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Comments on "On the Street.....Chanel Goth, Paris"
oh yes love this gothic outfit!
Ah...For some reason, I don't find this outfit flattering at all...
i want my hair this colour, very striking! i like it all but the shoes, seen them million times before, too camden.
It's great when people manage to appropriate such a distinctive brand, such as Chanel, and integrate into their own style.
Simply awesome photo -- the ensemble, the setting, the posture and attitude -perfect. And that stunning red hair!
j'adore. so sophisticated, yet the touch of leather, studs and platform shoes make it so badass. such a great combo.
this is powerful
Chic !
Love it Love it Love it
Adore the 'brothel creepers' and bangs!
Love her look. The red hair is such an important accessory here too. The lighting on this shot enhances the photo, very nicely done.
I find this dark, edgy concept quite inspirational, the ginger haircolor and the haircut is the perfect accent.
loving those hair
Her face expression is amazing.
Love the aviators and red hair!
I love the hidden C's in this pic! :)
her hair is stunning.
cool and sexy rock star :)))
cool style!
cool style
OMG THIS IS AMAZING! I'm particularly obsessed with the red lip and the creepers.
Wow. That shot is making me rethink platform shoes... Very inspiring...
Just a Silhouette
OMG!! beautiful pic sexy girl this pic kinda drives me crazy in 3 ways!! :)
Perfect attire for red hair!
too cool. so perfect!
oh i love her hair!
chanel and goth? what a fabulous combination. i love it. the goth shoes mixed with the chanel symbol is a great
Awesome photo.
red hair! Beautiful!
This picture is amazing! The look on her face suits her outfit perfectly!
Love it!
All she needs is that new Chanel biker chain belt and she'd
be perfect!
now this is goth gone glamorous and I'm loving every bit of it. Especially how her hair frames her face, and the shades is another barrier!
Love the strength of the look.
She looks wonderful. I love her hair.
She's so beautiful ... '
She's looking amazing!
Her hair is gorgeous!
Start dreaming on www.dreamingthedayawaywithluca.blogspot.com
Love XD
Not really my style, but I think it has something...
Her hair color is gorgeous!
Awesome! Would die for those shoes
What a edgy girl :O
I don't find this to be Goth at all, but the look works for her nonetheless. Her hair is the perfect splash of color...
For me Black is the new Black. And this picture says why. Astonishing look!
And about the photo itself, light was unbelievable. It painted the face perfectly.
I follow this blog closely, but I rarely make any comment. This photo pulled me to. Nice!
I love how you caught her style and matching attitude.
Gorgeously put together!
I really, really want this outfit, AND her hair color!
Mae Lu @ thereafterish.!
Love the creepers. She makes them look so chic! And with any other outfit, that huge Chanel logo would look tacky.. she makes it work.
I think the most amazing thing about this photo is her stance, how she is standing straight, looking dead on into the camera
What are you wearing, who are you listening to?'
WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Amazing, one of the best looks ever
Wow, cool! I’ll sacrifice myself, if she is a vampire ;)
That is how red hair is done.
The style is called Gucci Goth actually, its a branding thing for a goth movement.
Oh my goodness! I'm not wild about the shoes but everything else is a complete picture of style. That hair!
Her hair carries her whole look. Fierce shade of red!
i was expecting her to wear heels or something but was surprised to see an unexpected pair when i scrolled down. nice twist i must say.
Love it! I really love creepers and she integrated them in her style beautifully. I really want a pair now
Her shoes look like Prada ones. Love her hair!
what would women do if they didn't have their chanel logo to run to?
she looks really great, and i love her hair colour, it's just incredible.
this chic rockks chanel!!!
Herman Munster boots!
If you're going to do it, at least do it in a chic way like this. The Chanel logo on the side is a nice touch.
At first I thought "a perfect outfit but the shoes, they're so ugly!", like a lot of people have said... then I thought "but, no, the shoes are the unusual item in this outfit", and now I think "these shoes couldn't go with any other outfit but this one". Liked it at all, a lot.
I just love it when someone doesn't take "fashion/design" so deadly seriously ..
From top (hair) to bottom ( shoes) .. she is perfect.
amazing picture, composition, and amazing girl! loveee the red hair with the bangs... ahhh... love it!
