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Comments on "On the Street....Jones St., Savannah"
Très jolie , j'adore c'est chaussures
So lovely!
Oh, my, those shoes!
i love her shoes
she looks so gentle
Wonderful pic.. ;D
Her make-up is so beautiful. ITG worthy.
i like it!
she is so pretty.
Stunning! Great photo too!
You have that rare taent making every woman you shoot look like a model,like a muse....She's simply stunning.
She looks like a denim puff dress clad modern teenage southern bell. Those shoes really polish the casually inventive look off.
This is one of my favorite photos you've posted so far!
So summer! The utfit looks so good. And striped!
Wish I were able to go outside like this right now
Those shoes are perfect! Any idea where they're from?
What a gorgeous young woman, the very definition of "milky skin" and so graceful. She has a timeless face that could be from an era centuries ago.
"Sometimes I see a girl so beautiful, it ruins my whole day." -R. Crumb
This is something I could see myself wearing! If only I were young again!!!
Wonderful pic - the posture, the lightning, the pure springish look!
Interesting pic and perspective. It looks as though she's leaning back on something - but there's nothing there. Must be the angle of the shot. Nice look!
She is a beautiful girl and I love the way she has the shirt tied around her waist collar-down, but girl would do well to stand tall and proud. She just looks so uncomfortable.
Beautiful! I love the shoulders and those shoes!
wow so fresh
Fantastic style. I love the top, and the street looks lovely too.
waouw , Love it ! this girl is inspiring
Beautiful. Love the striped top!
She's gorgeous! Very classy :)
nice shoulder blades!
Like that tied-around jacket. The things you can do in warm weather. Nice.
so beautiful!!!
Wow, she's beautiful.
whoa. i love her outfit! she's gorgeous. btw. <3
Her pose!!! Gracious!!
She looks like a fairy...with her red cheeks!
The top is gorgeious!
Couture Petite Fashion Blog
sexy, funky, comfortable..
What an amazing photo. Love her outfit.
Love from Norway
Karoline Kalvo
Beautiful scenery and lady.
Superbly beautiful..!
The place and lighting are simply perfect and she looks so natural and gorgeous... Beautiful! x
love the shoes!
she is so beautiful! and i love her look. great capture sartorialist.
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com
Another beautiful high fashion picture, as well as subject. Love it, Satorialist. Keep up the good work.
this is stunning! the shoes are FABULOUS!
Love her hairdo and her shoes!!
gorgeous! and that look on her face...
Love this!
Those shoes are amazing, they look like a softer girlier version of the Minimarket Cutout Oxfords.
Absolutely gorgeous. Love her style, her expression. And love the lighting.
Savannah is fabulous and full of style. So glad you were here to capture its beauty with your keen eye.
what an amazing summer outfit. i love her shoes
a time of innocence, a time of confidences-ineida
Beautiful - and kind of: it's officially May guys around... :)
so pretty girl :)
Anonymous @ 7:57, Grow up.
She's beautiful. I believe the shoes are from Cydwoq.
what amazing skin she has! And of course, the shoes are lovely too.
I love her top, very stylish!!!
Check out Florence Street fashion on my blog :)
love the curve of her clavicle
(collar bone)from the shoulder tip and the way it softens the 'X' cross of her wrists & legs.
that beautiful face & shoulder line could pull off couture equally as well.
The style is incredible!
I love the top and the shoes
She has a so bright skin!! Love her makeup!
Absolutely stunning- a beautiful look and photographic moment overall.
I guess I'm in the minority, but I think the way she's posed looks very forced and uncomfortable! She has a beautiful face though, and the composition of the shot itself is great.
sexy and demure
she stands with grace
instinctual and pure
ooh how lovely.. great picture!
I think the shoes are from Bakers!!
love her striped top and shoes! lovely photo. I think the color of lipstick suits her
stunning. the photograph. the style. just beautiful.
I love her shoes and the entire outfit! xx Charlotte
beautiful girl, beautiful clothes and beautiful Savannah, I was only there two weeks I miss it so much
lovely posture..
The best part of it is that she is carry an iPad. :-) Great photo!
That is a great pose.
I like how her top and shoes match up so well together,
is she going to a class in design?
les chaussures c'est vraiment pas top!
There must be a style renaissance going on in Savannah! Yes it is most definitely the shoes which play off the the matching striped top. I don't thinks tans look good, so her pale, untanned, monochromatic skin also works.
Interesting picture.
what a chippie doxie <3
nice, I like the shoes and the top and the bottom and everything. Great outfit!
Love the shoes! And it's refreshing to see pale skin as a symbol of beauty (especially here in the south where everyone spends way too much time in the sun). Brava!
buffff.! love the skin!!!!!!!!!
