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Comments on "On the Street.....Fratelli Ricci, Florence"
I feel like I've seen those same two guys standing at the same spot taken by you.. lol. Very Italian for sure.
Angels Point of View - Street Style Photography
Love the plaid pants. I don't think I could pull them off.
would be nice to have a button "like"
I'd hit!!
Excellent shot!
what handsome stylish men!
Love it the man on the right looks so happy!
Collections & Shopbop GIVEAWAY
ahh, those italian chic
Those coats look both fashionable and comfortable - a nice combination. (Wish I could grow a beard as well as the guy on the right side, facing.)
- David
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fabulous shot. italian men always look so pulled together and elegant.
new in: http://wordbyjessie.com
Love! I want to go sit down to lunch with them. I believe they would be interesting and the conversation would be lively =)
love the suede shoes!
style is on the blood....that`s clear....!!!
They both are truly divine.
I insanely love their a bit short pants and shoes.
Cheers, Damian.
love the pants...
What do you think of my new outfit?
I remember the man on the left....a few months ago was posted talking to an older gentleman smoking a cigarette have an animated conversation that, well, from the photos was somehow insanely sexy! I think I have a crush on this man...who ever he is. Wow! Devilishly handsome! xo
Are they actually brothers?!
Andrea x
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These guys are not "On the street." Call them for what they are: "My buddies."
They would have been stylish at Fort Sumpter!
SOOO GOOD! although they're both wearing relatively neutral color palettes they both stand out due to the details; the cut of their jackets and their choice of large cuffs on cropped hems. beautiful clean lines. i love men who are dressed soo sharply and still have a sense of humor!
They are so elegant! Love it!
Styleish men! :D
Does it get any better than great Italian style?
Adore the contemporary, fresh, immaculate, luxurious, expensive AND contemporary style of these handsome men....BRAVO!!!!
I love it, although it doesn't jump out to me, personally. Great shot, but the surprising sartorial effect seems to fade.
It's almost summer, show us some skin!
laced shoes -cuffed pants- navy.
visit the salon of rights:
"Quando si dice bei ragazzi... "
I believe that italian phrase describes this picture to perfection. So Milanese it is beyond stereotype.
Bellissima come sempre.
(Beautiful as always)
Their look is so Beatle-esque. I can see why you chose them.
Look at those monster cuffs! At the bottom of a tapered, no break opening! I aspire to this look.
My progression here: http://funkypresident.tumblr.com
Impressed by his ability to pull off those gigantic lapels.
I like a man who is well dressed, even down to the tie. Those short pants are amazing. And shoes, always get the best shoes you can afford.
Great photo, and good looking guys! XOXO, www.NatalyasCloset.com
I love it! Can I just say how much I love that thier pants hover just slightly about the shoe? What is that.
love the glasses too. Great pic. It's almost cheeky.
xo Jessica Rae
Classic and humorous work it boys!
I love the cuff above the ankle and am still trying to get there personally. Great coats, especially the one on the right.
i love these guys! i love their style- their coats, their cropped pants, their shoes, and ohhh their hair!
Whenever I see a man in America who looks like this, I know he is from Italy.
Don't the pants seem a little short?
So wonderfully dapper.
So wonderfully dapper.
Casual Friday.
The clothes are great, but it's their attitude that pulls it all together.
Ah, these dashing Italian men!
Perfect men!
Hmm...a bit cliche'd
I'd like to watch when they're talking!
Fantastic! I generally think I'm a stylish guy...then the Italian men show up and I feel way underdressed.
Impressive lapels on the dinner jacket (?) on the left. It fits beautifully. Still not keen on short longs. A lovely shot and good, full hairstyles too. Thanx.
great hair!
they do look familiar..but great nonetheless! xx meenal
love love love ;))
Street Style JESSICA ALBA: http://magmoiselle.fr
Interesting how the shorter cuffed trousers create a different silhouette. Somehow it seems neater and more pulled together. Maybe a more youthful look. Italian men really pay attention to their footwear. Years ago everyone of them was wearing a brown shoe. Think these guys look great. Will keep my eye out for them when I'm in town!
Curieux : aussi élégants et aussi peu coiffés !
High pants...
Italian chic&class - sth not to be copied, you have to be born with it!
great pic, well done!
...The Style of Sciamàt: extraordinary!
I wish men were this elegant in Australia. Belissimo boys!
This picture really recalls August Sander - was this on purpose?
I like these double breasted coats a lot. Black is a wee bit boring, but this is Italian / Florentine tailored looks at their best. I am always amazed when I travel to other countries to see that there are real regional differences. People in SF dress differently from the people in NYC and in LA. People in Paris dress differently from the people in Deauville or Saint-Tropez. It is even clearer in Italy, where each region has its own style! (Compare where England where everyone dresses the same across the country - cf Vicky Pollard).
Italian excellence!
Personal style and NO fashion! Simply great!
The best designer, very great, see you
Wow they cleaned up very funny!!!! LOL
Cool photo. I like it!
Chic and elegant....pure style!
Style is the talent's soul...
I like the deep cuffs on the trousers. I do not like the "ready for the floods" look. I like the blazer as coat. It is the modification of a suit coat after all.
Wonderful pic! It seems that there is great harmony between them.
fabulous photo. Love your blog.
what a natural portrait...
Beautiful lines here. They're both so slick and minimal, and everything they're wearing fits and looks fantastic. (I love the combination on the right in particular: striped shirt, plaid pants, suede dress shoes, with that immaculately fitting coat).
