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Comments on "On the Street....Blue London, Part 2, London"
I like it :D
Amazing Photography
blue feelings on that girl
Love the texture of the coat
That coat is fabulous!
Hmmm, is something tucked into the the back of the sneaker?
That coat it's amazing!!!
I dig her kicks.
so intense. love the expression in her face.
Wow, I love that coat, where to buy?
man or woman?
Guy or Girl? Etiher way its neat.
is this a man?
I love all the pictures on your blog.
Circle of Design Fashion Illustration
that jacket is fantastic!
Le Kiss Kiss- Click Here!
skinny jeans and serious shoes. You've represented us well
Arresting beautiful.
By the way, why aren't there any pics of the gorgeous KATE LANPHEAR in these fashion weeks?
Missing her!
London was awash with stylish people today :D
I have this coat!! It's uniqlo and amazing.
that coat look sawweeeet
Androgyny at its finest - well done.
Looooooove that coat!
nice colours
More like gray, I think. But love the texture of his coat.
london is on a blue mood!!!
love it!!
Wicked coat! :)
this blue feel reminds me of twilight- no i'm not an edward obsessed little girl- but they all have this feel and this lovely gentleman looks like a vampire to me... he's quite beautiful... maybe i should be looking at his clothes- but i like his lips
FYI: He's a boy - I think his name is Rory.
love this coat.
blue-gray or gray-blue,anyway fantastic.
I love the coat.
I love the coat. Really chic.
My Heart Blogged
YES perfection as always
proud to be a Londoner
Kira Lilly fashion blog
This guy is quite a famous male model. I just saw him on the street in London over the weekend actually. Does anybody know his name?
i'm going with guy on this one. wish i had his perfect pink lips, which stand out so well against the blue.
that's amazing!
What a great coat for a woman or man!
La Petite Marmoset
Her coat is definitely the best part of what she's wearing
I can't tell if this is a man or a woman.....and I like that. Apart from that slim cut pants with heavy boots look good to me.
Wow, what an image this is. Really enjoyed it!
-Mckenzie Jean.
I believe he's Karl Lindman, a male model?
That's my new favorite model Andrej Pejic. He's very androgynous!
goodness, even the lighting is blue :D. The coat looks pretty cool!
The coat is sick!
follow me:
hes really cool looking, especially his hair. i want that coat!
Love the pants :)
Kicks - London classic. Excellent color profile, not just the fashion but the whole frame.
Fabulous coat on a beautiful person. Am wishing that my town was also awash in lovely time-traveling ethereal beings, as your photos suggest London currently is.
His name is Rory McKee. Not all those stupid names everyone else came up with.
son manteau est très joli et surtout très original :)
Amazing coat. Love the fluffy texture against the rough black jeans!
Great shot, great mood!
Yes, he is Rory McKee. He is absolutely beautiful - and what a wonderful photo. He wears it well..
I love this colors.
..he looks a little bit like a vampire! I love it!!!!
Coat is for women. I also have it, though I'm a man..cuz when i saw and tried on that, it really fit in my body shape! That coat is designed by UNIQLO. Anyway...is that a man or woman???
I love him. perfect beautiful boy in beautiful outfit!
Very nice pose really......
I love the outfit you wear...
gorgeous !
It looks awfully alot like Rory McKee (who I actually think lives in London too) - google him and you'll see!
He's lovely though
overall I like it. B+ www.copperetiquette.wordpress.com
It's a man, his name is Rory. Trust.
Whoa, what a face. Haunting, beautiful, disturbing.
Uau!That coat is for every age and for every sex.I want one.
love his hair!!
Rory McKee. Beautiful face. Perfect mouth. Wonderful hair. Gorgeous shape. Effortlessly engaging. What a delightful photo of a beautiful young man.
Nice photography skills. Love the sneakers.
Grande Jewelry
Grande Jewelry
Grande Jewelry
How can anyone think those brow ridges could ever belong to a woman??
I adore that coat.
I really love the aspect of the coat
Coat = amazing but hair is eechchhshhhkkkk
love the jeans + boot combo situation
also photographed by the Facehunter...amusing. Great look, love the safety pins best.
This is the eye that brought you where you are. Don't loose sight of it, my man.
This is an ecxellent androgynous theme. You cannot tell for sure if it's a man or a woman...The forehead may remind you of a woman but other than that there is no clue on the face,on the hair, on the clothes or the boots.Pure androgynous! Ecxellent! The sex is competely hidden. It's just a human being. Anything can be said and impied.
is it andrej?!
she is in fact a boy, guys! and one of our best-dressed and nicest east Londoners too
This is indeed the gorgeous Rory McKee. Excellent photo - well done. Wish we saw more photos of this guy in the media - he is truly stunning and a very nice person too.
The coat is excellent and the shot is amazing, it seems a movie scene. So good.
Ditto with anonymous above. He does look like a mysterious vampire
Amazing post!
I think you'll like this...
wow i would love to bump into him in the street! very handsome, in fact a really striking man.
Its a boy, I dressed this fellow at LFW and he was a truly lovely person, apart from accidentally insulting the designer he was modelling for...
lovely lipstick colour.
He looks like Michael Pitt
He's a boy, his name is Rory McKee
Not sure about this look - sorry! Rory is probably a much cooler person than me!