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Comments on "On the Street.....Park Avenue, New York"
so chic!
the first outfit is a perfection!
Yes chic and beautiful. But enough rich people. They are becoming boring.
I have recently moved to New York City, and have been so inspired by the city's fashion! These are prime examples of what I'm talking about! and I am loving the platform wooden heels!
i love ny
Yeah....the first picture !
I love it, it's so nice to see NYC so sunny with no more snow!
For Anon 3:29
How do you know they are rich?
beautiful snaps - you have captured these ladies amazingly
Genial ;)
the light in these photos is lovely and I love the second lady's outfit, I want her shoes!
Looks like denim is going strong for spring. I love it with the black, the shorts with the tights is great.
you tell em scott!
rich or poor i love it all! and i'm sure the other millions of people looking at your blog do too...
I'm with you Scott, you can never tell if people are rich just from what their wearing. Many affordable brands and clothing look luxurious.
Angels Point of View - Street Style Blog
Veryyyy nice pics ;D
beautiful girls and beautiful outfits...I love the pop of blue in the first one alongwith the yellow cab providing a lovely contrast! xx meenal
they look so amazing!
SUPER LIKE!!!! I want to be in PARK AVENUE TOOO!!!! :(
The first outfit is the one for me. It is perfection.
And I agree with you that it is impossible to know if either of these women is rich. Because they are well-dressed? Because they were photographed on Park Avenue? I am definitely not rich, but I dress myself along the same lines as them (I admit to spending to much money on clothes) and I sometimes find myself on Park. If people mistake me for being rich, great!
The first one looks great! I definetly love NYC outfits
In the second photo of the girl crossing the street, aren't her platform boots Chloe Sevigny for Opening Ceremony? I love the high-waisted shorts over stockings and a leather shearling coat. Her coat looks like something an older man might wear, which just makes it cooler in my opinion.
I saw the first woman on vogue.com. She's the girl from "5 days, 5 looks, 1 girl". in one of those days she wears the same clothes in your picture. she said the sweater was a present from her mom and in the beginning she didn't like it.:) so, I don't know if it's about rich people here, but it's about people in fashion industry, with studied looks.
The contrast of that electric blue under her arm against the dark jacket and light top is just great.
The second photograph is tops, those boots! Now that's balance!
Wow I love her booties! So trendy.
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- Mel
muy buenas♥ http://laumassaferro.blogspot.com/
does anyone know where i can find that bag???
gosh!! this type of personal style is one of the reasons that I miss NY with a passion. Well dressed people everyday any moment!
beautiful picture,
I admire women who can carry heels that high on the street during the day.
good job with the blog
Love that first outfit! I have the same Dries sandals, and I love how she made it work for Winter.
I love the first pic, the girl is so self-confident in those clothes. Her outfit is elegant, serious and fanciful at the same time!
i'm getting heel envy looking at the girl in the platforms. she is fabulous. oh to be short enough to not look like a tranny in 5 inch heels. woe is me.
This is so Park Ave. I love it.
I have those Dries Sandals in the first photo. Never before this photo did I think to wear them with tights! Love it.
I know its chic, but I'm looking forward to the day when women wear pretty shoes again. Those look like Herman Munster boots to me.
Love her look with the tights and shorts.
I love the boots from the 2nd photo.
My Heart Blogged
Love the way she's rockin' those shoes!
girl in 2nd photo is SUUPER beautiful
i love black tights too!
regarding photo deux: oh to be so uniquely, chicly, aggressively, passively beautiful...
Gorgeous outfits.
y dont u ever shoot in queens?
Scott, re:
"Anon 3:29 How do you know they are rich?"
Because the woman in the second picture's outfit - Vuitton bag, probable Chanel jacket and Burberry coat and whoever boots in total add up to more than what I pay in rent, and this is just her out and about day look.
Although, I do come to your blog to be inspired and fantasize. Also, I do understand that your whole deal is about the idea and the look/silhouette, so I'm still down.
The girl on the second picture know what she is doing.
Not sure why, but I could tell these photos were New York again, even before reading the headline. Something rather cold, aggressive and uptight about them......the relaxed charm I saw in the European photos is missing.
The Europeans made me smile. These New Yorkers make me uncomfortable. Can you go back to Europe soon?
i love the second!! OMG everything is amazing about it..!!!!
The second girl - the hand in the pocket is so key and perfect... xoz
First picture is just brilliant and just the kind of thing I want to wear - also you DON'T need tons of money to do this kind of look! x
I love NY_
They're so so so chic
Still loving the opaque/wolly tights with strappy heels look x
Are those the opening ceremony shoes! Love :)
La Petite Marmoset
The first lady was pictured in this outfit in Vogue's feature "5 days, 5 outfits, 1 girl". She is a vogue editor attending fashion week in high end designer clothes. That is why I thought she was rich. Rich or poor, I love the outfit and this blog.
To Anon earlier.. what is being rich anyway? Someone buys vintage stuff, or get as presents, or save 5y to get a Chanel bag. I myself am not rich at all. I working as a nurse, but I just got a Vuitton Alma bag. I wear shoes worth 500€ on daily basis. BUT I also buy cheap stuff.
And what is wrong with being rich anyway? Style is style with or without money, you can't buy that.
I love the composition of the first photo, where subject's ribbed sweater refers back to the columns of the building behind her. The blue of her bag and on the cart in the background also help to create a wonderfully balanced picture.
I love when there are similarities, yet people don't look identical...
Nice to see the yellow cabs at the back, too.
How do you know they are rich? In any case, they are far from boring. I love the skirt with the boyish hair. I wish I had the balls to cut my hair short, but somehow i just can't do it.
Ive been eyeing those shoes in the second picture for some time. Need to buy them!
Boots in second pci are so coool!
That blue bag is by Clare Vivier -- and very affordable! She has a website...
Loving Lawren's Clare Vivier blue clutch in the first pic! Chic + affordable!
How do girls walk in these platforms? Remember Naomi Campbell's infamous fall wearing shoes similar to second photo during Vivienne Westwood's show? I have a similar pair by Drastik that I love but am very careful in. Oh that's right, I'm a dance student with an ankle formerly sprained from dancing.
beautiful jacket and platforms - she looks strong and powerful
The woman in the first photo reminds me of Anne Hathaway. Because of The Devil Wears Prada, maybe?
The first image is amazing. Love the shape her loose clothes give her. The open coat frames her beautifully.
Don't take photos of wealthy people?(Btw, her jacket could be Burberry or H&M with the same likelihood, from a picture you can not tell. It could even be a guys coat.) Don't take photos of New Yorkers? LOL!!!! I got a good laugh from this one. What else should Scott not do?
love this outfit... stylsih dosen't even cut it
Leaf (from the second picture) is an editor at Elle China. She's got impeccable layering skills!
Two inspirational looks, love them both!
Love the boots and the shoes in these photos...
Downtown Shop
Designer fashion collections from Italy, France, Japan, and San Francisco
Love the boots on the second chick but both have really cool jackets, and I love how they both wear them down the street.
I´ts very chic. Beautiful.
The above shot is of Lawren Howell, contributing west coast VOGUE editor!!!
Frst picture is great, fantastic casual!!!!