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Comments on "On the Street...4th Ave., New York"
why should he reveal all those precious secrets, after such a betrayal?
All the denim that these men are wearing in this week's "On the Street NYC" shots are great. RAW DENIM looks so great and sharp in photographs.
WOW! Simple & classic. I love this look, the jeans and shoes especially.
i'll be in NY may 16 for a few days. hope to see you around! i'll be the one with the Canon 1000D in hand xx
see you!
Great photo! Love the cuff of the jeans, oh and his haircut :)
I've really come to appreciate the quality of raw denim. Loving the cuffed look
Great picture! Coffee time.
nice pics... love the look ;D
Aimerait tellement mais se demande si il vaut vraiment quelque chose.....
love the shoes, they break the simpleness of his outfit.
Nice shot!
love it! it is like a really classy grown-up hipster. cheers!
Great look spoilt by the cuff on the jeans as far as I am concerned. - But hey it's all about differing opinions regarding differing looks
Great great cuffs, great haircut!!
Oh to see that messenger bag would be so nice...love the scarf.
why is that some people ooze SEX? well he does! and looks nice.
so cool
Intrigued by his surroundings as well :)
He rocks this look! Love his haircut and the jacket. Interesting look with the jeans turned up so far: very cool!
Those boots and jacket require a more relaxed-fit jean. They look like 501's after their initial wash.
He resembles Neal Cassidy, which gives the picture ( at least for me) a beatnik aura. The graffiti and Mud Truck coffee underscores the picture's bohemian sensibility.
Nice "downtown" shot.
Nice shoes!
Love the cuffs, love the boots, love the hair. Love the man who can stand like this, casual and elegant.
well I think the oozing sex bit has to do with his lovely mouth (and hands)
Is it me or does he look like your twin? And that's a
Is that Chris Isaac? Love the coffee cup for a pop of color. Who says accessories are just shoes, gloves and a scarf.
Great shot!
Love the jeans and the orange coffee cup as a colour accent :)
Such a simple look, but it's very nice!
Great picture, I love the turn-ups! :)
yes, Chris Isaak
what an adorable man! i love this so great.
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com
i love the graffiti..
Love the jeans. Hard to pull off a cuff that big, but he does it. Also, prime example of how a coffee cup can be an accessory. Very nice.
I love your blog so much! please come to Columbia sometime! final exams are over after the 12th and we will be graduating, celebrating, and making up for the fact that we've been in the library wearing sweatshirts for the past two weeks
very morrisey!
Haha, I should show my husband this picture. His jeans were too long and he rolled his hem up last night, and then promptly rolled them back down feeling self-conscious about them...
What a cutie.
Is he Cris Isaak???? so handsome
how about going to queens in newyork to shoot? why always only in manhattan?
Scott, he looks like you.
Makes me miss NYC..
Cool Relaxed
I love the jeans and the jacket. Its very simply but it looks so elegant.
Love this classy vintagleys shiek man!!
The Jacket looks so amazing. I really like it so much!
Mud<3 Makes the look.
i love your blog!!! i love your photo!!! inspiration!!!!
and nice jeans!!!
the orange of the Mud cup makes the photo. great color.
I love the cuffs. And the shoes.
I agree with Monsieur Da Chump--a somewhat more loose-legged jean (I'm thinking a classic worker-jean cut) would make this jacket-cuff-boot combo even better. Or, conversely, he could keep the jeans but go with a narrower cuff.
He does kinda look like Chris Isaac, doesn't he?
I like the way he wears his jeans
this dress is awesome as well as that blazer! <3
Nice photo! Big fan of your work! Keep it coming ;)
I love the hairstyle!
Are those Nudies? Those jeans look good.
Comfort + Style = Love
This blog really is amazing! I have never been to the website before - just saw you on an app. Fantastic content. Maybe you will come visit Canada sometime?
