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Comments on "On the Street....The Strand, London"
Ooh, everything is just Right in this one. The jacket first of all so classy and the silky inner of it coming out in the rolled sleeves, lovely. The red hair, always beautiful, turban with flowers. Just everything.
Although I do think she looks stunning. Haven't we seen one too many beige coats with a colourful turban. Still I'd dress like her if I was a girl. For me it's always attractive when a girl puts on a white shirt with a defining collar.
I know her, she has just won an Elle stylist competition and is about to start working for them.
Love the drape of her coat and the simple belt
yessiricanboogie-greggy.blogspot.com x
That floral turban and the collar detail are so eye catching, and I'm completely fascinated with her hard case satchel!
much love.
The good way to wear long clothes. I really like.
Ça me rappelle Jane Austen d'une telle manière...
J'ai adoré ! Bien sûr.
Love love love this outfit! I must have that coat!
I'm now following hope you can stop by and follow back!
Have a great weekend!
I want you back:)
Love the drape of the coat.
I love this coat!!
love the old fashioned professor look! love the headband as a modern twist!
There should be a OMG these is so awesome, I love this freakin thing so bad in reader for these.
I want your lovely bag:)
Love this picture, the coat is gorgeous.
Looks chic, save for the turban gone wrong. It looked that she had stepped out of the shower, gotten dressed but forgotten to unfurl her lustrous locks!
All I can say is just "wow",because her look is awesome.Every single detail makes it look perfect and that cigarette with smoke!Perfect
Her head band is incredible!
Absolutely sublime! I neeeed her bag!
love the colorful turban with the neutral outfit!
this dress is beautiful i just luv it :)
what a chic look. i love the hat she is wearing with the red hair peeking out. gorgeous.
Very 50's inspired with a modern layered look. I like.
snappy x
Wow. Looks more like something you'd see on a set from a period piece.
not sure about the boots though
I love this coat!♥
Simply gorgeous!!!
Love her jacket-robe thing. However, she's smoking. Instantly lose a certain amount of respect for people I see smoking.
wow, amazing look, i just love the coat!
lovely xP
Loving the contrast of the head scarf and ankle bracelet.
what an amazing coat! she looks wonderful!
love ,
Hard to know what we're looking at here. Is that a bathrobe, an alb, a Vestal Virgin's palla, or? Is she fashionable, or a nun, or Amish? Details like the cigarette and the diamonds around her left ankle as well as her presence on this blog would seem to suggest the former. Of course everyone will compliment the photograph with all the white.
tough and edgy, i love it.
I'm overwhelmed by the details! The rolled up sleeves change everything
Loooooooove ;))
Street style Mll Agnes ici:http://magmoiselle.fr/?p=6415
beautiful coat! love the head piece!
Beautiful... She is extraordinary... Nice picture! Congratulations.
love the whole outfit check my blog www.thearttrendspotter.com
i wonder what that chain type thing on your shoe is!
gorgeous coat
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh my gosh ah ma zing!
i guess turban is so in right now
need to find one now
somewhere stuck in my closet :)
omg. long clothes fits her so well!
The long skirt is very beautiful. And I love the color of the jacket ("poudre"). The red hair are also amazingly gorgeous.
Everything here is perfect. The color palette, the eyebrows, the short hair, the cigarette. LOVE that coat. She's divine.
this is beautiful!
Really, I thought she was an actress leaving stage to have a cigarette break--it looks like a maid's dress underneath, and she put on The Lady's dressing gown to step outside. I would be very confused seeing this look on the street.
Rolling up the sleeve of her coat to expose the lining is a different look as is wearing a turban, she has her own ideas about fashion
wow - time warp.
Love her 'case".
Really do not like this look. Nothing here works for me, she looks like she is trying too hard to look original.
I like the coat but at the same time I sort of get a Jedi knight vibe from it...
super chic. i love how each of the different hues go together so well.
