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On the Street... The Mix, Florence


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Thursday, January 20, 2011

On the Street... The Mix, Florence

The socks, the scarf, the denim shirt, the coat, the flannels....there's a lot to love in this mix.

Comments on "On the Street... The Mix, Florence"


Blogger Yajaira said ... (4:31 PM) : 

lovely scarf..
wow bright socks
love the shoes!


Blogger IN TERMS OF ME said ... (4:32 PM) : 

Beautiful mix of materials/colours


Blogger TheMen'sSide said ... (4:32 PM) : 

Awesome :)


Blogger KC said ... (4:33 PM) : 

oh my goodness! love the mustard socks with the structured jacket


Blogger ana said ... (4:34 PM) : 

j'aime le melange!
thats so great I would like to find more people who aren't afraid of taking risks as to wear 6 diferent colors and textures in the same outfit


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:34 PM) : 

Uh mazing, such a great shot.


Blogger Camila said ... (4:35 PM) : 

YES! This is so right!


Anonymous jenny said ... (4:36 PM) : 

oh my. he is BEAUTIFUL. everything about his look is just wonderful.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:36 PM) : 

i love it !


Blogger SabinePsynopsis said ... (4:38 PM) : 

I'm falling in love with brown and grey (and yellow)!


Blogger Amy Creyer said ... (4:39 PM) : 

Great photo, as always. I love the composition.


Blogger NONverbal Art by Delicia.G said ... (4:39 PM) : 

This outfit is gorgeous, I am drawn to the yellow socks :)


Blogger The Cat's Whiskers said ... (4:41 PM) : 

it makes you thing what he is writing... i like it, atmospherical!

♠ ♠ ♠



Blogger Kira Lilly said ... (4:42 PM) : 

socks: LOVE


Blogger crystal said ... (4:43 PM) : 

wow, this is great!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:43 PM) : 

A wonderful mix of textures and patterns. And, the sunny socks add a playful touch to the look.


Blogger Unknown said ... (4:45 PM) : 

You forgot his gorgeous curly hair! :-)


Blogger Unknown said ... (4:50 PM) : 

Love the coat!
That sock and shoes are amazing!



Blogger agnes szucs said ... (4:51 PM) : 

aaahh. the colors. a beautifully understated bouquet.



Blogger Magdalena Viktoria said ... (4:52 PM) : 

perfect. and the socks!! I just thought today I need some nice, mustard-yellow socks.


Blogger GINGER FASHION MONSTERS said ... (4:52 PM) : 

definitely the shoes that grab my attention! Clearly a well constructed outfit though, a lot of classics, just put together beautifully which just makes it work... great photo!!


Blogger Fashion Agony said ... (4:53 PM) : 

Those socks are so cool! :)


Blogger LatteLisa said ... (4:57 PM) : 

love everything in this mix and love the photo too!


Blogger my.amalgam said ... (5:00 PM) : 

wow so many great things about this outfit
the clean lines of the jacket
with the wicked colorful socks and shoes

great shot!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (5:01 PM) : 

Probably the best combination of hair and scarf in a long long time.


Blogger RECIEN LLEGADA said ... (5:02 PM) : 



Anonymous mgik said ... (5:03 PM) : 

great shoes!


Anonymous Elizabeth said ... (5:10 PM) : 

and the shoes!


Blogger Unknown said ... (5:12 PM) : 

What a fantastically dressed gentleman. Wish we saw more of that around.


Blogger Tess Kincaid said ... (5:13 PM) : 

The socks are the key.


Blogger Serina said ... (5:15 PM) : 

And not forgetting the shoes! I love how natural this is.


Blogger Mary Grace said ... (5:24 PM) : 

I couldn't agree even more. If I was on a rush and I spotted this guy, I would literally stop on my tracks to observe and admire.


Blogger Fashion Nerd said ... (5:31 PM) : 

Florence Is like one of my favorite cities, plus the style of a city as a whole is tremendous.

Fashion Nerd


Blogger Wonyoung said ... (5:34 PM) : 

even his bag and fingers.


Blogger Unknown said ... (5:37 PM) : 



Blogger Shilpi Tomar said ... (5:39 PM) : 

I'm diggin that pop of color!




