On the Street....Angelika, Milan

The subtle thing she achieves so successfully in these two looks is to complement the sturdy but beautiful shape of her legs with an equally strong shoe. A daintier shoe would be overpowered but these shoes create a beautiful harmony for the lower half of her body.
Tomorrow I'll post an image of a different young lady I met in Paris with a similarly curvy body type but a different method of creating body harmony.
I love a post like this. It creates a real and important conversation.
A number of the commenters are upset by the word "curvy." They feel I should have used the word "normal." However, normal is relative. There is a young lady on my team who is 5'0", and another who is 5'9". Which would be "normal"?
Look at the man walking across the street in the first image, and the height of the umbrella in the second - and Angelika relative to each. This girl is taller than most, and has the bearing to match. Regarding the curves...just because you don't see them does not mean they are not there. Is there a minimum degree of curviness to be considered "curvy"?
Remember, curvy is a body shape, not a weight. To be honest, you can't really see in these photographs most of the curves - chest, stomach, hip - this woman has.
I get emails all the time from self-professed curvy girls who want to see representations of their size on the site. What sucks is that when I try to put a photograph up to talk about these issues, the post is hijacked over the political correctness of the words.
So help me understand; what is the modern way to speak about size? I'm not married to the word curvy. I'm just trying to describe her in the best way I know how. Let's not hide from this issue; I don't want to be afraid to talk about it on my blog. Help me describe this young lady without using the word "normal," but in a way that addresses her body size and still references my point about the size of her legs relative to her shoes.
Last week I did a post of older women every day, and I was proud of that. I am proud to be a blog that is showing women of different sizes. I don't want to lose the potential power of the post by being caught up in wordplay.
Comments on "On the Street....Angelika, Milan"
That body is SO nice! and out of system...
i really apreciate this post because she looks AMAZING!
what is her blog? i would love to check it out!
how skinny are the girls out there!?! this girl's perfect. and she's got some killer style. please do post more pictures of body harmony!
The Lita's are amazing, im getting them for my shop next month!
I also have these curvy lower legs... you can photograph them in Spain!
Nice post, thank you ;)
big? If you say so. I know she is for Paris. But, I think she's perfect.
I love your blog so dont take this the wrong way but.....
Seriously...big? curvy? sturdy?
I would weep if I heard your assessment of 90% of normal women's bodies (or mine for that matter)....
Svetlana xxx
Thank you for posting such a beautiful girl with a real body. I love her casual chic look with punchy shoes!
She's gorgeous. Her purple shoes (Jeffrey Cambell??) are splendid. I must say, though, I am not sure what you mean when you say that she's curvier that other bloggers. Bloggers come in all sizes and shapes. So why separate her because of her "curviness" (which, btw, I don't really see).
I wouldn't call her curvy. She may be a bit more fit than other sylph-like bloggers you see; in my book, however, muscular does not equal "big."
I think this is the only (and gorgeous) way to wear Jeffrey Campbell's Lita shoes! Very nice girl.
she must have those shoes in every color since it's the same shoe style- they're very nice and they do create a great harmony with her "curvy" body...however, if you think she's curvy- then what is someone like kim kardashian? this girl looks very small to me and looks like she could still be a model...she's beautiful and i would kill for legs like those... i'll take curvy legs over chicken legs any day!
i understand what you are saying about bigger but somehow i wish there was a different word than "big or bigger" because to me she still looks small. i believe many fashion bloggers and people who stand out side of fashion show are models, a very small group of people yet of course a main subject herethat make them look like they are the average woman or the norm. I believe she could pull of a delicate show or any show- she has style- not size.
PERFECT pics!!!
I really like that second look, especially those gorgeous shoes! I hope that tiny thing on the ground isn't a part of her camera...
Yes! She is beautiful and stylish, and I appreciate that she is "more normal" unlike *some* skinny bloggers, but she AIN'T "CURVY" she's normal probs a UK 10 like me....! Nevertheless, I'm happy to see a girl who isn't gross and sickly looking...
for another amazing bod look at Karla's Closet..the cali blogger with a great boddyyy
She's great but I guess I don't really relate to your comments. Yes, the other fashion bloggers I follow are usually 0's or 2's and I could never wear half the things they put on their body because at the size I am it would look like a clown playing dress up. So yes I do see that this girl is actually normal size but she isn't big by any means. But I don't really think you meant that statement in a bad way.
ummm.... curvy? okaaayy... this statement is hilarious to me.
anyway, love the color of her litas!
sturdy? yipes. she is normal. Please link to her blog!
Why even mention her figure - surely it doesn't make a jot of difference to her ability to put together an eyecatching look?
oh my… I know, she's what, a size 6?! "curvy" indeed… I suppose when you're in the fashion industry for a while this kinda thing starts looking bigger-than-average but, really, this girl is DAMN fine no matter how you want to label her, and I think we can all agree on that!
what's her blog?
curvier girls all the way! very cute
I'm about her size and ... I've never thought of myself as "big." Maybe "curvy' I've got nothing at all against truly "big" girls, but I'm just not voluptuous enough to be counted among their ranks. And really, neither is this Angelika chick.
But I can appreciate that you're used to (US) size 0 and 2 ladies, and that a (US) 4-6 looks "curvy" to you.
Also, if I need to balance my "sturdy" legs out with some chunky heels... good suggestion.
She is hardly "big."