Did I just enter The Matrix?
i can see this look morphing into a rei kawakubo, yohji yamamoto...feel...
protected black cocoon.
mix of punk..goth..agression..end of the world..mad max thing.
Wow, she is a cutie... Her clothes look amazing too but I wish she was wearing sexier shoes to match her sexy outfit.
Thanks for the post,
Very very lovely. I want to be friends with her...
almost perfection, not a fan of the creepers. Im just not into them at all
Great picture.
Eh on the logo.
Love the shoes.
and the hair/colors obvi.
ok... maybe i like the logo on the hip...
oh, her hair colour is fantastic, adore this photo, amazing look
I like her look from head to toe. She's going to turn some heads that's for sure. Gorgeous!
What would Cintra Wilson say?
Pretty with all the golden deatiles - the glasses, the scarf, the bag, the hair. Wouldnt be that impressive if she wasn't redhead though, dont you think? The hair makes it so unusual.
If you feel Sartorial, you are Sartorial. And today, I'm feeling very, Sartorial.
Love her edgy style!
Woowwww it looks so great, l think is awesome look.
Great tittle as well, by the way
"Gucci goth" as a style movement???
You're just kidding, aren't you? (Please, please tell me you're joking...)
Sure, she looks sharp in spite of the visible logo, and the shoes are nifty, but calling a clearly commercial high-fashion look "goth" feels like a stake in the heart for those of us who value real subcultural style.
What is so "goth" about wearing black with a giant "C" stamped on her hip?
The black is chic, biker chic; notice the quasi aviators?
The shoes are kinda Doc Martin-ish, but then that would skew grunge...
A PAIR OF HARD CREEPERS!!!! It's been AGES seen I last saw one! Love her hair, it makes the outfit
Love the purse. The gold studs on it really give her outfit a personality.
My style typically isn't gothic inspired but this is stunning...
I LOVE it! She looks so fabulous.
So many great things about this picture! She rocks!
According to Garance's list of how to get street photographers to take your picture, she must be a fashion magazine editor. ;-)
I'm liking the hair color! Assuming it's natural too. :)
love her hair against the stark black - amazing! first time in a while the use of branding works - outfit offsets it instead of it being a distraction. only thing goth really are the shoes, which work splendidly with the rest of the ensemble. aviators a nice touch.
wow high end goth looks clean.
OK, I love red hair with black. Also love the purse, with all the nail studs on it. I don't know much about guccigoth, but she rocks this look.
Very cool picture.
You can't make mistake with Chanel :)
I don't like that shoes but everything else is perfect!
Jane Aldridge (Sea of Shoes) x Marilyn Manson. Love it. Valerie
So rad! Love her red hair..
Definitely yes!!
Love the outfit, but I think the shoes are a bit too chunky and make her feet look excessively big
I love this hair!
This Photograph is just WOW. OMG I really really like it. This simple pose, the outfit, the location. Definately one of my favourites!
Tres chic yet, interesting and youthful. Gorgeous hair!
her hair is perfect!
The red hair stands as a great contrast to the rest of the black ensemble. This confident woman sure was ready to pose.
unbelievably cool! love the shades and hair, and her pose!
she 's perfect... from the knees up
" [...] wild thing, you make my heart sing [...]" - She's such a cool chick!
ooo outfit - perfect. Bag - perfect. The hair colour really pop amidst the black everything. Shame on the shoes tho. Photo - fab!
Gotta be the best interpretation of Chanel I've ever seen. The shoes--wouldn't touch 'em with somebody elses feet.
awsome !
that's jessie good... Her parents own the shop at bluebird and Jigsaw.
She has great style.
Bella la sciarpa. Orrende le scarpe!
Love the outfit!
Eat your heart out,
What a cool girl! Wow!
All black is always completely stylish.
My Heart Blogged
The style is completely over the top; it almost looks out of place in Paris. It is very good, though! Exceedingly striking.
She's the most stylish goth I've ever seen.
As a redhead I want to say that you are an angel to post so many pictures of redheads. We are a maligned lot, generally. But not here!
Great look except for the tacky Chanel logo. Why people who otherwise dress well turn themselves into walking advertisements completely baffles me.
love her hair color :) Great pic!
