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Comments on "On the Street...Small Checks, Florence"
Beautiful coat..has a 1950s quality about it.. her subject looks a tad shy like she doesn't want her picture taken.
Absolutely charming! Her shoes are the best!
she makes this look so feminine! i love the lighting here..
beautiful pics ;)
beautiful pics ;)
Nah, that's cool
Good morning friend!!
I think she doesn´t like to be a picture . . . .
So cute!
love her!!!
I just can't get with wearing men's shoes. Other men's wear is ok. Shoes, not so much.
Awww she's shy
nice coat, I'm wondering was she saying hello, or she did not want you take her a picture?
this coat is awesome ... love the pockets!
LOve this look!
Yes. LOVE her coat:)
her style is so laid back and cool!! :D
Her coat is just adorable!
I love that the trousers are slightly too short and show off those great brogues!
I like shoes!
The coat is very flattering, as is the subject's modesty. However, I do not think that man-style shoes flatter women.
such a strange coat!
I just saw your video on "Intel Visual Life"... Love it!
It's interesting to discover that people are more humble than their "output" may lead to think :D
Enjoy your day!
Love this picture :)
Love this picture!
adorable! i love her shoes
Love the coat and the oh so real reaction!
Lovely coat!
FB: Nolita Vintage Shop & Blog
Great light!
Great coat! Lovely girl :)
The coat is amazing!
love that coat...t´s kinda old fashioned, but in the right mix i´s really cool!
I love the mix of textures and patterns here! I also ADORE your youtube video and have maybe watched it 10 times. You definitely have a way with the camera and with words! I'm wondering what the music is in the background...it's great!
awesome :)
This is very good! the coat, the bag and the shoes. I love men style shoes on women. I collect them... :-) got a pair of Pedro Garcia brogues that look just like these...
Love the men's shoes/short pants combo! And the coat is beyond adorable. I want it!
The hang of the coat is a bit disconcerting. The way it hikes up in the front makes me think she might be pregnant or that overweight girls would rush to buy this. The small check and the asymmetry of the pockets, with two buttons, are incredible details that still cause me to like what I am seeing.
I don't like this look...
Her modest smile is lovely and her big clonking shoes just highlight the contrast.
I just adore the pattern and the colors of her coat although the shape isn't so nice in my opinion..
i love the trousers! I wonder if I passed this woman at all today, I'm in Florence now and am astounded by the beautiful clothing and people. It's nice to see such a strong exploration menswear too!
i love the trousers! I wonder if I passed this woman at all today, I'm in Florence now and am astounded by the beautiful clothing and people. It's nice to see such a strong exploration menswear too!
i love the trousers! I wonder if I passed this woman at all today, I'm in Florence now and am astounded by the beautiful clothing and people. It's nice to see such a strong exploration menswear too!
i love the trousers! I wonder if I passed this woman at all today, I'm in Florence now and am astounded by the beautiful clothing and people. It's nice to see such a strong exploration menswear too!
the past two Italian women posts were similar in that they were both sporting otherwise masculine pieces and yet exuded femininity...which you captured perfectly, Scott!
Those heavy shoes anchor a great, strong look.
Love this outfit so much, the coat is amazing!
I love the fun loving "let's give them a happy wave and a smile" attitude.
I think th shoes are very nice though I am not of fan of shortish hems. But that is just me.
Ciao Ciao Bella Donna
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Sharing Lots of Love n Fun!
oxfords are so in i guess
So stylish and i like the way she looks a bit shy, adds to the image. fab.
Such a beautifully cut coat! She has a very lovley smile
Gorgeous coat!
Check out my fashion blog :)
smashing shoes. not keen on the girlish style of the coat pockets.
I love oversized coats !! This has such a great vintage feel, and makes you just want to wrap yourself up in it on a gray rainy day !!
Check out my blog -
Beautiful Look
It's somehow extremely masculine and feminine at the same time...
She isn't shy about wearing those shoes, which makes her appearance interesting.
Interesting look between menswear and womenswear :)
ya, this is great!
that top is insane, and so are the shoes!
