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Comments on "On the Street.....Wigmore St. , London"
great colors!
i love the purple at the end of her hair and also love her purple pumps
i want to have her hair :)
i love how her ombre hair is one of her accessories.
look gorgeous!
I usually love adventurous and colorful hair, but here I think it just looks like strange furry tassels coming out of her jacket. I keep blinking to see if it's just my eyes... But no, part of her hair really is the exact same shade as her jacket.
joie de vivre!
she looks cute and youthful :)
nice smile and hair!
That hair is so damn stunning *.*
oh, very very brave with the dyed hair and this pattern jacket. i love this shoes!
amazing hair and beautiful smile :)
her hair is gorgeous!!!! :)
Some interesting posts of late where the subject's hair has gotten more attention than the clothes they're wearing
her hair is to diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie for <3 x xxxx
Look at those Mongolian lamb cuffs - and those perfectly patched and torn jeans! It complements her purple-tipped hair!
It's so quirky; I love seeing highly idiosyncratic dressers amongst a sea of the über-trendy, high fashion savvy coteries (though I love those too).
mind blown.
cute shoes !
nice hair!!
Love the purple tips! Compliments the outfit so well!
Great color mix, though is that her hair with that three colors in it? crazy! The jeans and the shoes are the best part of the overall outfit.
Angels Point of View - Street Style Blog
Oooh so fun!
Love her hair!
wow she look amazing!! her outfit is perfect :)
Really loving the colours!
Wow...look at her hair.Amazing!
Love her style!
Coolest hair!
Those colours !
The minimalist in me must have left the building because I am loving this quirky mix, including her rainbow colored hair!
Wow! interesting hair??!
"Hobo chic?" or "Hobo chic!" Not quite sure.
so funky! love the hair
thats a look if i have ever seen one!! very interesting. great shot.
I am adoring her jacket and shoes. The jacket says stylish comfort and the pink shoes are fun!
CUTE!....what a smile....
That is a colorful outfit! SHe looks great!
OMG! Love this photo! Her style is so inspiring. And her hair color is so amazing!
I love this.
how brave she is to match her hair to her clothes... not a look many people can pull of or go to work in. it does make me wonder what she does and how old she is though.
que toma más fabulosa
interesting style... :)
xx Ale
this is so beautiful!
I absolutely love her look. I wear jeans like hers all them time with beautiful jackets, tailored shirts and high heel shoes. Nobody else understands it.....
wow, amazing hair!! :)
Oh my gosh her hair is awesome. Tempted to do the same!
The jacket is great too, and her expression..!
Beautiful shot, as per usual :)
Breathtaking! I love the black socks with pink pumps. Amazing. She is perfect just the way she is.
her cool aid hair is priceless :)))
Now THAT, ladies and gentlemen is how one mixes colour and pattern! And she's rockin' the hair colours, too.
I love the pattern on that jacket!
Love the look! :)
Love everything about this !! Especially the energy :)
boyfriend jeans with cute heels = perfect
style vs kitsch? i think this is kitsch.
great hair, and lovely smile... standing out of the crowd look!
PS: to Gaby - the cuffs on her jacket are made in silver fox or raccoon - Mongolian lamb would look exactly like her hair!(no pin intended)
thanks for nice shot!
This is amazing, the hair, the sweater with the jacket, all combining effortlessly. I love the jeans with it too.
It's beautiful! A bit wild, a bit crazy, but so chic!
her hair looks great!
I'm surprised that no one has commented on the 'balance' of the outfit. I LOVE the individual elements, but feel strongly that the shoes/or jeans DO NOT work.
The jeans are too masculine and require a 'heavier' shoe. If she had some curvy, jeans, the shoes would be fine.
Clothes are like tastes.....many chefs can combine different unique flavors in new and interesting ways, but sometimes incompatible mixing leaves the senses imbalanced.
: )
i love the hair!
do you think she only wears clothes to match her purple hair? what if all of her purple-toned jackets are at the dry cleaners!
Great jeans, love it!
xo thefashionguitar
Not a look I'd wear, but interesting. Great smile. Love, love, love the shoes!
The Styleseer
Appropriate location, as her 'wig' is definitely MORE. :)
this picture = priceless =D
i just love how natural she looks...and the colors are great :-)
Love how the colors in the jacket match the background colors. Great smile.
fabulous coat...fabulous hair
She's very cute! I think it's great how her hair almost blends in to her jacket.
lovely outfit and amazing smile!
ahh love it<3 her hair is insane... in a good waay(:
it is colorful
love the jeans
I lvoe this paisley pritnes jacket...etro??
