On the Scene....Military Shirts, Florence & Milano

After looking at the two images I now realize my shirt is too long. I need to shorten the length of my shirt to be in line with my wrist at the hip.
I think this is one of those truly versatile and inexpensive items that should be in everyones wardrobe.

Comments on "On the Scene....Military Shirts, Florence & Milano"
the glasses are awesome!!
2 in one! What a deal haha, I love the first guys glasses!
great pics !!
these men pull it off so well.
the first guy look so charming with that smile
i like the sunglsses!! your photos are amazing!
i love these classy interpretations of the military shirts...
likin' the glasses too!
I agree! I want one, too. Love all the details.
I like these military style shirts, especially in the shade of denim.
Fan of the 1rst pic ;-)
I love the combination of the blue and the mossy military shirt colour
Dig the look.
Looks great. Especially on the first guy, with that striped top just peeking out! x
are military shirts the new denim snap shirts? I think so...great capturing, as always
Ohh, niccce! Like pic 2 best:)
Duse Pasteller
These jackets are beautiful!
i think it looks great, still casual but still formal enough because its a shirt.. i think its a good investment
Love how the first guy wears it :)
I would wear the military shirt like a shirt jacket. If you plan to wear denim shirt on jeans, the military shirt as a jacket will reduce the denim on denim look.
This is a clear example of how both men and women can be inspired by a single post. Tomorrow I am wearing my mariniere under my military shirt and topping it all off with a nice navy overcoat! Thanks Scott!
You´re right!!
Great two shots, and interesting commentary. I think it's you meticulous attention to detail which makes you such a great photographer. I especially like the first shot...because of the jewel like colour of the jacket and shirt (or is that just the light?) Anyway, really, really great. :)
Love both their glasses!
XO thefashionguitar
Hmm the first guy looks familiar. I love his long Willy Wonka type coat though and he has the glasses to go with it. The second one is very cool you think man he looks smart and he's got a freaking ascot. I love guys who pull off the ascot.
Military pastel colours!.. never thought about that before.
Love the first one.... charming!!!!!
I do agree. It's a really easy- to-wear item. It's both casual and chic. Great post, excellent tip!
I love military style shirts!
Whitney Sherrell
Guys are great.I love it!!!
Amazing)Love the way these sand color pants look with his coat.
but if it's so versatile and inexpensive why are you still trying to figure out how to wear it and now have to have it altered?
this guy always looks sooo cool!
his look is always different every time i see him
with those shirts it's important to have the length stop at the waist otherwise the shirt doesn't look good. You got it right in these photos.
especially with navy. olive and navy has got to be the best combo...ever. is it wrong that i, a female, now want an olive military shirt, too?
interesting observation,
love the scarf!
Nice!!!!Check out this crazy blog:
i love classic shirts like these. you have a terrific eye.
The Flower Girl
Hi, i just watched a video about you (intel visual life ((i loved it)), and i thought i should leave a comment.
Soo, i do it, i love your blog, and all your photographies since a longtimme, the people you choose in the street...
I hope you'll continue to do things such fabulous.
(Sorry my english is pathetic)
Benoit, from France
(I put my personnal webpage, about photography, im just an amateur ahah)
I think those shirts look too scruffy. I understand the appeal, but still, I don't get it. Absolutely lovely blue coat in the first picture, though!
I love military shirts, I ve been trying to find the perfect one for ages, both are great examples of how to wear them.
I really like the texture and cut of this shirt the fabric seams to be soft and warm. I love the way is worn - you have a remarkable eye.
the first image inspires me
Inexpensive and versatile? You said yourself that you've never worn your shirt and have to get it tailored...
tailoring is everything.
it's truly fantastic when fashion can be adaptable as seen here a jacket or shirt.
that navy topper in the first pic is just attractive and lends a very polished look.
khakis are such a neutral trouser and adapt to just about anything paired with them.