Very Celine 2011
i love her coat!
i hope you will visit Warsaw some day:)
coco chanel did this brilliantly in the last century.
borrowing from her lover's closets.
and this is what i'm thinking looking at this photo.
this lovely woman spent the night at her boyfriend's home, awakened late for work, couldn't wear her evening dress/high heels from the night before..
so she raided his closet and called it fashion.
I love how she wears the whole get-up. She seems shy, but her posture screams complacence. Her and her outfit look timeless.
good god this coat is so beautiful - - and I love the simple androgyny of the look. awesome. ck :) x
Absolutely lovely!
Love her shoes, i have one of those!
lovely, can't imagine life without the sartorialist..
love it!
she's beautiful and so natural!!
love everything except the shoes as they look too big and she was probably wearing 4 pairs of socks with 4 insoles. Look needs to be practical...that's hardship.
I like the coat, but my eyes are drawn to the shoes. There's something beautiful about women wearing a nice pair of men's dress shoes.
very simply very nice
Oooh! The pockets! The pockets!
lovely checkered coat! this picture is so natural and down-to-earth. i love it!
Her shoes... ♥
Vision of a Dreamer
I may be wrong, but these shoes appear to be actual men's shoes (as opposed to the red and white spectators in the earlier photo) and to my eye are a bit heavy to pair with her lovely slim pants and the lady coat. Great use of vintage pieces, nevertheless, and she's got such an appealing way about her. I can see her in a Woody Allen movie.
Nice and retro style!
such a stunning, casual, improptu photo
you always capture the essence perfectly
I love this blog!!! It's never ending inspiration :D
drop by me if u have time.
Great coat! So retro it has become up to date.
Monsieur Hulot style!
Agree, there is an aspect of self consciousness, as if shes doesnt feel very much confident in front of the camera; although its hard to say why; She looks amazing! I adore the way she feminizes the whole look; the mannish bulkiness of the shoes seem to appear perfectly normal; as if we should all wear them like so. Great Picture as well...X Neda X
Ohh!! it looks like the 40's!! I love the shoes!! And I love the sun behind her!! www.tinynicethings.blogspot.com
love her coat!!!
love, love, love--thanks for the unique look today!
that jacket is to die forr
I love the menswear feel of the pants and the shoes; such a charming look! :)
Fashion draws attention to her,
even if she's not sure she wants it.
I love the use of the graffiti speedy. So glad people are still using thier sprouse items.
I'm not very key on her outfit... It's a little bit too masculine, especially the shoes... but I DON"T CARE.. she has charisma and that's more important than any fashion!
Luciane at HomeBunch.com
Amazing coat, amazing shoes, and amazing smile :) How adorable she is!
I can see the hint of a rainbow shining from her head.
Absolutely beautiful.
This photo captures the candid moment so perfect that I can almost see her waving out at me.
Love her bag!
Very beautiful outfit, GARCONNE :)
She looks terrific, and I love the print, the shoes, the smile, and the pockets, but I've never understood the appeal of that sacque shape in clothing.
Absolutely stunning!! You're an amazing photographer, scott!
The Voguette
i wish i could see more pictures of this moment :)
these shoes are so speciall for me. I love the "retro" look
Love the coat and love the coat+that bag!
I like all of the elements, and she makes them look beaufiful.
I want her bag!
can u cast ur vote on Apropos? It's my school magazine.
Please, send this link to all ur friends!
Thank u very much! :*
Great photos! I love it
Love this fantastic look, very natural !!!
I like the shoes the best!
love this coat!
what do you think of my new outfit=?
Love this picture! Just read at a certain blog that smiling is all the rave these days...
I just love this coat. Have been looking for a coat for spring and wanted to stay away from all the typical trenchcoat styles... this might be the answer!
so fresh, beautiful morning picture♥
so coool love it!
please check out my blog:)
Great outfit. Love it.
That shot looks like it could have been taken in Australia. The light, the mood - even the small building in the background, all look very Australian.
Great image! great style....ty.....L
subtle sensitive an soft:)
Adorable photo!
oh, she's beautiful.
Since I am a newcomer I want to start by saying I loved what you said on the video, about what you see and wanting to perpetuate it through photography. It was so beautiful, like all your pictures are. And it's trully inspiring to see
such great design worldwide, on a street near you or me. Love it.