Compelling Outfit! One can't miss her on the streets. :)
very Velvet Underground.
very Velvet Underground.
Wooow In love with the style
hate the shoes, but they work!!
I loved the subtle colors on the blurry background in contrast with her dark clothes and the beautiful and perfect hair! Lovely lips and lipstick as well. Didnt like the shoes though..
Rock chic!
She looks like what I'd imagine if Karl Lagerfeld transformed into an attractive, young lady. Same intensity, same style.
She has just the perfect hair color. Want!
j'adore. redheads <3 black, navy and gold. just perfect.
Fabulous. 60's carnaby street meets 80's punk. Only thing out of step is the Chanel logo.......tell-tale sign of the fashion insecurity of our times.
awesome outfit!
My hair is the exact same colour! vive le ginge!
amazing! ...except for the shoes >.<
Gorgeous hair.
Loving the hair & the attitude!
i see a cheeky cc there
Absolutely amazing hair! So beautiful. Not normally a fan of a goth but she looks stunning.
I know her, I think...
Mme. Adams ?
Beatiful outfit!
love the bag
well...there is sth wrong,maybe platform shoes which reminds me this kind of shoes on european streets 10 yrs ago or maybe the whole outfit is simply not matching ( and i don't think abt color)
The shoes are a major... um I'm not in love. But her hair is to die for!
love it.
xo Jessica Rae
This outfit is extra-ordinary because of her red hair...
LOVE IT...a look I completely relate to.
Ha, this is brilliant.
chic and cool. <3
How fashionable and cool she is dress like that in the picture! I like it very much, I think the sunglasses just increase her charming and trendy element, I have a similar sunglasses which was purchased on http://www.tomfordsunglassess.com. really an amazing website for sunglasses, I hope I could also be a fashionable and special lady like her in the picture.
This is a fav! its the strength from the light, the hair, sunnies, lips and stance! Wow!
Goth? Please. Her look is far too modern to be called Gothic.
i personally love her shoe choice. not because i'm a fan of their shape or style, but because it causes the prissy girls to say "ew". if she had worn heels, i would've thought she was trying too hard.
they are the part of her outfit that tells you she will wear what she wants and doesn't care what people think.
I want to be a Chanel goth!! She looks so cool it hurts - I have hair envy too!!
amazing shot,like a channel photo shoot...
Not loving the leggings, but the hair! Sexy!! And the giant Chanel logo is very cool, but no like the shoes...clunky goth.
Her hair pull the entire picture together. Lovely..
Stunning - sexy sleek black look combined with chunky shoes - I love it!
mmmmmmm! dark side)))
I agree. this is powerful, WOW
her outfit is amazingggggg
Everything here is in such perfect proportion. I would have this photo on my wall.
This photo seems editorial. I really like it.
A lovely redheaded total look.
gawwwd. would love to wear something like this!
totally gorgeous!
The photo is striking. The symmetry, and the contrast of her hair color against the black. <3
I wish she was wearing heels....
deadly gorgous!!
so hot 4 redheads
This lady is certainly striking. i should say its because of her monotone coloured dressing and most importantly, her GINGER brown coloured hair that stands out so much!! And the fact that its so supple and neat. Great taste of match.
Love this look
the bag is just amazing! campomaggi bag!
im loving everything except the shoes. They make her feet look like boats.
OMG!Love it!
she look like drummer from band Metronomy.
such severe elegance...amazing!
~ivy m.
This is amazing!! :)
I enjoy when people take a brand and estrange it from its original target social group or social context. The brand and the piece of clothing then becomes so much more interested and more interesting for the 'audience'.
Surely not every piece of clothing on her is Chanel though. I'd be interested to know where she got her 'brothel creepers' from since someone was evoking the "camden look".
The sunglasses look strangely tilted towards the front. Also, is that a scarf that bears the Chanel insignia or is it part of her coat?
But do you not think, on the other hand that Chanel in certain periods and still occasionally now with certain pieces does cut into gothic style by the rigidity and austerity the it can embody?
Even this year in some of the spring summer items of the pret a porter line.
Not keen on those shoes
Some kind a NICO looks.
Her Blonde-Red head and her outfit, amazing contrast.
Lady Gaga's more sensible sister