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Garance In Her New Prada Shoes, Paris


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Saturday, March 19, 2011

Garance In Her New Prada Shoes, Paris

I had a great laugh the other day in Paris. Garance had recently written a very tongue-in-cheek post about how to be shot by street style photographers.

Well, when she broke out her new Prada shoes (the ones that everyone wants but very few have), she fell into her own trap. It seemed that her every step was snapped by at least three photographers. Don't get me wrong, they weren't interested in her....just the shoes.

Comments on "Garance In Her New Prada Shoes, Paris"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:35 AM) : 

This comment has been removed by the author.


Blogger Unknown said ... (11:36 AM) : 

haha thats crazy ! her shoes do look great though from what i can see


Blogger Cecille said ... (11:36 AM) : 

hehe funny :)


Anonymous Melanieee said ... (11:45 AM) : 

Not only do I love her shoes, her whole outfit is great. Are those photographers??


Blogger Eline said ... (11:52 AM) : 



Anonymous amy said ... (11:53 AM) : 

Beautiful! What kind of bag is that?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:57 AM) : 

well she must have got pretty feet to go with the shoes! :D
And oooh..she's carrying the celine bucket bag that I had been coveting since she posted it..


Blogger Unknown said ... (11:59 AM) : 

Anyone know who made the backpack on the left crouched photog? I'm looking for one like it for my summer biking!


Blogger Unknown said ... (12:00 PM) : 



Anonymous salomé said ... (12:00 PM) : 

HAHAHH i remember myself of this post and it's very FUNNY this pic....
Her shoes are amazing... ;)
Love Prada but i couldn't dare to wear this pair.... ;))




Blogger Joanna Paulsen said ... (12:01 PM) : 

Hilarious! Must have been awkward for her!


Blogger joshylola said ... (12:02 PM) : 

jEJE great photo!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:08 PM) : 

Why wouldn't they be interested in her?


Blogger Unknown said ... (12:08 PM) : 

ohh, that back pack! blue canvas and leather....

anybody know the brand?


Blogger Miss Bentley said ... (12:09 PM) : 

Very funny!

I think i would have to drop to the floor to get a closer look at those beauties too- those shoes are amazing!


Blogger Unknown said ... (12:13 PM) : 

Loving the shoes.


Blogger Nolita said ... (12:15 PM) : 

The shoes have their own life!:)

----Nolita Vintage Facebook---


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:16 PM) : 

do we get a close-up of those shoes from the sartorialist?


Blogger cecilew said ... (12:21 PM) : 

this picture makes me laught! and the shoes are really beautiful.


Blogger Jeanine Reyes said ... (12:27 PM) : 

That's so funny!, but this goes to show the power of shoes:)


Blogger Katha said ... (12:29 PM) : 

haha, what a great shot! it confirms: the street is the new catwalk!


Anonymous vicks and mangoes said ... (12:31 PM) : 

Best part of her outfit...the pants! So street.


Anonymous MURIEL said ... (12:38 PM) : 

EXTRA!!! Comment avoir la gent masculine à ses pieds-:))))


Blogger Danielle Merket said ... (12:40 PM) : 

So funny. Love this shot.


Blogger GIAA said ... (12:46 PM) : 

Great moment you captured ahah so funny!!




Blogger Transatlantique said ... (12:47 PM) : 


Those shoes are gorgeous! I love the bag, too.


Blogger San said ... (12:50 PM) : 

Ahahah, hilarious and fabulous picture. Enjoy your weekend.


Blogger Karena said ... (12:50 PM) : 

So could this be staged! :)

Do adore her shoes and she looks great from the back.

Art by Karena


Blogger Amy said ... (1:10 PM) : 

Forget the shoes! (which happen to be in every single magazine right now) It's Garance!! I saw her in Paris a year and a half ago during fashion week because I happened to be traveling there, and I have never seen a more ravishing woman. This was only augmented by the fact that she was beyond kind and humble when I embarrassingly went up to her, paused her conversation with a friend, and confessed my adoration of her and her site. If I were the photographers, I'd be like-- "what? she was wearing shoes?" :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:16 PM) : 

This is just too hilarious...:))


Blogger sweet harvest moon said ... (1:18 PM) : 

Haha :D
They look beautiful!

(i really like that back pack too)


Blogger comme fraiche said ... (1:19 PM) : 

Those shoes are a camera magnet as your photo shows. I think Garance wanted to make sure her theory on being photographed was correct.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:29 PM) : 

Don't kid yourself Scott, only a few people can wear shoes like Garance does


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:29 PM) : 

Don't kid yourself Scott, only a few people can wear shoes like Garance does


Anonymous Sam said ... (1:30 PM) : 

hahaha I read that post about how to draw the attention of street style photographers during fashion week and I must say I tried some of her tips in Paris and they actually worked! Really funny!