I do appreciate your featuring a woman who is a centimeter or two larger in her measurements than the usual girls you photograph. But I'm a little horrified by the fact that you are referring to her as if she is plus size. I live in a major American city with many beautiful people, excellent shopping, and a distinct sense of style. She would be cconsidered thin if she walked down my street. Please do not insult your readers by pretending that in taking this photo, you are branching out in some way. It is ok to only take pictures of skinny girls; I don't come to your site for positive affirmation of my body type. If you want to represent different body types, then take done real risks. But don't call a thin girl "big" when she is not.
she looks amazing but as someone with a similar body shape can I say please stop with the 'sturdy'.
I'll add my voice to the outpouring... this girl is big? Please. Not only does she look perfect, healthy, gorgeous, etc... she actually IS thin, too, and to call her anything but is silly.
yikes. the thought would have never crossed my mind that she is "bigger." lovely, yes.
Yikes, Scott. Love, love, love your blog, but not so sure about this post...with the bigger/curvier/sturdy language you're kiiiiinda sounding like you're using euphemisms for "fat." This girl is maybe a size six, and I kinda don't get why any comment needed to be made about her body at all...I love that you posted this, but when you post it alongside comments about her curviness, it comes across as you feeling the choice of subject needs justification, even if that's not the intent.
When will a girl who is obvious attractive simply be 'attractive' and not 'attractive for a curvy girl'?
Forget all the extra adjectives. Yes, she's pretty and yes, she understands the importance of proportions. (Only antique mahogany furnishings should be commented on for sturdiness).
She is not curvy - for me, your written entry just isn't describing what I'm seeing in your photographs.
Rather I see a normal-sized girl with killer shoes.
I worry that you call those legs sturdy!
I think you have been in the fashion industry too long if this girl is "curvy" or "sturdy." She has a lovely figure and a wonderful sense of style. I agree with the commenter above - why even mention her weight? If you include her to be "diverse" and then point out why she is so different to all the other women you feature here, what is the point? Finally, I have never seen you make similar comments about the men you feature here, some of whom might be considered "robust."
she's beautiful but let's not misuse the word curvy... love the shoes and the poise
I love it!
Besos desde ♥ La ropa me vuelve loca!
Beautiful!! I love how you observe with such deep insight. Looking forward to the next photo!
I think she's perfect. and love her shoes!
I love these photos. I do have to agree with most people here. I love the idea of "body harmony" and I can appreciate a desire to make commentary on her shape (within the fashion world). When I saw the first photo I thought! Wow! She looks more like me! And then the bottom photo, wow! But I wish there wasn't commentary on her shape, because actually to simply let there be photos of "different" shape would have made more of a statement. More of a celebration of difference, than a 'look how to accommodate leg muscle' post.
she is gorgeous!
She is beautiful, and I would hardly call a size 6 “big.” That’s just silly.
both are awesome!
i love the shoes :D
To everyone that is concerned about the assessment of this lady's body type, please pay attention to what was actually written:
"She's a bigger, curvier girl than most of the other bloggers who you see in the the press."
He did not say she is big or curvy, but biggER and curviER than other ladies in the industry. It's a comparative statement, not saying she's big. Apparently a lot of people in the fashion industry are tiny. It's not a rude or demeaning assessment in any way.
Just saying...
i am in love with these photo's, love the second look
love the fact she's curvy girl! I'm so bored of those hundreds fashion bloggers who look like the same: thin, without curves!
She's wonderful and i like her style!
In Moda Veritas
yea I'd have to agree with the other comments. This girl is not curvy at all. Shes a perfect size. I can't believe curvy would even be associated with this body type.
Wow. "Curvy." Really? She looks pretty long and lean to me. Is she curvy from a different angle? I really just don't see it from the two images you posted.
A fellow Jeffrey Campbell girl...I love it! I've admired the purple ones but didn't have the guts to get em
what is her blog?
I imagine this (absolutely beautiful) young woman's morning will go something like this: a friend will call her and say, "I have some good news and some bad news: the good news is, your picture is on The Sartorialist! The bad new is, he called your legs 'sturdy.'"
Love the second look with the camel blazer. SO chic.xx
This girl looks nothing but perfect to me. I especially like the second photo and the fact that she is standing there with her eyes closed. Very sensual.
Could someone link her blog, please?
sturdy? are you kidding me?
anyway, she is absolutely lovely.
They're gorgeous!!
I am SO glad I'm not the only one who did a double-take on the curvy, bigger, and sturdy language. I actually scrolled back up to look again and am still not sure I know what you're talking about because that girl's body looks a LOT like mine and I drift between a size 2 and 4. You KIND of have a hint of a butt but I'm not sure what you're talking about. Her thighs? Maybe? You want curvy, you need to spend some more time in Miami.
Yes! I don't even care that you called a size 6 (if that?!) girl "sturdy but beautiful," (I appreciate that it was a comparative statement, and, having been working New York and Paris fashion week for years, I can attest that 90% of the women in that arena are the lithe, malnourished types; you'd call a size 4 ballerina "bigger" too...). What I love is that finally your "street style" isn't just models and fashion people who just walked out of a fashion show. If I wanted to see that I could just buy a fashion magazine. Beautiful people of all shapes and sizes are killer dressers, and it's great to see how they put together their looks. I'd love to see more of these! Short people! SERIOUSLY curvy people! Totally "average" lookin gals and guys with sick style.
She's very pretty! Love women with curves like hers. Beautifull shot
I'm just going to say it and be done. You're an idiot.
