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Comments on "On the Street....Before Rick Owens Show, Paris"
Oh god!
Really amazing!!
I love Rick Owen *_*
love the draping of the fabric, makes all this black look interesting....
Serene and rugged at the same time.
wow~!! gorgeous!!!^^
Black is black! I love it!
Mah Noleto from Brazil
Modern scarecrow look?
Not a fan. Too costumey somehow.
Those boots are fantastic. Love how the cropped pant shows 'em off to perfection.
I'm not a fan of the cropped, flood-style pants, and the look is so hackneyed and so many seasons ago, yet this gentleman is wearing that look beautifully! I love his all black monochromatic look. It seemed that the trend this season is monochromatic, which I love because the emphasis with the monochromatic look in in the textures/textiles. The boots that this gentleman chose go so well with his whole sartorial ensemble. I like the fact the he did not pegged his pant legs which I find very fashionably immature and sartorially sophomoric. If an individual chooses to wear shortened pant legs at least hem them properly. Since he did not break the line of his silhouette his shortened pants did not give his legs a stumpy look about them. Very CHIC and very well done!
oh, wow, that is edgy
grate all black !!!!! whats the thing hes holding?
There is so much character in this photo, I love how the draping of all these black items is so fluid!
wow beautiful layering!
Incredible! The photo composition of his clothes (black or navy blue, not sure) against the gray aggregate wall is eye-popping.
smoking is LAME!!!
nice outfit and vibe
Black energy :)
I like it.
At first I wasn't sure whether I was looking at a man or a woman. It doesn't matter -- s/he is gorgeous!
gorgeous ♥
his skinny unhealthy face is intriguing together with his dark look..all in all I like it.
totally digging this <3
I like his shoes.
Fashion Nerd
love this photo...realness...
Love, L
those boots do stand out,short pants once again, an aubergine scarf would have looked good with what he's wearing.
this photo is incredible. i love everything you capture.
Great shot. I love an all black look.
what a photo
He is definitely 'his own person.' Love people who aren't afraid to be who they are!
I love this look. Period.
Not a fan either
Am seeing lots of photos of people wearing the "highwaters" look. I personally find it unattractive - looks like cheap, ill-fitting clothing - clownish. He's an interesting looking character otherwise.
Wow, reminds me many dark classics in art. Great style, not for everyone.
Great shapes. Too dark for me, though.
Please, navy or black????
I love him.
scruffy cigarette smoker
this makes me never want to smoke, ever.
Love the layering!!!!Love the blog!!!Please visit our blog
xo Cybelle & Fabi
Mr. Mephisto! He is damn gorgeous.
Interesting, courageous, love it.
straight out of a Tim Burton film. I love!!
Love the way she could pull off complete black. Great Picture!
Prog-Rock never goes out of style.
the pants remind me of something... like he's ready to say (kirk out) into his handheld!
Just like a movie star. Lovely and dramatic, Raquel
Could people just stop already with their complaints about smoking? WE KNOW IT'S BAD FOR YOU. Don't be boring.
lovely folds of fabric reflected in his black letters, wow!
wow he's gorgeous and the outfit is timeless. the hair and the boots really bring the kill, love it.
Yes, nice.But the Glob will glup him if he keeps smoking.
Love it draping of the scarf
a picture of health and vitality!
black has never been so exciting!
black has never been so exciting!
The scarf and the jacket are great.
Everything else should be thrown in the garbage (especially the cigarettes).
Look at his worn out, weathered face.
Modern Scarecrow is bang on.
Awesome photograph tho.
Isn't it amazing when people can create a memorable outfit all in the same color? I've often tried to do a few shades of one color, but this outfit is genius. I love the expert draping, the layers of different lengths--and the way it looks completely efforless. http://thearcenciel.blogspot.com/
reminiscent of the 1980's japanese influence.
this look almost seems like an avant garde cocoon.
to my eyes the jacket looks inky navy and the trousers black.
love the fingerless gloves.
so hip in 1984.
so necessary for touch screen ipads and iphones in 2011.