Those Prada shoes are simply AMAZING! I would have also been sitting on the pavement to get a good shot of them!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:31 PM) : 

vive le fashion!


Blogger The Fancy Teacup said ... (1:49 PM) : 

That's very amusing. Her Prada shoes are complete mesmerizing though!
much love.


Blogger Kathleen said ... (1:53 PM) : 

Love it. She may as well me The Queen leaving a state dinner or something. Ha! Love it. I do love these shoes, but her entire outfit, from what I can see, is great too. Love her bag, love it!


Blogger FH said ... (1:54 PM) : 

Funny !! It's true, they're so beauutiful :)


Blogger Jadore-Fashion said ... (1:56 PM) : 

ha ha! beautiful



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:04 PM) : 

Haha, great shot! And great shoes too, of course


Blogger Steak and Fries said ... (2:05 PM) : 

The guy on the left has an amazing backpack / rucksack!


Anonymous Luxury fashion Blog said ... (2:17 PM) : 

I want those shoes so badly! xo


Blogger Burn the Blonde said ... (2:24 PM) : 

I don't blame them, look at those shoes! Swooon...!
Burn the Blonde


Blogger MayKay said ... (2:24 PM) : 

So Paris swarms with street style photographers?! How come there are three of them at the same time? - There is some narcissism in this post, and it bothers me.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:30 PM) : 

I like this picture!


Anonymous Well Done said ... (2:38 PM) :'s always the shoes.


Blogger Suzanne Bean said ... (2:53 PM) : 

Yes, the sheep will follow!!!!


Blogger Unknown said ... (3:15 PM) : 

3 photographers for prada shoes!!!

Either their the Designer runway shoes, or she paid more than 7K for them...

Ive never seen this before, quite funny from my perspective..


Blogger Judith Anna said ... (3:24 PM) : 

Heels heels heels, and just love those Prada's .
Lucky girl!
Bisou Anna from Amsterdam


Anonymous Barbara said ... (3:30 PM) : 

Cult of Mamona ;).


Anonymous Ana said ... (3:33 PM) : 

Really?!! can people go that crazy just for a pair of shoes?...


Blogger Unknown said ... (3:40 PM) : 

haha, so funny!!


Anonymous Rita said ... (3:51 PM) : 

Garance is allways so elegant! If they were really just interested in the shoes there's something very wrong with them...


Blogger Darina said ... (3:51 PM) : 

hahaha well what did u expected ...these are the f*ckin PRADAS!
looking btw amazing :)

greetz from Germany,


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:52 PM) : 

haha i love it!


Anonymous Lost in Mexico said ... (4:05 PM) : 

The shoes are amazing ! But Garance is amazing too. So... who knows???


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:38 PM) : 

lol tommy ton on the left


Blogger blue roses said ... (4:45 PM) : 

hmmm, "just the shoes," so you say... garance is quite a catch, so though those photographers may be crouching, you never know.

she is a lucky lady.


Blogger Oh my Dior! said ... (5:18 PM) : 

This look is really cool!!


Blogger Miss Molly said ... (5:22 PM) : 

this is hilarious.. love it


Blogger Marc said ... (5:47 PM) : 

That's hilarious. I love the backpack that the photographer on the left is wearing. Love leather/canvas bags.


Blogger Unknown said ... (6:15 PM) : 

j'adore quand vous postez des photos avec Garance, trop drôle les 3 mecs accroupis


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:24 PM) : 

for the curious...

She followed her own rules, eh?


Blogger Jessie said ... (6:29 PM) : 

i looove it! paris is simply the best :D


Blogger Linda [the young curator] said ... (6:49 PM) : 

this is hilarious hahaha

i love it


Blogger Mary Beth said ... (7:03 PM) : 

We love our shoes here in Chitown...but I doubt photogs would swarm for a footsie shot. Shoes do look cute from afar.I need some close-ups!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:26 PM) : 

Haha I read her post and thought it was so funny and tongue-in-cheek. And now to see this! :) -Angela


Anonymous Carla79 said ... (7:40 PM) : 

Quite comical, but she was addressed by you, whether it be her shoes or not! She gained your attention!


Blogger jackie said ... (9:30 PM) : 

omg this is hysterical! i loved that post it was really cute and i love how she proved it works!

she's adorable, congrats!