"Sturdy but beautiful," "she's a bigger, curvier girl"... really? I think these comments need some editing, please.
Love this, she represents normal women with curves who are turned away by model agencies just because they don't starve themselves!
Beautiful shoes
Would love to know the name of her blog.
My question is this: Why feel the need to comment on her body shape at all?
I don't feel your blog is the right platform to be discussing women's bodies in any shape or form. Stick to the style details..
Honestly, this is the kind of fashion inspiration that the world needs. Most of us look like this girl and not the skinny girls at the fashion shows. It's a lot easier to look chic when you have a super skinny body where clothes just hang "just so" but with a body that's more realistic for more people it means getting creative.
she is gorgeous. i don't think any comment needed to be made on her shape or size as she looks very normal to me.
"Curvy"??? How about healthy / normal / not-the-unhealthy-anorexic-ideal that is naturalized by the fashion industry?
I especially like the top photo which shows off her curves in those jeans. It's so nice to see a woman with a shape and not so thin. The shoes in each photo are Rockin'!
She looks great and I love her shoes but I hope she doesn't read this post. She is neither big or sturdy. To me she looks pretty normal shape wise.I'm puzzled.
that´s why I don´t wear heels like that (because of skinny legs). But she is a real beauty!
You're right that Angelika succeeded in achieving a harmonious look by adding those gorgeous Litas. She has a presence and an attitude that matter above all.
I would not consider her 'big' either. but in all honesty..before i read the text, i did think to myself that this girl looks bigger than those i am used to seeing on this blog and others like it.
but on another note. she looks beautiful, love the shots.
i do love myself some booty.
the first thing that i noticed was her shoe...and then i glanced leg up!!!...
she's definitely got the way to make people notice her legs and her shoes!!
Je me réjouis de découvrir ces manières d'appréhender les jambes un peu plus en forme ♥
Golly she is beautiful. Love both pics, and especially clever is her using that bright scarf to elongate her body.
both pairs of shoes are to die for.
Love her style, adore these shoes on the first pic!!
Xoxo, K.
This girl looks amazing and she has a beautiful body! Sorry,but big is for Beth Ditto, sturdy is for Serena Williams, curvy is for Christine Hedricks ;)
THIS girl is just young, charming and amazing!
i can't believe you would describe her as "bigger and curvier". She is beautiful but I would not describe her as big or curvy
I would hardly call this woman's legs "sturdy" - ee gads! She just doesn't have the stick legs of the professionally emaciated. For a non-model, she looks quite fit and I would even say slender to me. I love the blog, but I found this post alarming and kind of back-handed compliment. I'm sure you didn't mean it that way. Cheers.
Wow. I am usually a huge fan of this blog but this has really stuck out. This girl is very slim and to suggest that she is otherwise, and feel that the images needed an accompanying comment, (that seem to be there to justify why you posted a picture of a curvy girl as opposed to the stick insects you usually feature), is just ridiculous. Without the comments these images would have blended into the aesthetic of the blog without further ado, but to feel that they needed an explanation makes it seem as if this is not a body size we should be familiar with or expect to look good. Which is silly as she is not big by any standards.
She is pretty, she is stylish, she makes a good photo. Why comment at all? And why on her size? Why is she not simply attractive instead of attractive for a "curvy" girl (a description that isn't even applicable seeing as the use of 'curvy' here seems to be a euphemism for fat/ bigger).
And sturdy legs?! only buildings and furniture should be described as sturdy.
She's got a beautiful profile.
I would agree with everyone else that I love her style but would not call her curvy. Strong? Yes. Muscular? Yes. But still a skinny lady? Yes. Also since when do bloggers, even style bloggers have to be skinny?
Why exactly are we commenting on this woman's figure? I thought The Sartorialist was a place where I could look at clothes/people without being subjected to the constant body commentary that I normally find on style blogs.
Your patronising comments on her style, calling her 'bigger', 'curvier' and back handed compliment on her dress sense just serve to further alienate readers who are not a sample size, which I would assume is the larger portion of your audience.
If you had posted this devoid of your commentary I'd probably have been pleased you were posting a picture of someone who was slightly larger than usual, though nor particularly, and left it at that. The fact that you felt the need to praise her as though you were doing this woman some kind of favour smacks of an internalised body fascism that is, if I am being honest, always seen running through your posts.
I'm disappointed in you Scott, and I'm disappointed at many of the commenters here who have praised you for this post.
I don't understand why it was necessary to comment on her shape, why could the photo not have been published without mentioning her 'sturdy' shape....it is such a shame she has been highlighted as different.
She is beautiful (such an over used word).
I know what you mean when you say bigger and curvier (which is sad), but it's good to see a different body type get some love on here.
she's so COOL. i love her shoes! :)
Im sure that the use of terms to describe her weight and shape (sturdy, curvy etc) was considered before posting. However, it does seem to belie both a double standard as well as a sense of shifted reality.
Would these terms have ever been applied to the posts about older women, or any of the men? Not that I recall. And rather than referring to your love for her as stemming from her uniqueness as a "bigger" girl is a scene of slavishly skinny bloggers, wouldnt it be more appropriate to promote her for her decision to be healthy and point out the skinny bloggers as the aberration? By using words that have (unfortunately) such a charged, and semi-judgmental association, despite lauding her savvy dressing, Im afraid this merely reinforces the standard of skinniness.
She is still a slim girl, hardly worthy of the 'curvy' label.
