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Comments on "On the Street.....Via De' Conti, Florence"
I wouldn't have thought it, but all those patterns don't look too bad together.
How extraordinary) I want skinnies with print like on his pants!
Fetishist's Notes - ia-fetishistka.blogspot.com
Very nice picture. I love this outfit!
kisses from Brazil*
Cool picture!!
xx Ale
really like his combination of the jacket and those pants :)
Loving the contrast of those remarkable pants with the blazer.
nice ;)
Beautiful to see that a man on a certain age still dares to play with with fashion.
Intense sea of colors and patterns! This man looks like he is having fun!
Wow, he is a pro at pattern mixing! Those pants are stellar.
Amazing photo!
I can hear this one.
This man definitely likes to mix things up. I'm not sure if he really puts too much thought into what he's wearing but it is interesting.
I'd love to wear my version of this here in NYC!
I wonder who he is talking to? For sure, there is more than meets the eye here.
Ciao Ciao
<3 so real!
you've catched the perfect instant
i love his position so awesome!
hat was cute :) nice pic
Wow! What a perfect picture!!!
Lovely sunday!
Duse Pasteller
lovly picture!! It's so typical but at the same time very catchy for Florence!!
great and inspiaring blog, but I'm sure you hear that all the time ;)
cool jacket!!
This old men, full of life... love the pic!
XO thefashionguitar
It's just about the trousers ! No wait, maybe about the jacket ... No, it's the hat ! Anyway, i don't know why I love the pic, but I do love it !!
What a cool guy! What is holding in his hand?
typical italian :)
Beautiful!! Those pants!
What an interesting outfit combo! :)
This photo embodies something really strong in my opinion. I love the posture, and his expression. Good job ! You seem to catch every single details that make the picture fantastic.
Adore all the colours in this image!!
This photo is really nice!!
his clothes,the chair,everithing is good!!
The Opera?
So much color in this photo, those pants much be some military uniform, not Italian Army though, so hmmmmm.
Angels Point of View - Street Style Blog
I love the story behind this photograph. The detail and the colors offsets the man.
it's this gentleman's hands which i noticed.
not only expressive, but they look like they spent a lifetime being creative.
I love the combination of the camouflage and the tweed.
What an odd mix. Cool fellow!
I'm really quite taken with that jacket; also with the exposure -- the subject seems to almost pop off the screen!
Oh there are so many wonderfully fabulous Italian characters in Florence. I would love to know what this man is saying.
...everyone has a magical look!
Here's a man who had serious style at one point in his life - would love to see some photos from his twenties.
i love to wonder how my husband will look when he's mid-sixties, somewhere around there. i think he might look something like this. :)
(i <3 his jacket, btw)
I love his hands.
dont like the camouflage pants for themselves, but everything fits so well and his gestures! the hat and his jacket are so italian and his gesture ist so typical italian. its lovely. the only ones who can wear a beard in a sophisticated manner are older men, if you care it, it look totally well!!
Interesting, aren't those trousers done in a Waffen SS camouflage?
love his style!
love his gesture, great photo! and great mix of fabrics
i like jacket's pattern.
Is that a grenade?
Ha ha ha.
I wish his jacket was shorter.
First time I thought you took stylished person or his/her styles.
But now I think you take someone's life or their minutes.
I really like your photos. With them I feel like I travel abroad and meet a lot of people!!
I love your photos. You have so much inspiration to me.
Fashion Nerd
Another small checks! or maybe a tiny houndstooth variant. Beautiful use of pattern, and photograph-wise, prime gestural.
Wow! I love how colourful and eclectic this shot is.
Just the perfect moment!
This pic is amazing!
hobo chic at its best, what a character :)
Great shot!! What he's selling? a little bit of everything? I like the "moment" of the photo!
really really cool
amazing photograph.
This is one of your best shots ever.Really love it
haha, love that print. would be great for a legging
What a fabulous character! Reminds me of Istanbul. Great shot! Thank you!
