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Comments on "On the Street....rue de l'Ecole de Médecine, Paris"
Oh, beautiful glasses and I love the plaid!<3 What a nice shot!
Her hair reminds me of a bird I used to have!..
Beautiful shot, as always. And where would one find the cuff and the fingerless glove (or is it the glove with the spikes?) Anyway, love it...
Mmm... tartan makes me weak in the knees. This woman has it.
She's so ready for this fashion week!Gorgeous!
Amaaaaaaazing... Love it ;D
Isabel marrant street style here:
She ROCKS !!!! Love her sunglasses :)
O.K.! You win! We're looking at you!
This is ultimate style - tartan is seriously underrated. Bang up to date with the studs.
so many things to love about this!
Wish I could see the whole outfit.
Love the glasses.
This is amazing; i adore each and every single aspect of the look,toughness and edgyness she is portraying...thriving coolness from all alongs and breath draws...Incredible!On of my faviourite looks that have been featured, although this is based from a personal opinion :)
X Neda X
I love everything about this picture except the cigarette.
Love it!
Intense personal style.
Magnifique sun glasses and haïr cut . I love this shoot .
uhh...extreme! maybe too much!
Looks like fun. Wonderful light by the way.
I appreciate the personality behind the look more than the look itself. Confidence, fearlessness, and a bit of a sense of humor. That's always a winning combo for me.
nice glasses!!!!
As the young'uns would say, OMG. Love the tribal-punk spiked cuff--and the way the fringe on the wrap echoes it. Love the super-functional, old-school tartan wrap/repurposed blanket. Love the tension between the spikes and what looks like a classic (cricket, perhaps?) sweater cuff. Love the un-manicured hands and refusal to stow her gear neatly in an "it" bag (or any bag). Love the hypermod shades worn with much older-feeling pieces. Love the willingness to let the wind be a hair-styling tool--many women would be desperately attempting to keep their coiffures in place!
All in all, she looks like someone who is able to thoughtfully construct a look of her own without forcing it, becoming fussy about it, or relying on others' ideas about what's "in" or chic. Brava.
bracelet is deadly!
Very similar to what my hair looks like in the morning. LOL
As always, she'd look way better without that cigarette.
The glasses, hair, glovlet and cuff are so punkish, but the fine shawl is such an elegant spin on plaid- another element of the punk look, which makes it kind of playful and also polished. I like this.
Studs and Tartan - I must remember this combo!
ohh! how fabulous. i love the sunglasses. so different and cool.
WOW! in a perfect world, we could all rock that hairdo...
Great shot!
I really like the motif on the plaid.
Her hair is very pretty. Wondering which styling products she is using. ;)
I love the glasses, just amazing!!!
amazing sunnies
Woah awesome shot! But seriously, does EVERYONE smoke in France? Because I went just last year and every person you looked at had a cigarette in their mouthes :/
Hope you're having fun in Paris! It's such an amazing city!
niiiice :))) lovely shot! that scarf, spikes, fingerless glove thing is killing me softly :)))
J'adore! Les cheveux, les gants, le bracelet, les luntettes tout y est!!! Très belle photo!
is this an Olsen?
Love her, perfect photo!
crazy hair. crazy chic
i love it.
-Style Interplay-
to die for! everything about this is perfect.
wow great shot, love the girl she was hot like hell .love the shade
Amazing sunglasses!
xo thefashionguitar
This shot caught the wind and the sun in her hair and that's what caught my eye although the scarf looks great on her as well
smoking hot
awesome sunglasses, karen walkers aren't they?
Edgy, but I like it ♥. xoxo
does anyone know who this girl is???
The plaid is rather nice & the glasses very flashy & bling. Interesting combination...
amazing attitude in this photo. love her scarf.
oh man! loving it!!!
Love the way you caught the light but I'm not sure if some of the commenters are having fun with us poor mortals.
I am starting to develop an inexplicable appetite for plaids. I have one RL purple label plaid jacket, but clearly from your photos, I need more.
Sometimes being hip is not being fashionable
Love her glasses!
La Petite Marmoset
the hair, the glasses, the cuff, the glove!!.. She's fierce!
how gorgeous !
such fierce, daring, dare-to-be-yourself style
cool sunglasses!
The Sunglasses are by New Zealand designer Karen Walker.
Oh boy I love this pic. This is a bit of me on a ceative/lazy weekend--wrapped up in the Ikea blanket, flipping thru a fashion mag, hair's a "mess," lived-in manicure. The sunnies, gloves, cuff are what take this look off the couch and onto the street.
Oh man, I just love her style. An edgy, rough look, but still says, " I'm a woman and would like to be treated like one" kinda fashion haha. I'm sure I'm not making any sense. but in my mine I am! haha. Anyways. I don't even know if you read these or not. I'm sure you have someone read them for you. So it won't matter what I say here anywho. haha
The hair halo is just phenomenal. I Also love that she's smoking.
This is one of your best shots, ever.
Love the light in her hair & and the glasses with the shape of her nose.
Elle se fait remarquer. Super cool !
Hair, sunglasses, scarf. What can I say. Love it.
aw man this is wack. a rare miss, for me at least.
wow! fantastic hair!
Go Karen Walker sunnies
Was she at the Junya Watanabe show? Her hairstyle looks like it came from the Watanabe runway.
her glasses are so cool!!
so incredible! the sunglasses and the beautiful plaid!
