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Comments on "On the Street....rue Auber, Paris"
I love it, tellement parisien, very nice shot!
She looks amazing!
But isn't it too cold for those shoes?
lovely coat :)
that woman just remainds me a bear ...a lamb, maybe...
Love the shoes, but the coat reminds me of that thing on the floor in my bathroom.
Lovely wintry mix with a hint of spring with the heels. And those are fantastic shades.
much love.
LOVE that coat.
great picture
that coat is fab !!
i like wearing fur coat with summer-like sandals/heels too
great style
best blog!!
thank you very much!
Such a gorgeous coat!
great shot!!
This epitomizes Parisian chic! The aloof attitude, the luxurious coat - the ultimate, posh sophisticate!
xx Gaby
What a presence!!!! Huh???
That's a real chic woman..... she doesn't need to smile. Or does she? ;-)
Have a wonderful weekend!
Luciane at HomeBunch.com
Post of the Day: Would you live in a "Auto Home"? Cool or Fool???
This coat really works here.
She looks cold! I'm not liking her pale stocking-less legs or coat. Not a hit with me! ~Siobhan
I love the shoes and the glasses. The coat works for her. I don't know if many people could pull that off.
- Meredith
love the delicate strapping of the shoes combined with the heavy coat and large sunglass frames, nice balance.
coat is incredible and i love the expression in her face. it truly captures a moment.
love everything but the sandals - they don't make sense to me if you're wearing fur or something wintery.
I love shoes.. so smart!
love the crazy mix between summer and winter! that fur looks so soft!
Oh, those shoes! I have to find them.
There is quite a contrast between the heavy top, the (fake?) fur & the open shoes... It looks good, though, especially in these tones/colours (or lack thereof!)
i also love the shoes and the fact that the feet are manicured! but is it too much of a contrast to have such a heavy (divine) coat on with bare legs and open toed shoes..??? just askin???
Mon Dieu!
Granted, it´s not freezing in Paris but the temperatures are so far from allowing such skimpy shoes. Sorry, this just looks terribly silly, pairing the winter coat and the summer sandals - an absolute faux pas.
I love her coat and sunglasses. Her attitude is great like she knows she is fashionable.
Follow my blog at:
Beautifuuuuuul ... ;D
street style too here:http://magmoiselle.fr/?p=5959
Her shoes and coat are so lovely!
xoxo Sootjeelina <3
Beautiful image..though the pairing of that gorgeous fuzzy overcoat with nearly bare feet is a bit odd....my toes are turning blue just looking at it!! xx meenal
nice - cozy - warm
love the shoes, love the coat.
but she will have a cold tomorrow.
She kind of looks like Lilly Bass-Humphrey!
she looks great. the shoes are amazing.
The shoes and coat are so elegant!
furish coat and sandals :).
I need that coat!
she looks amazing!!!...great pic
She dared the knee lenght skirt ("jupe midi" as we say in Paris). And the bet is successful : congrat's !
are those culottes?
the light. that jacket. paris me manque. although parisians always gave me dirty looks when i took impromptu pictures of them! beautiful shot.
Wow... and it was COLD today in Paris.
So chic.How brave to defie the cold to wear beautiful shoes!
Very "au poil".
Maybe she just got a pedicure, hence the improbable sandals. Wouldn't mind them with the coat, but they seem all wrong with that wooly skirt.
Typically French.
Wish she would've been my mom.
Just kidding!
So 70's! Love it. XOXO, www.NatalyasCloset.com
the colour of coat, glasses, lipstick and hair: sophisticated!
liking the shoes, very bold
She looks stunnig and her whole look is awesome and so chic.
I was a little put off at first, but the more I look at it, I like the mix of spring and winter. Kind of representational of where we are at the moment.
70's, indeed! I love this.
Scott, you've done more for my sense of fashion than a thousand copies of, Italian, VOGUE. Please don't think I'm trying to be mean...but this is possibly one of the ugliest coats I've ever seen. It makes her look like a big shaggy dog. And the shoes are out of balance with the heaviness of the coat.
That's a great outfit she's wearing - love the attitude :)
comme j aurai ete vereuse à la place de la fille qui lui passe devant...je suis sure qu elle a cru que tu prenais un street style d'elle!
Love it. The delicate shoes, the big coat, très chic.
C'est res elegant et beau! J'aime son manteau.
Shoes=evening, LBD, cocktails.
Coat=daytime, boots, lunch.
love the sandals in winter time!!so chic
As in NY, we need fur in Paris, because it is so cold. Not so easy to be a streetstyler!!!
A silly outfit! The sandals clash with the coat which looks daytime and winter.
Toes... So... Cold...
I love her coat!
Cold, too cold for sandals...
Just like last year, it's icy cold during fashion week in Paris.
i don't get the lengths
Those shoes are perfect if you've just had a pedicure and your toenails are freshly lacquered. I bet she put on her uggh boots when she got home and the polish had dried! - Can you tell I'm Tasmanian?
A pure example of fashion making people stupid. winter coat exists to make pple warm and sandals to ease up a heat. the mix is possible only if you enjoy deep freezing or boiling :D
wow, she just looks like serenas mother from gossip girl. awesome!
Oh la la, she must have caught the cold of her life ! Yet, I like the winter part of her outfit. Not the summer part of it... It's realy freezing cold in Paris at the moment. Even if it's sunny, which is pretty nice. I think being a fashion addict doesn't mean being so unlogical. So my opinion is : nice coat, but bad idea.
she really looks as if she took garance's tips for being photographed by a street photographer ;)
I don't know the proportions seem a bit off. But great coat.
Not crazy about the coat. Definitely crazy about the attitude.
Paris .... Typical connection - fur and sandals
Great photo!! That coat is gorgeous.
Amazing coat but...I love sandals
amazing fur coat
Am I the only one who thinks this is Cate Blanchett?
Gorgeous. Looks like Judy Aldridge...
Love it! Where`s the coat from???
LOVE the coat!! amazing
brrrr, she must have been freezing!
It´s very cold!!!
I really don't why a big coat and naked legs and sandals??...
I love the lamb she's wearing! LOL LOL No but seriously it is cute!
This chick also looks like Cate Blanchett.
Love the coat! Talk about a statement piece!!
lovely coat and nice shoes
am surprised that no one has recognised a well known member of the fashion corps.
kind of a 1950's feminine elegance...
warm coat with
classic pedicure & those lovely sandals.
I am so jealous of a climate in which you can wear shoes like this now- even with a warm coat.
And BTW whoever said 70s never lived then ;)
is this judy aldridge?
Too bad I don't have that coat...
Where can I get those shoes???
Love everything but the shoes, they're too delicate for the coat and dress, and they make her legs look bigger than I'm sure they are. Tights and some platforms, or boots, would have been more proportional.
The second I opened this, I thought it was Cate Blanchett. The lips are so 'hers'. Interesting combo of winter and summer textures. I'd be freezing.