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Comments on "On the Street....Anna Wintour, New York"
what a key photo. this is absolutely incredible. she is such an icon.
She looks quite vulnerable in comparison to the urban landscape. Beautiful juxtaposition, very inspiring.
stunning shot of a very inspiring woman!
shes epic.
missing you all in ny.
much love from hollywood ca
where the vintage earth angel meets the big city fashionista
shea marie
elle est humaine!
Seeing her without her customary entourage is unusual for sure. Looks like she's either thinking about the show she just left or the one she's going to
great shot!
Loooooove it! She is so incredible, she makes my heart go pitter-pat. Great shot!
just fantastic!
she's a great woman!
i honestly just shed a tear.
total chic
She always looks amazing!
love the coat.
What struck me most about _The September Issue_ was how deeply unhappy Ms. Wintour seems to be (her comments about her father and siblings were heart-wrenching). That's what I see in this photo. You've created a beautiful and thought-provoking portrait, Mr. S.
It's really great shot!
wow! she looks thoughtful and wears wonderful boots!
Impressionant moment!!
She is amazing!
<3 Great shot...digging that skirt on her!
Great pic!
Like on many other her photos that I have seen, she looks rather unhappy, if not discontent. And this is while being the first figure in the world that so many aspire to be admitted - glamour, luxury, fame... Ahhh... it is so sad!to see such an accomplished person be so sad.
She always dresses so chic. Shame she didn't stop for you.
I am reminded of Darth Vader here. An image of fragility and power in one.
Love the vulnerability , she almost looks like a regular person.
...and great color palette
This is one of the best photos of her I have seen. :)
I adore her natural leather boots
Very cool. This is the first time I think I've ever seen Anna Wintour on a street-style fashion blog! This feels like an important little moment in fashion history!
GREAT shot!!
LOVE her outfit!
i mean.... i could die right here. that is one hell of an outfit. i love it
If I could meet her my life would be just a little more complete haha :)
She is totally chic.
beautiful color.
a very unique shot ! w
she looks sad :(
You lucky guy! What a perfect shot!
love the boots!
wow <3
I agree with the comment above. This photo captures her sadness. She looks contemplative. Was her entourage far behind?
Just saw her with Tory at the show. This is a beautiful photo, capturing a quiet moment in the midst of the great clamor of the shows.
sempre magnifica
incredible coat!!
Fantastic juxtaposition - capturing the environment so different from where we so often see Ms. Wintour. I like the natural quality and motion of the shot, perfect embodiment on her "On to the next" mentality. Well done.
Très bon look et ses bottes sont vraiment magnifiques...
Amazing shot of her. She seems to be lost in thought.
Great shot! I wonder where she put them... the hunks.
i cant believe you got her alone. thats amazing and rare
this is a great accomplishment then! congrats on the great picture.
The tie-dyish skirt is quite beautiful, but, dare I say it, is this ensemble, particularly the arbitraryness of the necklace, a style that we would ever hope to see replicated?
Miss Wintour always perfect.
The boots are fantastic.
Brilliant - person and content...
Fabulous picture. So candid. Love that woman!
LOVE Anna and The Sartorialist
great photo!!
she is an icon!
Guess I'm the only one-
I do not think she looks so great
i do not like what she is wearing
So chic and amazing! Fabulous coat!
Anna Wintour looks so pretty. This is billiant.
She looks like a woman on a mission!
La Petite Marmoset
looooooooooove the shoes!!!!!!
I feel at ease when I look at this picture..PERFECT!!!
Good shot. It takes a momment of depression. At least, she looks like...
wow she looks so hip. usually she looks more classic than this. love love love it
Le Kiss Kiss- Click Here!
Wonderful shot- she truly is a fashion god.
This is a fantastic, personal, beautiful picture. What an amazing outfit! The skirt might be my favorite part.
It really is kind of breathtaking to think about who I'm looking at here.
Wouldn't wear that coat but the rest is lovely!
She looks just like any other woman on the street.
great picture!!! she looks very chic!!!
Compared to most of the people you feature, it is impossible to say she is well dressed. Such a mismatch of styles - 80s skirt, "Italian" shirt and boots, and almost goth-like jacket. Urgghh
wow. i wana be like this when im old.
She looks so solitary here. Love those boots.
Even the fashionable can feel the weight of the world on their shoulders....wondering what she was thinking about
so deeply in thought.
I don't think Anna looks sad. It seems that she's simply a thoughtful introvert in an industry full of shallow extroverts. It looks to me as if she's simply moving on to her next thing, but yet still wrapped up in the show she had just seen. I admire how she can be so contemplative and disciplined amidst the chaos of fashion week.
Regarding her outfit: I like how her combination of clothes is a bit edgier than what we usually see her in. LOVE the coat. Anyone know who it's by?
it's cute how you mention there're body guards when you really captured the thought of her just walking alone on such a street where i'm sure she stands out and everyone recognizes her
what do people think of her belt? I have thing with belting things unnecessarily but I also see women doing it even on tight clothing. I like it on flowy dresses that need a waist however.
I truly don't understand whether people admire her for what she represents or for who she is. For me, she has no personality and is sad. People misunderstood "The September Issue". This documentary just shows how unhappy she is.