Anonymous katja Horstman said ... (5:40 PM) : 

he has got beautiful hands!


Blogger Duse Pasteller said ... (5:41 PM) : 

Sure is!! even the hair!!
supernice pic!!

Duse Pasteller


Blogger It-Blogirls said ... (5:43 PM) : 

Love it!


Anonymous istanbulboy said ... (5:46 PM) : 

I love love love that look!



Blogger simply h² said ... (5:48 PM) : 

Haha, love the yellow socks


Anonymous Sara Lua said ... (5:54 PM) : 

I wish American men could dress like he. I spotted a man wearing rolled-up red twill pants with summer oxfords in San Francisco. He was too good to be true -- definitely Italian.


Anonymous Best of Beehive said ... (5:56 PM) : 

I love the scarf, but I don't know about the socks. Maybe a darker color like a purple or red.


Anonymous Camellia said ... (5:58 PM) : 

I adore the color and texture combinations in this outfit. The more you look at it the more you see, the more you love.


Blogger dks said ... (6:03 PM) : 

Italians have such natural style. Bellisimo.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:07 PM) : 

Adore the bright socks x


Blogger Unknown said ... (6:07 PM) : 

The style start when gentlemen dare.
Great pic!



Anonymous Vea Beau said ... (6:14 PM) : 

His Hair just compliments it!
love it love it laaave it

i'll be rocking mustard as well.

Check us out!

Love Vea Beau


Blogger Unknown said ... (6:21 PM) : 

A lot of your photos contain interesting socks! I love them~ :)


Blogger The Red Umbrella said ... (6:26 PM) : 

Love it all!


Anonymous La Femme Française said ... (6:46 PM) : 

i love everything on him !


Blogger Brenda said ... (6:49 PM) : 

It's so effortlessly good... I love his oxfords!


Blogger caribbelle said ... (6:52 PM) : 

I'm getting a very fashionable professor vibe lol


Blogger Michael said ... (7:04 PM) : 

That's awesome ! No doubt !


Blogger roxanne s. sukhan said ... (7:30 PM) : 

Gorgeous! Love the colour of the socks and also the coat.


Blogger designchic said ... (7:30 PM) : 

Very the socks!!


Anonymous Kristen said ... (7:36 PM) : 

Holy sunshine socks, he's wearing happiness on his feet! I absolutely love it!

I also love the slim cut of his pants, and the polkadot scarf... How often do I see men wearing polkadots? I love it. And I love the toggled coat, too.

Love it. I need to go to Italy.


Blogger Jasmin said ... (7:38 PM) : 

the colour mixing is fabulous


Blogger KimChicSisters said ... (7:48 PM) : 

Love the shoes.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:49 PM) : 

I've been looking to the oldest posts of The Sartorialist, the ones from 2005 and 2006. No doubt, today's shots are far more beautiful and well-found.

However, there's something that, in my opinion, isn't as good as it used to anymore. Years ago your photographs came usually with a text explaining the sense of the picture, the images and feelings they evoked to you: explaining what made a look more than simple good taste about fashion.

That made the comments of every shot (not many of them, just about 10 or so for each one) turn in some cases into interesting dialogs about the conceptual side of fashion.

Don't you miss that, now that most of the hundreds of comments you get every week just say how much they love a certain detail of the clothing or how pictorical the photograph is?

Well, all I want to say is that, from my point of view, a blog that has got fame under the philosophy of catching that "something" in some people's way of wearing, beside "official" fashion and style rules, should make use of the support of the words, the only way to tell the world what you really mean with a picture.

Love your work anyway, and I'm sure you have something to tell, I just would love to see it writen.



Blogger Marrisa said ... (7:57 PM) : 

I love how he put this together! The socks and the shoes!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:01 PM) : 

love the mix indeed! i hope you'll visit Philippines too! :)


Anonymous Art of RetroCollage said ... (8:07 PM) : 

Those shoes are fantastic!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:08 PM) : 

Love that Freestyle, especially the shoes, the brand is TRICKERS!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (8:14 PM) : 

yes indeed i DO love this!! especially because he's writing with a pen and not on an iphone...


Anonymous EFT for Cancer said ... (8:21 PM) : 

I love his style! He's very bold!