Blogger It-Blogirls said ... (9:43 PM) : 

Hahaaaa, garance is amazing, they should be interested in her more than in her shoes, even though they are quiet amazing


Blogger Rosa Tang said ... (10:26 PM) : 

giggle. thats silly
♡, buttercup buttons


Blogger Clara said ... (11:02 PM) : 

Just by looking at the picture I was thinking about Garance's text and I was laughing! Your text was the cherry on top!
Haha as we say in French "L'arroseur arrosé" (don't know how to say it in English!)!


Blogger delicate man's itaewon style said ... (11:42 PM) : 

i am just used to looking at the guys...those three guys are all greatlooking from the back. at first i thought this post was about the people's backside. we are often so obsessed with the front.


Blogger Barbara said ... (11:58 PM) : 

That is hilarious! Gotta love the irony!

BTW, great shot!



Blogger xA said ... (3:35 AM) : 

What a babe!


Blogger Mrs Vintage said ... (3:37 AM) : 

Cute pic, haha!


Blogger thwany said ... (3:43 AM) : 

haha love it.


Blogger Joy said ... (3:44 AM) : 

HILARIOUS. May I add that you two are fashion celebrities on your own right that deserves to be photographed as well?


Blogger jess said ... (4:37 AM) : 

oh, prada shoes. gotta love them.


Blogger Rose Mode said ... (4:46 AM) : 

I miss my Paris =)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:07 AM) : 

Sometimes I am disgusted by these photographers. What happened to taking pictures of people who have a soul, a friendship, a genuine smile. And Sart, dear sart, can we see more frequent updates PLEASE!


Anonymous yulianne said ... (6:10 AM) : 

bwahahaha, that was funny.
especially the last sentence.


Blogger Alys said ... (6:41 AM) : 

Beautiful shoes! Though I love how half these comments are asking who made the left photographer's backpack!


Blogger TheStreetFashion5xpro said ... (6:52 AM) : 

amazing are great
Nam and Tommy are great hunters
this picture makes it clear that the road is the hunting.. ...and I love the hunting area of the road
...and Garance...that class


Anonymous cams said ... (7:10 AM) : 

Great post and amazinng shoes!!!


Blogger The little world of fashion said ... (7:46 AM) : 

ahaha :)


Blogger PardonMeMonChéri said ... (7:56 AM) : 

Haha, no wonder they chase her like that, these shoes are magnificent!
Cool bag too!

Check out what's going on in my head!

Feel free to comment and maybe follow me!


Blogger Brummagem Joe said ... (9:28 AM) : 

For the first time ever I got snapped by a street photographer in NYC last Friday. It was an oldish guy (maybe the one with the bike). I didn't look as good as Garance.


Blogger kathrynnova said ... (9:29 AM) : 

it seems that fashion blogging and street style photography has turned into one big huge prada ad campaign.


Anonymous IS THIS IT? models review said ... (9:57 AM) : 

hehe Prada shoes are Prada shoes... :)


Blogger Unknown said ... (10:29 AM) : 

Funny photo!



Blogger Unknown said ... (10:54 AM) : 

Haha! But that is true, these shoes are amazing...


Blogger Michelle Lee said ... (11:25 AM) : 

love her shoes :) bag too!
-Michelle (birthday girl) twitter@divalicious_m


Blogger Milica said ... (12:01 PM) : 

Hahahahha :) Love the photo and the comment! :) But of course shoes are the best!


Blogger lol said ... (12:02 PM) : 



Blogger My Unfinished Life said ... (1:20 PM) : 

poetic justice...????
grt shoes though


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:28 PM) : 

I think this is funny.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:53 PM) : 

Hilarious!!!! Love her celine bag.


Anonymous les Soeurs W said ... (1:54 PM) : 

Did you take a closer picture on her shoes?


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:20 PM) : 

not only her shoes but also whole feeling is so modern and couth!!!


Blogger My Savage Side said ... (3:19 PM) : 

really?? it makes me laugh too!

how the photographers are like this... :D


Blogger Unknown said ... (3:28 PM) : 

I lvoe the LV bag and the shoes, of's mazing!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:14 PM) : 

that bacpack looks like the ones by Makr, not the same one but similar


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:38 PM) : 

Nice shoot, my photographer was really amused by this photo. Wonder why...
Ciao Daniela


Blogger Unknown said ... (5:48 PM) : 

brilliantly shot


Blogger Adriana Parrilla said ... (6:13 PM) : 

hahahahah so funnyyy !!! Still a fan of your style of photography !!

Bisous from Paris


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:37 PM) : 

Good lord. It's only a pair of shoes.
This is the silliest post I think you've ever written.


Blogger hp said ... (8:10 PM) : 

Haha! Photographer shooting photographers. It's always funny to see that. :)


Blogger yvo said ... (8:42 PM) : 

haha thats funny. love garance!