I just hope she's happy.
gorgeous. we can expect nothing less.
Wow! That coat is amazing! :)
I guess even she needs to get air sometimes... Great capture.
I'm sorry but she looks like a sad old woman.
before i read your comment i thought to myself "wow, no body guards"
the boots look warm and comfortable! she's one of a handful of women that dresses for the weather.
love her shoes
Everything that Anna puts on is chic. I hope that I can achieve this same sense of personal style too.
great coat!
ANNA!!! The genius captured off guard
The opulent fur and outfit juxtaposed against the fairly bleak the backdrop is brilliant!
Props! She looks so lovely, her sweater is so nice!
xoxo Sootjeelina <3
Superbe photo... A quoi pense-t'elle à ce moment précis???
<3 Anna
that is one unique shot! I love it!
why does she need bodyguards?
she's just a fashion editor.
sounds more like a fashion fad stolen from talentless rappers.
she looks lonely to me.
always in fur
The boots&cardi are amazing.
Stylish. If only I were to have that kind of style!
I preferred the other shirt she was wearing that day... the brown one... it looked better with the boots. This one is a little too 'italian'.
j'adore ;))
For once, she looks like a human being, not a caricature of a fashion editor. Beautiful coat, pretty skirt and lovely boots, but what's with the crumbled granny-style jersey-shirt?
amazing !
I really love her
Wow ! This is a super cool photo. Anna Wintour is such an inspiring person in the fashion industry. I wish I could meet her someday. She's truely a rolemodel for lots of people.
Check out Gaga's outfit at the Grammy's on : http://www.gauthier-fiorito.blogspot.com
Super chic, with a dash of 70's!! She is iconic!!
that's like a million dollar shot! Her outfit is of course gorgeous ... those boots, mon dieu!
Wow, how lucky... She looks amazing, as usual :)
great picture, i love the way you captured her so utterly absorbed in her thoughts. but can i add i don't like the way she's dressed? not in the least i'm afraid.vale
amazing shot amazing style :)
This photo looks like it should be on the cover of some book. Maybe her biography or an article about successful women. Such a great look. Perhaps she is pondering what we should all be wearing for Spring and Summer this year. I love her coat and boots. Wonderful photo.
Thank you for saying something about her bodyguards. It's crazy! Even Kanye doesn't have as many.
very beautifull picture
As the first comment says, I think she looks a bit vulnerable. But thenagain, I often think she looks a tiny bit vulnerable on your pics, and it's interesting to catch that in such a strong tempered woman.
She is inspirational. Love how effortless, yet perfect her style is.
I don't know why she needs bodyguards ... LOL
I like the boots though.
she look naturally but unhappy
Great Shot!
I lvoe her sytle, it's unique and she is ever chic...amazing for a woman of that age, here is wonderful and you're right: first time without bodyguards!
Wow! I've so rarely seen her reveal such emotion with her body. I was her waiter in NYC for four years. She used to scare me to death... Love this pic!
She looks like one of the surviving New York Dolls...
I like the coat!
Great shot!
I love that picture because you don't show us just a fashion o style image or what we saw in "the september issue".Ther's more in it.Thanks.
I think she is a tortured soul. Over what, I am not sure. Love her skirt anyway.
i love this woman
haha I miss giant bodyguards in this one... :)
She is such an inspiring woman
Am I the only one who thinks she looks a little frumpy in that sweater? I like the skirt though, it is wonderful. Hard to pair a wide skirt with a narrow top. I guess that's why the belt. Nothing here obviously matches yet it goes together effortlessly, which is what style is all about.
that's a great shot. her jacket is amazing...
amazing coat!!!!
great look..she seems so sad tho...
I hope she gets to keep the wardrobe.
The shot is fabulous as it catches her vulnerability. The outfit is not one that I particularly like... the skirt- yes, the sweater & necklace with it- no. The boots & coat are quite nice...
No doubt that she has much on her mind.
Look who's here! ahaha Love this shot! So unexpected!!
oh no you didnt!!! NICE SHOT!1
Some how their absence only makes her seem smaller
love Anna's devotion to the fashion world - love her direction and editing at Vogue...she's a classic! She always looks so chic whilst embracing her age, she never tries too hard.
(p.s can you try to get a shot of Grace? she's timeless!)
she's so iconic. my first thought when i saw her was actually, "woah. cool." as if you were capturing a photo of the President or something.
regardless of what she is feeling - which none of us will ever know, she is in motion and in thought at the same time - which is a wonderful state to be in. one of my favorites, actually.
Can someone please tell me who made those divine boots?
She is a beauty!
If I walked past this person I'd have absolutely no idea who she is or what she does.
If some of you say she's an "icon", well then I'm sure she must be one!
She does appear pretty nicely dressed.
Perfect ONE!!!
What a great photo, love the glasses and the colours of this outfit. Perfect!
This woman is PERFECTION. But above all else.. SOOOO Fabulous.
what a brilliant shot!
its nice to see her so down-to-earth!
love this!!
the loneliest women in fashion
Great pic! I♥it
@FAZAL --- no, you aren't the only one who thinks that
what an intense woman, very candid shot
who's this?
I cant conceal my envy of u..