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Comments on "On the Street.....Grand Exit, Milan"
I love these!!
velvet cupcakes
very elegant!
Very class; what legs!
Very elegant! Great work, Scott!
beautiful images and i love the matching shiny black cars :)
Traffic looks a bit congested but hey I'm from Hobart, what would I know? Love the texture contrast in shot number two - her school shoes with heels are an uncanny extension of her legs!
These two ladies have real class, very naturally. Great pictures!
Do all the girls have drivers?
all the elegance of milan!!! beautiful girls!!!!
grat pics!!!!!!!!
Ohh I love the first picture. I just wish Australian fashion could be photographed often. We have taste down here also :)
I love the second girl's shirt.
So classy! Especially because they are both wearing dark colours which makes it all seem so sleek and elegant!
Legs, if you've got them, flaunt them! and i love those lace up heels! So sexy!
love the first picture!
love her hair!
xx http://www.jnsoo.blogspot.com/
great photos, they both look gorgerous!
wow! beautiful blond woman..what a smile!! second lady is like a modern day fashionista tinkerbell!!!
Truly beautiful!
The look gorgeous!
Is that a suede fringe skirt???? :) fantastic!
Loving the leather mini.
love the 2nd woman skirt.
another great shot!
I like the outfit on the second girl - sweatshirt like top, fringe skirt and lace up heels. I am just growing to love the menswear on a heel.
- Meredith
These ladies are so so chic!
Molte carine!
Just a Silhouette
The 2nd gal is so lovely
the first woman is sooo beautifuuuuul ;D
brad KROENIG: http://magmoiselle.fr
These are lovely! I especially enjoy the back-lighting provided by the (evening?) sun. Thank you for sharing.
that fringe skirt is fantastic
Le Kiss Kiss- Click Here!!
From the sublime (the previous black and white photo) to the ridiculous. The cars are the best part of these.
Stunning women you capture their beauty so perfectly!
Art by Karena
i like the last pic ;D
so cute!
I need my own driver
Chic style created with such casualness makes it look effortless. Simply gorgeous!
the Blonde is super chic, I wanna be her when I grow up :)
I love the idea of catching a person right before then step into their car--please take more of these!
some days I'd just like to be a driver, especially for those two ladies
Great photos, as always.
Both photos are Rockin' and the ladies are too. I dig the shoes in the 2nd photo, stylish!
Where is ridiculous?
I'm so tired of gigantic spiked heels. These girls look like props. They'd all be more beautiful walking naturally in 1 or 2 inch heels.
when high heels started getting higher and higher..i found myself admiring a pair in a lovely store in manhattan.
the woman next to me, pointed to the shoes in my hand and said that she referred to them as
'limo' shoes..
because they were too beautiful and too high to be worn when walking any great distance.
Love both the shots. Stunning girls. Amazing skirt in that last shot.
Karoline Kalvo
I love it! two words: CHIC STYLE!
the ladies are chic..and the shoes the are wearing are kewl!!!
love the second one!
so beautiful, i love how fitted the jacket in the first pic is..lovely
Love both pictures! You do a really good job, Scott!
I wish that Barcelona could be photographed by someone like you.
1st picture is all about the smile. 2nd picture, I love the discrepancy between the dressed-down sweater and the skirt/heels combo.
Wow, two beautiful ladies there. Stunning photos.
You've photographed the girl in the second photo before. Who is she? I love her look.
These pictures looks amazing!
Elegant style! Love your pics as always...
Here's another photo of that second girl, she's lovely:
Amazing pics!
Marina, muito elegante! Bjo, Patricia.
Marina, ta linda e elegante! bjo, Patricia.
Hi Scott, I started following ur blog some days ago. Amazing pictures, amazing people and outfits. I´m a big fan! I really liked both pictures, the first lady is so elegant and the second one look so cute with the beautiful skirt (or dress?) and the lovely heels! Hugs from Brasil
Marina, sweet and chic Marina...
Pure decadence... (The best.)
Abybody knows who they are?
They are both gorgeous!
So chic!
Blonde and black; how can you go wrong? Love the heels on both and love that fringed skirt!
Such beautiful, classic black ensembles.
much love.
Jumper and skirt and tights and shoes. Amazing.
What a beautiful line on #2!
Lovely skirt!!!
So Beautiful and one wonders where are these beautiful women going? What type of lives are they living, love the mystery
very nice!
Ladies looking fabulous!! i love the first photograph. such classic and simple elegance.
CLASSY WOMEN CLASSY LEGS love the elegance!
their shoes are really lovely, Killer i would say :D
the second!!!!! really good!
I love the 2nd outfit. Even though I am big heel-enthusiast I would take smaller heels with that, something funny, f.e. I have got a pair of balerina shoes which look like oxford shoes (or a pair of gentle colored leather shoes would fit that outfit too), anyways, all pictures like this remind me of the vidoclip of Blue orchid by The White stripes...ouch :)
La prima foto, look decisamente chic!
Both ladies are quite chic and something draws me in because they're about to get into their cars. It's all about the action shot and not looking posed.
Love Marina Larroude's sweater and fringe mini paired with heels! And more shades of grey. ♥
Express Our Branches
Nourish Our Roots
The first photo is of Kate Hudson Davidson, Executive Accessories Editor at Elle Magazine. She is absolutely gorgeous! What a beauty.
