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Comments on "On the Street.....Dosan Park 2, Seoul"
Classic, elegant, simple and cool!
Looks sharp! The outfit has a really clean look, but it's still interesting due to the texture of the blazer and tie. And he has the 1 inch of his sleeve cuffs showing as well. The only weird thing are his arms, which are in an awkward position =/ haha.
He's a Seoul Man!
love his pose in the first pic... snooty but boyish
¡Me encantó su saco!
lovely play on stripes and patterns. Those pockets are just great, they just add that extra focus on the cut of the jacket.
nice details ;))
so dapper!
Love the self-assurance!
You must come to Portugal, here we have (in my humble opinion) a great sense of fashion, but you must go to the right places!
Bisu from Fi
I like his blazer... the boots are lovely!
Wow. Simple and so cool:)
I love this!!
It all is so chic. I love when a man cares this much about his appearance!!
i really like the ankle length.
great personality
A bit drab, but still classic. You cannot go wrong with classic. Nice pant length, along with the chukka boots...correct combination.
I like the suede boots that match with the pant.
So well put together. Love the attitude ha!
Such attitude. I loved the flipped hair.
I like the fit of these pants ... mmm ... does anyone know the designer???
Love this. Excellent fit all around and the vest underneath is a really nice touch. Great to see you back in Seoul!
nice blazer
work it!
flawless pant length!
Definitely original. Especially with those shoes!
Missing Amsie Blog
His pose is so funny and relaxed. Love it!
Ana López Jiménez
Blog Fashion Everywhere
last post: http://fashioneverywhere.blog.com/2011/02/08/lets-be-fashion-at-work/
i have these shoes in a darker color- i'm relatively certain they are meant to be women's shoes, but they look far better with his outfit then they could ever look with mine!
he looks somehow ruffled but refined. it's wonderful.
nice look!! I love the shoes so classic!
I looooooooove your Korea pics, I missed them so match over the past weeks. So glad they're back.
He is so quintessentially Korean; I love it. I actually love a lot of Korean style, as I am regularly exposed to it through my many (amazingly stylish) Korean friends.
This guy looks great. I love the mixed patterns, and I love the boots! His hair is awesome, too.
yay! More Korea pics!
Really pretty.Like the simple look and beautiful straight lines
Not only is his outfit incredible, but the surrounding area you captured is also appealing.
cool shot
I vote for always seeing the shoes.
Love the hidden brown cardy!
I suspect men buy these color shoes to follow the masses. Amsterdam is flooded with them, the color is honestly hideous. (Dark) grey boots with navy/grey/white striped tie would've been perfect. Nice cheeky pose.
Classic look. His hair makes it look much more casual. But really liking the patterns and textures of his blazer tie and shirt. Mixing and matching at it's best.
Awesome Blazer!
love the ensemble! very suited to the build up to Spring season!
well played
super cute! love the playful mix of textures and colours. double stripe and check, nice touch. peek of eggplant in the cardigan a delightful surprise. the softness and wash of his trousers are a revelation, especially uncuffed [for once]. extra points for "snooty but boyish" pose. great look held together by a single button.
awesome boots
Le Kiss Kiss- Click Here!
It does look good, true. Or, as someone said: correct combination. But I'm growing tired of those trousers and shoes. You see them all the time now, at least in the UK. I'd prefer something more adventurous.
cute outfit..he reminds me of Ari's asst on Entourage!! great photos!!
It's been about 10 years since I was in Seoul and the pics you are posting astonish me! Everyone used to look the same, but Koreans have really changed the way they express themselves with clothing. I love it-- thank you! -Angela
His blazer is amazing.
My Heart Blogged
I love this neat look. I love the fit and the details. I want his shoes, I'd wear them.
the close cut of this jacket is very flattering on him
Look at that stance. Amazing attitude!
Trés Awesome
Chicago Street Style
I'm finally getting used to the grey & brown mix of colors...never used to like the two together at all!
Ah, I love this blazer! and I just discovered your blog and I am really stunned! It is amazing!!!!! Is that you who takes all of those pictures? Such a true commitment! I am so inspired!
oh pleeeeze more pics of Korea! love them!
when you coming to tokyo?? great stuff over here
What wonderful shoes!
Blue and brown, perfect match!!
They look like Billy Reid boots to me. The pant length is nice. If they were the tiniest bit less tapered I would love.
That's a fantastic plaid!
that's the way superman stands
he looks so effortless, kinda scruffy!
thanks for the shoe shot!
Hush Puppies make a comeback!
For those have those shoes! They're by Grenson, for those of you who are interested.
he looks very cool! In South Africa, his shoes would be known as 'velt skoene'
wow. coolness.
Finally, you got a perfect model in Seoul!!
This is the real Seouler!!
Then he hopped onto his Vespa and motored away, The Who playing softly on his Ipod...
those pants fit him perfectly. and i need to own those shoes asap.
Nice schoolboy look. Surprising that the rather unremarkable desert boots get so many compliments here. Those trousers, on the other hand, make me wonder. They are so narrow at the ankle! Is there a zipper at the back?
liking the look and feel of this.
its hard to feel comfortable in a suit, tie, and button up in california!
more power to this dude...
Hey buddy you look awesome......