Blogger Kathleen said ... (8:39 PM) : 

Oh, yes! to the mix!! He emboldens me. I want to wear golden socks and polka dots.


Anonymous Marisa said ... (9:05 PM) : 

Who wears mustard-colored socks and orange shoes and still looks styling? The black and white scarf makes it all work. Ah those Italians....


Anonymous Meredith Howard said ... (9:07 PM) : 

I agree. The socks are especially a stroke of genius.

- Meredith


Blogger Danielle Sigwalt Interiors said ... (9:25 PM) : 

Totally agree! What is it about colorful socks on men that just makes me swoon!?!


Blogger Shezrotn said ... (9:25 PM) : 

I'm lovin' the yellow socks.


Blogger erics said ... (9:31 PM) : 

he's stylin' on all of us.


Blogger Lisa Petrarca said ... (9:34 PM) : 

Beautiful use of colors, very well blended!


Blogger Eryl said ... (9:44 PM) : 

His coat, the colour of fresh mortar and just as pliant, is my stand out piece here. Though I do, too, love that hair.


Blogger Francesca Robertson said ... (10:05 PM) : 

love the yellow socks


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Blogger Unknown said ... (10:12 PM) : 

love the socks! what a bright statement!


Anonymous dbbk said ... (10:14 PM) : 

ooh. don't forget the pen. very nice. wish he was writing down my number;-)


Anonymous jdit said ... (10:30 PM) : 

Looking and feeling comfortable in one's clothes speaks volumes and the candid obviousness of that in this shot makes the picture complete and engaging.


Blogger Shevah said ... (10:47 PM) : 

The socks make it so interesting.


Blogger Laurita P said ... (10:57 PM) : 

you said it! a lot to love indeed...


Blogger b said ... (11:07 PM) : 

i thought i was only into guys with larger legs, but guys with skinny legs are good as long as they have nice fitted pants.


Anonymous dodo said ... (11:20 PM) : 

italian rules!


Blogger Pati Gaitán (Pati-G) said ... (11:45 PM) : 

Yes, indeed - let alone the hair style and notice, no iphone, no ipad, no laptop and the hair :-) just pure chicness.


Blogger Kyle said ... (11:52 PM) : 

Now that is the epitome of style! I would name my favorite piece, but there is no way I could choose!


Anonymous Maryanne said ... (11:54 PM) : 

the socks, shoes and ascot brighten this outfit.


Anonymous Maowel said ... (11:56 PM) : 

Oh that is a lovely outfit, from head to toe! Classic pieces each on their own, and getting together with a twist, I love it! :)


Blogger Lu said ... (12:00 AM) : 



Blogger Gin said ... (12:02 AM) : 

love the look! makes him look like a big kid :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:19 AM) : 

Aaah, the beauty of mix.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:29 AM) : 

You said it! "There's a lot to love in this mix."

I agree!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:33 AM) : 

if you like that, you'll see a lot of that in San Francisco...

not a fan



Blogger Miss Molly said ... (1:32 AM) : 

this is really great! perfect style!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:40 AM) : 

what socks can do for an outfit.

love this


Blogger ZHENYA ZHURAVLYOVA said ... (2:04 AM) : 

"smail illustrator"


Blogger Unknown said ... (2:07 AM) : 

nice splash of yellow, perfect snap


Blogger Thought Forms said ... (2:20 AM) : 

nice socks


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:57 AM) : 

I love sock.
so nice!


Blogger KC said ... (3:06 AM) : 

this guys just did a flawless execution. i am inspired.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (3:07 AM) : 

Yes I love this mix too!


Anonymous @unChCh said ... (3:18 AM) : 

toooo funny!!!


Anonymous unnurösp said ... (3:51 AM) : 

im in love !!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:02 AM) : 

The socks with the pants with the shoes... *le sigh*


Blogger Cecille said ... (4:41 AM) : 

yes ! lovely mixture


Blogger Unknown said ... (4:48 AM) : 

Great combination....

Ravenshoe Real Estate


Blogger The Ataraxian said ... (4:59 AM) : 

Wonderfully 'thrown on', young look. The socks are the clear eye-catcher.
Not enougth of these chaps in London at the moment, everyone is too obsessed by showing off a shiny bit of branding


Anonymous Dustyflint said ... (5:11 AM) : 

There is a lot to love here. I'm enjoying all the bright socks you are seeing.


