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Comments on "On the Street.....Guernica Leather, London"
WOW!! Just WOW!! Everything about this girl is just WOW! Looooove the hair colour above all else, but the jacket, my oh my!!
awesome blue hair!!!
that is awesome! love the print on the shirt too!
So stunning! I love Guernica. And the blue hair!
claire barrow? adore her eyes
Nice juxtapostion of her ocean-inspired hair and the fish print of her shirt. She's creative, this one.
Wow! Nice jacket!!!
Wooow! everything on her is perfect!
Hard to top Picasso.
she is so LOVELY!
amazing... love the blue fish skirt too. great look :)
Wow, that jacket looks awesome! so does the hair! :)
Perfection! I'd love to rock a blue 'do like that!
wow! i love battle inspired fashion, this is an amazing take on a historical painting.
great image,
I concur, stunning! XOXO, www.NatalyasCloset.com
One can't knock that! Hand painted surrealist leather bike jacket, fish print shirt, just great. A million times better than the 'punk-by-numbers' one sees on a daily basis.
i love the intensity in her eyes...and of course the Picasso-inspired jacket :)
I totally love her hair! and of course the jacket is amazing:)
That jacket would be great in balmain (not that it isn't great already!)
This is so cool! Also the look with blue hair makes me go crazy!
the hair and the jacket are amazing ;))
One of my favorite paintings along with one of my favorite cloth!!!!
Kisses from London
I've been featuring TONS of multicolored hair on my street style blog too! I love love love dyed hair.
This is the coolest, classiest punk-rock style that I've ever seen.
First of all, the leather jacket is just beautiful and absolutely gorgeous.
Second, the textured coloring of her blue hair makes me want to dye my own hair, even though I am usually averse to this.
Third, she has garter clips hanging out below the hem of her shirt-tails and she does not look trashy at all.
Altogether, it's an effortless ensemble that looks like it could be on the runway. This is marvelous.
Also, the wood in the background is gorgeous.
Jacket is uber cool but I am really interested in the shirt. Anybody know about that?
Incredible jacket!
Guernica was done much later than Picasso's Blue Period paintings, so with her blue hair, she pays homage to him not once, but twice. /J
Love everything about this!
Beautiful mug.
She looks incredible! What an inspired jacket- and the hair... just wow!
Not to be a killjoy BUT, I'd have loved to see her shoes.
"gernika" (that's how it's writed originaly in basque) is a gorgeous pinting... and so meaningful for us, here in the basque country.
so I'm loving that jacket
the best jacket ever? maybe
I would love to talk to her. Interesting, beautiful, special. Absolutely love this.
Reminds me of one of my own (painted) projects:
(I do love her jacket.)
I just found another Photo of her on the milk of Danzig's Website! Is she the model or Claire Barrow herself?
the jacket makes those high-rated miu-miu ones look so boring....
loving her jacket, simply because a good leather jacket can do wonders and I love Picasso. Cool blue hair too
Mixed feelings. The painting is so full of anguish and tragedy that to see it on a jacket.... I don't know. - Jean
oh now that is cool
this is AMAZING!
she wears a work of art
I really love it! Wow. She is working it. And her hair is so cool!
I would rate this amongst your best Sart.
what outrageous hair. i love it. thank you for sharing this amazing photograph.
I really like her hair. I love people who rock their own style, and look amazing doing it.
My Heart Blogged
i love the Picasso jacket! and is that a little silver beetle on her leg? if so, i love it
I don't think I'll ever quite say I "like" blue hair...but I still like it better than NO hair!
Great pic. Love the look!
Had Picasso lived today, he wold have loved the way she applied his image onto this very functional, mass produced but iconic garment. And being a true formalist, I think he would have appreciated the blue ensemble too.
On a very different note, I was amused to see this picture, because it reminded me of what the artist Richard Serra said about Guernica when asked about arts capacity to change the world;
"I don't think any one art work can change the world. The idea that Guernica had anything to do with the war is hogwash. I mean, no bombs were ever stopped because of Guernica. I mean, we can go to it now and say "Look at this great painting. It shows the horrors of war." But it didn't prevent any bombs from falling."
I love Serras brutal honesty. But the painting is a strong symbol even today and that's why it belongs to this jacket.
Very cool, love the jacket.
I like the leather jacket, the designs and zippered sleeves- and is that her hair or a wig??