Wow! Love it. Great photo. She's a very interesting subject.
lovely, sweet, sexy...
cutout oxfords!! neat
I wish people would stop using the term 'Lolita' as a compliment: Lolita was an 11 year old girl being sexually fantasized about by a middle aged man. For those of you who need reminding: This is not a good thing! Nobakov was a satirist, not a paedophile.
This lady is nowhere near Lolita, she is a self-posessed, beautiful, stylish young woman. And thank you to her for getting dressed so beautifully.
she is so beautiful.
Very cute. I love the contrast of the top and the skirt. Very nice.
she looks ethereal!! <3
Her pose is so withholding, how do you get such honest shots?
A amazing, love your photography Scott, you should really come to Beirout - Lebanon, huge fan !!
I don't think that is a tied-around jacket on her waist... Looks more like a romper that has been unbuttoned to the waist. I love it.
I would like to meat people like this on a street. I meat only girls in jeans and sport shoes.
beautiful. &simple hair and elegant casual. b/w, blue, b/w. love the atlanta/savannah series.
we love your outfit. Very interesting pics.
Visit us:
upside-down jacket for a skirt! very neo-Little Edie!
"this is the best thing to wear for today."
Lovely make up and lovely pic.
It's such a beautiful composition.
Very pretty but too nude for the city IMO: except for the shoes, it looks like a seaside outfit.
that look is pretty awesome, amazing photo
Stunning! I love her face and her makeup, she looks like an Old Hollywood starlet.
hwo beautiful she is!! love the striped top and the shoes..and yes that gorgeous hairdo! xx meenal
Great outfit, best shoes ever, and she totally rocks this look.
She's so beautiful! xo
Turning the idea of a southern belle on its head by proving the south can be chic.
What a beautiful outfit on such a beautiful lady. I adore that top.
Deer. Lady
Thanks for showing the world what great style there is to be found in the American South! This image is absolutely gorgeous.
Dear Anonymous at 11:05,
google it! Lolita is a girly, frilly style in Japanese culture and the name has nothing to do with Nabakov's book. In fact, the idea of Lolita is to flout the overt sexuality that is so prevalent in mainstream Japanese culture.
I wouldn't call this girl Lolita really.... but I'm pretty sure that's what the above commenter was referring to.
This girl is incredibly beautiful!
Great shot!
This is one of the most beautiful photos on your blog. I love the style, the pose and the great photo!
She has a beautiful, ethereal stance about her. Her bustier and oxfords are simply lovely. What a great capture.
much love.
love that top!
What do you think about my last makeup post?
what a beautiful creature.
From the waist up looks like a Vogue shoot...overall amazing! Beautiful. Makes me want to be 20 again.
40 over 20
simply stunning. i love it.
Love this.. super impressed with the Savannah style!
Great photo. Love her shirt.
La peau de lait.. <3
Love the shoes !
I rarely see pictures here that I'd call "sexy". Often the subject has sex appeal but that doesn't tend to be what I first appreciate about the photograph.
This, however, is sexy as Hell. The framing of her thighs by the jacket tied around her waist, the bare shoulders and the elegance of her pose all make me think of Botticelli's Birth of Venus.
Everything about this photo is right.
love the shoes!
Cool striped bustier and shirt, ind enim, with that wonderful denim jacket...great look!
This photo is in my top 3 favorites on this website, if not my favorite one so far. Great job capturing it!
So cool a Savannah shot. Is this a first for the Sartorialist? I like what appears to be a Willow tree in the background.
It's nice to see a beautiful pale woman, but does anyone else think that's a loooooot of skin for daytime?
I took a queue from you this weekend and stopped the most striking woman for a photo. Thanks for sharing all your amazing photos. They are inspiring!
pure class <3
such a great look!
i NEED those shoes!!! Like NOW!
I love the gaurded beauty of this shot. The reserved expression you've captured in her eyes amidst the undeniable beauty of her face is so harmoniously mirrored in the defensive posture of her frame. I think it's such an interesting play on our idea of female elegance. Her style is so minimal and distinct but I think the her real strength, and that of the shot, comes from what she holds back.
I can't explain exactly why, but I love the look and the picture itself, ~
She is one of my students and she is beautiful. You have captured her well!
I love how she looks like a tomboy but extremely feminine at the same time. Very captivating!
Simply gorgeous ! Her eyes, lips and attitude are expressive as is the outfit, brava !
my most favourite street in savannah!
Your work is very inspirational to my design work as an architecture student!!! Cheers!
Amazing picture
her skin is gorgeous, and so is she.
I am hyperventilating...but not so much that I cannot get this much out - She is simply stunningly beautiful, dainty and very mannered looking in an another time way. As uniquely unevenly perfect as the cobbled sidewalk beneath her feet. So much today's southern belle.
Thanks man!
Dear Kimmy, I am aware of the Japanese Lolita look - which is largely a-sexual - and this is not 'girly, frilly' or Japanese at all... The subject of the photo is, however, a very sexy young woman.
she is beautiful! love her style ..