Blogger Herdiana Surachman said ... (5:26 AM) : 

Catch your eyes..


Anonymous OgKofB said ... (5:30 AM) : 

The socks and shoes.. Brilliant!


Blogger Tara s Dolce Vita said ... (5:43 AM) : 

funny mix, great photo!

Gotta love those italians!!!


Anonymous mademoiselle-marie said ... (5:53 AM) : 

original et charmant


Anonymous domain name hosting said ... (6:20 AM) : 

Nice combinations.. Fantastic post..


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:33 AM) : 

I completely agree with Sara.



Anonymous Anonymous said ... (6:36 AM) : 



Blogger Unknown said ... (6:52 AM) : 



Blogger Rene Braun said ... (7:03 AM) : 

Wow!!! SPecial look :))


You are welcome to visit my blog too :)) Kisses!!


Anonymous JOE said ... (7:15 AM) : 

Yes ! I am looking forward to throwing my colored socks on. With the snow and ice back on the east coast, I am sticking to my weathered chukkas. I have ruined to many leather shoes with the salt thrown down.

A refreshing boost with winter still blowing around.

Well done !


Anonymous mon said ... (7:15 AM) : 


where are those beautiful shoes from?
one never seems to find cool
brogues for women!


Blogger Athena said ... (7:48 AM) : 

i love the color contrast of his shoes and socks. :)


Anonymous Azmer said ... (7:52 AM) : 

very nice!


Blogger 18 Kerut said ... (8:02 AM) : 

yes! perfection


Anonymous Jordana @ White Cabana said ... (8:15 AM) : 

Now, what's he writing down? Or perhaps he's sketching a picture of a fountain?


Blogger Ruhvana and Flanelli said ... (8:42 AM) : 

Awesome! Awesome! awesome!

My biggest love in his style are those socks!



Blogger Natasha and Jesse said ... (8:48 AM) : 

I'm new to your blog and can't believe I've missed it for all these years! But so happy I've found it now.

I love his shoes and socks.


Blogger Bojan said ... (8:59 AM) : 

this shoe-socks-pants combination is great!


Blogger Sophia said ... (9:05 AM) : 

At least his feet are warm!
Colour pun, I apologize.


Blogger Gianlu said ... (9:25 AM) : 



Anonymous Malinda Kay said ... (10:22 AM) : 

Oh my! That pop of yellow sock and orange shoe against the neutral suit! And the little hint of polka dot peeking out. He is so dashing!!

Can I also say how much I love the ever-so-slightly cropped pant that men are so into these days? It's so crisp. I hope this trend is here to stay.


Blogger davidikus said ... (10:27 AM) : 

& the socks, of course!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:35 AM) : 

..dressing with intent!

- isabelle à montréal


Anonymous proletarian Great Gatsby said ... (10:40 AM) : 

Each element works perfect separately ...and together


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10:59 AM) : 

I love how he pulled this whole outfit together, the denim with flannel no less. And then the accessories are so nice-- pops of colour indeed. Mustard yellow and a beautiful scarf. This spring seems to be about how to accessorize.


Blogger EddieSpaghetti said ... (11:20 AM) : 

I like the subtle shadow play on the coat. Nice light.

Are those Grenson shoes?


Blogger Mark Harris said ... (12:00 PM) : 

A well put together gent.


Anonymous Ivanka said ... (12:33 PM) : 

Don´t you want to stay in Italy a little longer? Awesome combinations you´ve found!


Anonymous Joanna Roman said ... (12:44 PM) : 

I agree!


Anonymous Yasmine said ... (1:00 PM) : 

WOW! Incroyable!!!! I want to be his friend.


Blogger Rita said ... (1:02 PM) : 

amazing!I think he's Dondup stylist


Anonymous flynn said ... (1:33 PM) : 

Wow. I really love this combination!


Blogger Jucinara said ... (1:37 PM) : 

You said it perfectly!
"..there´s a lot of love in this mix"


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:40 PM) : 

Come summer and bright socks, go away winter with high boots!


