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Comments on "On the Street....Centre St., New York"
I LOVE dark purples and yellows together!!! And definitely like a loose, romantic bun.
reversed cardigan, a very personal touch.
Lovely :)
How unusual. I wonder what it looks like from the front. I always had this idea that this is how angels would have to wear cardigans, as their wings would need to move freely. Random thought, I know, but still...
wow, this is great, amazing colors! x
great think!!!!
Like it! Lovely colours, and a great way to wear your cardy.
It's been a while since I've worn a sweater backward although I loved to wear sweatshirts inside out in college. I love the mustard color, and of course, the wedgies!
So wonderful, this look is so pretty!
A bundle of cuteness!
What an interesting change to a sweater! I love the mustard color on top of a dark navy.
Hm, i don't know about that..
very brave!
I've worn a jacket backwards out of laziness to put it on the right way but she makes it look pretty alright!
so amazing idea :)
Great IDEA!!!!!!!!!love
This woman's incredible. Her amazing creativity is rockin my world. Thanks
the sweater is backward but her style is very much forward...brilliant!
I like the color contrast. A cool way to wear a sweater!
Just pure whimsy. LoVe it!
whoa she's a genius
Love the combination of those colours.
Absolutely lovely!!!
Want to hug her ;-)
cute color!
ooo. now that's poise.
very original how she is wearing her cardigan ! I love it
so cute! great idea!
the back looks really interesting, but it would be cool to see what the front looked like...
wow,that's a really interesting way to wear your cardi. Love the creativity that this lady shows with her look :)
Great photo!
Amazing look ;D
street life Karl LAGERFELD: http://magmoiselle.fr
Good ideal!
The combination of this outfit is so nice.
Haha, it's creative and doesn't look like she's crazy! :))
Maybe she was cold....
Great shot, love the intense color combo and the vintage vibe!
Sorry don't get this one!!! Doesn't do it for me!
i know that the backwards cardigan is a staple in my third rate, tri-purposed closet. very nice shot!
looove the turned around sweater. so fabulous!
xx, http://wordbyjessie.com
love eggplant and mustard together! (no, not to eat, that'd be gross) Do have my doubts about how good this would look from the front, but from the back it's genius!
The Emperor's New Clothes. Dumb.
Why Not? She looks stunning.
Pure Fashion Ingenuity
color combo is great.
LOL!! Very Kriss Kross
Such a wonderful picture!!
Very casual look that is pulled together well from the dress, bare legs, and the yellow cardigan. I had to do a double take to notice it was on backwards...I must be still sleepy :-)
interesting!! i would never think to do that, but it works for her!
Such a personal touch!!!!
we love innovation! don't we!
love the colors
Love the color combo and all the pieces. I just think the cardi on reverse is a bit silly. Celine Dion got rightly mocked for wearing a blazer backwards.
What did it look like from the front? I can't imagine that the cut is flattering...
someone's been listening to too much kris kross (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=010KyIQjkTk)
jump! jump!
other than that i love the color combo and those polka dots and wedges!
I have a feeling the way this looks in the front is awful and weird. From the back, it's quite interesting.
I love the complementary colors and polka dots. She could have worn the sweater traditionally and it still would have been lovely.
why the hell not?
You always make me feel better about some of the odd things I do with clothes...except that I keep doing them even when they are not fashionable.
Weird, but I like it. Purple and mustard highlight each other. The shoes work too.
can you do that - wear your cardigan backwards?
This is wht FASHION Is about! put it together yourself! Freedom!
I loved JK comments about angels. The backwards cardie looks cool. If I don't look moronic with this look, I'll try it myself.
That woman has personality! I like it!
Love the reverse cardigan! What a innovative way to wear a cardi... as if the color alone wouldn't draw your attention!
This is so inspirational! And the mustard color just makes it that much more chic.
Great outfit! Love the colors!
I love this photo and the dress, just wondering why her cardigan is on backwards. That's all.
Intensely curious about the front view.
I love the mustard with burgundy. What a beautiful combination.
Wow! Love her polka dotted dress! What a gorgeously rich deep maroon! And equally intense, her strong mustard cardigan. The exclamation mark - wearing it backwards.
I love this! So creative and chic! Sometimes backward thinking works! ;)
(damn you beat me to it!)
Kriss Kross will make you jump, jump......to the conclusion that this is style. Looks unique but uncomfortable..kinda straight-jacket-esque. Great color-combo.
i like it alot!but then really scott...we are curious to see what its like from the front!
Great Photo!
CrisCroswill make ya jump, jump!
cool style :D
wow it's a beautiful outfit! I would like to know how the front looks... she's so cool ;she wears it on this way!! lovely
looks cool from the back, but from the front?! not sure.
There's nothing new or genius about wearing a sweater backwards. However, it always looks better if it isn't falling off ;) I'd employ some safety pins.
I guess if you get tired of wearing your cardigan like everyone else, there's always this option! lol
I love it!
Great find, great photo!
Where do you find those incredible people. They are unbelievable!