You capture such a great romantic mood.
She's just too cool! Love it!
absolutely adore the shoes and top!
Love Savannah and love the young people there - art is alive and well there!
She bears an uncanny resemblance to French model Latitia Casta. Dig the striped top!
She looks like a model because she is a model...
Beautiful girl, but I find her arms too thin for her proportionally speaking.
I see her as very classical, Renaissance looking, so maybe expected her to be a little heavier from the neck down.
the term Lolita is certainly derived from the book by Nabokov called "Lolita" about an older man finding the innocence and lack of pretence of a young girl very alluring. I agree, that isn't good. Nabokov's book is not a satire. Its not saying anything about wether the pedophile in question (Humbert Humbert) is evil or good. Just that this is how the world seems to him.
The Japanese Lolita style is without any doubt coming from this book. In fact the term Lolita is a universal understood one. A Lolita is a young and innocent seeming girl or woman who's sensuality comes from her naive, childish demeanor. And yes, this young lady certainly has a Lolitaesque quality. The very serene, shy stance, and her girlish looks.
A Pre-Raphaelite beauty!
Perhaps she's a SCAD (Savannah College of Art & Design)student.
I love her pointy spectator shoes!
La Petite Marmoset
Savannah looks like a super cool place to be. I love the shorts with the rolled up legs. And the cute top.
Sooooo hawt! LOVE those shoes!
Let's face it, she's so beautiful that she'd look great with a potato sack, really.
Wow, how beautiful.
Cute! love her style!
Love the combination of stripes
Perfect summer outfit! One of the cities in the US I want to visit most, love the Spanish moss and brick paved streets!
love her whole style! :D
She looks like Kat Dennings!
Never has naughty looked so nice.
She looks absolutely stunning! So beautiful!
What a lovely photo!
savannah has beautiful young women and great weather
I hope she's wearing lots of sunscreen! Yes, I'm a mom...
First thing I notice, is the colour of her lipstick. It feels like it fits perfectly on her outfit and her haircut. The way she pose is lovely.
Shoes are fun.
this photo is a piece of art! Congrats!
Lovely photo, lovely girl. Did she fall over after the shot? It looks like she would... :-)
I know this is about the fashion but I would like to comment on her skin. I wish all young people who are addicted to tanning booths could see this and see the beauty in pale skin and there is no need for putting yourself in danger. Look at the beauty here!
I love this- you have captured a modern southern gothic look. if Amanda Palmer had grown up in Savannah instead of near Boston this is how she would dress. love it!
aaaah, she's awesome, really amazing pic, i'm in love
A lovely photo...with an ethereal, almost transparent quality.
I absolutely adore this picture! Seems to combine southern classic beauty (shoes, fair skin, hair) with modernity (short blue jean shorts, fitted top, lots of skin). Her jean flannel blouse wrapped around her hips looks like a cross between the two- a notably modern act appearing though, in classic style, to form a bell shape around her hips.
This is a very Carrie Bradshaw Sex and the City look. Love it!
she is great!!!!
Oh my, beautiful girl!
Oh wow she is beautiful! I love savannah, what a stunning city
A very pretty girl with very cool shoes - unbeatable combination!
She's gorgeous!
I think that you could make me so beautiful through your shooots!!
I love this shoes, I'd want it! ;)
love the top!
she looks so graceful, much like a woodland sprite
Kimmy, 12:45,
"Lolita" may morph in its meaning with use, but it cannot be disassociated form ("have nothing to do with") Nabokov's book. His book invested the name with meaning we respond to. Awareness of roots and meanings is quintessential to intelligent discourse. Cheers.
she looks like the women who used to model for paintings by Burne-Jones and Rossetti.
Another Southern shot! Please do keep it up. What a classic Southern Lady (and that is a somewhat different term from the modern idea of Southern "Belles".) Such classic effortless style, one mark of true ladylike, Southern grace. Thank you for representing my beautiful region and one of its lovely demoiselles.
Also, (I must say it) - Brava! More power to pale skin in sunny climes!
J'adore, la pause, le look, le lipstick...
very intriguing her posture
..the expression on her face
..a sense of protecting something she comes across as
..very interesting not to by pass the great sense of fashion as well.
really love her raisin color lipstick and her cutout flats are darling
the red cobble stone really adds a distinct texture to the picture
Love this!!
The shoes are from a.b.k. Custom Leather Craft, from NYC.
Love her shoes! Lately I've been obsessed with shoes! And those ones look half comfortable and half totally stylish ;-)
Black and white stripes always add more flavor to a casual outfit. I wish this weather would return soon.
Ooooooh, that's nice.
Lovely lines,helped by lovely limbs.
that is the best outfit! i love it!
I am in love with Savannah!!!
everything looks so beautiful with this light!