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Comments on "On the Street....18th St., New York"
They both looks awesome!
--Nolita Vintage--
Cool bag!
love these two guys together! So cool, great job!
I lvoe the transparence bag!
They're sooo cute!
Have a Happy Day!
Luciane at HomeBunch.com
So amazing!
cool, classic, kids. I hope they use this as their book jacket cover in 30 years when they are famous artists.
I came here this morning thinking you might have covered the frocks that the Met Ball last night....this is MUCH fresher! Good morning!
Leaning in towards each other, together and complimentary.
Love the bow in her sweater and the little sneakers, its very feminine.
this is sooo great. i love the bow.
I love the details in the skirt, her pretty face and the guys look. Very natural and a great photo overall. Bravo you captured it all!
:D He doesn't look too happy about it..
wow! beautiful couple!
The kids are alright.
nice casual attire for the day, looks like she's on her way to class and he's going to do a little skateboarding
My favorite aspect of the photo might be how the wheels on his skateboard call out the color on her little bakery bag.
I agree, the photo has a very natural feel. I like how the guy's jeans are cuffed at the bottom. His wheels add a nice touch of color! The girl's shoes remind me of ballet slippers. :)
Nice girl... very sweet.
Effortless style is the best! I love the addition of the bow - you know there is more to her than meets the eye...
40 over 20
Cultural fusion - your photographs make me want to tread softly - with camera in hand - the streets of NY City, one fine day.
Stephen J. Christophers
Great photo!
Love the girl's outfit - dark but soo chic! :)
Teen Royals?
Cute :)
loving her polka dot bow
I love the contrast between her vintage air and his "skate boy" look!!!
love her cuteness and the bow ...and his cuteness with his skateborad!!
she looks more than adorable, so girly and chic.
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com
Cute details! I love that she just went to Billy's Bakery! :D
nice bag!
there looks comlement each other
i love this. they are dressed age appropriately. i love it.
I think my favorite part of her style is the open, confident expression on her face. Posture seems exceptional, too.
the girl looks so pretty!
I love the contrast of the two unique styles!!
pretty sure his shirt is from OLD NAVY. way to keep it budget! her smirk + his smoulder = amaze.
nice skirt & bag!!!!
I really like that they are both wearing backpacks
they're like polar opposites but both so cool!
Marvelously sweet!!
So young and so fresh!
I must be the only one not feelin' it.. not for any particular reason, just feels a bit common I guess.. not quite sure what it is for me.. could even be my mood right now!
Sartorialist, what was your take on this one? Just curious..
Her style is amazing, by the way-i love skateboard! :)
Boy is so cool :) love the picture :)
cool...and it looks like they have cupcakes from Billy's Bakery.
Both looks amazing.
Love from Norway
Karoline Kalvo
i love stylish kids!
Almost every guy I know looks like that guy, my brother included. I thought it was just an LA latino guy thing but maybe it's country wide. It's good to see on the Sartorialist.
Her shoes are so cute and comfy looking!! I need to find me a pair.
What an interesting picture it is!
Cute pic :)
OOOOH!! the Good Girl and the Bad Boy! :D awesome photograph!
Cool photo! They look like two free spirits which is quite nice.
I love the parallels of color in their ensembles!
I love the ribbon embellishment on the girl's black top and her skirt...which would be soo easy to sew!
I love the bow on her top...so stylish.
i love couples who have co-ordinated looks sometimes..not always ofcourse..
What a wonderful couple, they look kinda innocent. :)
love her old fashion shoes! great sweet detail... billy´s bakery bag!! ;)
Nice couple!
oh love the photo and the people in it!!!!
Perfect couple :O
Oh to be their age again! She's adorable and he's definitely me quite a few years ago. Nice slice of life pic!
The girlie looks super cute! i luv the sweet bow on her sweater.
This makes me want to move back to New York to raise my kids.
They look like they belong together & complement each other without trying to "match." They made me smile!
And I love that she's subverted a "girly" look with weird little pleats on the skirt and a twinkle in her eye.
Just lovely! As far as I'm concerned, that's all there is to say about this image.
the young zelda fitzgerald transported through time onto 18th street 2011.... and the boy-
Lovey couple!
soo different and so great!