I understand this is meant as a celebration of all sizes, but why single her out for the size of her legs (still slim) when she has such great style.
sorry to chime in with everyone else when it's basically the same comment but Jeez-o! That girl isnae BIG, CURVY,or any other euphemism for overweight. She must be a UK 8-10 (that's a US4-6).
You've got a great eye for a snap pal but you need to adjust your judgement a tad!
keep up the good work,
praise curvy women.....we are mucho in love, in equal parts, with each other...
Those shoes are popping up all over the 'net! I am rather taken by the blues ones...
So shocking (because I am an eternal optimist and always hope that you fashion folk are going to get it together on what constitutes "thin" and otherwise...) to hear you call this tall, SLIM girl "curvy" and then call her legs "sturdy." I am sad and disappointed that someone with as much power as you have feels it is okay to comment on this woman's body because it fails to fit in with the ideal of emaciation that remains dominant in fashion. This woman is beautiful. That is all that matters. Even if she WERE "sturdy" or "curvy" (a euphemism for chubby, if ever there was one), it would STILL be all that matters.
Unless the shoes are doing a better job than I think, or the profile shots are somehow deceiving, she is definitely not a big girl, though perhaps she is more sturdy than the bird-boned models out there. She is quite beautiful. It is a sad commentary, really, about the size of the other fashion bloggers. Model sizes are something we're used too by now, but it's amazing that the bloggers are also mostly similarly sized. You might be interested to see the elegance and style that some of the truly larger sewing bloggers pull off.
she is not big, not even curvy, but her legs look somewhat big in those tight jeans, which are just way to short in my opinion. That way her legs look short, even though she obviously got very beautiful legs and wears very high shoes(which I love). So I really do not like her jeans in the first picture and I don't see what you mean with "body harmony" there - I think it's the opposite. The rest of the look is great I think, I love that dark blazer and her scarf and the whole colour combination.
In the second picture she mastered it very well and by looking at this shot I wouldn't even think of words like "big".
are the fashion photographers becoming more fashionable than their subjects??
this girl is "bigger" than other fashion bloggers who tend to be very slim, however i think the term "curvy" is thrown around too loosely at anyone who isn't a size 0-6. If you're an average female size that doesn't make you curvy, that just makes you average.
She looks gorgeous, however I'm not a fan of the Litas. I didn't find them that stylish to begin with, but what's worse is that they're everywhere!
This girl is STUNNING and has a killer body. If I was her, and I read this post, I would be mortified that you called me "bigger" and said my legs are "sturdy". I can't think of a more offensive thing to say about someones legs. The word sturdy should never come up in describing anyone at anytime. I am so disappointed in the description of this woman and this post.
finally a woman with a normal female body!!!
I understand you want to show readers you appreciate more than stick-straight bodies, but it is beyond offensive that you would even bring attention to this woman's weight. "Bigger," "curvier" and "sturdy" are term use to nicely describe an overweight woman's body. She looks like she is in great shape, so why can't you just let the picture speak for itself? Yes, I realize she does not have a typical fashion industry body, but I don't appreciate her weight being the focus of your post.
oh scott, she looks so lovely! People are misinterpreting what you're saying! Youre not saying shes big, youre saying shes 'bigger' than the stereotype.. which is true, thank goodness, because shes perfect! I hope you feature more women like this instead of just sticking to the 'thin and beautiful'!
It is nice to be able to relate to people 'on the street!' for once.
She looks great!
How can you call someone like her "curvy", or, worse, "sturdy"? Is there no sane people left in fashion blogging?
I used to be "lady" photographer wearing heels...Respect for these ladies :)
These are beautiful photographs! But I do have to say that I agree with a lot of the comments above. I actually cringed a bit when I read your commentary on the photo. Although you may “love that she’s bigger and curvier” than most other bloggers…this compliment actually reinforces an unrealistic societal standard of how women and beauty should be evaluated. This blogger is clearly slim, so to attach words like “bigger” and “curvier” does women and body image a huge disservice. Perhaps if you actually loved this blogger’s individuality, you could comment on her expert street styling, rather than just commending her for balancing her “sturdy” legs with the HUGE platform JC boot. I’m a little nervous to hear the type of shoes you would recommend to a woman with a larger leg so as not to “overpower” them.
I think "body harmony" is a very careful way of indicating that she is somehow making up for the fact that she isn't the norm for the fashion industry, and I think you use it in a way that is still harmful for the collective female body image.
There is always this notion that, well, if you're going to be "curvy", which in this industry more or less means that you're above a size 2, you have to "rock it out" or "own it", as though the sheer fact that those hips are inseparable from your image isn't enough to make it OK or fashionable.
This just reinforces a dichotomy and a hierarchy of defined types of people, with the skinniest being able to wear pretty much anything, the "curvy" having to wear solid shoes, and the overweight needing to wear spanx and boot cuts to keep things looking slim.
I'm tired of seeing normal women, women with shape, continually described as "curvy". What does that serve?
Indeed why comment on her body at all! She is effing sexy is what she is! And stylish! Legs to DIE for! What is her blog? That's what we all wanna know!
I usually don't comment on your posts( i just enjoy them)but i really don't see that she is "big" i also don't see why you would have to mention that... Maybe you don't understand because you are not a woman but that sort of comment on a woman's body can cause her to become self conscious... She's beautiful btw.
I read an interview with you once where you mentioned that you are sad that bigger girls don't let you take their photo for the blog because they are afraid they are going to be mocked.