Fantastic outfit really !!!
welcome !! Would you take a photo of me :D
interesting length of pantaloons!))
love the pose and the photos!
FB: Nolita Vintage Shop & Blog
Strange tie but nice look :)
Simple but nice!
Love the pose, love the fit,especially the pants. He looks like he is daring anyone to dislike what he is wearing!
The first photo is really a great pose. It's like he is saying 'how do you like me now' :)
More than anything, I love the attitude. It's all in how you rock it.
Second is the shoes, the camel brown against navy blue, and how the pant length meets them perfectly.
when are you coming to London?! awesome looks over here
Love his jacket! He is cute!
This, to my mind, is casual perfection for a modern man. (It's actually a throwback to the 60s.) It's wonderful, but doesn't look like it's trying too hard so therefore doesn't look so twee.
My dear husband, who is not as young as this man, dresses like this. However, he doesn't like desert boots. I must just go and get him a pair. The sheer comfort might convince him.
This look would improve tremendously if he had his blazer and trousers pressed.
Love the textures and the fit. I like the boots with it too.
The shoes definetly help the outfittuxandtie.blogspot.com | twitter.com/tuxandtie
OMG he was ready for htat pose lol
awesome shots as always :P You have to come to İstanbul Fashion week next time in summer.. pleaaase!! :P love your photography :)) xox
Nice silhouette. It goes to show that even on a short sportscoat/jacket, the jacket should be longer than the sleeves!
Strike a pose cutie!
The stuff in his side jacket pockets needs to come out. Lose the pocket square, or at least something besides white. The jacket would look better if it was a tan/brown base instead of dark gray. This pants are too dark, but nice cut. The boots work--I hope they are leather-soled though. That gum-soled desert boot thing is getting tired for styling, better as weekend knockarounds. Neat guy though.
The stuff in his side jacket pockets needs to come out. Lose the pocket square, or at least something besides white. The jacket would look better if it was a tan/brown base instead of dark gray. This pants are too dark, but nice cut. The boots work--I hope they are leather-soled though. That gum-soled desert boot thing is getting tired for styling, better as weekend knockarounds. Neat guy though.
Everyone dressed neat in Korea when I was there in 1999, they can't be much different today. The more western the look the better. Lots of dark colors even in the dead of summer. No shortage of dyed hair amongst the young folks. Older ladies and men were always so dignified.
The Shoes!
Sorry, I don't get it. Could someone please enlighten me why everyone seems to run around in jackets that are way to short?
I can understand it in women, as an attempt to elongate the leg line, but in men?
Or are we heading back to the times of George Villiers with only a few years between us and tights & codpieces?
I love the cut of the pants.
He looks great! Save for the pant length. The pant length is unflattering. I hope this gawd awful trend disappears soon as men decide to look masculine again.
Great capture as always.
i just love his stance in the first photo, it's like, yeah...and?! ♥
Girl Meets Handbag
i love the shoes ...!
REALLY nice!!
For me - this is one instance where the short length of the pants work well with the height of the desert boots. Perfect. So many times the "high water" look just looks like the wearer is trying too hard. Love this look.
lovely jacket! chic pants! but above all nicccceee pose!!!
Hey, isn't that Mafoofan, the Asian blogger from Styleforum.com?!
Ahhh the classic desert boots (Clarks perhaps?)... they never look bad!
Great shot, Scott!
Does anyone know the designer of the shoes?
First of all, I don't understand whoever said this is a "feminine" look in the comments above -- So if a guy doesn't wear a blazer that's too big for him (and long as a skirt), and wisely avoids pants that bunch up at the ankles like pajamas, then he's "feminine"? Please grow up.
If I had seen this photo in black and white and entirely out of context, I would have assumed it was taken in the early 1960s. Very nice mod-inspired outfit and attention to detail (are those working cuffs on his blazer?).
Perfect pant length to wear with desert boots (which I normally don't like with a tie, but they do work quite well here). Also, great Egon Schiele-like hair.
Things I'd (ex)change: the vest for a nice tie clip, and the smug stance for a sheepish grin.
Things are changing these days so fast. It's not about what people are wearing...fashion now is more about how you wear it...this outfit is completely clean and crisp, but the point to notice is he's wearing desert boots along with it.....so its bout how differently things are being shaped...
coool.. but two picture is all from Korea? I want to see more!!
>I hope they are leather-soled though. That gum-soled desert boot thing is getting tired for styling
Dainite soled is best for such as these
for once short, fitted pants on a guy that don't make him look like some sad trendoid.
Great pics!!
I like the way the pants merge into the chukka boots -- short without looking like floods.
school boy look. simple and cool.
Create the perfect look - Shirt and Tie, Designer Cufflinks
It´s cool,amazing shoes with navy blue pants :-) great style
it's simple, but honestly it's one of the more creative looks i've seen in korea. there's more matching than mixing going on here in seoul, in general.
Wow! I love the fall 2011 Victoria Beckham collection! Such nice designs! Keep posting! I love your pictures.
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Nice Pants!
He is cool! :)
I love his pose! that bit of attitude! His outfit is effortless. I love the photo
I just want to say how i appreciate the diversity on your website. It's not often you see Asians in regard to fashion. Excellent!
Awesome outfit with cool boots.. This really suits you buddy....