I am normally not a fan of cuffs in men's pants, but I have to say this is the first time that I see them being pulled off successfully and with panache to boot. And huge points to them both for showing their socks with gusto.
I would say both of these men have reached a peak of maximun "sprezzatura", as the Italians themselves call it.
awesome snap
there ain't nothing like gentlemen in suits.
much love.
Great photo...so joyful, vibrant! The brothers both make all these odd elements (short pants, wide lapels, suede shoes, glasses, beard, longish, thick hair) all work together.
I want to adopt them!
deja vu. love their style!
well tailored gentlemen ...
These guys look like fun. But, I hope they don't live with their mamas!
Large check trousers!!!
Love the skinny plaid with huge cuff (3-4"?), a little short and hip, with suede shoes, yet the huge lapel on the left is also to die for...
Love the turned up trousers.
Very Italian hair, love it!
I can't wait to visit Florence!!!
oh and by the way love boy to the right
I must be missing something, it's the 21st Century, I thought by now we'd all be wearing some form of space suit, or something technological.
Clothing with solar panels on to regulate our temperature to suit, maybe a transparent section to allow us to still make Vitamin D3 in our skin, or, better yet maybe with a UVb LED in our clothes to make Vit D3.
You know, something funtional as well as.....What year is it.
Something very Oscar Wilde about the dapper chap on the left. So smart and yet not contrived.
I live in a place where men wear loose jeans, a ski jacket and a backpack. It's like an uniform here. Such a shame that anyone being a little bit fashionable like these two gentlemen is considered a sissy :/
love love love the pants!!!
Great pic, awesome trousers! :)
I see the shoes color of man at right... His tie is the same brown color?!!! Wow... I love the details!
♥ the glasses
I just love that it is in Florence. :-)
r they brothers who's family own fratelli ricci?
his photo was posted Sunday March 13 correct!!!
Talking with his hands
They look pretty good as long as you skip from the shins to the shoes. The ankles are the only problems.
I haven't seen cuffs like this before on these kind of trousers. Awesome. Love both looks. Also, love the hair on both.
Valentino & Nicola Ricci
Found this brief blog entry about their business:
Rockport makes a similar suede shoe to that worn by the man on the right. Johnson & Murphy and others make similar shoe to the ones worn by the man on the left. Neither will run more than $150/pair. Style can be affordable. Perhaps the entire purpose of flood pants is to show off your expensive shoes. Unfortunately, if you're short, it makes you look shorter.
so i have to say at this point those who know me, know that i am addicted to your site......my fav is reading the comments, avid visitors state their peace and part and then return once again the day after, and the day after that and the day after that. your photos have movement when action is not possible, statements when there are no words and emotions when faces are blank. promise to keep doing what you are doing and i promise to keep an "eye" on it.
Look enough already with the cropped trousers it is an awful look.
This is impeccable and at the same time personal elegance. Great.
Perfecto :)
If I was a boy.....
I'll like to be him!;)
That's just natural!
Aren't those pants too short?!
No problem at all with those two Italians as far as i can see.
Just coming home from Firenze today!
If not for the colored socks to tie it together the suede shoes would look kind of dated. Nice outfits but so old fashioned.
Their style is very cool!
LOVE the haircut on the man on the left. Yum.
very italian....love this style!!!
watch the length of the trousers!
Amazing! Their look is recognizable among the crowd... It's Sciamàt: wonderful classic and contemporary style!
Two charming guys here, absolutely. the man on the left looks a bit retro british mod, I'm thinking Mick Jagger going to church in 1967. His coat is on the short side. The turned up trousers are silly but all the rage here apparently.
I love this look.
High waters are.....hot!!
Probably the coolest tailors you can find. Love the cut and the construction of their products
Two wild and crazy guys! They do look like fun. I can imagine sitting at an outdoor cafe with them, being regaled by their stories and laughing for hours. Salute!
very Italien thats for shure and the shoes looks like prada, and I see a Zara coat ;)
Fabulous shot! Look at clean lines and look at cuffed pants like those drawings of the 1910s
One word: AMAZING!
I love love love that gent on the left - there's just something about him - the smile the hair the style. He got the kavorka.
They look excellent—but why is it that those pants would be considered too short here?
Both pair of trousers are dashing!
love this and the hair
I love their elegance it's so... effortless!
Love the look, but when it mainstreams how do we avoid ending up looking like Peewee Herman/Michael Jackson??
men in europe are so cool!
Land of the (apparent) Chilly Ankles...nice shoes/coat on the right guy--"Lefty" needs a haircut, pronto pronto.
Love the coat on the left. That chap looks like Bryan Ferry.
Italian men. They get it.
UAU (brazilian expression)!!!
I want onde of those for me, please!!!
They really look like two Italian Gentlemen!
Beautiful photo! I loved the shorts they wear, men Brazilians have not yet adopted. =)
Italian Style and sure as hell a world Style. Ricci brothers: Stars!
The style is very elegant but not sexy at all
Fabulous Fashion blog!! Lovely, gorgeous collection!!
really really elegant! loved the impecable shoes!
Pant length is all about scale. I'm 6'3", and whenever I try to play with shorter lengths it reads as clothes not fitting. Sure looks smart on these gents, though...
This is nice!
nice and cool
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They look comfortable and relaxed with the world and each other.
I can't help thinking George and Ringo when I look at that pic.