Not enough love here for the fish print on the shirt. The jacket looks relatively new. Is the jacket DIY? Bottom of the jacket says Claire Barrow ? http://steaknfries.blogspot.com/
There hasn't been enough mention of the detail on the shirt with all those fish. Does anyone know if the jacket is DIY? The bottom of the jacket says Claire Barrows, any ideas? http://steaknfries.blogspot.com/
Stunning photo beautiful young girl I have one problem are there any older women in Florence,Paris,Milan New York lets see them too
I'm so loving this look.
NYC Fashion Jewelry
London always rocks!!!
A masterpiece. The blue hair!!!! I think this lady must have been in the UN building to see Colin Powell in 2003 or at the 'The Nature of the Beast' London, 2009.
'To take up a pen, line up words as if they could add anything to Picasso's Guernica is the most useless of undertakings ..... (Friend of Picasso).
loving the blue hair
Ah that's my favorite Picasso!
aaaaah refreshing. i'm always so glad when this site considers and showcases different kinds of styles and looks that might otherwise be classified as being on the fringes of fashion. to me, it is just as important to capture, share, observe and appreciate the tougher side of fashion and real people who wear it wonderfully. it would be so easy for you, Mr. Schuman, to get swallowed into just the biggest names in fashion, the haute couture aspect, and see things through that sheltered perspective. now this is what i call keepin' it real.
it's nothing like my own style, but i love this look and the woman is captivating. great photograph. isn't that the whole point of this?
yup, you definitely can tell this is in London.
Angels Point of View - Street Style Blog
i love the fish shirt! even though she is gothed out, there is that whimsical touch to her outfit!
Nice, blue hair - icy! It would look good onstreet posters. Why don't we saw decent fashion on the streets?
pretty sure this is her blog.
I am an Art History major and that jacket... so great to incorporate different parts of the painting. I spent over an hour in front of Guernica the first time I saw it, it's overwhelming. Love this fresh take.
The hair is crazy/cool!!
this is really really cool. her feeling emits from the shot. thanks for sharing.
I am sorry, but I don't really think this is in good taste. The painting was done in response to the horrific experiences of victims in the Guernica attach. You might as well have an Auschwitz jacket.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with this photo. Her hair has me drooling!
Wow. Just... wow. She is art.
Very interesting, a veritable eye bleach!
wow, really staggering. the coolest, most individual, totally irreverent look, i love it
wow, that jacket on top of those legs.... and the dangling straps ... just wow.
a mermaid in black leather with fabulous winged eyeliner
This is basically pure sex. YES.
Picasso jacket?
It is totally amazing.
love her imagination. again.
Love the jacket and the girl's mystery
Manga Princess. Fierce one. The cobalt blue of the tresses catches and syncs with the shades of blue in her eyes; perhaps she is a prettier version of the heroine from Stieg Larsson's Millenium Trilogy?
The blue hair is amazing.
I really adore the fashion mentality in London. They really express who they are, without caring what the rest might think.
Her garter belt is cute!
Whoa! Interesting to the max.
Love the jacket, awesome!
amazing and very powerful. this is true personal style and personality. not creating a look, just being. the colours, the shapes, the originality
J'adore her sardine shirt!
I agree with a lot of the folks here, for me the stars of this shot are her hair and the shirt. Oh, fun hair, how come when we grow up it's so hard for us to do stuff like that anymore?
one of the coolest pic on earth! congrats!
love the jacket and blue hair!!
Can you say ART?!
Amazing! Well the girl is obviously magnificent and that jacket just epic.I also love the little suspenders peeking under her shirt.
A true blue new age rebel.
Love it!
Check out what's going on in my head.
Feel free to comment and maybe follow me?
Love her hair! The green with blue is so gorgeous!
xoxo Sootjeelina <3
Masterpiece. What are those buckle things at the backs of her legs??
It's poor taste, I think, to do this with an image of Guernica. Maybe the jacket's designer is trying to make a an ironic point about fashion-hype or something, but the point is too intellectual and leaves a bad taste.
I love the fish! Wonderful and very funky!
I remember the day when i could get away with colouring my hair that colour. Happy times.
her hair is like some sort of shining beacon. its sooo lovelyy x x x
OHHH to be young...
Love her style!
this is the street style that I love...you are great
I can't believe my eyes! this jacket is everything
hmmm, great pic sir. Ilike this jacket, so cool
Guernica is my favourite painting, tells everything about the 20th century...
Amazing! :) I like her hair, I want to have mine in green! ^^
London, where else :)
The blue bleached hair and the art print leather both just exude the complete cool, rocker chic vibe.
much love.
I do like her passion for fish and the sea, she's like a rock n' roll mermaid.
oh my god, she looks more than perfect!
just great, i really like the hair :)
I love the fish skirt
Love her blue hair!
