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Comments on "On the Street...Fringe for Him & Her, Milan"
I love her fringe and the color of her sweater, amazing mix of textures!
Love the fringe! (miss milan!) really love your photos!
Nice pic!!
so cute!
the couple that fringes together stays together. jaja
beautiful fringing on her, love the scraggly look on him.
ww.styleisalwaysfashionable. blogspot.com
love fringe
They both look great, but I like her outfit best
This shot is so cool - and so are their clothes.
haha! cute
a match made in heaven.
they're within the same color palette...cute lol
hahaha so cute!
love this photo!
i love how you notice the small details!! <3
Nice post!!!
love fringing!
fashion blog KIRA LILLY
I love the irony in this, very witty ;) Your such a brilliant photographer, always glt your eyes peeled for even the tinyest details xoxo Abby
nice pic ;d
i love back shots. so amazing.
That's a really charming shot--once again, great eye!--and I love the raggedy hem on his shirt.
this is beyond cool.
Gotta love fringe!!
I really like the his, and her fringe. Great detailed shot.
My Heart Blogged
That skirt is amazing- great detail shot.
so cool, must be the coolest couple!
This one made me smile. Nice shot!
I think this is so sexy
I love this picture- how they contrast each other and match at the same time. Very sweet!
Love that fringe skirt.
Great capture!
Thought it was a him and an androgynous "him".
YES fringing! Maybe I'll bust out in a pair of those jeans that I never got hemmed & tell everyone, "HELLO, it's in style now, I saw it on the Sartorialist!"
What do ya think Scott, frayed/fringed jeans? Ya, I know I'm lazy, but it could work!
Yeah - I remember those kids - hangin' out back near the gym doors smokin' and stuff, jeans, bumper sneakers, mad mod hair and always the fringe!
how darling! what a great combo you captured!
I love this shot. Witty, intimate, great compositional contrasts. This could be the cover for your big best-seller Christmas coffeetable book........
wow, not quite sure why, but this has to be one of my favorite pictures ever. the replacements' "androgynous" immediately starts playing in my head (always a good thing). am really curious to know what they looked like from the front and in total.
It's low-rent Lanvin!
I love fringe, it makes me so happy.
wow! love it!
I absolutely love this photos. Shows love... and fashion! my two favorite things!
xoxo, A...Archambault
I saw the fringe done really well today, poolside. A girl wore a black and white splotchy t-shirty dress fringed on the bottom and sleeves with a fedora hat. Can't wait to try it my own way!
hers is better than his...xx meenal
That's pretty adorable, you captured something that would go unnoticed by most. Thank you!
>Down to the Details
that detail looks so cool
What happened to the beautiful suits, stylish Milanese and French men! The beautifully turned out women withnreal STYLE? Instead you've resorted to bringing us tired tees I need of replacement and fringe weirdos with safety pin decoration! I want the OLD Scott back... And soon!
I'm liking the change of pace in your photography style. It never ceases to fascinate me how photographers' eyes grow and evolve. As my street style eye develops I can look back at my old photos and see how my idea of what an ideal photograph is has shifted towards more of a general sense of visual pleasure.
Could almost be a Black & White photo, great flat tones. Cool!
Please stop in sometime!!
You know what they say ~ The couple that fringes together, stays together. Love. It!
Fearlessly Female (clickity-click!)
Are they in sync and in love or what? Sartorially sensible couple, I say.
so cool. love your detailed shots
Mmmmmmm fringe.
Thank you for all your likes!
I love this shot!
xx Ale
Totally love it!
great details, love this pic! <3
SHe is beautiful he is too "cheap"
Amazing picture!
haha love it.
I love how you look at the small details of the garments of the people, so I love your blog.
A big greeting from Spain.
Love for rock!!!!
How funny. I just made a post about fringe!
In french, sorry (but with many pictures )
this is a cool contrast
that is what I call 'fashon' !
A cardigan or sweatshirt over (suede) fringe? Not sure abbout this. Speaks confusion to me.
too good to be true.
This is great.
complimenting couples.
Love the tonality of the photo. Very amusing showing the fringes and the frays. Kudos.
Loving the all around "Fringe" trend.
I honestly dislike anything that looks ripped or torn. If the guy is really buff and his sleeves are ripped, it's a different story.
Love the frayed shirt
When I first read the blog title, I had my doubts, but the man fringe works too :)
hmmm... i like... both of them...
Looks great
I love how his fringe is perfectly unconscious & masculine, and hers is feminine. So cute & witty.
very cool shot. and his styling is perfect.
Hmmm... i'm a guy and have a henley that has that kind of fringe (on the left, the guy) but I always thought it looked weird so I would make sure it wasn't visible.
After seeing this, I think i'll let it show next time. Looks pretty cool!
Nice shot Mr. Schuman!
Love this picture. Quite romantic. And great style obviously.
I always wonder about couples that seem to share the same style outlook like these two. Its interesting. I wonder which one of them changed to match the other.
You are very observant Sart
cool observation scott!
Fringe is not for me but it look great in some other people like in this case, great picutre really.
...there is one thing i know for sure...architecture is the word... ;)
great pic !!
ha great shot!! Love a fringe and love a coordinating couple :)
i love this. i wish i could see the front! Is she just wearing a grey sweatshirt over something leathery and tasseled? wow. And I love his frayed shirt too.