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Comments on "Glee Shoutout!"
Loves! now how do you feel about the Bieber trend?
Hahaha! Thank you so much for referencing this!
Brittany is my favorite.
hahaha.. It was quite funny, I'm sure you got a good spike in traffic from all the Gleeks wondering what the Sartorialist is. Though making your way into pop culture is quite the accomplishment.. Well done!
Angels Point of View - Street Style Blog
I was hoping you got wind of that! Awesome shout out!
you have arrived!
i actually laughed so hard when i heard that. brilliant.
I heard that! It was quite thrilling.
Amazing pic ;))
love it !
haha this was awesome. I screamed at my roommates "This is actually a real website!" They didn't believe me. Now they will.
Haha, can't wait to see that episode (but I'll HAVE to wait, cause they air much later in Holland)
are the rumors true about your possible interest in a reality television show
that's great news :-/
I must agree. Brittany, when not in her Cheerios outfit, dresses fabulously.
I love that you watch "Glee."
Want to be best friends?
Twitter: @GlamKitten88
Haven't watched the latest episode yet but kudos to you!
haha I saw that!!! Well is she??
I saw this and thought it hilarious! Fantastic shoutout.
I seriously just tweeted about this. I just about died when she said it!
Yes! Now I can tell my friends they should take me seriously when I say things like "Yeah, but it's totally a real blog!"
You know you've made it now.
I saw that last night, cool.
That was hysterical. How do you feel now that you have such influence on today's youth? LOL
love love!
no conocia tu blog.. me ha gustado mucho!.. te sigo!..
Te invito a que te pases por mi blog y si te gusta me sigas..
Besos enormes
I loved this moment during the show! :)
Just saw that. Hahaha, I see that your screencap skills have come in handy here. I hope Teen Vogue will mention this too:) After all, Heather Morris had an actual interwiew with them.
When I saw that I almost died of happiness last night!
Wish I could see that episode now, but we're a little behind over here!
Lol. Nice.
That was the funniest line! Was wondering whether there was any truth to that! :)
that was a fun moment in passing...you had to really be listening to catch it!
LOL that is so hilarious. the sartorialist is truly a celeb!
just watched it - niiice :)
I thought it was awesome that you were mentioned on the show.
My Heart Blogged
Loved this moment! I was actually thinking about it today wondering if you would mention it on the blog :)
i saw that! i was so excited for you!
when i heard that last night i got so excited for you
was hoping someone would catch this! hahaha <3
I feel like all the stars have aligned.
Hahaha! I think it's great you posted this.
haha, nice!
I must see it then
Haha, that was hilarious. And it was like my ears perked up when she mentioned the Satorialist.
When I saw this episode i immediately checked here. Congrats on reaching a whole new audience. Introducing good style to young America via Glee.
i KNEW it! it's the poly-acrylic blend bow, isn't it?
I thought that was pretty funny. :)
i saw it last nite it was great!
haha too funny! I love the show and of course love your blog!
oh wow, amazing! I love Glee and I love your blog, how wonderful to mesh it together....looking forward to that episode!
hahaha you are so sweet =]
so retro chic!
lols at 'or something like that'.
media mogul and all that.
lol! love glee!
I thought Brittany had good lines but that was by far my favourite!
Just be sure it's a carousel horse on your sweater, not a reindeer.
now that is amazing...congrats. That's how you know you're big!
I'm quite proud to be a Gleek that was aware of your blog well before "Glee" mentioned it. <3 Was so pleased to hear the reference last night!
I love glee too! and I like Brittany!
I actually squealed aloud when I heard that! My husband looked at me like I was crazy...until I explained that I loved your blog and read it daily...and then he just looked at me like I'd lost my mind. Whatever.
Haha! I saw that and wondered if you would get word...or maybe you watch Glee. Either way is cool. Congratulations, you are officially famous!
good i wasn't the only one squealing:)
Heather Morris ROCKS!
Love Glee. Love Brittany. Love this blog. Epic!
I saw that and my jaw dropped. So funny.
you should be most proud of that shoutout!!! you know you've really made it when you get a shoutout on glee! ;)
I saw that and thought Glee and The Sartorialist - my two worlds are colliding.
p.s. Glee now officially famous for mentioning The Sart.
Loved that!!!