LOVE those glasses! That shirt is a nice versatile, I'm not trying to hard, I just wake up chic item.
The first men to look perfect. His style is unique, chic and casual at the same time. I'm totally a fan of her outfit.
I think the shirt will look well long as well.
Those sunglasses!
Both are attractive men & great photos. It's just that I can't get myself to appreciate the proportions of the shirt/jacket. In short: too dinky! It makes them look like they are detained in WWII POW camp and I feel uneasy / sorry looking at them. I mean, I liked the whole cropped sports jacket and high-notch-collar tailoring trend in the past, but crop happy proportion stops here for me.
Waiting for you to shoot us some ghurka shorts when the weather allows...
so charming!
Amazing glasses "a la" John Lennon style.
OMG,these jackets are amazing, I would wear them anyday
Fashion Nerd
Please read, comment and follow.
Love the Apache tie..so retro! Burt Reynolds meets Marcello Mastoianni. LOVE IT!
What is this type of shirt called and where can you get it one
love the glasses!
Any idea on the brand of those items?
My husband just bought one from topman and he is so glad to have made a good choice after seeing this post.
military shirts r like denim ones, they look cool anytime
I love the stripe underneath the button down!
very simple, and I like it
I agree..should be in everyones wardrobe. I'm on the hunt for one now...very John Lennon looking.
I adore the first guys's combination of clothing items. Great sense of style.
Come check out my Magazine Giveaway to help celebrate my 1st year blogging at www.missbias.blogspot.com.
Miss Bias = )
Simple + Style = Sexy
Very nice~
I love it when men do casual well as these 2 gentlemen have.
love the first guy, he's so handsome.
mmhh... We'd like to see it on you :)
Marinieri under military? interesting... How much I am learning!
Great style, the combination of the military shirt with the armorlux-sailor-shirt underneath and the elegant coat (wonderful blue) make it.
what i like about robert is the green/greyish colour range of his pants and shirt in combination with the scarf.
cheers from here, d
love the first picture :-)
my blog : http://redandsilk.blogspot.com/
I like too, the first pic is my favorite
yes, it looks like an essential basic that is fun to jazz up.
Great post for us guys Scott!
Love the military shirts, I think it's gotta be cord for me. Workwear brand Carhartt have some great ones.
The sailor stripes for men are busting out all over the UK high street at the moment, with pea coats, chinos and deck shoes for spring.
I see a quiet shift back to love 'em and keep 'em vintage classics and away from fast fashion excess here (probably linked to the recession...)
Keep doing what you do!
I am sure that in the 2nd pic the shirt is not vintage, it fits the guy too perfectly.
I'kill to know the brand's of this shirt, perfect big front pockets !
anybody got a clue ?
The first guy has an amazing sense of style, simple but trés chic. Loving his glasses
Great snap........
Ravenshoe Real Estate
Military shirts!
love the 2nd guy's glasses!
Thank you Scott, you make me realise i have a forgotten kaki shirt on my wardrobe! it's time to wear it
Really love the first shot. The combination of 'army green' and navy stripes always seems to work.
Who says that the age is our enemy?
He looks great, charming and stylish!
I would have never thought that a military shirt could look stylish. Thank you for the inspiration.
Whether you shorten your shirt depends on whether you want to wear it as an overshirt or a shirt. If you want to wear it as a shirt, leave the tails long.
I really, really, really don't like that shirt and I don't care who knows it.
loving that smile
We can see how military shirt are loosing the military/aggressive meanig to be now the warrior's rest.
Love the glasses in the first pic!
Actually prefer the second shot (and shirt). Both sets of glasses are right on.
A couple of questions for you...when you shorten your shirt, will it stay a shirt hem or will you make it more of a straight hem, like a jacket? Also, how do you feel about snaps? My daughter has been scooping up flannel shirts from the young men's departments in hipster stores, but won't go near them if they have snaps like these pictured here. I kind of like the snaps. I think they look better if you decide to leave it unbuttoned. Just spitballin' here.