Well, this is why. This girl is not bigger. She has somewhat muscular legs but not in an "almost plus-size model" fashion. Not even close. You called her sturdy, curvy and bigger - please be aware that for people who suffer from an eating disorder these can be triggering terms. You have to be very careful how you describe body shapes.
Honestly, as people said here, you should have just not mentioned her body at all as it seems like you are apologizing for posting her pictures. But if you have to, you could have said that you love how her strong legs look in those shoes.
And if you think there are no fashion bloggers who are bigger (and I mean, REALLY bigger, not very skinny with muscular legs) then you are out of the loop. Check out:
These are actually CURVY girls with great style - the kind of girls you should feature sometimes if you really want to feature more curvy girls.
Diversity is a beautiful thing.
look in the second photo is perfect!
I don't understand why it was necessary to comment on her shape, why could the photo not have been published without mentioning her 'sturdy' shape....it is such a shame she has been highlighted as different.
I don't understand why her shape had to be even commented upon? This girl is now being made an example of as 'sturdy', the photo should have been published without passing comment on her weight and shape. I hope you discussed this with her when you took the photo and that she doesn't see this and take it personally. I know I would be upset to see the words sturdy underneath a photo of my legs, this girl is lovely.
i'm head over heels for that deep/bright purple!
january, x
I totally agree that she knows how to dress to look her best (and the photos are both beautiful), nonetheless I also wouldn't call her 'curvy' or 'sturdy' - I think she just looks normal-figured. But I guess when you've been around models for weeks a normal body can look big to the eyes. (It's the same effect when you look at the fashion shows pics on style.com and the last picture is the designer and you think 'oh dear, a NORMAL human being!')
What a war in comments! :o
I really like the 2nd photo.
I would agree more with calling her 'fit'... you can tell by her thighs and behind that she in fact does workout :)
I disagree with the 'body balance' comment for the photo with the blue shoes, I think they are too chunky and do not go at all with the jeans, to me the look is clashing and not flattering (both due to the shape and size of the shoes with the ankles showing as well as the shoe+jean colors). If anything the shoes make her legs look chunkier than they actually are. A thinner and more elegant shoe would complement her legs a lot better.
she looks great, what is the adress of her blog?
and, sorry, but is she curvy to you? she's just a normal-sized girl.
Loving her outfit in the second photo!
Lita <3
Great text!
Kisses from
A lot of your readers, including myself, are reacting to the way you use the word 'curvier'. This word is usually used a euphemism for 'bigger', 'full figured' or even 'fat'. In that sense of the word I see absolutely nothing "curvy" about this girl. She is slim but in a healthy way rather than in a size zero model way.
But in the true sense of the word (curvy as in 'has curves' not necessarily meaning 'fat') then yes, I absolutely agree that she is surely curvier than all the runway models who have no curves whatsoever. She seems to be made up of some muscles rather than just skin and bones.
Unfortunately you do not only use the word 'curvier', but also 'bigger' and 'sturdy'.
While you do describe her as beautiful and you 'love that she's a bigger, curvier girl' those of us who are about the same size as Angelika suddenly see ourselves as 'big'. I have personally never been described as big or even curvy before. Now I suddenly feel self-concious about my size. I can only imagine what other women who actually are in fact "plus-size" must feel like after reading this. Like another reader commented: what on earth are girls like Beyonce and Kim Kardashian if this girl is to be considered curvy!? They must feel colossal compared to her.
Scott, I'm sure that you meant this post in a nice way as you do seem like a lovely person. I just don't think you realise what kind of effect this could have on a young girls confidence.
Ok she might be a bit bigger that i.e Hanneli Mustaparta or some other fashion blogger, but this girl is not BIG! She is fit and small with muscular legs, and she loogs GREAT!
You hd one BIGGER woman here on your blog years ago, a 30+ in a bright orange colored loose dress. That woman was maybe a size 14, ( 42 in Europe I think ) which is a normal size if you are around 5.8 ( 172 ) that we, europeans are :) Well maybe not the French woman, but up north anyway.
Big is big, fat is someone like Beth Ditto, this girl is just perfect, small and fit. Not big at all.
I personally think this young lady is among the most stylish and most beautiful woman you have ever shot. Thank you, but please do not call her big or sturdy.
Thanks for this. She is beautiful. Especially the 2nd picture!
No worries about her size. Your comments come from a background of hundreds of super-thin girls viewed on runways. So, she is curvi-er. Anyway, I think your comments about her shoes warrant the mention of size/shape of legs. Thin legs don't balance those sturdy platforms... ;p
Since when do calf muscles make a woman curvy?
I have never commented before, though I love to see the images you post.
But - seriously? You think she's curvy? I'm not even sure what I'm trying to say, but I'm really saddened by what you wrote, and your view of her (and other women). Maybe that's how she is perceived in the fashion world, but that world is totally skewed.
Wow, what a beautiful young woman. We think she (and her body) is perfect the way she (and it) is!
P.S. Check out our Streetstyle-Blog: www.spotfolks.blogspot.com
Awesome pic! Love it.
But agree give us her blog! That's all!!!
what's the name of her blog?? i would love to follow herrrr!
The point Scott is trying to make, I think, is that the shoes look amazing on her, thanks to the stronger shape of her legs. This is a useful tip for most of us, I think.
So, to make his point (about her great fashion-sense), it was 'necessary to comment on her shape', right?
