froward and the hem is lumpy. Rumpled linen looks better if it looks pressed, THEN rumpled from gentle wear. This looks like an old housecoat. Not quite the same effect.
Can't care less if the jacket is wrinkled or not. He's got style...end of discussion! J'adore your blog Mr.Schumann!
Carlos gives off the vibe of a philosophy professor: handsome, sexy and smart. I dig it.
i think more important than the fit of the jacket is the casual, somewhat rumpled devil may care look of the jacket against the crisp, clean pressed shirt
Certain people could pull off this stylishly crumpled attire, or the quietly aristocratic or casually elegant, or even the ostentatiously glamourous look, all due to an inner light that has nothing to do with the outer appearance, other than being its organic result. Think of those famed Water Crystals - the tiniest idea or reflection of a thing, once fully formed or realized, shows to the world nothing but its true self!
Carlos, you are welcomed to San Francisco anytime, my friend~
I am right there with you. There is something about vintage Travel Posters that make you want to jump in and be apart of them, like they do on Mary Poppins! You're awesome, twice!
He wears a perfect outfit....Love it
Understated, classic and somehow really sexy.
Perfect example of how to layer and mix textures!
He owns that style. very handsome.
now THAT's a plainly perfect look. flawless: elegant, a little ruffled, relaxed, present.
The light in Madrid...just amazing!
This is serious style. I love it.
so very giorgio armani!
All great Fashion blog here!! i really like the site!! i am gonna to follow it!!!
OMG. Both he and that jacket are the stuff dreams are made of.
xoxo Honey n Boom