The trousers are Flecktarn pattern, used primarily by the german armed forces. That particular pattern was introduced in the early 90's and has some similarities to patterns used in ww2.
I'm feeling the love for his hat.
love the physical expression that you'd imagine to be that of an italian! and the colours! looks something like those of jackson pollock meeting rené magritte!
This man is a sartorial mess!
I think that the comments show that no matter what photo you post, some of your fans will think that it is a sublime style statement.
This gent is also wearing camo under the sportcoat, but a it appears to be a different pattern than that of the pants.
It looks like he is haggling over a bottle of hand cream in his hand - that is not a cellphone!
I think that this man's look does not work as a style.
Bravo! I see him the Mr. as the direct image.Looks great, what a darling colorful kinda spirit he has.~Cheers Kim
The camouflage pattern is most likely German Bundeswehr's 'Flecktarn'. There's also a desert version of it.
Oh, now this is GREAT! Look at those pants!!!! He looks like a total character from ye olde country. Now I'm curious to know what he's talking about. And what he's doing with that .... that .... is it a perfume decanter in his hand? And why is he holding it like a walkie-talkie? And what is around his neck - some kind of ID? So many questions. Would you update with some info?????
Great street market snapshot.
Great shot what a great character, ingrained style is part of the Italian gene pool. When you're surrounded by beauty your whole life you live it.
Next life I want to come back Italian.
Great Shot! This isn't just about fashion, its about life :) It just made my day :) Thank you for such wonderful pictures
Does anyone know what style of hat he is wearing?
Those are German army pants.They fit pretty slim on leaner figures and are made from a firm chino-type of garment.
No one bothers to consider that he may not have had the money to "play with the patterns" but that these were all he had.
I'm confused and intrigued. What's happening? He;s a vendor, but what's in his hand and why is he holding it up to his face in this theatrical gesture? His coat and hat are filthy, but then he's surrounded by all these colorful items. His scarf is especially intriguing to me as are the various pops of saturated red throughout the background. Fascinating.
So ecletic! I have so much respect for men who can pull this off!
I love the check on the jacket, seems to be of the moment in Florence. A trend?
the simple life.
love your work !
my blog : http://redandsilk.blogspot.com/
Amazing photo :O
I love everything about this photograph. Absolutely fantastic!
those pants are perfect
Le Kiss Kiss-Click Here!
this guy is money...
so rad!
loved the video you posted a few weeks ago, truly inspiring. the visual life pretty much sums up what it means to be observational. i find that now, there simply isn't time to do that anymore, but its fantastic that there are ppl that keep it an art
it's funny thinking that I walk down that street at least one time a week :D
it's full of strange people and interesting things :D
a lot of pattern, great pic!!!
Phantastic! I would love to hear more about him and his life.
would it be bad of me to say he is so cute! i want him to be my grandfather!
Cool combination of prints!
I know that place...
Love This Photo!!! So real and natural!!! You caught the beautiful moment!!!
You are welcome to visit my blog too :))
Oooooh look at him...stylin' from top to bottom. If he were my dad/grandpa I'd have all my friends come over to check out what he's wearing. So perfect.
I'm going to go buy a houndstooth jacket! Great photo. Somehow all those patterns work together.
I can't describe how much these real life pictures warm my heart! They're amazing in their ability to capture the moment.
These are the sorts of pictures that inspire me to practice and improve my photography skills further! x
I lvoe the camouflage pants!!
I really like how classic his hat, and jacket are. The pants are the punch of fun in the outfit. The print on them is nice.
My Heart Blogged
so chic!!
you are able to bring out the real essence of the style or simplicity of people...wonderful, i follow this space:)
I love older people with flair. He's awesome.
Original pants!
Slightly hobo chic, but it's working for him really. I find this a really interesting photo in terms of capturing human nature, the average person. It gives insight and intrigue. It makes you wonder, who is this man? What is is story?
Style is everywhere.
sick flask.. great shot
So much character!!