Whether is a couple or just friends, I see it as these two people from two different of planets. If I cover my hand behind that girl, I'll imagine a formal suited guy. Same for that guy, a loose suited girl. That's why I find a stereotype-couple is not unique.
I like girl outfit very very much!
I fall in love on the street every day, but this girl looks like she could make me fall over. I hate the plastics that walk by me in SoHo every day - thank god for a pretty girl with character =)
This look could be a disaster anywhere else but oh my! I feel the smell of New York City coming out of the picture. Such style! MaDe in NYC!
I love her floppy polka dot bow and her skirt and her shoes! So lovely. I'm guessing the bag is some sort of shopping bag, but I do like the idea of a transparent handbag. Either way, it looks great. However, I don't find anything particularly inspiring about the boys look. Jeans and a graphic t-shirt with sneakers=the unofficial uniform for every college-aged boy. The cuff is almost sartorial, but still not enough to get my attention.
What cool cutie pies!
She looks strikingly like an actress I once saw on NCIS...in a weird episode about drug addiction, oddly, but she has a similar, unusual face. Something about the contrast between dark features and light skin, open countenance.
that girl is so cute and I'm especially loving her transparent bag
These guys are cool
i think its soo funny that people commented on loving her "transparent bag"! its a shopping bag, its nice looking but people are acting like they have never gone grocery shopping and expect it to be prada or something...
Love the Billy's Bakery bag she's carrying. Cupcakes are a wonderful accessory.
I love young fashionable people!
super cute match of friends or whatever .. <3
love the contrast between them.
even though they do not dress alike they can still be friends. thats NYC for you
diggin the t-shirt...
Are they a couple? Anyway, both em are cute kids...
What a gorgeous man.
This picture makes me think that your real intention was to take a picture of her, but this guy wouldn't let you.
She looks great!
Him... almost everybody from junior high to early college years dresses like this EVERYWHERE.
Cool pic though.
They looks so cute together!. Altough im not that into her clothing style.. But i love her hair. ANd then i also love the look the guy has on his face.
fairly underwhelmed by this one. glad to see you doing real street style again though.
@Sandra!! Yesss.. so I am not the only one! :o)
Teens rocks!!!
i love this!!!
It looks cute for some reason.
I love the expression on the girl's face. So open and sincere.
Very cute looking!
Very nice combination.
she's sooo adorable!
Rose. X
i loove the look !!
She looks wonderful!
haha, that boy is my best friend. he's had that t-shirt since we were 14 and i don't think he's ever washed those jeans. i wouldn't have him any other way.
this photo is adorable.
favorite thing about this outfit: those turquoise wheels of the skateboard :D
I love this couple. Their styles somehow in totally non-sensical way go together really well.
Steps in Clouds
Holy smoke! Culd this girl possibly be any more adorable?? And the boy -- good heavens, what a little hottie! (Btw, I don't know if this was part of your focus, but these two have the most gorgeous mouths I've ever seen... (-: )
They look so sweet together!!
I love the contrast between them. Bows vs. Rocker www.copperetiquette.com
hipstahs! but cute ones.
Such a cute photo!
cool contrast of styles!!
Really nice this picture!!! i love to see different colours of skin together!!!!
I know that kid!! awesome skater!
I don't understand why he's in the photo. He looks like any other kid with a skateboard.
this remind me and me boyfriend
The contrast between styles is nice. I know this may sound "wrong" to some but when you look to one of them alone you wouldn´t imagine them together (as a couple or not) although they look great.
I´m a sucker for cuteness and her, and her bow make me smile :)
her shoes look just like the mr. price leather laceups i got in south africa. been trying to get another pair ever since i ripped a hole in mine.
i know the shirt that the guys is wearing is from target. i bought 2 of them 5 years ago.
the guys just a skater. we dont really put much thought into what we wear it just ends up looking good. the ripped up jeans and beat up shoes are supposed to be "fashionable" but in all honesty its just a result of skateboarding.
Funny how one little bow and a pretty face can make so much difference!
This is so old hat, but still beautiful. Vintage clothing.
I think that is a Sick Puppies Tour T-shirt. Fantastic!
American Gothic