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Comments on "On the Street...Moss Wall, Florence"
Hey, great image and well shot!
You have a sharp eye there Scott!!!
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Magic! Looks like a modern painting. Street minimalism :)
Wow Scott, that is somehow so beautiful! so delicate. I do Art Textiles at school and this really inspires the organza dresses I am thinking of making. Thank you! x
beautiful shades of green. I could see this turned into fabric.
moss wall ?
work of art !
I would love to have a clothing item in these shades. They are amazing! Love it!
Great pic!
This is a great shot!!
Very original!!
xx Ale
Oh! Wow, unexpected! Reminds me of what I liked about the pic w/duct taped boots.
it looks like a little painting! very lovely. :)
moss is a wonderful life force.
Its like a japanese willow, beautiful.
That's absolutely beautiful! In its own way, but still. It sort of looks like art.
so incredibly painterly!
oooo...cool!! Looks like a real painting :D
That's so beautiful. I would like it as a print in my living room.
wow, love it!
looks really artistic
This is pure art.
+++ http://www.gauthier-fiorito.blogspot.com +++
wow! unexpected! i love it... i love all kinds of interesting surfaces, be it chlothes, walls or anything else. looks a little bit like waterfall.
Reminds me of Japanese animated movies like Spirited Away. Amazing colors, great picture.
This one is so good!!!! No people, wall talks for herself!
It's amazing how something natural usually thought of as disgusting can be so incredibly interesting and beautiful!
This one is so good!!!! Why show people, if there is a wall!? :)
oh... I like to see thinks like this
normal but so inceredible beautiful
Those greens- swoon!
would look brilliant as a print.
This is beautiful. An abstract work of art created by nature.
Those colours..wow. Great to see the beauty of decay being captured! Nature amazes me every day!
Surprisingly, it's actually quite pretty.
any designer, print studio or graphic artist will find inspiration in this composition.
I couldn't recognize it's a photo or painting, and what it is for a while.. It's beautiful anyway.
Beautiful image. At first glance I thought it to be fabric.
I thought it was a painting by Rothko :)
Just brilliant! I suggest listening to Fennesz Black Sea while looking at this photograph. Lorenzo Cinotti
This photo made me think why I love photography so much :)
Congratulations 4 all your work!
what a beatiful colours¡
Looks like a pice of art! Very nice!
Looks like a pice of art! Very nice!
Great shot!
love, love.
Sometimes the beauty is in the simplest things.
Regards from andalucía...
It looks like a painting. Wonderful picture
Hey I love this picture!! Please read and follow my blog
this photo is amazing!
the green of the picture it's so beautiful!
Love this! so much texture and variation of color.
F. Bacon is still painting!
Extraordinary photo! Thanks for sharing. I am a recent devotee of your blog and also enjoyed the short film on you. Very inspiring!
Michael Hampton
this is awesome, very dream/animation like.
Love from Seoul,
Nostalgic Senses
That's beautiful... Simply beautiful.
Even the walls are well dressed in Firenze.
Inspiration! Beautiful flow!
You have an eye for art, Scott! Moss is just naturally beautiful. I'd love to own a scarf that looked like this.
the colour is great.
But for me as a civil engineer this makes my heart hurt.
Mankind must take care of their creations.
makes me think of any great Russian song performed by Dmitri Hvorostovsky. Weird
Great photo!
I would love to see you keep this up, maybe relating colors and architecture of the cities you travel to with the fashion present. The beautiful Italy is a great place to see that relationship. Excellent work!
hmmmm reminded my childhood in my granny's house the back wall used be like even in the summer...
I've been dreaming of fabrics like this lately. I can see this gathered up into a lovely frothy frock. Beautiful image.
It's like a 2D forest
I thought this was a great looking wall until I scrolled down and saw the door on the previous days post. GREAT EYE!
Ah! Now you're speaking my language. Lovely shot.
che bello - photography gives you everything
This is gorgeous, and very in keeping with your blog somehow. I like it.
looks like a piece of art, well it is ... man and nature got together. Cool!
Oh - so, so lovely
Beautiful and natural...
A great wall, but I miss someone well dressed in front of it.
looks like some of the late works of Francis Bacon (the desert ones, or the fields)
reminds me of rotchko also...
I think everyone here would agree this would look absolutely beautiful as a dress. Great shot.
It's nice to see a great shot of something a bit different every now and then! x
Love the break out of the fashion theme! Very inspiring and refreshing in between. Looks almost like an abstract Richter or Cy Twombly. Fab!
What a gorgeous shot. Wouldn't it be amazing to create a fabric out of this? Nature, everywhere, is so inspirational. http://thearcenciel.blogspot.com/
This is gorgeous. Great shot.
thats beautiful, so unexpected... beautiful!
Whatever we have made, will not be undone but slowly nature works at correcting itself and that process is pure poetry.
Beautiful shot!
Colour of the moss is devine. I like how nature always wins, in the end.
I like how you've directed so many people's attention to some moss growing on a wall. Shows how beauty can be found everywhere.
Beautiful....makes me want to paint it. You are such an inspiration!
I thought this was a scarf at first! Beautiful!
love it
I think moss-wall will be THE piece of next season!
wooow,it looks like a painting,it's so beautiful!
Like a beautiful Monet - great eye!
Great photo !
Beautiful textile feeling like vintage faded velvet with a single strand of feathers.
Wow,- I've got to knit that up...
Thank you so much for sharing this image!
You're making Rothko jealous.
Beautiful...but would be more so if there was a subject of some sort in front of it.
Incredible. Italy is great for these kinda pics. It seems like a painting. Once again sharp eye for whats already there. Kudos
So beautiful!