Emmanuelle Alt found a way to wear it.
Too short! Well, for me those shirts would be too short. But I like a lot the wearing it open underneath a jacket. And me too I like the round glasses.
Beautiful cravat. The shirt is lost in the top pic. An abundance of excellence but a focal point is missing.
Robert R is in your book, he's one of my favourite model.
By the way, you're totally right about military shirts.
You have to post us a photo of you wearing it. :)
"I'm still trying to figure out how to wear it"- this is what separates Keith Richards and Johnny Depp- Keith Richards just does it, and Johnny Depp thinks to much, tries to hard and ends up looking contrived.
I love the colors on the first photo-- the navy over the olive over the stripes!
Military shirts definitely need to hit just above the hip-- or they need to be tucked in :)
None of these two men seem like they cared about the length of the their shirt - they just wore the hell out of what they had. That is style and confidence.
Military shirt ! Great Idea ! Thanks !
What is the brand of those glasses. I want them.
Love the ascot on the dark haired gent. Are those Gaultier sunglasses on the guy with the striped under shirt?
I just asked for the brand of those (sun-)glasses.
Googled, and i think i found them. Moscot, Miltzen.
I like the shirt, but it's not really that versatile I think. Seeing that, for one, you have problems regarding what to wear it with.
First picture is just AMAZING. Love the shape of the glasses and the combination of striped shirt and jacket. Such a cool look!!
I don't know, Scott. I love the look of this style shirt but I am not loving the length of theirs. I like it a bit longer, below the waistline. This actually looks odd to me.
awesome photos! i love the jacket from the first photo! <33
This man always looks so completely comfortable in his own skin & has incredible, timeless style. Love pics of him.
The first shirt works because it resembles a jacket in the detailing, but in a lighter fabric. The second shirt looks like one I sewed up in Home Ec in 1976 from a Butterick pattern. Dont' shorten your shirt unless it has the detail to pull off the length.
the first guy looks a little too runway for me. he needs to bring it down a notch. it's probably the striped tee that needs to go.
The glasses are very good to wear and its complementing his face structure. so thumbs up.
The look is too much sober so thumbs down hence cancelling the effect so he is OKAy to say the least.
Utilitarian rocks!! so simple so cool!
very much like both
This man looks like a bearded, sunglassed Leonardo Dicaprio!
Most shirts 'should' ( i mean it would be nice to see ) sit in line with the wrist and waist line...the military shirt is a must.
-Martin in Sydney
I really like the gentleman in the first picture's outfit. I love the navy coat with the olive shirt, and the stripes underneath! And the sunglasses are absolutely perfect.
I also love the look on his face: he knows he's looking good. :)
Is it me or does this lad looks like Ricky Gervais?
Great military clothes mix.Love XS shirt :-)
Anybody know who makes the jacket in the first shot???
well, if you actually had to serve in the army at some point of your life, like me(living in Israel, army service is obligatory even for girls...) i'm sure you wouldn't have been so excited about the army shirt. too much negative connotations... though it does look nice
The shirt is too long? Or are you too short?
Really like the glasses and the shirt. Nice work with the tucked in ascot.
Not bad, but trying way too hard.
Is that John Lennon´s secret son?
love the length of the jacket.
Many of my male friends say menswear is so boring cuz there is nothing much to play with. White navy breton, olive shirt, navy coat, chinos...and those glasses. Pretty unexpected, he obviously put in thought and effort putting things together. Takes a sharp eye for detail to notice these little touches that matters. Judging from that grin on the lad's face, he obviously knows he got it nailed. :)
Wow, really cool t-shirt!!!i am super impressed. i like it.. thanks!!
Custom T Shirt Design
It is gorgeous indeed.
Good choice.
Custom made dress shirts
there are so attractive t-shirts and milano jackets shown here... so gorgeous collection.military clothing is the best clothing i can say..:)