This girl is not "curvy" or "bigger". She's normal. You should really take back those comments. While you usually do feature very skinny girls, they are not the norm. By labeling a normal woman's body as "bigger" you are sending a very harmful message to young girls and to women. You claim that The Sartorialist is a place for real fashion that people can relate to. You just put yourself in the category of out of touch fashion magazines.
its good to see ordinary looking girls populating the fashion blogging scene. it would take this young lady, together with other less than perfect face/and/or/body -exemplars, the likes of the Garance Dore/Man Repeller/some of the recent MANGO comp bloggers etc, far more courage to display their fashion choices.
I don't mind your use of the word "bigger" (since you are comparing her to smaller women), but perhaps if you said, "sturdy and beautiful" rather than "sturdy but beautiful" it would put less of a value judgment on having "sturdy" legs.
It might help make your "bigger bodies are also beautiful" opinion a bit more believable.
I love the pictures, but if she is considered to be a "bigger, curvier girl" I think that we have bigger issues here than her choice of shoes.
While I understand what you are trying to say, I think that by classifying her as "bigger" and "curvier," you are only perpetuating unrealistic and distorted body-type categories-- use your influence to shape new ones! Please!
I'm in love of her style!! The shoes are amazing..Jeffrey Campbell! I want to know what's the name of her blog!
And by "bigger, curvier" you certainly meant "perfect," correct? ;) She's beautiful. I also love how she knows her silhouette!
I do not thik she`s curvy she`s slim but not skinny. Does anyone know the link for her blog? I`d appreciate that if you could write it. xoxo
After reading the post it is hard to concentrate on the actual ensemble instead of her body. Somehow the "the body's gorgeous/perfect/sexy" etc. -comments feel as disturbing as describing her as "big", which she in the street-relative sense is not. But then again fashion must have a different kind of relativity.
its Angelika Blick: http://nyheter24.se/modette/angelicablick
I'm a long time loyal reader of this site and I love it, but I"m afraid to say I agree with many commenters on this post. I find the words chosen to describe this obviously fit and slim woman inaccurate, rude and offensive. You wield enormous influence in the fashion world and on women's perception of what is or is not the norm. Please, choose your words when describing people's shapes and sizes as carefully as you choose your subjects.
like the rest, i am glad to see that I am not the only one who cocked an eyebrow at the words bigger, curvier, and sturdy and are alarmed by the implied shift in perspective. perhaps we are comparing ourselves to her (realizing that if she is a totally different body type, then we must be huge! does this mean we can't wear dainty shoes?) but honestly looking at the 2nd photogrpah I would have considered her to be pretty close to model sized anyway.
what also worries me is that when i saw the 1st photo i immediately noticed that she was a bit "bigger" than your usual subjects... i love that you incorporate older people with great style, and i wish you would capture a wider range of body types, which is what i would expect for street fashion, even high fashion street fashion.
if this is the standard for "bigger" "sturdy" or "curvy" i can't help but think of all of the beautiful, stylish, wonderful women i know who are MUCH bigger (in terms of height, fat, width, what have you) and how you are basically erasing them by saddling this really rather small woman as the face of "curvy girls" here. i know you've said in the past that fatter women ("plus size" if you prefer strange euphemisms) sometimes question your motives or decline to be photographed and that is ONE reason you've given that there are so few examples of larger women on your blog. however, if this is how you comment on a rather thin women, can you blame them? i can think of dozens of "curvy" women who would LOVE to be photographed for a street style blog, and who have some of the most eclectic, elegant, and generally awesome style.
just some things to think about.
1) this woman isn't "curvy"
2) it would be great if you WOULD represent some TRULY "curvy" women here, because we/they have great style, too! (and it's a shame that when fatter women ARE represented on style blogs, 99% of the time it's specifically FOR chubby women)
3) enough with the body policing.
Gorgeous. And yes, please post her blog!
Real women with real bodies who have an amazing sense of style is what I want to see more of. Please post more of these. And please link to her blog.
Sorry to say this but OMG Shoes! I wish they had that rich super purple/blue for men, in like a suede desert boot or something.
http://www.drawnhungry.com (my blog where I design sculptures and bend them out of wire)
Love it! And I've got sturdy legs too, so now I'm going to see if I can find myself a pair of big chunky booties like hers. Fabulous.
Shape. Dig it.
Fist time ever for me to write to any blog.
Thanks so much to give some space in fashion to curvs.
This is just the kind of commentary women do not need, Scott. Words like 'curvy' and 'sturdy' are anything but complimentary. She is a beautiful woman and the idea that you find it necessary to qualify that fact with such a description is wrong and offensive.
A woman's looks should not need justifying, whether the way she dresses is "creating body harmony" (what bullshit) or not. And if you're going to take the route of critiquing body shape, where is your commentary on the bodies of those women who do "represent the genre"??
Adore her! People, let's be serious: the media is saturated with images of super thin woman. I'm sure that's what Mr. Sartorialist means.
love the shoes! and please post her blog... xx from ARGENTINA
I appreciate the effort...though i see you are getting enough flack. Keep shooting and making an effort towards an varied body type. There are alot more sir and i look forward to tomorrow's post
I feel thoroughly surprised that this girl has been said to be 'bigger, curvier'. Excuse me? Are we looking at the same photo? What a shame that the fashion pack's eyes have lost they ability to look at the things properly...
by "big," you mean "an inch larger than the size 0s you see at fashion week"? she's a blogger, not a model, she's a normal-looking person. please don't call her "big" or "curvy" (she's not curvy at all, anyway). this comment made me sad.