Fantastic image!
this is true art
xx Laksmono
love those pants!
this is an awesome photo/look! original! <33
Thanks to the people who explained these pants. They look feminine to me and I was thinking he borrowed them from his wife (who rolled her eyes and shook her head as she watched him head out to his booth).
I love the movement and the colors here.
wow, you are amazing!!
you are a scholar who discover style in the world! :D
woah! look at the pants! he rules
Those pants are strangely gorgeous. This ought to look like a smelly mess. It really should. But it doesn't. I think it's because the man has verve.
i'm addicted to you.
the pants were a cute surprise...gotta love personal style!!
You amaze and inspire me everyday. Your blog was the reason i developed an interest in menswear, and started my own business
reminds me of my grandpa aka home.
Great background, great shot. and I want his jacket..
Lee x
no not loving those pants.....love the shot though.
Amazing! Check this blog out:
I can't believe you captured the crazy art professor! He was either singing opera into that flask or screaming profanities at everyone passing by.
awesome pic, great job!
gotta love personal style
no need to see the title of the post, I already know that picture was taken in Italy!
Love the pattern of the pants!
great style Sir :)
Love this shot
This guy looks like something from the Prince of Tides... but more like the Prince of Prints?
Intricate patterns on the pants and great capture. Awesome!
love the clothes mix. And the shot is perfect
German Bundeswehr pants :)
Very nice pic. The man in the photo never heard of minimalism ...
so chic!love it)
His pants are a german army cloth.
he doesn't even know he's so stylish!!!
As many have noted, the pants are German Bundeswehr (Army) pants. The pattern is ususally referred to as "Flecktarn". It has its roots in Germany shortly before WWII. The Germans used three main types of camouflage patterns (actually Flecktarn means simply camouflage patches): pea pattern, leaf pattern and splinter pattern, with endless varieties between them. These trousers have what is called the "pea" pattern.
Those who like to experiment shades and forms can always check out the replica uniforms made for reenactors, where you can find garments using this pattern but with a distinct 40's cut. Just be aware that we're talking the SS here.
Using the old cut but the modern cloth could wield some interesting results...
Where do I start? Using the perfume bottle as a cell phone, the come hither hand signal, the daring yet old fashioned attire. What a great capture.
I would buy from him in those groovy army pants.
Could you just imagine a man in the U.S. wearing those floral pants?? So fun! Only in Italy. I remember walking the street markets in Florence. The vendors immediately call out to you guessing at your country of origin. I was so pleased, they all yelled out in french first, then Spanish....I am 100% American. Fun!
great capture!
Nothing goes together.
Makes it all the more charming.
The gesture makes me understand the outfit!
great colorful picture!
forget fashion!
maybe, its the next chanel 'chance' perfume campaign...
he is quite the risk taker with those prints! its quite an interesting combination. fun shot.
I am so feelin' this.
Great shot.
That does it. I'm so totally doing a tweed jacket and camouflage pants when the weather gets back up to about 50 degrees.
A wonderful man.
Love it!
He rocks!!!
These are German army I had to wear them for several years. :-) But never in this kind of "combination"!
What is he reaching for? I wish I knew...because he does not need to reach for fashion advice; this is a man who is confident and willing to use the pieces he owns together for a purpose. This is style.
My old Home!!!!! I used to live on Via de conti. Wow. Love it. Framing it. XO Valerie
What every hipster tries to obtain. Only it's natural for this guy not forced.
Savvier funky Grandad. Old people always knows best. We should take example.
Rockin! That looks like the RS's former wardrobe key grip.
I love this fella.
beautiful pictures :)
great, great photo x
Hi there!
I’m Alexandra Oliver, designer from Brazil. I really like your work so I featured it in my blog itsallaboutconcept.wordpress.com with a link to your page of course.
If you have any problem with that just say it, and I’ll remove your work from there. If you want to be featured again send me your art and I’ll publish it.
Best regards and keep up the good work!
Alexandra Oliver
so much energy in his style!