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Comments on "On the Street....Old Billingsgate Walk, London"
This is such an enticing colour scheme going on here. A visual treat indeed.
Truly amazing, such a brilliant mix of colours!
why so serious??
love the bag/purse she's carrying!!!
how eclectic! and bravely :) great for me!:)
What a lush, rich outfit! So sumptuous and fine...
Just a Silhouette
The fur. Love it.
Fashionable Collections
she's got a very interesting style
She has so much to smile about--but she's no mood.
And I respect that.
Love the lime green & lilac combination, although I'm not sure that the accessories are from the same story as the coat...
But I'm pretty sure it's the first time I see fur and silk together.
Anyway, very interesting shot, like always :-)
Wish I could pull off this look. Alas, I think I'd look like 'M. Butterfly' if I tried. Still, she looks great.
A bit too crazy for my taste, but the colors are certainly an interesting combination. I admire her for wearing exactly what she wants, and you for taking her photo!
Beautifully shot--it captures a Poiret-reminiscent orientalism.
the colours are perfect in this look!
Great photograph. The contrasting textures are fantatsic - esp. the granite building exterior, the window grate and the stenciled lettering in the window as a backdrop to the bright colors.
I'm sure the posters here will rave about her bag, and I'll defer to the swarm on that. I do like what she's trying to do here - give us a bolt of color on a dreary London day. While her kimono is lovely, I give this look a thumbs down outside of the boudoir. And I have no idea what that chartreuse thing is, but it looks a little weather-worn.
I just don't get it.
I love you're blog! Check out mine if you get a chance!
Brilliant oriental dominance in such a simple elegant way!
How chic!xx
the colours are superb
i want to see what shoes she's picked to go with this frock...
This is such a great picture-- I love the somewhat serious glance over her shoulder juxtaposed with the whimsicality of her outfit. Also fun and unusual: a pop of neon with saturated pastel colors.
WOW that fur scarf is tremendous!
love all the colours here!
This is so very london. She reminds me of an English Norma Desmond. The colors are wonderful.
Love the embroidery detail!
very cool colors...
Talking about color blocking! Wow, she did an amazing job. Love it!
xo Charlotte
what an eloquent look. she looks stunning! you always capture the best moments.
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com
Wonderful colors!
nice embroidery
This is the famous cocoon coat...so rarely seen nowadays. But I like the purple and the dash of chartreuse. Completely refreshing.
I like the embroidery on her coat and the color is different,
I've seen a lot of black and dark tones lately so a change is
Such a unique choice for day.
I love this colors!!
really nice picture
The pop of color here is awakening to the eye, especially set against the dreary background. Pastel pink and purple mixed was popular in the 80's and I like it mixed up with the fluoro green dipped fur - a nice take on the hair trend since she has short hair (or for someone who doesn't want to color their long hair). The kimono reminds me of something either to be worn only in the confines of one's home or Mrs. Roper's tacky mu'umu'us from the American television comedy Three's Company. The bag is fantastic and I want to steal it, although trying to see the straps... A great photograph, not my style, but I can appreciate her expression as wonderful nonetheless.
Express Our Branches
Nourish Our Roots
stunning colors, i love it
KImono power!!!!!
i really like the bag.but not liking the coat color.
follow me here flysongbird.blogspot.com
Oh my God!! that is a Paul Poiret’s Révérend Coat which was worn by Jeanne Boivin-Poiret, 1905, in silk damask with silk floss embroidery. There is one, very much similar exposed at the
Musée de la Mode de la Ville de Paris.
She is brave wearing it.A fashion statement in itself!
this gyal knows what she's doing, trrue steez.
<a href="http//:heatherheartsfashion.blogspot.com/</a>
She's brave. But I dislike those colors...
i really hope she's wearing overalls underneath like Ouiser Boudreaux.
Wish there were people walking around like that here in the boring Netherlands.. Unfortunately, there aren't. Great outfit.
Beautiful photo.
Purple Dragon
I agree with the Poiret inspired comment although I think that, perhaps, she feels a little uncomfortable wearing this. She looks fantastic - except for maybe the bag.
The piece itself is pretty but not with the green collar... well, maybe I am Asia, this is just awkward seeing on the street currently...she could be a princess from Mongolian traveling by time machine. ^^
But again, in fashion, it is gorgeous!!
love the colors!!!
Wow! I am in love with colours! She looks amazing!
loving the two tone scarf...
Awesome pictures, love candids!
What a gorgeous colour! And the embroidery is simply exquisite!
Great photo!
As the fur could have given a tacky mage her look becomes glamorous in context with the jacket and the pink bag.
I was just saying elsewhere how much I like the apple green and violet combination!
So 1920s, love the colors. But most of all, I love her lipstick. And the rest of her fresh, unembellished, very English face.
That coat is something else! Love her expression, too. Looks like she's thinking that if one more person is snarky about her chartreuse boa she's going to stuff it up his/her nose.
Love the colour palette here, just amazing!
What a gorgeous,gorgeous girl, I actually saw her walking down the street in this outfit and she looked amazing !!! BTW. she had on denim jeans and leopard skin vintage YSL,S
Where they live foxes with a green tail?
great color combination
Beyond love these looks!
interesting pair!!
Lime and purple? Reminds me of my teenage dreams.
love the color combo but not the textures...? lovely lip color and bag.
I'm SO not a fan of this look. But what I do like are her red nails peeking out and her red bag. What's happening with the rolled up pants? It feels like way too much navy. Is that possible?
Finally COLOUR! More please!!!
loving the bright colored furs of late.
Mmm, don't know, maybe way too eclectic for me...
I agree with anonymous who said "Poiret-reminiscent orientalism"...she has a bit of a Dorothy Parker aire about her...
Wow, that Asian coat/robe is absolutely DIVINE!
WOW! I am loving this cocoon coat! Color, shape, detailing, everything!
so lovely, i like the color.........yeah
beginning to wonder if fashion is for the wearer..or the viewer?
was this outfit put together because of a love for colour?
put together to elicit double takes.
Paul Poiret is not dead...
What a colorful lady...
Her face... And yes, the look is absolutely Paul Poiret
Beautiful colors, and I love the backward glance.
Cool site!!! Lots of fashionable stuffs!!!
yes yes hercule pierot.......or mata hari!
wow. this silhouette looks like japanese kimono... cool.
Each piece individually is amazing, especially the jacket but all together. Wow, it's on a whole new level. I bet she is an artist, at the very least she has an amazing sense of style and color matching. I love that she is not wearing a lot of make-up, she has such beautiful skin and the lipstick does the trick.
Its not a kimono, people. Its a coat. A wonderful coat, with a very cool fur collar. I absolutely love it, and her matching lipstuff.
Wonderful - love the Poiret orientalism
I think that stunnig kimono comes from Elisa Palomino first colection.
She looks terrific, I love it!