I love to look at the pictures on this site for inspiration, but have always felt a little sad that your subjects never really represent "real" women. Now there is finally an example of a women even bordering on "average" and she is sturdy and bigger? For the record, I think using average to describe her is sad, she is gorgeous, one of the prettiest women I have seen you take a photo of. Its interesting that you have never felt the need to comment on the body harmony of any of the smaller sized women you normally shoot, and for that matter it never comes up with men of any size. But for a woman to have anything less than rail thin and emaciated legs warrants a discussion on how to "deal" with such an appalling issue?? (please read my sarcasm here). I am pretty appalled to be honest. I have always enjoyed your blog even though I never felt truly represented, but this certainly takes away some of the luster.
Hmm, it seems that a lot of readers are very sensitive about certain words used to describe the female body. I think "bigger", "curvier" and "sturdy" are all appropriate words to use in this context.
She is bigger than the norm of teeny-tiny skinnies that usually appear in fashion blogs.
Also, I think it is nice to think about legs as being "sturdy"--they hold up the entire body don't they? I think one can be described using these words and still be incredibly feminine and sexy :)
I find it sad that this woman is not only bigger and curvier than most women you see in the fashion world -- she's also probably the biggest and curviest woman who will ever be featured on this blog. I know there aren't many plus-size women who are making it as models, but there are plenty out on the street -- why don't you ever photograph them?
I agree that this beautiful woman has a slightly different body than most women you photograph, and that's a good thing. But she's still on the skinny side of average, you understand. I would love to see you branch out more and photograph some people who actually are average-size or larger.
Also -- working all day in those heels? Ouch.
"bigger, curvier" ??? WOW...your view of "normal" must be incredibly skewed.
Hello, What is her blog?
Come on people! Lighten up a bit!
Scott is sharing his delight about this woman's harmonious body. So what if he uses the word "curvy" or "sturdy"? Since when is "curvy" a derogatory term? Curves are SHAPES, they don't have anything to do with weight. Women can be fit and curvy.
On top of this, he is using comparatives, "bigger, curvier", so what is there to be so fussy about?
Legs like these do, in fact, stand out. They ARE sturdy and gorgeous. They ARE a signature and part of her style, and Scott has every right to comment on how she capitalizes on them.
He is not reinforcing any messed up societal crap, he's using descriptive vocabulary that should not be perceived as negative in the first place. What woman would like it better if her legs were defined as "muscular" (gosh!) rather than "curvy", which is simply more feminine.
Women who are clearly underweight appear on this blog occasionally and their weight goes unmentioned. THAT, to me, reinforces the notion that the "I starve myself" body is ok. And then again, it is not Scott's mandate to point out what could be the sign of an unhealthy lifestyle in a woman's body. He celebrates beauty and style. Which he just did. So yeah, nice post :)
The Blog is Angelika Blick!!
she's beautiful! love the second picture!!
Scott, no! If you never made mention of her 'curviness' I wouldn't have categorized her as 'curvy' in the least. I'm sure that you meant no harm, but she's thin! Sure, you can't see her femur through her jeans like many of her 'fashion peers', but WHO WANTS THAT? If you ask me, she's one of the sexiest girls in the industry. And this is coming from a girl who IS a size 0. Maybe a better word for 'curvy' would be womanly? The word 'curvy' is so overly used as a 'nice' way to describe people who are overweight (which is another issue in itself) that I think it has to be used with great caution. There's already so much pressure on women to reach barely attainable beauty standards and sadly, this is a huge step backward.
Woooow these hells are perfects!
actually the jeans make her legs look shorter and chubbier than they really are and the shoes and the space between the shoes and her jeans reinforce this effect from a styling mishap.
apart from that, she is very lovely, very elegant.
Your blog really does skimp on picture of not just "bigger" girls, but normal-sized girls in general. I'd like to see more of a balance... thinness isn't a basic accessory.
aaaahhh, controversy over proper language to describe body type...well, let's all agree that she is beautiful and has a great body :)))
starting to feel that this shape was fading away, its so wonderful to see that its still admired.
how is this girl curvy?
This comment has been removed by the author.
"Bigger?" Seriously? Find a new word because "bigger" hardly describes this beautiful creature.
Big? Curvy? Haha I think you've been in the fashion world too long. Like everyone said, her body is amazing and I wish more models looked like her.
what is her blog?
I know as a blogger you are careful to omit from comments anything that may be hurtful or derogatory about your subjects.
However, you seem to have forgotten that etiquette on this post. By no means is this lady "big." And if she were there are other ways to write about the style.
I wonder what people think about your figure and don't write about in their blogs.
I think she has normal legs. Someone has been looking models for too long.
Yes, it's the conjunction problem among others. "The sturdy but beautiful shape of her legs." Why but and not and. Words are not innocent. Scott is in the business - he knows what these words mean.
Go to her blog -- she's very thin just not severely underweight.
I bought a pair of platforms in London (back in 1972!). My god, I loved them. Looking back, they were hideous. I didn't wear them, they wore ME. Which is how I feel about the shoes this beautiful girl is wearing.
if a duck is a duck, you call it a duck. scott did not write anything offensive here.
healthy, strong, in shape woman described as "bigger"...better just to say nothing.
i am a woman with a very similar body type, if not more curvy, and find it hard it exhausting how badly everyone is taking your comments. i don't see what you said as offensive, if anything i think the fact that you said you loved it is being overlooked. it must be hard to comment on a woman's body type at all with all of us feeling constant personal evaluation.