I can't imagine it being very flattering from the front. But the colors are nice together, and it does look fun from the back.
I would like to know, why?
Regina Spektor?
I like this! I usually wear one of my black cardigans backwards, and I think it looks cool! I liked the angel comment earlier too. Great shoes, great hair, and I like all the colors in this shot.
I am loving the color combination here, as well as the hair!! Wish I could see the face too.
great color combo. it's like a classy re-style of "Criss Cross" style...i mean, the '90s are coming back after all.
cute! :-)
Newest trend: Cardigans on the wrong side?? I kinda like it.
Reversed cardigan sooo good :) love it !!
wow! the back looks brilliant, i wonder how it looks from the front though. definitely have to try this someday.
So genius, amazing.
Who knew that a girl could look so good wearing clothes in reverse? And the color palette is lovely.
much love.
love the colours...but the front goes back style is a little weird to me...
Beautiful! Yellow and purple. And the heals repeat the same contrast! Reversed cardigan- I love women who take risks by expressing themselves. Not even a risk, just natural.
So simple- she wore the cardigan backwards and her look became absolutety amazing! Love her creativity :)
although I love the colors in this, I'm not a fan of the whole reversing the cardigan thing. It just seems too... intentional? easy? I'm not sure how to say it. But I would have LOVED it if she had removed the buttons and stitched the lower back part together.
Love the fun positioning of the pockets too.
So is the backward cardi a trend? You posted a photo recently of another backward cardi.... don't think I'm loving it.
You inspired me to try something similar!
I lvoe the mohair yellow oversized sweater with that polka dots top and those shoes, wonderful wedges!
I'm all for wearing things backwards if it looks great, but, although i love the cardigan and the color mix between the deep wine and yellow, im not sure this is something I would do. If you've got the confidence to rock it, awesome! Otherwise, it might look a bit awkward....
Aesthetic Lounge
haah funny... cool idea. love hte colours :)
This is stunning
It's not anything new, I think everyone has done this once or twice in their life (you know, when it's cold somewhere and you wear your sweater/cardigan/coat on backwards to keep your chest warm) but I have to admit she's pretty brave for closing the buttons and going outside with it. It's pretty forward, going backwards like that.
One of the most beautiful shots I've seen on this site, love everything about it, the city, the clothes, the girl. :)
simple idea but smart!
not really liking sweaters being worn this way, it just seems
so backwards!
I love the color scheme, and how the sweater coordinates so well with the footwear. But I think seeing the sweater backward detracts from the person and the clothing.
- David
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mustard + purple = <3
Such an awesome idea!
verynice. i saw this look in my hometown yesterday as well! a very pretty young asian lady wore this with pride. it was so nice to watch.
Oh I used to do that as a teenager in the 80s in France.... Flashback
really dig thisoutfit!
Did anyone else think of Kris Kross when they saw this...be honest.
I'd love to see photos of your trip to california!
nice colour combo, but the whole backward thing? whatevs!
now, if she put on her shoes backwards, then i'd be impressed!
Hey i find that to be a little too gimmicky.
I'd like it better with the sweater on the correct way.
Other than that, the colors/everything looks great together and i love the shoulder on that dress.
I can't believe no-one has mentioned or asked this, but is that the same woman you photographed wearing the fur tippet and peeling an orange? The shoes and her jawline give it away if so.
i miss the days in new york so much
if i were there i would ,too, ask the lady for a photo shoot.
love the coordination of violet with yellow and the way she wears the cardigon. brilliant!
This shot is magnificent in that the background building and the markings on the street echo the colors of the dress and cardi.
What fun!!
Yes, but what does it look like FROM THE FRONT?!
Backwards cardigan, so right on! Sometimes cardigans just look way better backwards! And purple and orange with polka dots, killer!
--Megan//The Martian Tide
i can`t find what it means
may be mix of color?
Dots and Yellow..HOT
That is such a simple, refreshing way to wear an otherwise ordinary clothing item. So creative!
I wanted to hate this but it's actually very cute with the backwards buttons and all.
This is so weird. I didn't see anybody in LA wearing this... You would see people wearing PJ before wearing a sweater this way. Pretty cool. Love the color.
i would rock it if it had a interesting graphic on the front, or maybe if ust the pockets were moved to the front, something to make it not quite so backwards.
Very stylish outfit but why is she wearing her cardigan backwards?
Euh, when I worked at American Apparel a few years ago they tried to push this look. I think it would look better forward. Great color though. Remember Kris Kross?
I've worn lots of shorter crewneck cardies backward. but never thought of doing that with a longer sweater. Don't think it would work for most people, myself included, but on her it works. There's even something oddly sexy about this look. Love it when you surprise me with something I'd never considered before, Sart!
I'm sure that she is inspired by the little danish boy Holger! http://edition.cnn.com/2011/WORLD/europe/03/28/denmark.missing.child/index.html?iref=allsearch
Nice ideoa to wear a Cardigan, and love the colors♥
Lovely and creative!