Anonymous Sarah said ... (8:43 PM) : 



Anonymous Kna said ... (11:05 PM) : 

The backpack is good!!
What is that brand??


Blogger Amy B. said ... (12:15 AM) : 

Ain't that always the way.


Blogger bakeandshopgirl said ... (3:47 AM) : 

Haha! This is so funny! The way Garance wrote her post is as if it won't happen to her. Hilarious!


Blogger Unknown said ... (7:33 AM) : 

You go girl! Work those shoes


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:47 AM) : 

Vanitas vanitatis!


Blogger Jack Daniel said ... (8:44 AM) : 

Personally, the most interesting to me is the bag of the far left's the best thing on your blog!!


Blogger delicate man's itaewon style said ... (9:03 AM) : 

are we humans only walking mannequins alive??


Blogger Candice Tarnowski said ... (12:40 PM) : 

show us a detail!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:48 PM) : 

The shoes in question


Anonymous fashionhogger said ... (4:44 PM) : 

Yes...those shoes are on my wish list, too. Sigh.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:11 PM) : 

I love the way she wears her hair!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:34 PM) : 

Haha haha


Blogger Anastasia said ... (8:38 PM) : 

i cant even see the shoes in this pic?? im curious!!

gosh how many street bloggers is there now??...too many! tough competition out there now Sart!!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:24 PM) : 

I think people miss the point of this post,its about what Garance wrote about this situation How To…
Be Assaulted by a Horde of StreetStyle Photographers (Myself included).Son please go and read that then you will understand,i was there and i know how its.


Anonymous Sophie Mhabille said ... (6:15 AM) : 

I also took pics from Garance this same day in Paris and it was not for her shoes but just for her. I could have taken her everyday if i could


Blogger 2heels1flash said ... (10:50 AM) : 

anyone else for the pic'?????


Blogger Aubrey and Melissa said ... (4:15 PM) : 

Haha oh irony. They look like beautiful shoes though!


Anonymous victoria saulovich said ... (11:36 AM) : 

Gotta have those shoes! Super cute. Victoria Saulovich


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:35 PM) : 

Scott, could you please put those same Prado shoes on your blog. I would like to see how they look like. Thanks!


Anonymous Elise Willems said ... (5:55 PM) : 

Still no respond on the which-backpack-brand-is-it question…

It's not by Makr, but I also thought of it straight away.

Hopefully somebody will post the right answer asap!


Anonymous Sname said ... (6:38 PM) : 

They are pretty freaking sweet!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:54 PM) : 

Hi Scott,

I had a good laugh reading this!

Great shot, great shoes & of course great GF.




Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:28 PM) : 

HAHA! love Garance!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:24 PM) : 

the backpack on the left is from Collection of Style... I have it :D


Anonymous Quiteria Franco said ... (7:39 AM) : 

Jealous boy!


Blogger Annie said ... (8:00 PM) : 

haha to funny. I guess it's nice to be loved even if it is just for your shoes!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (9:42 AM) : 

Mango (outlet) also has a rucksack which is similiar to the one in the photo.


Anonymous Mat Boards said ... (2:42 AM) : 

Interesting! I didn't know Prada shoes could be more controversial than a person wearing it. Afterall, It's on how one carries/wears it. and that's wahat you call fashion. :)


Blogger Jenna Griffin | Gold & Bloom said ... (8:59 PM) : 

i absolutely love this photo! i just can't stop smiling.


Anonymous manchester escorts said ... (9:34 PM) : 

Haha, I'm sure she knew what was coming!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:03 PM) : 

Does anyone know the date of Garance´s post mentioned here by Scott? And, yes, the shoes are lovely!


Anonymous Jan said ... (11:48 PM) : 

Searched the web and finally found them - crocheted!!! Love them!


Blogger 4eyeblogabout said ... (12:26 PM) : 

hahaha you are mean! I bet they are interested in the lady with those lovely shoes as well! (Pardon my ignorance...) I wish I could see the shoes more clearly to know why everyone wants them.


Blogger 4eyeblogabout said ... (12:46 PM) : 

Oh yea, just wonder if her post is true...? :) if so, not in a MILLION years I will ever get shot I tell ya'! Well... NOT that I would like to be...but then it would be nice. But then I am not waiting...but then...(haha) ;)


Anonymous ChrisB said ... (1:02 PM) : 

haha too funny


Anonymous Alexander Mcqueen On Sale said ... (9:05 PM) : 


Prada is one of the most popular and high quality brands of luxury shoes. prada's shoes are always so well designed and put together. These are absolutely beautiful and the shoes available in many colors. Thank you...


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