Great post! This is what I love about your blog, Scott - we can all learn so much about harmonizing and optimizing our own style and body shapes by setting aside judgement and simply observing. Great post.
great pic(s). could have left off these comments re her body.
What's her blog? These outfits are gorgeous, I wanna see more!
xoxo Sootjeelina <3
"a daintier shoe would be overpowered (by her sturdy legs)"
seriously! OH MY GOD!!?!
She has kick-ass strong legs - looks like she might be a runner. Whatever you want to call her body type - she's stunning.
"bigger? curvier? sturdy legs?" you must be kidding! She does have an amazing body, but it is by no means sturdy. She's what, a size 4, maybe 6 at the most? This is why girls fill their bodies with chemicals instead of healthy food b/c normal skinny is the new "sturdy." Not OK...
Wow, photos like these are why I adore this blog. Thank you. The sturdy shoes balanced with those feminine cheeks and hair. Amazing amazing photo. Also, your work brings out her style; she's not pretending but rather being herself. Lovely.
Again, as stated many, many times above, this photo would probably have more weight if the woman in question's size WASN'T commented on. By even drawing attention to the fact that she is larger than the underweight average it undermines the message perhaps originally intended - that this 'look' is a positive alternative to the fashion norm.
I appreciate it was also to make the point that she carries off the chunky platforms better with legs like hers rather than skinny ones, but 'shapely' or 'toned' would've probably been more tactful in order not to incur the wrath of your numerous female followers. However, one can appreciate that some care was taken to choose words carefully regarding this, it must be difficult to make such a point without causing some sort of offence.
Even so, just attempting to show that a slightly more shapely body type can actually be an advantage in some sartorial choices should be applauded. A lovely photo with some very cool shoes.
She hasn't got an extra ounce on her, that's curvy?? She's completely gorgeous, but I disagree with the assessment that she represents the "curvy" woman population.
do we also make kind exceptions for extraordinarily short men? as in, "normally we wouldn't see this body type as admirable or attractive, but because he's put on a nice scarf and had a shave ... ok ... i mean, i *guess* ... (but really how sad for him!)"
Plus, anyone with a jawline like that could never be 'sturdy'. Jealous of those cheekbones...
Amazing heels! :D
Sorry but I agree with alot of the comments. Calling her legs "sturdy" is a put down. You could have used a better word such as "fit". I'm a little disappointed in you. I understand that she is bigger than the fashion norm but the way you described her was offensive and not really complimentary. I agree that you should just have put her photos without mention of her shape since it's not that unusual.
regardless of her size, i find it unnecessary for you to comment on it. i have never seen you address how some tiny little waif did a kick-ass job of camouflaging her protruding clavicles, and rightly so! ALL body types are acceptable. Of late we have seen the waif body type maligned in the media, and skewed definitions of the euphemistic "curvy" body. the fact is, they all exist and we should not embrace one over the other as more acceptable, or beautiful.
I really appreciate you bringing up "bigger" (though I don't think that's quite the right word for it. if anything you just mean unconventional) female body types. I've been thinking a lot lately that I need to find more bodacious role models for myself. As someone who is pretty thin, but very curvy (these characteristics are not exclusive of each other), I find it problematic that most of the photos in my inspiration folder are of a body type i'll never have--largely boyish and straight--and of clothes that will never hang properly on me. I, and many women like me, need to learn and appreciate the merits of our own body types and this is one step toward that goal. Thank you for photographing and posting a body type somewhat out of your--and the fashion world's--mold.
can you feature more girls of this size please!
I find it so frustrating that fashion is shown on skinny, featureless, tall girls, the clothes will not look the same on average shaped girls and therefore are a complete waste of time for people. Show me more images of normal girls looking fab!
I love how people are so opinionated and take his words personally, and try to speak on behalf of this lovely young lady. Where's her voice in all of this?
Scott made his opinion, readers should be able to give theirs... but to get offended and judgmental? Breathe a little and calm the freak down.
I love this blog, but as a woman with "bigger" muscular legs I admit I actually read through all of these comments for some positive affirmation. because: ouch. I love my legs!
I'm someone that doesn't like skinny or thin in a woman. Curvy yes, heavy no. Scott, the blog relies on real. The overly sensitive and defensive don't really get the point. Head down, keep going you've got it right. Paul M
I do not believe I have ever left a comment on your blog, but for this post, I just had to. I really enjoy your blog, and the work that you do...
As for the wording, there is no correct word that will please everyone. Someone will always be upset, based on their own issues and perceptions, I feel.
These ladies look beautiful and healthy, and yes, curvy. Who cares? One needs to look at their outfits, certainly appreciate their style, your photography, and feel inspired. That is the point :)
Thank you for all that you share.
Dear Scott,
First & foremost, love your blog & have followed you for years. Also have your book.
I think the issue isn't necessarly the words you use, rather that you use them at all. Maybe steer away from body descriptions & just comment on the proportion of legs/jeans/shoes...
To me, pointing out when someone is 'bigger' or 'curvy' reads a little insulting when you're not also pointing out when someone's not. Does that make sense?
Not a big deal. It's a touchy issue for sure, especially for a man. Still love you & The Sartorialist.
How she implemented the Litas complements and flatters her figure. She looks fantastic.
much love.
I really like the second picture. The color of her clothes match really well with the background. She's beautiful, much better than all the super skinny women in the press.. Does anybody the name of her Blog.
Those Shoes are amazing! I want them!!