You really like this jacket, huh? Feel like I've seen it before! :)
love the shoes :)
i love how the coffe cup is orange.
coffee time?
great pics!
Great photo and nice denim but I'm not a fan of the large cuffs. Loving the jacket as well.
dude-what is the deal with you and phones and/or cigarettes?
A lovely classic look!
He looks like a very handsome guy!
XO Charlotte
I love the jean cuff. Great look.
Looks like a pair of Denham jeans, model grader (i've got a simular pair myself :) ) Love his style!
Oh I wish I could live in NY !!! Such a great city !!! Full of inspiration and really great people
Awesome shoes!
I can hardly see the bag but it seems to be great.
I think the graffiti accentuates the dark clothing. The person is muted in comparison to his surroundings. Makes me think that graffiti prints with denim jackets might be promising.
I love the mis of hem pants and marteens but quite smaller hem, don't u think?
Looks a little like you.
I want those jeans! The cuff is a little more exaggerated than what I've been seeing on most men...and I like it.
The Gingham Cowboy
Navy blue color and raw denim, that's what I like very much :)
Love this simple, classic, no-nonsense, comfortable-in-his-skin look!
distinguished, effortless, sexy... i bet he's got the personality to match. ;)
you have a twin brother?
This man is a PERFECT 10 in my books.
Extra props go out to his barber. His fade is impeccable.
i know him and he gets his haircut as dickson's on allen by jason.
I think they are Samurai jeans (love em). I don't really dig the boots & high cuff. I think a slimmer boot and lower cuff would be a better look for him. Everything else is perfect. I love this kind of casual minimalist look.
Helllllo, Lover
natural picture!
love this look. Yes the shoes and jeans have it but so many strong lines on him - his hair, jawline, his bag - really grab your attention. strong & clean & gritty all at the same time. really cool.
its cool style specially shoes and jeans and jeans look so comfortable
When are tight jeans going to disappear? Love your blog
love his outfit, very New York chic.
i've never even been to new york but in my opinion, this is the epitome of the 'new york look' for men...whatever that is?
i think what i like most might be his HAIRCUT.
Do you think his sheets come from Syren or Pratesi?
Gorgeous. He looks amazing.
he's handsome.
Very vintage www.copperetiquette.com
Love this laid back feel, while still looking sharp
Impressive turnups!
You have shot him before and its one of my all time favorites with the shaved head outside of la Perla. However, I think this time he missed the mark with the cuff on the jeans. He is so handsome though. Knew him in college and he keeps getting better looking every time I see him on here.
Very simple)
He looks GREAT!! Love the cuffs and the haircut!
But, really, when is NYC going to clean all that crap graffiti up. Its not bohemian, urban, or anything else except for crappy paint/marker everywhere. I do appreciate some tagging that actually reflects artistic talent, that just looks like a bunch of 4 year olds went wild with markers, stickers, and gum. Rubbish and classless.
4th Ave.?????
Good well taken care of shoes make or break any outfit. Proven once again. I love this one.
Great shot! Feels like I'm right there in the street.
looks like Chris Isaac.... !!!
He looks very classy and handsome! :)
i met him recently,& he is genuinely nice & unpretentious
I don't know how, but on Your pics even those scribbled boxed look stylish and aesthetic :D
I have a friend who rolls his jeans up like this guy and I never liked it, but this guy proved me wrong! Now if you would excuse me I need to go and tell my friend to get a pair of jeans with better fit(I think I know why it didn't work for my friend: if you roll up a pair of straight jeans that are 2 sizes larger, you look more like a clown. Not to mention gaining 10 pounds more and looking few inches shorter)
loved his hair! this is what im going for :D
he looks a bit like you!
Great photo, love the graffiti. So raw.
And the jeans are fabulous <3 So sexy.
i love love love so much!
My brother is fancy..
Really good guy ...
Really really like his style. From head to toes and, of course, the attitude.
So stylish. I like the haircut too.