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Comments on "On the Street....Hudson St., New York"
She's lovely but that outfit is crazers!
this is a perfect example of elegantly mixing and interplaying seemingly incongruous elements: the bold green striped skirt and pop of red with the structured purse, a soft loose falling camel cardigan, a thin belt, a jaunty hat, high and sturdy men's inspired loafer heels. she looks incredible, great shot.
This is such a beautiful shot. She looks so elegant and poised, yet she has a very unique style. I love her shoes!
love her cardigan and just her overal casual but so-chic look.
Pics like this make me mad at myself for not being more adventurous with my style. I'm in NYC, I could totally get away with it! Your pics motivate me to be more creative :-)
i love it! gorgeous outfit :)
i really like it, everything is belanced, also the expression
The skirt + that belt = LOVE!
J said it all!
Gotta like the striped skirt and handbag as they add a lot of color and style to her look
I'm going to enjoy reading the comments on this one!
Totally agree with blue roses - right on!
Yes, yes, yes! Perfection!
I so can not wait to be in New York!
Wow, no, her outfit is not crazy! It's original. Iconic. It's perfection...
Have a great day!
Just a Silhouette
Amazing look!! love it ;D
and again...the prada skirt! i love it!
great skirt, i love the vibrant colors.
She looks beautiful!
Love everything about this outfit!
FINALLY something original, individual and striking!
she is fantastic
I adore the Prada-style skirt. Great shoe choice!
Love it all, the bold coloured bag, the bold stripes teamed with neutral camel and marle grey...The laces-less Chloe shoes and Fendi bag and skinny belt make for brilliant accessories!
The shoes are darling and classic. They love like they would go with just about anything...
Stunning pic!
She Looks like Carrie Bradshaw!!
Love her pants!
Kiss From Spain!
love the whole outfit..great shoes!! the yellow cab provides a lovely contrast! xx meenal
great outfit..so geek chic!
The shoes are very nice,but the skirt and the red handbag I think do not work to well together.
Nice shoot with the yellow cab behind.
As my mother would say, she looks like a ragamuffin from World War II. (And yet, with a great bag!)
She is lovely, but the clothes are too mismatched for me. I just don't get it.
I love all the pieces to this outfit but so unexpectantly put together! I especially adore the shoes and there again is that striped skirt (Prada?). The hat is jaunty (I love a good hat) and well, she looks like a very interesting person. Fab photo.
To be honest, I'm not so sure about this look. Individually the pieces (except for the skirt) are nice, but the combination is a little off for me. She reminds me of Olive Oil. :(
well .... it seems to me with this, as with many of the outfits on this blog, that if you have a killer figure and always wear at least 4" heels, you de facto have 'style.' It helps to be seen in a major style center like NYC too!
As a keen milliner I would love to see the other side of her beautiful hat.
love the Prada skirt!
my eyes opened wide when i saw this, sooooo fabulous!!! all the colors, including the yellow taxi, the knee highs, that amazing hat, even her bandaged thumb! perfection!!! i love it! a modern day coco chanel!
amazing outfit...fab pic
Original,but unsexy.
She reminds me of Olive Oyl. :)
I just love this!
eccentric. Delightful.
I love that red bag! Anyone know who makes it?
Olive oil lives!
Gorgeous! Love the bag!
without the socks and the shoes, i think this is a wonderful outfit. she looks lovely.
I love the skirt
just saw a similar skirt at urban outfitters except it was grey & creme. soooo wishing i had purchased! <3 EverRubyGirl.blogspot.com
Great Look!!!
Love the bag!!!
This is what I love so much about living in NYC! This woman looks completely comfortable and happy with her fashion choices... her body language says it all! The bag and skirt are bold and the neutrals take it down a notch, giving the look a more casual feel. She's an individual!
I agree, she's so poise. Very nice.
The belt messes up the t-shirt.
I love this pic, it is so NY... great bag too!
Goodness, there is so much going on in this outfit.... and yet somehow she manages to pull of the look with ease. I adore her eclectic if not eccentric style. I wish I could be as adventurous as her!
beautiful pick, love the whole outfit. she looks busy on the phone, looks like she read Garance's instructions!
Prada love.
I love how she's taken two trends of the season - stripes and bold color - and made it her own. Well done!
Love it! Her skirt is so cute!
Love her hat and shoes.. kisses from ARGENTINA
The look is great and the shoes... I LOVE them!!
Xxx from Spain!! :D
On the surface it looks like a bunch of clothes thrown together, but there is a lot of attention to detail and accessories and it all works fairly well together.
The tenderness of Billy Wilder's "Irma la douce" with Shirley MacLaine.A refreshing outfitand a good photo with the mix green(skirt)/yellow(taxi).
I would never be so bold as to combine a bright green skirt with a bright red bag, but it works so well and she looks so comfortable in her own skin. Pretty!
Beautiful color pallet. A first taste of spring!
What a lovely ensemble...everything from that striped skirt, to the siren purse, and to the darling loafers.
it's the light refraction on overcast days in the city that really makes colours pop.
maybe because i'm a native, but there is no better city as a backdrop for fashion than new york.
you just KNOW she's worth watching 7 days a week.