I love these colors! :]
I love so much about her outfit. Her hair is awesome. She has such a definitive style. Gorgeous.
My Heart Blogged
so funny!
love it!
wow! her hair and shoes are so cool
brave, i like only the jacket. anyway she looks nice!
Nice smile! I like it.
love the colours going on in this outfit.
great pic!
Incroyable !
nice fashion....
Fashion Trends
I think I saw you in Brooklyn today ! In case you were wondering why the girl in the pink baseball cap did a doubletake, it's because I wasn't even sure it was you until I saw Garance. I just moved to NY and was wondering if I'd ever spot you working on the streets, then wham! :) Anyway, I just wanted to tell you that and that I love your blog and check it religiously. Keep up the great work! :)
her hair!
She's darling looking and that hair color is fantastic. Love all the purple hues.
much love.
Well, i wouldn't try that with my hair, but it is definitely original !
Omg, she is stunning!! Love the colours!!
I thought that the ends of her hair were part of the jacket, until I got a closer look! I love all of the color in the outfit. Very pretty shades.
this is so awesome. i admire her. and you.
I walk Wigmore St just about everyday (it is round the corner from where I live) & I am v rarely blessed with the sight of such a nicely coloured outfit. I really like this harmony of colours.
LOVEEEEE THIS HAIR!!! me encantan los colores en el cabello! gran look!
Lovely pic!
she's amazing!love the shoes!!!!<3
visit and follow my blog
Love this blog! Thanks.
just doesn't quite go. different tinge of jean and she'd be good.
Hair extensions on fur collar...! That's a creative one! ;p Love her combination of ripped jeans with tights within. But I felt her legs were 'shortened' because folded hems perhaps?
Haha she looks so lovely and so kooky. She just needs a monkey on her shoulder.
I am fascinated whether she grew out this color for a long time, or if she just decided to do the lower part on it's own? It looks cool either way!
I seriously love all your pictures, but this one is just crazy awesome.
I lover her pink shoes, so cute :D
love the pops of color!!
Le Kiss Kiss- Click Here!
love the hair. looks like the dyed it to match her outfit for the day. Wish I could do that everyday without my hair falling out.
Very incongruous get-up. Makes me wonder where she was going or coming from, dressed like that. She's enjoying herself, though.
Incredible hair! Plus I love how quirky and individual her look is. I noticed that a couple of people commented on the balance/proportion etc, but I think with this sort of outfit, it's all about enthusiasm and uniqueness rather than perfection! She looks amazing.
Lately I've been obsessed with my cuffed boyfriend jeans. Love this take on it- so fun and fabulous! xo
At first glance I didn't realize that the purple was her hair! I thought it was the collar to the jacket! Wow! Only certain people can pull that look off and she does!
the color at the end of her hair looks great. at photo.
but in real life, I think it not so beautiful.
Seriously doesn't work. Take off the coat and it would be common.
why am i the only one who thinks she looks insane? there are a million girls exactly like this wandering the east village thinking its cool to refuse to dye your hair back to a normal color and wear pants without holes. the proportions, mix of patterns, basically everything doesnt work together at all those shoes deserve a much better outfit
Hot mess!
so cool!))
Casual Is The Best, Very Pretty!!
I love her hair. She looks so wonderful with that photo.
wow...thats intense with the hair;
is quite beautiful, at first glance i thought it was a sweater with a shawl...
I love her shoes)
incredible look and great pic! wow! <3
Her hair is A*mazing!!! Brilliantly accessorised with the colours in the cardigan & I love the boyfriend jeans, socks & pumps.
Nice style, beautyfull purple !!
Aw she is SO adorable! ^_^
Definitely one of my favourite photographs on here yet. Thanks for the inspiration!
so weird.......... all the colors
Wow, now that's too much for me :)
Frisky! While you are young enough to carry it off, be crazy and creative and imaginative like this! Don't be a slave to brand names and the fashion industry. Be brave, be yourself and have fun with it. Thanks for this charming example!
I really love it!!!!!!! the jeans are amazing!
Love this outfit. Winter style inspiration.
One of a kind outfit.
I love it! She looks fantastic: such a great allure!
Love it!!!
Its soooo London Spirit!!!
hot pink done right!!
I though the dyed hair was fur at first...but she looks festive and happy. A short-hair person could recreate the look though with a long hair fur collar!
Wow what a great mix of all things fun and whimsy. So bohemian.