@Steak and Fries: Look on the website of Milk of Danzig! Those jackets are handpainted...
Gorgeously unconventional - typical London style! Her eyes, the so-cool hair, the jacket & her attitude - everything works.
Looks very cool. Qould be a good DIY project, I think!
This is unbelievably amazing! I love that painting, and to see it on a leather jacket blows my mind! Brilliant!
Fabulous hair!! The blending of colors is a real work of art.
so gothic!
The hair is fantastic and her whole look and vibe just work. This photo really gets that.
Her jacket with Picasso knocks me dead.......
And the garter belt is so sexy_
Her eyes are hauntingly beautiful. The entire composition of your photograph rocks Scott. Her blue hair, the turn of her head, the cigarette, everything. Lovely, just lovely! The jacket is to die for. Beautiful photograph Scott.
i wonder what the world looks like through her eyes.
that's amazing
She is Clair Barrow alright, but i am too confused. How did she end up in New York? Was she like on vacation?
This is certainly v interesting, at least conceptually. It's a bit difficult to judge whether it ends up looking good, or not.
However, I am not, personally, completely in favour of the commodification of art. Paintings are not logos, there is a depth to them that tends to disappear when they are mass reproduced or simply distorted in order to become design artefacts.
Just love this so much.
Wicked cool
ditto to jyoika's comment- i thought of picasso's blue period as well because of her shirt and hair...
i love the jacket and the suspenders hanging
ahh the hair! love the different blue shades. and the amazing jacket.
LOVE her hair color.
the shirt is comme......
This picture is why you should come to London more often! The jacket and hair are truly incredible.
Nice. I wonder what Pablo would think?
love her hair!
Oh my, a little "too extreme" for me... *_*'
I have seen Guernica and it is shocking, horrifying, an image of suffering that is overwhelming. It does not belong on a leather jacket. As a previous poster noted, it is in poor taste.
This girl really knows how to wear her art... love it... wish I can get a jacket like that.
That's the lovely Claire Barrow! Makes those jackets herself. AND she's lovely.
Oh my god. A Guernica leather jacket. PORN.
Love at first glance.
Sorry but thsi is too much for me ;D
A Picasso jacket? Why not! I've seen Guernica live, it's beautiful :)
I LOVE HER HAIR! Seriously ... I think I should try something similar to this! :))
Very Edward Gorey. The hair is very enviable but then it should be green but then it wouldn't be as enviable.
i am sooo digging the jacket, love it :)
love the fishie print!
Wow! The blue in her eyes swimming between the sea of her hair! The Guernica, fighting and wrapping her body!
It's a breathless photo of a breathless look. I love it
I wonder if it was a purchase or her own handiwork.
That is HAUTE COUTURE.Bravo!
THat fish shirt is amazing too.
Love that leather!
I could never rock that hair color myself but it really is quite cool.
Brilliant! I love the colors, pose and site! the arm/hand on the bottom of the jacket feels like it is grabbing the attention of the viewer.
well, at least it is not a celine bag or s/s 11 prada clothes, fur stole or shoes.
unbelievably perfect.
OH MY OH MY! WTF!! Im just...speechless!! (in a great sense)
Appreciate seeing someone with their own sense of style and a little diversity. Cookie cutter brand names get so old.
love the jacket and the hair
What a literal rendition of of clothing is art. This is awesome.
like like like
oh my god! i love it!
the jacket, the hair.. awesome!
Ramona Flowers!
omg that Picasso jacket! and Garter belt clips? this blue haired babydoll is BOLD and beautiful! Love the tones in her hair.
weird! Cool!
she is one of my customers! she has a very odd -yet great sense of style as you can see- she is not from London, but she lives in East London,in Daslton. She is well know in here where we live. Well done having her on your page, she is definitely like a cocoon: though on the outside, soft inside and yes, beautiful!
I met Claire in Glasgow this week! She'd generously donated one of her magnificent hand painted biker jackets to the 'DJ Thee Mr Mister' charity fundraiser! x
My fave photo in ages & its off the street - amazing! Love it!
Much as I hate sounding like a broken record, she really does have beautiful hair. And the jacket is very cool. Great subject choice, Sartorialist.
if it hasn't already been mentioned, claire's jacket customizing website is here
i'm very tempted to order one...
just love it. the jacket, the gurenica print!
she is amazing
That is one of the coolest things I have ever seen in my whole entire life!
She belongs on New York's Lower East Side
She will be able to look back in 30 years time and be quietly pleased that she was brave.
I was and I do. It's nice to be 55+ with nothing to prove so you can smile fondly at the young ones like our friend here.
~ivy m.
Ramona Flowers