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Comments on "On the street....Piazza di Santa Maria Novella, Florence"
His shadow looks a bit like wings. Great picture.
Non mi piace.
contemplative, I wonder what he's thinking
love the cerulean blue cuff that is peeking out of the jacket...also the rings! what a great individual style
I found God on the corner of 1st and Amistad
Where the West was all but won
All alone, smoking his last cigarette
I said, "Where you been?" He said, "Ask anything"
-The Fray
This kind of ear jewelry always makes me shiver..
alternativo con Husky??
bel contrasto!
I like it when men wear darker rings. It's a little more rugged looking. Great photo!
I can't believe this is in Italy - he looks obnoxiously San Francisco!
And it's Menswear Monday! At least in my world :) Beards are among my top mens trends these days. So 70s and free-livin' man of the world! Http://streetnumbereight.blogspot.com/
The hat looks so well placed, it's hard to believe it casually took that position on his head :)
A cool shot - I like how you've taken the picture from the shadowed side.
This sort of punk/grunge thing is very confusing for me, especially those ear hoop things (I don't even know what they're called). How is he going to explain that to his grandkids in fifty years?
I like this look. It's like a grungy, Jonny Depp look. Very Pacific Northwest.
I love the depth in this photo. XOXO, www.NatalyasCloset.com
He's a junkie, right?
He is like a shadow himself.
Lovely style this young man has. I like the fact that he has his ears stretched but that doesn't define his style at all. You go, boy!
looks like spike from top chef...
Love the styling, perfection! Cool rings and jacket, so bohn-luxe!
hot. more please.
i love ur photographs!
i like his overall look. it works for him. very artist/romantic/poet
what a great look he has. i love guys who dress like this.
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com/
he´s not Italian....never!!!
emot ?
Love this photo!
Really nice and deep pic!
That hat is loco!
Laid back swag, love it
Thinking men :)
He sincerely looks Russian.
As always, great picture.
I lived there for 2 years and there is really nice people around....
Stretched ears? He already wins in my book!
Is that Jamiroquai?
I own a similar jacket. Although I wouldn´t own any of the other apparel (cigarette included) on the picture but well...I´m not cool...just a bit.
like the cap(s)
bet hes got a good story or two!
his eyes are so expressive even though we can't even really see them!
The comments on this post clearly demarcate how some people are so painfully judgmental of those who don't follow the absurd fashion flow. He's not wearing fur, where are his polished leather shoes, no way can he be Italian, he must be a junky.
I think this real look is absolutely beautiful, & if he has grandkids, they will think he's badass for his gauges!
I love it that you're stepping out of the box with this one! He's gorgeous. thanks for not posting a photo of a super fashion-y human. your soul is good, Scott. follow it.
Are you sure this isn't Portland?! :)
What I love most in a photo like this is the total absence of labels and the presence of beauty and language through style. Don't get me wrong. I love some great labels stuff I have but what I love most is your choice to see beauty around you. I personally need it in this crazy world we live! Thank you for that!
What beautiful pictures! Feel free to follow me @ http://makemodemodel.blogspot.com/
Thanks! x
He looks deep in thought...wonder what he's thinking about (maybe a good shave?).
I love the jacket.
beautiful, reflective.
there's something about the beard, the texture of the beanie and the look in his eyes.
you stole a gorgeous moment. well-taken! :)
very unique style !
Oh wow...his shadow looks like the silhouette of angel's wings.
I want that hat...
This might honestly be one of my favourite pictures that you've taken. Love everything about it.
I also thought his silhouette looks like wings too :)
What a great, authentic shot. Love your blog, it's always such an inspiration. Thank you.
Love the rings and his expression... and that perfect profile.
The angel wings created by the shadow are the perfect touch, especially since, judging by some of the comments, many would never consider that by being kind to those who seems "strange" to them, they may be entertaining angels (literal or metaphorical--take your pick) unaware.
Kinda like his style
if i was walking in the street i'd probably just stare at him and wonder what he's thinking. haha. great photo!
Un vrai look! il ne respire pas la joie de vivre, certes, mais il est moins sinistre que la plupart des mannequins sur les photos de mode.
Et la petite veste matelassée marine c'est très italien!
very unique style and an intense look..i don't like the earring though..xx meenal
Really want to know what he's thinking about! Brilliant picture
Great picture! He's got interesting style
love the shadow in this pic, gret job!
love it!
Nice shot, but personally not a fan of this kind of style...
Love this pic.
a different take on the versatile barbour. i kind of like it.
He's GIENCHI,Italian of course and an amazing shoe designer
love him!
this is such a powerful pic
Sometimes a person down on the luck does not exclude them from having style.
Amazing... love streestyle!
Un saludo,
Gienchi isn't he from Milan??
dark angel in the sunlight
the jacket is very italian - I like the mix of styles!
There's certainly a theme of smokers enjoying their outside break in this blog since smokers cannot light up inside anymore at least in public buildings. I like how this guy seems to be oblivious to the photog in this shot. just relaxing and smoking.
You've may have captured the genesis of his creative process.
I'm too full of hair envy to comment any further.
Wow, he's a famous designer? Looks like the homeless dude that hangs outside the courthouse here.
Looks like a backpacking student on his last few euro.
Love his style...
L♥ts of L♥ve
If I'm not mistaken, this is Gienchi, a very cool shoe designer from Italy. If you thik he doesn't look Italian, then you probaly have never been to Italy. There's a little bit of everything there, and a lot of young people I've seen tend to look like this. In fact, I'd be willing to bet that the same holds true for any big city around the globe nowadays. As for the pic - he looks HOT and very stylish. I'd take this over shiny shoes and suits any day!
He's just being himself the best way to look
Boheme amore
Wow... some remarkably judgmental comments here! Thank god Scott's not so prissy, so we get to see photos of perfectly normal young people (not junkies, freaks, or down on their luck, just NORMAL!). I agree with others commenters that the beauty of this shot is in his shadow. His attire is completely typical for a casual, layered look on a young person. I have lived all over the U.S. and in Europe, and people who don't think this is perfectly acceptable attire simply don't open their eyes. Some of you would think anyone was a bum! Ugh.
This guy looks nothing like Jamiroquai, seriously. He looks like a casually dressed man anywhere in the world, who has a little bit of style about him.
Nice photo. Keep up the fantastic work.
Thanks for the post,
Very nice photo - a man with his shadow looks like an angel with the wings. Very atmospheric picture.
<3 him
The shadows really make those blues pop. I love the distinction between the jacket and the lighter blue jersey he has on underneath.
love the intensity in his face
such a great shot! so very italian.
you make me miss italy :(
THe shadow look like a wing. Nice picture.
I love his sense of style and love how some guys can rock the plugs. Perfect example of how people use fashion to reflect their individual personalities. This is great.
tormentato, selvaggio. semplicemente gienchi
i want the free spirit like gienchi and scott...
Great shot and interesting layering techniques.
I kind of forgot that Portland (OR) had a typical style. This is it!
This is cool.
Very Portland Oregon.
He looks almost unapproachable, he's so cool...
~ivy m.
How do you capture emotions?
what about him???
che bello
the first skirt looks so great with the face on it!