This is the same beautiful girl from the blue and white flower/Chinatown shot...I recognize the shoes.
OMG! This photo is just wonderful, congrats! And that girl is soooooo cool and stylish! <3
how cute
she´s amazing!!!!
Incredible styling!!! Personal and so sweet touch.
I'm brazilian and i love your job.
how great is that reversed sweater? and in yellow? perfect!
love the yellow sweater.. and the combination between it and the purple dress! so romantic!
W O N D E R F U L!!! the jacket is a good idea ;D;D;D
wow! i love the colors as well. and this whole wearing cardigans reversed seems to be getting big!
I love your photo and your style and you blog I love all !!!!I'M YOUR FOLLOWER <3
I hope you will follow me www.welovefur.blogspot.com
with love
now i want to wear my cardi backward
great inspiration :)
Great idea dear... Use these all in your future..
Very nice dear... Keep it up..Continue Your job...
I really love the style that this woman on Mulberry is portraying.. Sophisticated yet Schismatic.. FashionFwd, I spot a Trendsetter
The colors are lovely but the sweater seems so awkward to wear backwards...
pretty cute! i think it was backwards because she was probably slightly cold. i do that at least x
Makes you want to put your hands in her pockets, no?
yeah, but what does it look like from the front?
I like everything, she looks interesting, but... why reversed cardigan? I simply find it... you know, you do it 'cause you want to be noticed, in fact she did it successfully, but I don't find it so special by itself. But maybe I'm wrong...
Can someone say little Eddie?
How clever! I love!
Hot Pink Day
Dying to know what it looks like from the front!
Cool, the pockets are at the position of the pants back pockets... Too bad she probably would not make use of them...
I like the colors but the whole thing looks sloppy to me.
Some things just look better backwards. I am always turning my v necks backwards and the shirt looks boatneck forward. I love that look an I love this. Would loooove to see the front.
Why not!
wow I love the idea of wearing a cardigan backwards! Brilliant!
Love the colour combo!
i don't know if this is completely necessary.
I find the reverse cardigan look very chic and probably warmer. My only gripe is that - how does she manage to get the buttons buttoned when she wears this lovely cardigan in the back? (:
- Vanessa
Project Zen
I bet she has a snuggie at home.
When you put a cardigan on backwards, you're bound to miss a button or two.
I love that sweater!
~ivy m.
luv it
Love the colors. Really not feeling the backwards cardigan thing...
well, it fotographs well, from behind......i am not sure of the full real effect of the combination in real life......
This combo is so Paul Smith!! I absolutely loved to see it in real life and not only on the runway!
The sweater is backward. Looks stunning!!!
Great style! I love how that pop of yellow goes with her outfit...
Kris Kross will make you Jump Jump
You only find these awesome loose style cardigans in the men's section
She really does pull off the backwards cardigan. I love her color combination, but I would get very annoyed by people telling me that I am wearing my sweater backwards throughout the day!
Quirk... <3
Rose. X
Pushing the envelope.
Again, such a great balance of colours for the Spring!
This is art!
Someone is looking for attention. Great dress. Great cardigan. However, if she wore it properly, she might look decent. This is just silly. Call it avant-garde if you will; I will call it aesthetically displeasing.
Love. A billion times.
great picture. lovely colour
That is a pretty awesome idea! Great!
The front could be balanced out with a thick, long necklace, something that you wouldn't usually be able to wear with that busy dress pattern. You'd have to remove the tags at the neck, of course.
I love the loose, warm feel of the whole outfit.
i love how she'd pulled it off!
oh yes, my world is getting rocked by this.
Its all about the sweater backward
from Argentina
I wonder how it looks from the front. I love the sweater on its own, and i like it from the back. But how about the front where ti covers almost everything? if you see this again, catch the reverse!
I'd love to take this idea and rock it for myself, but dont think I could pull that off. so unique.
this is BRILLIANT!
Wore my mom's old sweaters backward long ago. It was a necessity, being poor in rural Kentucky. One of the many creative ways to be different, not many places to shop.
This is a great idea !! :) I really love that outfit !
¿Are all of you saying that you have never put on a cardigan backwards, or heve never seen someone doing it? My friends and I in Barcelona dit it sometimes, back in the nineties, till our teachers, mothers and grandmas ceased to be shocked. Then it lost its punch. And yes, the front was livened with long necklaces.
My mother told me that she did this in college. I made fun of her. I should go apologize...
backwards cardigan, so clever!
i wonder what the front looks like!
That's interesting :)Maybe she has forgotten her scarf , good alternative :) Fashion makes you inventive :)
Yea. But, no.
I just love this shot. amazing
I don't know... cute shoes though, that's for sure.
But the cardigan... at first it catches your attention but at the closer look... looks really uncomfortable..! And I could reeally do without the elbow of the cardi sticking out from the side of her arm...
Not going to say its a total eyesore, but... not working for me.
As always, love the blog though!
You do know how to catch them fashionistas! :) Thanx sart!
lovely alternative of wearing cardigan!