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Comments on "Costanza Pascolato of Vogue Brasil"
She is absolutely stunning!
Eu amo a Constanza!
I love Constanza!
Stunning All older women should be like her.
And add that radiant smile... ...never out of style!
The fur collar is incredible! I agree with you about style being the essence of a person through visual self-expression. Style is eternal while fashion changes. Great photo.
and NOTHING beats a genuine smile. nothing.
She looks so elegant! Love this shot!
shes amazing!
She is incredible. I love vogue brasil.
i wish i could be this chick at her age!:)
she is beautiful and what a coat! great snap!
She looks like a sweetheart!
Missing Amsie Blog
I love it! That colors are so sweet! (:
Costanza is absolutely stunning
This lady' s just wonderfully glamouros...
very elegant indeed!! xx meenal
And a nice smile to go along with that beautiful fur collar
she's a beautiful and elegant woman!
I aspire to be like Constanza--cutting edge, immaculately chic.
What a sassy and sexy lady - I wish more people would grow older with style. Nice!
I am delighted
Super classy! She looks fabulous!
she's so radiant! love
She's one of the greatest style icons in Brasil. She's our Jackie O. meets Anna Wintour! Her grace and elegance are undeniable!Loved to see her here!
she is so elegant and beautiful! love the happiness.
Totally agree with you! it looks like the older she gets, she gets more stylish...
I love this! How I would like to look when her age - stylish, gorgeous and happy! Christina x
what a gorgeous old lady!
Scott!!! How beautiful!!! Costanza will be writing you, but let me tell you she is touched by your words and image! Thanks! Bacio
she looks like old world wealth and so classy!
quite lovely ~
Uma mulher incrível, sou fã!
Constanza... Such a pretty name
I'm always happy to see that women, even if they are not so young,( especially italians) can be so elegant without being "Plan-plan"(I don't know the english word but it's usually the traduction for boring)
You captured her hapiness and when i'm looking at this woman I just want one thing:
Smile with her
Thank you for all these beautiful pictures
xoxo Monroe
Fashion Steele NYC
Constanza é minha diva brasileira... Uma mulher equilibrada ao se vestir e no seu modo de viver!!!
Lu Sarmento.
L O V E Constanza! ♥♥♥
Chic Lady!
love her style!
WOW, she looks fabulous from the glam sunglasses to the wrap around her neck. Her smile tops it all off!
I hope to age so gracefully and stylishly!
love her fur collar, it looks so warmy <3
I absolutely love seeing older, stylish people. She looks fabulous. The glasses and hair are just great to me. Just bought your book for my class at Academy of Art University. It's great. So inspiring!
Quench Fab
Fabulous to be over 50! 60! Clean and sophisticated. Makes me want to cut my hair. Smile says it all.
how is it possible that fur became an "it" item again? but yes, at least the hair of the 40 minks look great!
She looks really fresh.
My Heart Blogged
she's so elegant. love the way she wears that maxi fur
What a classy lady!
For us here in Brazil, she is a reference of style! Very pleasured in seeing her here!!!
Mujer hermosa...
So fabulous!
so chic! love her!!!!
Costanza, ahaza!!
totally agree with An. 5:13. this fur-craze is really getting out of hand.
Uber chic. Would love to meet her and have a chat. Fab!
consuelo, constanza's daughter, is also amazing. a wonderful family!
The perfect words for this are: Classy & Fabulous!
She looks great!
Very elegant and classy. LOve her equisite style!
Art by Karena
She looks stunning, I even like her wrinkles. She looks likes she enjoys life, I wish all people could...
This lady from BR is soooo elegant and charming! Lovely!
She is true elegance. It's always nice to see women embrace their own style and adding a pop of trendy with moderation.
much love.
this is beauty. don't you just feel like you know her? love that smile.
grow up I want to be like her
line on her face beautiful!!
Linda Constanza...
wow...a true lady! brilliant attitude&outfit!
C-H-I-C & L-U-X-E! Need I say more?
Me encanta! Es realmente así, elegante y chic. Hermosa sonrisa... con arrugas!! Felicitaciones.
P/D: Me encantó tu comentario de Garance y sus zapatos!!!!
In New York, I noticed that fur was everywhere. It does not seem any different in Milan!
a true diva - a brazilian fashion legend!
lovely lady...