Express Our Branches
Nourish Our Roots
Great Girls. Great Shoes. This is "La bella Italia", especially Milano. Thanks a lot.
love these black outfits - so elegant and chick!
love the fringe skirt in the second shot! great platinum hair + sleek jacket in the first.
january, x
Cool shots
In the second picture, I love the casualness of the top, the lose hair, and the minimal makeup. These elements "make" the outfit and ware what is often missing from the mini-mini skirt and high-high heel -- the look of comfort and ease. Well done.
I love them both! Especially the second girl's grey sweatshirt and fringe skirt.
Lovely photos! Very elegant..
Nice clicks... Love these sexy heels .
very chic women..love it!
xo Lisa
Been following Sartorialist for a long time now, and its so great to see an old high school friend make a capture! Work it Kate!
so natural and gorgeous! (:
It's the tightness and worlds of contrasts in the shots. The hard sleek shiny sturdy limo, chrome, stillettoes,the tightness of the space, ancient streets smack up against the softness of the lovelies in their elegant high fashions with the ease of their stances, the warmth of their confident 'world by the tail' natural smiles. All hugged by the light, my god, the light.
Uh Scott, quit your day job.
Your biggest fan
Divina, elegante, que más se puede pedir ! I love this look !!
Both of these shots are awesome :D
Wow, I love your blog! Looks amazing!!
Love both outfits!
aaah, everything just so polished. Shiny happy people, very nice.
I wish I could be the driver !
Great pics, very classic and elegant!
Love your blog, you're the best!
love the second shot
I wonder how she keeps her hair so blonde and amazing. The skirt in the second photograph is lovely. I wish I could say something super intelligent regarding contrast or depth or some other photographer term.. but I'm sure I would just sound silly! All I can say, without having much knowledge on all this jazz, is that the photos on this blog are fabulous as are the imaginative outfits. Do you ask everyone if you can take a photo of them or do you just start snapping away?
Love x
I'm impressed. very elegant and chic women. adorable
Those are some incredible shots.
Absolutely love. This is what makes me love being a young working woman. Enough said!
Jessica Rae
I got the same skirt!
So much class, love it!
xo Sophie
I don't see the appeal in these shots, especially the first one. The blonde women is pretty but what else is there to see ?
Not my cup of tea, I found there is nothing individual or unique about those.
Really great Photos!
Like to follow!
Very beautiful legs :D
I love the monochrome look, plus the fact that they are rich enough to have drivers. Sigh.
Beautiful woman, a truly beautiful smile on this young lady. She looks very naturally happy in her elegant attire.
Killer heels, and wicked skirt. Great shot Sir, Thanks for sharing!
The fringe leather skirt is by Isabel Marant Fall 2010, called the "Katell." Available online. Love it!
The blonde girl looks familiar ... some1 please assist me ! lol
classic outfits!
love this kind of pics, congrats!
What has our world come to when these girls need to open car doors on their own...
great looks!
chic people!
I'd need a driver too with those shoes.
Elegants womans..
love the second picture, what a nice smile.
i want to get in that car with her
The second girl posing in the middle of the busy street with the accommodating quaint smile, her casual sweater with the skirt and heels, exudes youthful liberty, chic and one hell of an attitude! :)
all black: chic
The second girl... very subtly made up, elegent, deceptively plain top, but look down and ka-boom! You've got to give her a second look.
That's style.
I love both of their monochrome, elegant looks. The shoes especially are awesome. The best part is they are both wearing smiles!
I love her silhouette on the second photo. Something about the heels just sets it all off for me.
So pretty and chic!
I like this pictures. Very beautiful the clothes are stunning.
I love that Shoes!!!!
I wish I had the audacity to wear a skirt so short!
I lvoe the laaia shoes....
absolutely love the fringed skirt in the second photo!
lovely hair in first photo!!!
These are the pictures that epitomize New York Fashion! It's chic it's classy elegant and just screams New York. You can't go wrong with black. The tights with the skirt and heals are perfect together and what I said in my own blog is a great look for the fall. This is classy and timeless. This is New York.
Action photos! Haha. Love both very much, super classy girls.
xo thefashionguitar.com
i love this!!
Why do women insist on wearing high heels? Uncomfortable, impractical, and unflattering. What makes a woman beautiful is her own distinctive, natural style, from which she exudes comfort in her own skin. Dangerously high heels kill that almost every time.
Love the first girls' smile, and that second girl got a really nice style.
To the comment abow: My boyfriend doesn't understand the point with high heels either.
I think it's beautiful though..
You've already shot her, didn't you ?
Love the photos! The ladies lool simple, chic and cool.
The first girl is Kate Hudson. I think she's currently with Elle magazine.
I like the second picture. Or actually I like bitha as pictures, the colors, composition etc. But i like the look of the second woman much better. She looks really nice and beautiful. The blonde is stylish of course, but not so interesting.
To the comment above: a lot of men do not like heels at all. Its a matter of taste. I think heels on a medium tall or tall woman looks great. On a short woman its a NO NO. If you're under 165. looks stupid, as if they want to be taller, or borrowed their mum's shoes :) But on these ladies, heels looks cool!
OMG. I think I am in love with that blonde. Beautiful. Sexy. Sophisticated. Yummy.
the second one is perfect
I love a boyish, minimalist jumper with a a textured skirt
perfect girl, perfect picture...
Very classy and sexy! I love that!
I love the outfit of second picture. A total grey.
Love the first picture of the blonde getting into the car. One word to describe her, "WOW"!
Is the blonde one Kate from Elle? Anyways, she looks like her.