Wow, just a train wreck--no color sense, less mastery of pattern mixing than Suri Cruise. Because you have some great pieces--excepting those corny jeans for which there is no excuse--doesn't mean you can put them all in a blender and switch on "puree."
Very playful and fun. I just wish the pants were more feminine.
Love the color mash! Too hip...
oh! so great look and shot
love the colors!
awesomy cheerful or cheerfully awesome:)
I usually hate the "c" words, but this look is colorful, charming, and cute... and it still works for me! Nicely done! :)
(I am restraining myself from being a "toe scold." Hate it when people snipe about cigarettes, so... will try not to harp about pigeon-toes...)
Her face seems very Italian. She is not your typical Londoner.
GORGEOUS! I am loving her uniqueness! Masculine, but yet very feminine!
love her hair!!
smells like teen spirit....
Nice colors in this outfit.
a great mix of 1968 and 1988..
part flower child part punk mix.
whoa...how'd she do that to her hair? and how long does it last? did the cardigan inspire the hair or vice versa? or a happy circumstance? She looks so bubbly and fun!
yummy hair! I'd try that, really :)
Great shot...she look so fun and comfortable...a "colorful" persona...ty....L
I love the fashion of funky, crazy, haphazard London. As Vivienne Westwood said, 'They laugh at me in Paris, but they love me in London.'
Dip dyed hair and worn in borfriend jeans--what else could you ask for?! I'm liking this funky look!
ahh the hair!!the colors!!
amazing woman.
She has such wonderful energy from her fuchsia tipped hair down to her pigeon toed heels. Great find!
She is amazing. Such beautiful style, and clearly resourceful in putting together an outfit that is uniquely hers. What an inspiration!
is that a batik ?
Really great smile and a cool look.
I like the boyfriend style...
wooow, her hair is great *_*
i love the purple in her outfit, too.
Wonderful with that purple all over her! Like a fairy on dope at a grungeshow.
Love it!
Check out my H&M six outfits in a booth-shoot!
London ladies lead the way with amazing and individual style. Her hair is stunning.
London ladies lead the way with amazing and individual style. Her hair is stunning.
eccentric! <3
great style and smile
Oh! This is the best photograph I've seen in a long time. Does she break all the rules or do it all right? Both and it works. I love the faux fur collar, the tattered jeans, and the pink heels. Its a love it or hate it thing. I LOVE this. Her smile is so engaging.
Uau. Absolutely gorgeous.
I think I'm with Kathleen.... that is not her hair it's a lovely colored faux fur collar.
But the colors and the style is a sweet Spring breeze that is always needed amongst the style stuffy.
>Love your photos/So inspiring
cheers ☻
This outfit has so much personality!
Wow ! She looks great. I likes your color combination.Your hair color and the jeans are awesome and your smile brings more personality in your body.
What a colorful ensemble!
What a colorful ensemble!
oh man that haiR!!!!---that sMilE!!!!!!!
Quality pair of shoes right there
i wish my hair would grow quickly so i could do this!!
I can't tell if it's just the way her feet are arranged but the shoes feel far to dainty for this outfit- the tights help but it still feels a little top heavy.
I do love the colors though! And the way her shoulders are shrugged and head is angled shows her personality off well.
great colours, great prints, great textures, great silhouette... *-*
She makes me happy. Her shoes especially. I like this whole shoes with socks thing too--it's kind of ugly, yes, but practical in climates like mine (Canada).
Great jacket.
how fun!
This is sick!
Nura looking fabulous, as ever!
Lots of love.
D xx
It's a punchy look, but I do wish to see an end to grown women with their feet turned in like toddlers. Every style blog and street fashion piece seems to be littered with them, it's like a virus. Why on earth would anyone want to stand like that? Please make it stop!
Great style! Soft and vibrating at the same time.
It's quirky and I suppose quite brave - not for me, but it suits her!
I must get some fur cuffs! She is a splendid Bohemian.
Gorgeous look. She´s beuatiful.
not crazy about the fur, faux or not....but the hair!!!
Would never in a hundred years, dress in a array of colours this strong different elements and all at once. But your photo has changed my mind. Her hair goes with her hippy outfit nicely, and it would have gone so wrong is she wore uggs. Gorgeous smile, girl...and really great style. Good eye yet again, Mr Satorialist!
It's all in her attitude.
How can you not be charmed ?
This woman would look good in a hessian sack because you would still respond to her playfulness.
she looks like she's having fun...
~ivy m.
Que cabelo doido, gostei!!