She is beautiful and very elegant.
For me, she's de best!
Simple elegance.
She's timeless. And what a great woman she is.
She is incredible. Beauty and style. It seems time is not to Constanza! Always wonderfull.
It's so nice to see another great example of an older woman embracing her own personal style. I think as women get older they feel that their options become more limited and their look becomes a little stagnant. Not so in this case. I'm sure that her joie de vivre helps a lot as well.
wow. i would love to look that fabulous in 40 years.
Aeee Brasil!~~~ Amo!!!!!
how fabulous!!!
Le Kiss Kiss- Click Here!!
Awesome post. Any additional pictures of her? Would love to see the whole ensemble.
She is 70 years old an AMAZING.
Stunning photo, beautiful woman, great coat! I love this new series you're doing!
She is gorgeous and this is a stunning photo. I love this new series youre doing!
The most amazing and elegant person I have ever known! She's gourgeous, I love Constanza!
Constanza is soo cool!
Ela é demais!
Yes! She is amazing! I love this woman.
Julia Salgueiro
Brazil ♥ Costanza
The world ♥ Costanza
Fashion ♥ Costanza
I ♥ Costanza
She's the most elegant woman I've ever knew.
one of the most elegant person in Brazil!
Love her style!
what a classy lady!! great photo and inspiration!!
This lady looks so elegant.
super elegant old style glamour!
Ela realmente faz um otimo trabalho na vogue brasileira alem de ter um otimo de estilo!
She really does a great job at vogue and she has a great stile!
...And she knows how to rock a genuine smile to go with her hip aura!
FANTASTIC portrait. the balance of light is excellent. And what a beautiful energy she exudes. Love that stole/collar.
The year is 1993. I wrote a book. Theres was Costanza Pascolato, I named Her as a verbete: IMPERATRIZ DO CHIC. I Was not wrong.
The Costanza column in Vogue Brazil is the most important opinion of Brazilian fashion
The Costanza column in Vogue Brazil is the most important opinion of Brazilian fashion
fur is always ugly.
Classy Constanza, sweet person with a brazilian smile!
She is impecable!! Divina Constanza ;)
I want to give her a big hug!
She's so classic!
Ooh this is one of my favorite pictures of yours, the light is perfect and she is so beautiful!
Elegant and timeless. Lovely warm smile.
"She is the papisa of the Brazilian fashion", said Tarcisio D'Almeida, critic and professor of fashion at Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG).
Love her so much! I can only hope to look like her when I'm her age!
Love it!
Besos desde ♥ La ropa me vuelve loca!
such a beauty!
Love her fluffy fur and her lip colour! :)
Dearest Constance.
You look fab.So good to see you looking so well.
Much love.Frans Ankone(you remember
from Amsterdam,ex Romeo and ex NYTimes.
she's wonderful and this is a great pic, congrats!
chic yet classy style :D
very elegant...great class
Beautiful shot of a beautiful woman.
A portrait of a beautifully elegant woman who knows about style and aging gracefully.nicola
Beautiful Woman. Beautiful Smile!!
Wanna be like her and have thous awesome glasses.
Great picture, Great woman ! love both!
Costanza looks like she invented the word FABULOUSNESS!
Ela sabe disso, mas não posso deixar de comentar.
I Love Constanza, very much.
Ciça São Paulo - Brasil
Love her! I absolutely adore older women that have such power style! I want to be like her when I grow up. =]
Love her lipstick color and yes, a BRAZILIAN WOMAN has its charm at any age. She's gorgeous!
Luciane at HomeBunch.com
Oh... I really hope you guys have your cameras in Brazil. You should stay in Sao Paulo (better than Rio for fashion). Avenida Paulista is the best place to see TONS of stylish people. Sao Paulo is the NYC of South America and I'll tell you this, Brazilians love fashion and the really know how to dress up. Go take a good look!
Rio has gorgeous people, but because of the high temperatures all you'll see is bikini... lol... not really, but, you'll see more summer clothing there.
Have a great day!
Luciane at HomeBunch.com
so elegant!
Simply great sense of proportions.
She is definitely an elegance and style inspiration for Brazil! I'm proud to see her here, beautiful as usual.
Such a shame that an elegant woman needs to wear fur. She looses her panache.
Contanza is THE most elegant brazilian woman! love her!