Hahaha, this was so funny. I wondered if you heard that they mentioned you. Love it.
Write it in Lipstick
Love it!! And that's all it takes and she has an interview with Teen Vogue. ;-)
Do a reality show Scott! I heard about a proposition for Marc and Robert to do one, and I think that's a terrible idea as it would only overexpose them. With you, it would answer any questions people have about street style photographers while providing great access to chic insiders and a peek at this great new form of photography, of which you are at the forefront. Plus, Garance looks stupendous on film, as you know. I spotted you guys at Marc and Proenza on the livestream.
Major thumbs up
Haha! I watched that and when she said SARTORIALIST, i was so happy! :D
I love Heather Morris & The Sartorialist <3
I was so excited to hear the name of my favorite style blog on a wonderful show! Congrats!
How exciting! The kids are gonna go crazy over you!
Congrats. That's so sick it's really, really cool.
Hahah love it! That's when you know you've made it big!
La Petite Marmoset
it's not a deer, it's a Carousel Horse
Saw this today and loved it!
I love this...but just remember she took the look from Rachel!
So awesome! I was delighted when I heard it on Glee last night! :) :)
Like many commenters, I was thrilled that you got a shout out. And my friends who think my blogging thing is silly but aware you are on my blog roll were very surprised. They considered you (and my blogging) to be very... niche.
Yay! I heard this and yelled "Did she just reference The Sartorialist?" My favorite blog and favorite tv show coming together! Loves it!
I was watching Glee last night and I'm like omgosh I know that blog! :) and I was thinking I never knew you had a connection with Glee, I guess you don't
But ahaha did you like the sexy schoolgirl librarian chic look?
dude, Brittany is by far the funniest.
Caught that as I watched the episode this morning... very cool!
Love it! I nudged my boyfriend, and said "that's that blogger I was telling you about!" but he doesn't really pay attention to me when I'm watching Glee.
I think you should name Rachel (the original Geek trendsetter) instead. Love you!!!!
I literally watched that about an hour ago. Haha love it. That was going to happen eventually.
I saw it and instantly thought I HAVE to comment :)
so cool..Brittany loves you LOL
Haha, I just watch that episode yesterday. I smiled when she said that:)
Haven't seen this episode yet - but hoping now that everyone I've been harping on about your blog to in the UK will take a look :D
when i heard her say that i wondered how many viewers would know what she was talking about...!
I didn't watch the episode, but wow! Making it into such a popular tv show is quite an accomplishment, even with all the success that you've already had, and I'm sure it will bring lots of people to your blog, which is wonderful!
hehe yeeeo, adorable and flawless at the same time... :)
heard it, saw it, squealed.
Haha I love Brittany! She's like "yay I'm going to graduate!" for recognising the word love. And then with her whole life issue of being Brittany S. Pierce hehe. And feeling bad for the baby cannons.
I like her! And not to mention she's funny. :))
i was watching glee yesterday online and when i heard britany say your name i was like OMG!
My teenagers and I started cracking up when we heard the reference. It's very cool that you ran with it.
I saw this on Glee and IMMEDIATELY checked your blog to see if u caught this as well!!
haha clever!
LOVE this blog and LOVE Glee. And LOVE you ON/WITH/IN Glee :)
LOL. omg. I totally caught that. congrats!! :)
...And your site is made. Congrats.
Congrats for being mentioned on Glee :D I love Brittany's character!!
best line of the episode!
Brittany is my favorite...hands down! (And now you'll get bunches of gLeek traffic! Maybe the pop culture will take some notes from your blog and start to look a bit more decent, no?)
such a funny episode of glee
You know you're someone when you've been mentioned on Glee (or Gossip Gir). Even more when your name is next to The Biebs. Congrats!
I am so happy to be a gleek, and also know who/what The Sartorialist is, one of my favorite websites.
HAHAHH!!! i caught that when i was watching it.. i had to rewind and listen to it again!!! =]
I am addicted to Glee, I love Brittany!!!
www.styleisalwaysfashionable. blogspot.com
I think I had to rewind back to that scene about three times just to make sure I'd heard correctly. And then promptly texted my sister excitedly asking her if she'd heard who was mentioned on Glee a few minutes ago.
I love it! Glee has hit a new high.
When I heard the line I immedialy went to the website to see if it was true! Thanks for validating!
haha i so appreciate you confirming the glee mention.