What a fierce picture they owned the look.
Thank you to the Sartorialist, for this incredible, magical shot! The backlit hair, the glasses, the cuff. It has to be one of the best I've seen yet.
For those who always ask the question, "Who is she wearing?" the answer appears to be, "Herself."
Wow, for once I can look at something that might be a bit out there and say with some confidence that...I think get it.
...something about the plaid and the hair. Interesting trad/punk mix.
most of pictures from east america like NY or Europe.
im live in LA, here is just abercrombie.
if we needs diverce, weather is helped.
I saw one comment that doesn't like the fact that she's smoking and another comment that likes the cigarette. I'm one of those people that like the "cool" a cigarette adds to a picture, a movie scene. Not a fan of the health risks, but a fan of the look. How many iconic photos or movie scenes would lose their "je ne sais quoi" minus the ciggy?
As always Monsieur Schuman, another great photo. Merci!
so fab
being able to stand out...
i love that.
so great!!
Blankets as shawls is one of my favourite things, so obviously this is perfect!
Amazing pic! Love, love, love!!!
Xoxo, K.
wow those sunnies are amazing!!!
exquisite scarf!
I wish I could see the whole outfit,too!
keep up the excellent work Mr.Scott!
thank you so badly!
kisses from athens,greece!
Hope you'll visit us once
Go Karen Walker! Great shades
cool checked scarf....wow!
While normally I love every subject you capture, personally I find this too much. Between the statement hair, the statement cuffs, the statement blanket and the statement glasses, I just want her to pare something back.
Miss B xx
Ugh, cigarette.
It takes away the allure x 1000000.
the plaid never goes out of the style
eye catching is the word!
She looks delectably wicked, and those mod sunnies make a perfect touch.
much love.
She looks beautiful and I love the tartan wrap. Eccentric and perfect.
Love this picture, her sunglasses and scarf are so nice!
xoxo Sootjeelina <3
i really dont know why, buty i like it. i will never dress like that, but she looks cool.
Magic shot, Ohh, beautiful glasses and I love the plaid too))
Great Shot, all of it 'works'...love the blanket as a shawl...had the same plaid as my baby blanket 60 years ago...style is endless....ty....L
Great shot, Sart. It looked as if you electrified her hair so much that it points skywards! The ciggy's fine by me, as long as I am not there to inhale it. Tartan with punk gloves combo? Great mixing there. But there's something here that didn't sit that well with me - has anyone here noticed that she is scrowling? She would look so fine with a more neutral mien.
Perfect style!!
Different, new and original.
I have a suggestion. Make people throw out their cigarettes before shooting them. It's so trashy.
Flippin awesome.
The cuff of her shirt compliments the scarf, or vice versa.
Wow! I am loving the spikes and plaid together.. Great shot!!
She looks even better with that cigarette. I love that punky style ;)
Plenty of charm and originality didnt notice the cig until mentioned above... agree!!
so good.
love the scarf!
x Je suis Sophie
haha I have the same plaid wrap. It's from a Hongkong based brand. www.izzue.com
OH GOSHHHHHH! I think I'm in love :'$
She Rules!
OMG, you're a genius to take pictures
I love London
I love her hair, It's bold and beautiful.
This is a lovely portrait, but I want to ask her, "Aren't cigarettes so 1980's?"
Perhaps young people wil soonl find a way to be edgy without them.
I love the glasses and the plaid wrap but the whole look just screams FV and I still hate smoking in public.
Very hot, especially the sunglasses! I'm very surprised by the lady in the pic overall as I thought that Parisians only wore head to toe black only, and would crucify anyone wearing bright colors.
they are karen walker ' the village ' http://www.eyestyle.com.au/womens/karen-walker/the-village.html
God love a good/bad hair day!
Am proud to say that she is wearing Karen Walker sunglasses from my home base, New Zealand. And she rocks them too
I really like this one!
interesting spin on punk with the adition of the white sunglasses
(instead of claasic black)
and the white ground in the plaid.
this is ridiculous. the combination of finishes and motifs is interesting. but it looks like she's having a hard time keeping everything in place. at any second everything could just fall to the ground.
The wardrobe is a little bit too busy for me. But i want to say that i love your blog as a whole. Are you on tumblr? Please be on tumblr because i get reposts of the things you put here on there and i'd love it if i had your stuff on my dash.
I am almost certain that scarf is jack wills, what a funny combination!
LOVE those glasses and I want a plaid poncho. Also, great juxtaposition with the harsh studs!
Awesome spike bracelet, reminds me of my younger years going to Slayer concerts out west. So Punk rock and Metal inspired! Great!
There is an odd attraction to this image. Her stoge in one hand her magazine in the other. I love it.
Nouveau Punk!
those sunglasses are amaing and soooo chic
I love fashion and the outfits are elegant.
The coolest use of Stewart Dress I've seen in a long time, perhaps ever. Bravo!
"On the street" is where it's at, my man. Celine, Rykiel, Prada collections only strengthen my faith in your eye, sir.
Stay true.
Bold and fearless! Awesome... had to post this one on my blog...thank you!!
i've always wondered when will Rainbow be spotted by the Sartorialist... so here she is, mixing pieces in her own unique way.
absolutely stunning!
Yay! Karen Walker glasses..Best ever :)
There is something wow about this picture!
Everything seems to work so well.