It starts in a small distance, from one human being to the other.
Congratulations and hope to see you photographing on the streets of Lisbon one day :)
the shoes are too big and detract from the rest of her look.
It's very menswear inspired, and she looks wonderful.
My Heart Blogged
Just bough shoes like that! Love the menswear look.
The coat has a vintage look and I find that charming. I love the beautiful reticence of the subject. She does look quite delicately feminine, despite the masculine looking shoes.
Her coat is just beautiful.
When I see this I think Thom Browne. The pattern of the jacket fabric plus the longwing shoes gives it away.
I'd kill for that coat.
Lovely smile, great confidence. I adore the pockets on that coat, too. And the fantastic oxfords. It's a shame that many (most?) of the oxfords for women are dainty-fied with heels and pointed toes.
tres chic!!!
i love her posture. the natural way she's posing, like if it was a snapshot.
she's adorable, but this seems to be taking menswear a bit too literally...? especially the shoes/socks/pants
Great photo! Like the clothes but the shoes look far too big... weird.
Love this look! <3
She's so pretty. I love her coat as it looks warm but with that navy, red and cream checks I can't help but thinking of spring! Adorable.
A smile is allways the best dress.
She wears the vintage speed graffity bag by Stephen Sprouse for Louis Vuitton. I would die to get this bag!!! love her coat two
What happened to her own shoes - why is she wearing her boyfriend´s ?
the lighting in this photo is brilliant. i love how she looks shy.
I would NEVER wear shoes that made my feet look so big. Coat is awesome Shoes are NOT.
Her shoes are too large and clunky. They look like she literally borrowed them from a man. The boyfriend jean, the boyfriend sweater...fine...but the boyfriend shoes? No, no, no
Love the checks!
the coat pockets are nicely done. the entire outfit is great and her coyness only adds more to this photo. great capture and wonderfully expressed.
beautiful! Although the shoes are not what I would put on this outfit is so simple and lovely!
One of my favorites. she looks so lovely and her coat is beautiful. I think oversized coats look so sweet on women!
oh, those shoes!!
I want them, I want them!
She looked definitive the very best at Pitti Uomo (of whom I saw there, she is one of the very few I still remember), I like here style & looks
Ralph Vaessen
So simple but gorgeous. I love the brogue socks and cropped trousers. Classic.
very few women can pull off men's shoes - this works
Cute coat, but pants are too high-water.
Wonderful wool fabric, the coat looks like a 50s vintage swing coat. Love the raglan sleeeves and the unique pockets, charming subject!
Very charming and cute look.Her wearings are simply superb.
Oh my god, she´s so charming!
Great style, the pocket on the coat, the shoes (!)...
Thank you Scott, I love that picture.
She looks shy. Love the shoes.
Perfect british-italian sartorialism :)
too fuzzy...pointlessly
cute photo. :]
I think the coat is beautiful, but from my point of view, the shoes give her a clownesque touch, not because they are male oriented shoes or whatever, but because I think they are too large for a slim (and pretty, for sure) girl like her.
I would bet they are larger than her actual feet size. Strange.
I love the checkered coat with the cropped trousers. I wish the coat were more form-fitting, because it appears very unflattering. The shoes are a little too masculine for my taste. Her expression appears timid, but the framing of the shot is exceptional. The outfit is simple, yet stylish.
I love the checkered coat with the cropped trousers. I wish the coat were more form-fitting, because it appears very unflattering. The shoes are a little too masculine for my taste. Her expression appears timid, but the framing of the shot is exceptional. The outfit is simple, yet stylish.
Love the outfit,specially the coat!
Lovely Picture.
The sight of this woman smiling, being shy and sweet, is so much more pleasing than a sad model with attitude. It shows fashion amongst people, which for me is something joyful and inspiring.
cuuuuuuute jacket... but ugly shoes hahah
I love your fotography! It's just soo classy.
you're so someone to look up to.
lil chirpy
I love the coat and it's shape and have seen other coats of a similar cut - is there a name for this silhouette? Anyone know who made this coat? Fantastic Blog - the best!
absolutely love her coat & shoes! what a great ensemble! wanna steal them.
Wow! I love your style =)
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