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Comments on "On the Street.....Shades of Grey, Milan"
Wow. Stunning look.
Just love the whole outfit! That skirt is so hip, and the boots are very stylish too. I wish I could borrow those to add to my collection! Love your pics as usual!
And lovely long legs.
such a classic look with all the black and grey. that scarf tops the whole thing off. love it.
She is a combination of perfect professional and chic. I love all the shades of gray and the scarf is beautiful. Love the booties too.
What a great layering technique. Fantastic!
this style and gray monochrome, with the interplay of various tones and textures, mirrors my mood perfectly, a numbing tedium and subdued excitement for a new week; monday, monday, cannot trust that day.
Wau, perfect picture, the different shades of grey in her clothes, and those on the building. The red envelope in her hand and the red tiles. I love this one!
I like her look too, really stylish, elegant, classic.
Really a great shot Scott!
Very classy look,evert thing about her looks good, I like all the black and gray mixed together
I love everything about the ensemble. The different grays, the shoes, bag, scarf, jacket, tights, & skirt. Perfect proportion and balance. My eyes kept going back to the shoes. I would have added a colorful piece of jewelry, but that is my own sensibility.
I wish they would make the same shoes with 2 to 2-1/2" heels.
Wow. The short skirt and boots really made this look for her.
loving every thing about this!
The warm color tones of the building and brick in the background show off the cool shades of grey in her clothes. I like how the piece of paper in her hand also matches the warm tones of the background. Great photo.
Express Our Branches
Nourish Our Roots
Oh, so pretty!
Really nice.
I hope you have an amazing week! :-)
Luciane at HomeBunch.com
She has a beautiful Style!masculine and feminine at the right!
Le gioie di Parthenope
Love the tassel fringe!
Her grays are terrific! So are the shades of gray in the background, you wonderful photographer, you!
Awesome, I love her
super nice outfit!
xx http://www.jnsoo.blogspot.com/
Gorgeous. Simple, classy and monochromatic. Just how I like it!
Great pic! Love the colours & great legs!
shoes <3
Super long legs!
The shoes and the skirt are very interestingm both in the shape and form.
Beautiful lady.
now this is lovely. she shoes are fabulous and this entire outfit is simplistically stylish
fabulous look, so classic and chic
Beautiful long legs and nice scarf!
I really like her color scheme. Where do you think she got those shoes? I think I have her exact skirt.
This shot is really an all-timer. The grays & terra cottas are so beautiful; her colors and the architectural details make a great composition. Elegant!
I love the milanese light...
Like the outfit!
She is a stunner
This is fantastic - the dark blue, gray and black are so well put together.
Nice outfit!!!
Gorgeously chic! I love your blog...
Nice look! classy colours combined with cool modern style that provides her a nice cosmopolitan looking.
I know this blog is all about the fashion and style, but let's focus for a minute on the beautiful composition of the photograph!! Just a perfect shot.
Love her jacket!
wow, love the boots
january, x
her skirts freaken awesome!!! i looooove greys~
Nice shot, the modern against the ageless classic.
love the different hues of grey..and that ombre skirt..and the fact that the girl is stunning also adds to it!!
This is gorgeous though I do kinda' wish there was a bright color hidden on the inside of the coat or something to hint spring...
Check out my blog, today's post: childhood memories!
She is Rockin' the many shades of grey right down to those Hot boots. You Go Girl!
Very classy! I love all the shades.
(Gypsy Avenue)
Fantastic Blog! ^^
I follow you!
i like her skirt
i love gray! it goes with everything:)
Grey is the color you can wear whole year. I love grey for it!
Grey the clothes and grey the street.Good photo.
combining monochromatic shades of colour..in this case.. grey.
a trend.
the skirt
the boots (the fit!)
the colors and textures
Stunning! Love the different shades of grey!!
Love this !!!! ..... <3 the skirt and grey color !!
so simple yet stylish. i want the skirt
monochromatic greys, love this!
your pictures are truly inspiring and really give me the desire to travel and experience different cultures.
I can't believe no one has mentioned her cute short hair! It's darling - and adds so much to her overall look. Would long hair on the same outfit look as good? I don't think so. Great picture, Scott. I love the stripe of blue-gray wall behind her.
Gorgeous boots. Love the layering.
In Fashion and Style
Very stylist, love the shoes too! :D
Such sophistication. The fringe detail and the leather items are perfection.
much love.
Great outfit!
classic look :)
Scott, brilliant pix...kudos! Love the shading of her skirt matching the shading in the ancient stone foundation. Then the terra cotta note in her hand matching the old bricks. Your artistic eye astounds me. I don't go a day without checking your blog.
Wow...weird optical illusion with her scarf looking like her leg but AWESOME outfit! So chic!
And even the copper-colored envelope she carries provides the right counterpoint!
I could so see myself wearing this outfit. Beautiful. Love Greys!
Very chic, black will always be king.
My Heart Blogged
Shoes are open.. very original.
Women look far more chic when they're dressed like this, rather than walking billboards for every designer logo known to man.
Milan loves fashion! And I definitely love Milan!
the top of the image directs you to think you're going to see a man, but when you scroll down it's like holy legs!
Wow. So in love. So clean, so chic, and loving the lines.
I love this look! Those boots are to die for. Is that an Enny bag?
chic and classic. lovez it!!! :)
Check out my personal blog:
Wow! Love this outfit! Stunning!!!
I love that skirt and jacket. The background also goes so well with this outfit.
Masculine dressing. Until I saw the whole photo and noticed the mini-skirt, I thought it was a guy wearing shades of grey handsomely.
I have the happiest memories of Milan. Thanks for bringing them back with this sophisticated ensemble! The Italians certainly know how to look good.
Love the look...but I have been wanting to ask this for a while. What is with a lot of the people in these photos that don't "wear" their coats? They just throw them over their shoulders and I guess I don't get it. I'm assuming it must just be "the style" but for some reason this bugs me. Why bother even wearing a coat if you aren't even going to put your arms thu it? Sorry, just a random thought...
Aaah chi wa wa what a sexy shoe! Goes great with the tights--keeps it out of the hooker realm.
Love it !!!! Elegant and sexy chic , perfect !!!
I wonder if she stole that coat off her beau? Mens' coats always seem to look better on the dimunitive shoulders of their girfriends. Very chic shot, Sart (say that fast)!!
I know that it is not strictly speaking part of the look (well, on that picture it is), but I love that touch of brown!
@Jamie B. -- I hear you! I was wondering the same, whether it is the physical trend in Milan to not wear the coat but rather strut with it tossed over the shoulders.
Wow! I thought this photo was going to pan out to be of a very stylist man wearing a beautiful jacket, but then I scrolled down to the top of the leg and discovered a short skirt, great legs and high heels! Totally works!
Ooh, PERFECT look. The shoes are a bit much for me, but the skirt makes the outfit.
stunnin look, love the jacket
Another beautiful example of a monochromatic look. Love it!
The Styleseer
i love the different shades of grey and black it makes her look chic and not too bland.
Follow me on my blog if you have time. My blog is: http://oldhollywoodvintagelover.blogspot.com/
I just realised I post the wrong blog address here it is:
so fit <3
she is looking pretty bashful for someone who is dressed bold :)
Gorgeous picture! I want her shoes, simply stunning!