She's so elegant! Love it!
i love her smile :D
Sempre fui fã do estilo da Costanza!!
I've always been a huge fun of her style!!
great shot. looks like the kind of warm person i'd enjoy as a friend.
When I to grow want to be same her!
Costanza is the real queen of Brazil. Costanza é a verdadeira rainha do Brasil.
She is amazing... I also am a Brazilian girl!
Nobody is classier than Constanza.
To me, Costanza is true Italian style: classic, beautifully tailored, elegant clothes that enhance her beauty, no plastic surgery, hair imperfect but put together, classic sunglasses that aren't always 'of the moment' but fit the face. Beautiful at any age.
fierce at every age!
i like it!
oh my goodness, she's gorgeous!
I do love when you photograph people who are stylish but not so often seen in "fashion" photography. Thanks!
Love the fur collar!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a great woman!
That´s class!!
pure poise!!!
Such a beautiful woman.
Here in Brazil, she is a icon (and now to the world).
We Love Constanza
Constanza Musa!
Extra points for spelling Brasil as a native!!
Sempre Elegante!!
She is an icon here in Brazil, but I just wish she could drop the sunglasses when she's indoors.
yes love that furrrr
love m.
No other word for this woman but MAGNIFICENT!!!!!!! She absolutely radiates. Perfection!
She looks fabulous, but then, I'll bet she looked fabulous at any age. That kind of style doesn't die with age, it just gets better.
Style+nice accesories+grace, but most of all.... I Love her attitude!!!!!!! :)
Costanza Pascolato is an amazing representative of the highest form of Brazilian elegance! Love it!!
Scott, the shot of Constança is very cool! I am brasilian and I never see a nature shot of Constança here: her smille, her coat... Constança very nature! Great Scott
constanza é.
Costanza is a beautiful woman, with great sense of style and a marvelous life history!
She's a brazilian Fashion Icon! Every girl want to be like her one day...
very chic! love the fur scarf, the tone of the coat and her lip color is just perfect for this ensemble and her total look. Thank you, Scott for showing us some 'older' fashionistas for a change. I'd love to see more. As well, if you have a full length shot of this lady, I'd love to see the shoes.
Divine! I know her. She's very chic. This portrait is amazing.
Dear Scott,
Thank you for the beautiful image. It is a privilege to be the focus of such a generous and sensitive eye. You really capture the best of me and I could see a serene accomplishment on that woman which you saw first.
Grazie mille,
I looove her style!
she's rockin that animal!
The right to life for animals...
Woww..She looks like Maria Callas!
She is an inspiration here in Br! I love her and I'm a huge fan!
Constanza simple ROCKS !!!
She is really amazing person...I had read her book, "Confidencial" and her life history it's so interesting.
Absolutely clssy Madame :)
And her smile is still so erotic...
They don't make them like this any more! A real lady.
She's really chic!! Love her style.
she is amazing!
Gorgeous, serene, elegant. This photo is just gorgeous.
The fur is brilliant too!
I met her in Corso como 10 in Milan during fashionweek, she seems like such a nice lady - apart from being very stylish!
acima de tudo, elegante.
She looks so classy and elegant.
Yeah, and in this picture: She looks like Fanny Ardant ; )
She´s an example everywhere!
I love her!
Além de linda, ela é uma simpatia!
Além de linda, ela é uma simpatia!
elle est trop jolie!
amazing smile, i hope to look like that style and beauty-wise at that age.
God save the Queen Costanza Pascolato from Brazil!!!!
She is simply the ultimate it-woman!
Oh, wow. So very elegant and what a beautiful smile. -Angela
Perfect! As always...
Très jolie et chic!
J'adore Constanza!
Constanza is really amazing!
I already liked her style, but after I read her book, I admire her ideas and personal history too!
Una volta ho visto la Costanza nell'aeroporto e mi sono stupita di come era elegante e perfetta, anche nei gesti! Lei se distingueva da tutti noi!!! Tutti "discretamente" la guardavano e lei era di una naturalezza unica!!!!!
I guess it's the second time you shot her.A few years ago she appeared here, as a anonymus woman.
Like a brazilian woman, I'm so proud of it.
GORG. i hope i am that chic at that age!
Que delicia ver Constanza,como sempre luxo e requinte em estado puro!!
Constanza! Adorei :D