I have to admit, this is the kind of wacky combo I like and would wear!
I think we're seeing those striped skirts a little too much nowadays. It's getting boring.
omg love the look!
skirt is gorgeous
so funny!
i have seen her on your blog before - who is she? anyone know? seems like quite a character.
What did people do on the streets of New York before they had cell phones?
Has a 20's feeling. Very nice.
xo thefashionguitar
She is proof that in fashion right now "anything goes". I say it all must go.
This picture definitely makes me wish I was more creative clothing wise, but I'm sure that will come. :)
The individual pieces are wonderful on their own, but it's how she puts them together and wears it with confidence that really makes this outfit perfection. Fantastic shot.
Wow, she mixed everything! The sweater, top, socks and shoes are menswear and soft - the skirt and handbag are sporty and harsh.
Quite honestly, I don't know if I love this - she is obviously very chic, but this might be too much.
Love it!!! she is so trendy and retro!!! love the mix!!
love love love the sweater & top especially
i feel that the quirkiness of the outfit really matches the character of her face & hair
that bag!
Stunning!!!!!!!! Her outfit is composed so well. Nothing could be taken out or nothing else put on. What an inspiration! She dares the style with comfort and ease. Love it.
OMG...having trouble breathing! These types of outfits just make my heart skip a beat and lift my spirits! I love that there are people in the world who dress like this. But c'mon, she is a model, yes?
love the striped skirt - cute
and the color is nice
i love when ppl mix green and red- so hot
Le Kiss Kiss- Click Here!
I love everything EXCEPT the cardigan. It's too ratty looking. Otherwise, a very interesting ensemble.
wow, what a shot.
I love the prada looking skirt!
La Petite Marmoset
This picture is about confidence.
The best outfit of the week!
About the shot, I agree with meenal @ maison marigold, the cab provides the perfect contrast for the pic.
this is so complete
I don't think I like this outfit :-( The shoes on the other hand are fabulous!
she reminds me of shelly duvall. this is a tremendous compliment as i think that shelly is one of the most beautiful women of film!!
the pops of color are nice too.
Love it, I really need to step up my fashion game!
love her hat soooooo much!!
If I didn't know better, she could look like she walked right out of a classic film with Marilyn Monroe or Grace Kelly...
Project Zen
stunning color choices. red accent always wins the vote - but m,ine would be the green and black stripe <3
WOW, her look is eclectic. I like the pop of red with the handbag!
Delightfully wacky. Super stylish, a little daring, but at the same time comfort clothes, right?
Love that skirt!! The colors are amazing and unique!
This is such a great outfit! I love the striped green skirt! It is beautiful. I would wear this tomorrow if I could. And that Bag!
Love how she takes several seemingly casual and distinct pieces, and puts them together in a way that really emphasizes proportion and color. The skirt is perfect, and so is the color of the cardigan and the hat brings it all together. a lovely lovely look!
Love the bag. Adore the shoes.
The end.
i like her bag :)
Love seeing women dress up the streets! Nice photo.
modern, fun & interesting. great color
Love the color!
She is fab! Love the green with her dark hair and fair skin. Nicely styled. Miss NY.
SO CHIC !!!!!!!!!!
one word: PERFECT.
I like her look! She wears it great!
Just brilliant... I adore her style. Nice photo. Thanks for sharing!
BRILLIANT. Who's handbag is it? Fendi, past season? I cannot tell...
MORE pix like this!!
Jennifer Krako is her name. She's been on here before. She's funny.
This does not work, PERIOD; but I do LOVE HER SHOES and the bag - I will agree that despite her mish-mash of... well, everything, she is poised - clearly confidence is everything, no matter the package!
oh my goodness, yes, yes, yes!
Love the way she took simple, clean-lined, laid-back pieces and combined them into an intriguing, individualistic whole. That's style! The look's proportions (length of sweater, skirt, socks) are just perfect, and the shoes are amazing, esp in the way that they, along with the vintage hat, bracket the look.
I do think the bag is rather loud, but then again, I tend to consider deep aubergine and midnight blue "brights," so take that as you will. :)
This is beautiful. She's confident and pulls of this outfit marvelously. Props to her.
wow that is a great look...is an amazing instance of how wearing the prada skirt in an ordinary way!
love love love
amazing girl!! one of the best outfits!! really cute!
It's perfect. The taupe and heather grey mute the outfit.
What's her name? She's a regular feature here, no?
We see this girl around quite a bit,we must say she's one of the joys of living in NYC:) We love that she doesn't play "safe".
I love Prada SS collection to death, but not exacttly easy to wear and combine...
this prada skirt always looks gorgeous
the skirt gives the color to the outfit, great one
Seriously! She is a favorite on here, right? Who is she and how can I make her acquaintence!
So great...this outfit feels like one that doesn't work in theory, but somehow works perfectly.
Great new looks and interesting people!
I lvoe the Prada skirt!
I love how well this outfit works, I wish I could pull an outfit together that well!
Hmmm.. loving the red bag.