Blogger Juxta said ... (2:25 PM) : 

I just wondered do you ask everyone for a picture or are there some you just take? like this one, it seems so natural, as if he doesn't know you are there.


Anonymous jimjims said ... (3:10 PM) : 


Alot going on here, but also a lot to love.

Great concoction!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (4:40 PM) : 

Obsessed with a fun sock!!! Love the shoes!!


Anonymous Sophie Mhabille said ... (6:20 PM) : 

Italian men, they have a great sense of style. The yellow socks are so cute


Blogger Collin M said ... (6:39 PM) : 

Quite amazing, really love the pants. The shoes are unique!


Blogger Marie said ... (6:51 PM) : 

I was scrolling down and POP there was his socks. This guy has a fun quirky style :) Makes me happy.


Anonymous Suzanne said ... (6:54 PM) : 

New favorite guy!


Anonymous J.Dolores said ... (4:20 AM) : 

He has P O P


Blogger MELISSA Z. said ... (4:51 AM) : 

love the yellow socks! so stylish!


Anonymous Crystal said ... (4:54 AM) : 

How sweet is this guy? In his whimsical quirky little get up. A little bit mismatched, but in all the right ways. And a writer? Aw! ♥


Anonymous IS THIS IT? models review said ... (5:32 AM) : 

I like this so much, such an interesting mix.


Blogger Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said ... (6:39 AM) : 

And the shoes!!


Blogger Stacey H said ... (11:32 AM) : 

The mix is sophisticated and rugged somehow. Perfect combinations. I would wear this... so I guess it could be unisex!


Anonymous Rebekah said ... (1:52 PM) : 

Just such a lovely pairing: the socks and the shoes. Beautiful, as always! You inspire me!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:18 PM) : 

i like your shoes..


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (2:52 PM) : 

Beautifully maintained shoes; love that tradition in men!


Blogger brightlightsbigcity said ... (4:32 PM) : 

the socks, the socks!


Blogger Su said ... (6:54 PM) : 

Love everything about this.


Blogger Rosalind Rosewarne said ... (4:24 AM) : 

individually these items would probably raw BIG NO but this combo is lovely and quirky, tells the viewer so much about the personality of the guy. And what nice hands he has!


Blogger TheHypeAround... said ... (12:17 PM) : 

The mixture of colors and fabric is one of the few joys of winter.Just look at those wonderful socks paired with the shoes and trousers.
We should all do our part to brighten dreary days like this gentleman does.


Blogger Ne Iodice said ... (3:23 PM) : 

meraviglioso... la particolarità di un'uomo che sa vestire la propria eleganza ... bravo!


Blogger Unknown said ... (3:39 AM) : 

Love the colour of the brogues, can't stop staring at the tan - yellow-grey colour combo at the foot. I am mezmerised :)


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (11:35 AM) : 

The first image that has prompted me to comment on your blog. LOVE.


Blogger Rumyana said ... (1:06 PM) : 

Really adorable! :)



Anonymous Vivi said ... (4:51 PM) : 

Everything about this outfit is fabulous. Very Dandy!


Blogger Linda Lu said ... (9:00 PM) : 

i wonder what he's writing.


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (1:02 PM) : 

I believe I recognize Kevin Morley. The designer of Dondup Uomo. Amazing guy and yes, he has The Look, everytime.


Anonymous Yvette Marie said ... (5:34 PM) : 

great coat, great shoes, perfect colours match.


Blogger Isabelle said ... (5:40 AM) : 

Handsome man!!!


Blogger Mona said ... (11:54 AM) : 

îmi place foarte mult / I like it very very much


Blogger Les Frères JO' said ... (3:38 PM) : 

Yellow socks & tan shoes - combo is beautiful !

if you like french men street looks :


Blogger amy lane said ... (11:50 AM) : 

reasons why i love florence.....


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (12:15 AM) : 

what a legendary picture of my Brother! nice one big bro!


Anonymous Anonymous said ... (7:23 PM) : 

I loooove that coat!

Anybody know where it's from?


Blogger 4eyeblogabout said ... (4:21 PM) : 

the socks and shoes adds a surprise touch to a muted toned outfit. Unexpected but totally works. Nice shot!


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