Even my husband got the joke, since I talk to him about your site. Well played!
Love it!! So funny.
you are epic !!!
I squealed when I heard Brittany mention you on the episode! To continue in the same vein of earlier comments, you know you've become a cultural icon when you're referenced in the pop culture series of the moment ;) You're awesome, Scott!
haha that's great! I just saw this scene and looked at your site to see if it was true
Great publicity!!!!
I know, when I heard the shoutout, I squealed with delight!
I loved that!
Yes! I was so excited when I saw this! Hoping that you were on board :)
i loved hearing that! you totally deserve the shout out...love your stuff!
Félicitations! I have been following you and was so thrilled to hear the blog mentioned :)
Glad to see the spotlight on Brittany. Funny girl and so talented.
You have indeed made it. Next? The Times crossword puzzle...36 Down...
I was so excited!
Finally a combo of the two greatest icons of the decade: The Sartorialist and Brittany S. Pierce.
I was just watching the episode on Hulu, and when I heard her mention you, I immediately clicked over here to see if you had referenced it. :D
literally died of excitement when Brit mentioned The Sartorialist
LOVE GLEE! i laughed so hard when she said that!
I about dropped my glass when I heard Brittany mention you on Glee last night. How much more traffic did you get overnight?
lindsay living
totally said outloud, 'i know who she's talking about!
yes, Brittany's style has really taken off since she left the Cheerios. Who better than the Sartorialist to recognize that ... on a national scale no less!?
LOVE your blog ... and Glee. This is super.
MY WORLDS HAVE COLLIDED: Fashion and Glee....Oh Happy Day
I watched this episode yesterday night! Great!
two of my fav loves-glee & sartorialist-finally becoming one. o happy day!
Wondered if you signed off on that, it was funny though...
LOVE. Maybe this will inspire a whole new generation of style.
Brittany is gorgeous, Glee is gorgeous and The Sartorialist is gorgeous!
whoever manages wardrobe for glee does a great job. from sue's track suits to emma's adorable ensembles, the outfits not only look great, but they're very appropriate.
Haha I just loved that reference ! Keep on you're great
This comment has been removed by the author.
I saw this first and told my husband: Wow! We all love Brittany! Then I watched the episode, as usually, and I got it.
This is what I call good cross-media marketing!!!!
Great show, great blog!
I was so happy when I heard her said that! That was a really funny line too :-)
haha LOVE Brittany S. Pierce
I was like OMG I know who he is ,lol!
Love it.
love that you went with it! it was fun to hear you mentioned on Glee. love your work!
I saw THAT! It made me giggle. Goes to prove Glee knows their stuff.
My daughter and I just looked at each other and started laughing...It was awesome! We love Brittany! And we love The Sartorialist!
yeaaahh when i heard it... it was soo funy, cos i said to myself.. i'm fan of that blog.. so funny. i am sure that 50% of everybody that heard that didn't pay any attention. :) congrats.
also saw this episode. quite thrilled to hear your "name"!
I love this! I, too, screamed in excitement when Brit said The Sartorialist! But, we all have to keep in mind Rachel is the true sexy library chic babe in Glee, and if anybody deserves to be the "Trendiest Teen in America," it's her. Oh, yeah, how do we feel about leg warmers being used on our arms? lol
Heh yay! I was so happy when Britney mentioned The Sartorialist!
Haha yes I laughed so hard when she said that. Love it!! Everyone knows The Sartorialist!! :)
Hehe I loved that line. When I heard it I screamed out "I read the Sartorialist!!! OMFG they made a reference to it!" my friends were looking at me like WTF but it was worth it :)
hahaha...glad to know i wasn't alone when i screamed! my husband asked me why i was laughing coz he didn't get it!
be ready now, GLEEKS might start stalking you.
lol.. i am glad everybody was gigling as much as i did when this blog was mentioned :)
This is NOT a reindeer, it's a carousel horse!
Glee is awesome.!!
HAHAH I am sooo happy you blogged on this! I was watching the episode with my friends and literally laughed out loud saying, "I follow that blog!"
ditto to everyone. Loved the shout out to you. Soooo deserved!!!
I was pumped to be able to tell my friends what she was going on about on the episode! Definitely love everything about this mention!
Well obviously. How can you not love carousel horse sweaters?