Kind of cool, kind of sadistic, all at the same time...
no one else can do it any better than him.
I honestly could not tell if this was a man or a woman. This outfit does nothing for me. I do admire this person's bravery though.
love the all black in black layering. So in tune with Rick Owens
He pulls this look off so well. Everything from the shoes to his gloves. i love this!
Not impressed. He would have looked much better if his pants were full length and he didn't wear clown boots. At least they are polished.
Vive la France! [Is that black and navy, too?]
i have never seen a more beautiful man. and what perfect hair for the look...
I don't know, looks similar to a chimney sweep ensemble -- imagine a brush in his hand and a top hat
Okay, so I've been seeing your blog on many other bloggers' blogs (make sense, yes?), but I never went around to viewing it until now; and gosh do I feel mad. I should have followed this blog like a million of years ago, because this is TRULY THE BEST BLOG EVER. The pictures are absolutely amazing, and oh what more can I say? This is ..just wow.
xoxo Tami at Tamijam.blogspot.com
I wish I will have this cool vibe by the time I reach his age haha
Well done!!!
Love the length of the pants. awesome boots. Overall good look!
i think i can feel that scarf and fabric o clothes
beautiful clothing
Like a very chic vampire . . .
I love you Rick Owens! His pants are so cool.
Such an interesting silhouette those boots make!
I want to touch his clothes--he looks so huggable, in a you-can't-touch-this sort of way. I think the textures and shapes in this prevent it from being boring. But I wish that I could get him to eat something and put on some muscle.
chic and fun black looks great a lot!! :D
ok, his pants just look ridiculous!
love this look! shoes...))
j;aime so much style
Elegant, cool and brave. Bravo!
Count Dracula meets Ronald McDonald
OOOHH. mysterious. <3 COOL.
Black black and more black!
That is truly amazing!
It's a shame about the cigarette, he looks great but I would find it more interesting without it. Maybe a bit Chaplinesque.
I love the monochratic look he is going for! The draping is subtle and doesn't stand out much beacuse it's all black on black. A really composed look but I suggest him to ditch the cigarette!
love how what he's holding in his left arm gives him the extra edge and angles that bring out the look.
stunning! great pic, congrats!
really cool.
so dark, so nice
...now available in english...
Underworld meets lagerfeld. Fantastic!
what an interesting look - love the mix of layered black, shorter lenght pants - his long hair...quite unique!
looks too much like a costume...
the background is boring (ok - then it fits to the boring outfit..) - but ive seen better pictures and styles of you!!
GOrgeous black outfit!
grace, balance and eleganze at the beginning and such a funny and unusual end??!!??
nice to see a guy own the all black look by using layers and texture. very, very nice...and the hair is lovely!
Smoking is weak.
I'd prefer longer pants for this look. And to think, he's only 25 years old!
Classic black. Very snappy.
snappy x
Stunning. Timeless. Androgynous. Cool. Everything a perfect outfit should be.
Look at him! Dressed all in black. so Chic so Dandy! Simple always is MORE!
Oh my god. This just makes my heart race!
Was there a flood in his basement?What is with the too short,droopy pants and Parisian men?Not at all attractive.
Wow, amazing. Such charm.
Love the way the rectangles of the cigarette pack and his white shirt cuff shine against all the black and grey! But God I wish those boring and obvious comments that appear here every time you shoot someone with a cigarette would stop.
A monochromic look with a strong effect. I like the short cut of the pant and the big shoes
Oh, perfection! Some people just know how to turn reality into magic!
How can a person wear a look so stunningly dramatic and yet look so "natural" drapped all in black? Well, kids, this is how you do it.