Maybe I've recognized this wall.. Is that in via Cavour? Anyway, the air we breathe in these days in Florence is amazing! Hope you enjoy!
Looks like a Rothko. Beautiful.
I really thought this was a painting lol.
Very beautiful... But very allergenic too. Take a picture, and bleach it out!
this is my favorite of all of your pictures, ever. so awesome. you could pursue this! fine art--- urban texture! doit.
i do similar stuff and have a small gallery via tumblr—
Here in Italy the art is everywhere...
Everyday I love your blog more and more....is amazing....
what a lovely surprise, wish i had this site when i was studying fashion, lovely thoughful ideas as always, :)
I would have this on the wall in my home. BIG! I love it! Great colour scheme!
Scan Flickr and you'll find a few thousand similar images...
This is lovely!
I love it
Espectacular, I like too
Wow! Very pretty.
Italy does moss so well.
Beautiful color palette and design inspiration.
My favorite aspect is the crack in the wall... an element to bring you back to the real world.
I've lived in florence for the last 8 years... I love seeing your Pitti shots because somehow it resurrects something of what I loved about the city when I first got here.
Indeed, everything is art; it all depends how one looks at things. This is amazing ~ looks like painted fabric.
the wall in my backyard is exactly like that, makes you wonder a lot of things
OMG...great shot...one of my favorites in 4 years! You are amazing...ty...L
your blog is an inspiration..i find myself checking this more often than my facebook account..keep it up =)
i want to wear that.
Gerhard Richter, eat your heart out! lol
I LOVE IT! it looks like an abstract painting :)
wow! this is pure art
this is lovely
there is subtle beauty in this, its really magical. it looks almost as if its a painting.
!!! WOW !!!
Beautiful....I think this should be reproduced as a fabric..preferably silk :)
- www.itsanewkate.blogspot.com
A favourite proverb springs to our mind.
'A rolling stone gathers no moss'
by Publius Syrus
Philadelphia Magazine
That's pretty cool,
Love your blog
for the people that think it's just a common wall, just know that the fact that it's "just a wall" is why it makes the photograph much more amazing.
a lot of times mundane, seemingly boring things are given live and character through photographs, and that is amazing. i love photographs that look like paintings without deliberate editing.
Enjoying the Hues of GREEN!!
Looks like a green Shroud of Turin without the face.
That would make a sick wallpaper. Like a fairytale backdrop!
A work of art! Fabulous photography!
Art by Karena
Oh. My breath caught in my throat.
this moss wall reminds me a painter, Gerhard Richter...Cool!
Wot? No people? has the Sartorialist
become a pictorialist?
beautiful that shot is a keeper
Truly beautiful. Thanks.
Great photo..!
There's some interesting Italian moss and ivy shots a the links below...
Oh wow. That is just gorgeous! This is the kind of shot I would love to frame on my wall. Seriously.
this looks so artistic! thank you for noticing the little but beautiful things.
it's just a painting... i love it <3
And i also love the sartorialist, it keeps me inspired each day,so keep up the good work!!
That would be a great print for a maxi dress.
eagle eye scott... amazing! this is art and the beauty of nature plus the unique gift/ talent to find things like this. Chapeau!
Like this green, so natural and modern
Reminds me of the of the plastic bag in American Beauty, inexplicably beautiful.
all i can say is "wow"
i have posted today's inspiration: art
check it out please? at
really pretty shot... thank you
This reminds me of the West of Ireland!
Beautiful. Like an old Japanese garmet or painting.
just wow, it's awesome! Congrats!
that is something very artstic, impressionist-like!
Moss in winter really stands out. So do the different stone hues, especially when the air is moist. Lovely photo.
beautiful, i'm stealing this for my inspiration folder!
I love this, imagine how good this would look as a print textile for a skirt this spring!
Love this... Dont clean the wall.
For more plants-inspired works,
see my blog:
Art may imitate nature. Nature is art. http://newvilleny.blogspot.com/
Great picture.
beauty of nature....great painting
stunning color and texture!
O.K., I know I should be inspired by this in an artistic/fashion sense, but since I am knee-deep in a basement renovation on my money-pit of a house, all I think when I see this is: crack in the foundation! moss growing on the wall! mildew! mold! OH NO!!!!!
It look like a wall painting. it suits well to print n frame
OMG I thought that was a painting. Gorgeous. Simple and intriqueing I love it.
Very nice pic. You have a very good eye, I am trying but so far my pics are not as impressive...
when a wall meets water! Love this green
Perhaps it isn't Land Art but it's close to it.I love the picture but i wouldn't if it was my home
I thought it was a foggy forest.
Gerhard Richter
Via Romana right at the Porta Romana? I walk past there everyday and see this beautiful wall. Your picture really captures it well!
this is so beautiful! I would love this on as a print =) It truly show that beauty is all around...
Industry meets nature.
Nice Sho...wops!
I would love a dress made of silk inspired by this wall.
It's actually algae! Love this pic nonetheless!
This is beautiful!
stunning. to the man who doesn't see it in this picture, i disagree. in america, this would be "fixed". painted over to be a "nice clean repaired wall". i don't see the beauty in that so anytime, anywhere i see a wall like this, i'm in awe of the beauty.
Beautiful! Like a painting...
As gogeous as it gets
I love this!
this feels wabi-sabi to me.
but at first glance i thought it was a painting!
it is poetic :)
Wow. Thought it was a painting before I read the caption.
I love also that kind of washed walls! beautiful
Oh dear. Abstract and very, very beautiful.
You are quite the photographer. This photo is so beautiful. It could be a beautiful textile!
Inspirational. Great shot.
I want to make a printed fabric like this...!!! It would be a perfect spring/summer dress in silk!