Shades of Alice Kramden and Lucille Ball, but in a good way. My one criticism is that the head wrap takes the look too literally into bathrobe territory, despite all the wonderful things going on underneath. Still, she's done something special here.
Although I appreciate the originality, this look reminds me too much of something that should be worn at home after bath, rather than outside in London. I think the white collar + turban make her look a bit like a turn of the century maid!
Awesome individual style.
Cool shoes and bags, amazing!
She is young but she looks very mature in this outfit with a very strong personnality
I love the turban on her. She looks casual chic.
My Heart Blogged
Not sure about the turban and such a shame about the cigarette. Rest is lovely - particularly the coat.
Genuinely strange and absolutely beautiful mix of periods and pieces. THAT'S style.
Love the lines of the coat and the case together. I kind of have to agree with some of the others that the outfit underneath looks reminiscent of a maid's uniform, though.
BTW my dearest Sartorialist is not "The Strand", it's just "Strand" ! XX
beautiful textures! AND THOSE SHOES.
Incredible coat.
This outfit is truly amazing. Love the jacket, bag, everything really!!!
nice, but is there a line drawn between costume and fashion? perhaps expression of one's identity vs being someone else's?
What strikes me is the long simple silhouette, like a candle. I have seen this a bit recently & it is very unlike most recent threads. Perhaps silhouettes will become more like that in the near future.
She is like a very fashionable woman from the 40's who just came out to grab the morning paper! Love it
La Petite Marmoset
Very interesting look. But it doesn't quite work for me. The outfit seems to age her. Cool originality though.
just slightly dressing-gowny? but nice headscarf.
Looks like someone who dressed to get the attention of street fashion photographers.
real french chic.
Not my favorite look but she seems to have it together. Like the belted jacket a lot thought!
Muito giro!!Eu queria o turbante com flores.Só não gosto das botas-
I agree with Anonymous 12:40.
Smoking is so passe.
So pretty :)
love the coat with the corded belt, and the bag looks interesting
Haha...sorry, I don't get the turban. But I love the rest of her outfit! Including are-those-anklets (?) on her boots. :)
Love her coat! :)
Soigne. This flirts with a 1950s housewife or 1930s maid, but these references enrich the look rather than detract from it. I agree with the writer who says that the look "confuses" her eye: but I love such confusion, which I call "enlivens."
Substantial fabrics, non?
This is why London fashion is my favorite despite everyhting else! Her coat is so hot, yet I still love her 'chambermaid's dress' underneath it. Very Upstairs and Downstairs or Downton Abbey! LOL
The lipstick and hair color contrasts but in a very good way, not a tacky way.
I don't like the colour of her bag, but the belt and the shoes - excellent!
She looks like a char lady from the 1940s. Very Hilda Ogden from Coronation Street. Is there a return to 40s fashion in London?
strong eastern european old world look.
The discipline of this outfit is so perfectly matched with the rebelious hair color and turban...looove everything happening here.
I can say enough how much this lady knows herself and mixed elements so well. Anyone know about her coat? The sateen lining in pearlescent pink is divine.
absolutely stunning-- crisp and fashion-forward, nice clean lines and bold pops of color. I love the coat-- its refreshing to see women go for non-obvious silhouettes.
It´s dificult to me to say tahat but I really Like this coat
It is nice. But in my opinion it looks like she tried too hard....The turban looks like a showercap. Sorry.
Its so perfect. Coat is perfect, the wrap is cute, and the outfit underneath is great. You can tell she is really a cool person inside too, somehow. This is one of my very favorite outfits. I just love this. And the fact that some people are snotty about the hair wrap proves that she is innovative. If everyone likes an outfit fine, that means it isn't really cutting edge. When some people don't get it, that means its outside their comfort zone, and that is a sort of compliment too.
Love this look, love her whole demeanor in general. She has a kind of grace about her x
something like Frida Khalo...