Loving her unique style and the pops of color :)
the pose is epic, i guess she did not intend to stand like this just for the photo to be taken, is it really possible for a human being to move in such an elegant way? this could be a painting. you are artists both scott and cool lady
A beautiful shot, stylish girl... but her dreamy expression does not work with the cell phone at her ear. Seems so unnecessary
this outfit is crazy! it is so OTT cool! granny chic at its best! this look is loved by women but not so much by the hetro man unfortunately!!
Great combination!
she looks cozy and casual and classic. the three cs.
reminds me of louis vuitton fall recently. <3
It repels me, and yet I can't stop looking...because, in spite of the color-phrenia all the pieces work, together.
Crazy or Stylish? Ummm Crazy I am surprised she didn't add the multi colored fox!!
geek chic love that comment ssssooooo funny
i would like it to be a little bit more effortless. love the hat and the shoes x
so inspiring!... just perfect :)
How happy. She reminds me of Olive Oyl! "Oh Popeye!"
Love it, gorgeous skirt!
This is one of those pictures that everyone likes and everyone comments on. Well, here I am, just another comment in the batch.
I love this picture. It's people like this that give me hope for the human race.
She;s so damn classy! love the colors here :D
There's a reason why this outfit works: everything fits. Love that red bag and those shoes, by the way. The striped skirt anchors the outfit and there's a good mix of neutrals and solids here. Also, almost all colors of the spectrum and represented in this photo.
ohlala!!! love, love, love this photo here :))
Great shot. She looks great in this outfit -the hat and her sharp haircut make it for me.
I'm gonna copy-cat that.
Beautiful photo.
great combo of colors, green, red and yellow! Congrats! <3
i love this outfit!
a mix of fantasy!
this is a really nice outfit!!!
Looks great......but block the cab out with your hand - not as great. Smart photo.
Okay Sartorialist! Are you gonna let us know who she is or what?
Beautiful combination. I love the outfit! Wonderful!
Love the outfit, the mix of colors and textures.great.
She is beautiful so she can pull it off but this outfit is a car crash, I don't know if I love it or hate it. Definitely got my attention though. Feels more like a Berlin look than NYC.
this outfit is lovely. i want that jacket!!! and the shirt...anyone know where its from?
Red bag and green stripes skirt is very dynamic.
(Is good)
Don't you like Spain?
Ana M Postigo Becerra
is it the same woman you already took a photo of when she was wearing a red jacket in front of a blue wall?
She looks like Minnie Pearl. But not a punk rock girl.
I want her shoes!!!!! Now! I mean NOW!
lovely. not sure about the red bag but still stunning photo .)
Ohhhhhh yeah! Same girl! Gosh she's excellent.
i am such a fan of this girl, whoever she is - great, great photo! really, wow...
In this concocted outfit there was a comment about the belt lol
Is this Lauren Larsen from The Octopus Project?
I love wearing my soft gray tshirt everyday with everything. They are tomboyish, casual, simple, and like a second skin. The new modern staple.
My friend Jen krako. she works for Ralph Lauren, amazing style on this girl.
oh my goodness, i've been trying to make knee socks "my" thing for years.. this lovely woman gives me more encouragement. Fantastic with the bright red element too!
Great! I love it!
someone wrote this is so complete....ly crazy
it's a Fendi bag!!! Secret code
Her hat is so adorable its a nice accessory to add to the whole outfit.
gosh, I think I love this lady
Fluted cuffs and bulging pockets, dropped shoulders - its the cardi that has taken my fancy.
wow, cool style! the green and red really makes it happen.
It's too much, too affected. Tone down one of those pieces to make it seem natural.
Agree it's too much. The hat, the bag, the skirt, the shoes -- all fabulous, just not all together. And please allow the cardigan to take its retirement. It doesn't do your lovely poise and confidence justice.
i love it, love it, love it!!marvelous.so tricky the bare skin between the prada-style striped skirt and the blue black socks..chick and casual at the same time!
This is a hard style to pull off, or to mimic, which makes it trumps in my opinion.
Offset the darkness with the lipstick red handbaggg!!! Ahh, to die for...
New York ♥ Kärlek.
love the red handbag!!
Please follow this blog for beautiful jewellery with Swarovski crystals
One of my favorite blogs/online shop, Domahoka, interviewed her awhile ago! Her name is Jennifer Krako. Really interesting read: http://blog.domahoka.com/node/19
i love the splash of colour with the pomegranate red
Really gorgeous look!!
Love her bag and cardigan! She's so elegant but also very extravagant. I like it.
The red bag with those green stripes just make my eye senses pop! Love it!
i have got to learn how to wear green and red together. i can never manage it cause i look like some christmas obsessive weirdo. but she looks amaaazzziiinnngg
I love this whole outfit! That skirt is rad.
someone tells me why MARY POPPINS come to mind??? Love the bag though.
very cool!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The ghastly cardigan seems to enhance this fabulous outfit. She owns her look 100% and so looks amazing. Now that is star quality!
This is gorgeous!
is HER skirt prada?
darling stripes.