One rule of pulling off any look is confidence and this gentleman has it in spades! This is what Iggy Pop would look like if he owned more a several pair of torn jeans.
this guy is gorgeous!!!!! beautiful photo
absolutely "gets it"
and he is my best friend...
love you dude!
So very European. I love it!
Gotta love Rick Owens--just look at that draping!! But if that's what cigarettes do to you, I'm glad I don't smoke! QUIT Rick!!
ha! its the crypt keeper!
ichabod crane...I like it.
I would definitely marry him! Just judging by the outfit and the confidence he exudes.
If I could change one thing, i wonder if it would have to be the cigarettes or the boots...
Oh, stunning anyways. I LOVE to see beautiful, intriguing men,mmm.
it is so bizare that it works perfectly...his face complements the outfit perfectly
Great to see a properly lived-in face! Class.
As a photograph its interesting, as a fashion statement I fail to see anything that is attractive about it. I find the 'high water' trousers hideous, as well as his length of hair and the cigarette is once again not an accessory.
charlie chaplin-esque clothing. no, that's an insult to the little tramp. fashion? perhaps its somebody's. and the emporer has fabulous new clothes.
the man knows a thing or two about a thing or two...
gorgeous image!
Love Rick Owens, love his clothing, love him in his clothing. Je suis une inconditionnelle de Rick Owens....
The contrast between the length of the jacket and the length of the trousers is beautiful. Besides the waistline is so slim while the scarf is exremely oversize.The trousers are too short and the sleeves are deliberately too long.
I think this person has a greet sense of architecture..and certainly a talent to wear black colour)
The only thing is the boody "looks" too young for this face and vice versa.
Who is this guy, by the way?
W O W !!!!!!!!!!!!
Mind blowing.
instant love.
So absolutely cool!
Dreadful! Looks like the living dead. Im just sayin!
Dickensian. Ironic. Droll. I'm completely intrigued, but it creates a certain expectation. For example, I'd be very disappointed if he opened his mouth and something mundane came out.
i wish we were married
Prof. Snape inspired?
This is how Severus Snape looks in my mind.
His look is a really good one.
His trousers are too short.
The jacket and scarf are scarf are beautiful but overall this look has me thinking......
Pee Wee Herman meets Oscar Wilde.
edwardian gothic..love this!
Oh my, adore this.
I love it! How the freak do you wear that???
Works because of his craggy face. Turns an otherwise slightly mannered and effete look into something darker, more bohemian and manly. Thank God some people still smoke.
I want that Jacket!
love the look, way french looking. don't understand the high water pants though, where can I get that great scarf?!
So simple yet so perfect.
Bravo! Bravo!
my idea of perfection
Monochrome outfits, especially ones seen spontaneously on the street are ultimate choice.
Bella l'immagine che s'impossessa dei sensi risvegliandone l'arcana immaginazione.
Figura piana che rievoca ricordi di cavalieri che aprono le danze e dopo,duellanti al galoppo sguainanti di spada.
Passaggio di viandanti, e carovane nomadi lungo le vie dai profumi d'incenso.
E stregoni e druidi tra foreste vergini, e Madre Terra che allatta cuccioli d'uomo e d'animale.
I pirati e i velieri protetti da Poseidone e guidati da lui nella sua dimora.
E canti e riti accompagnati dal fuoco a celebrare le stelle ed il nuovo giorno.
E' consapevolezza di un racconto che ci accompagna fino al domani e da lì una nuova e personale storia.
E' fermezza d'idea ed espressione fisica di un turbamento risolto e la conoscenza della bipolarità che trova il centro d'attrazione.
Risoluzione della caducità terrena dissolta all'infito nell'infinito.
Ai piedi i calzari alati.
Super classe!
Wonderful world!
he really pulls it off beautifully - original!
Speechless. Pure class. Nice shot.
I know this man, he is an Italian man, married 2 kids. He lives in Caserta and his name is Giulio...I believe that he owns a showroom, he is involved in fashion. Bravo Giulio!