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Comments on "On the Street....Chinatown, New York"
marry me!
i want that bag! I love this
Great Pic!!!
Lovely! In love with her hat!
Gorgeous boots!
the cape♥
it's cold out there , I need a hat like that.
love the wide squared pockets...
chic dear,really chic and a cute smile...
That little flip of the tongues of the boots--how insouciant!
So New York!
chinatown is rad.
so is this look.
digging the tongue flip on those kicks!
I love the hat...it would be so easy to make with faux fur (which I talk about in my fabric iPhone app). You could even do it in a couple hours. It would make a wonderful Christmas present.
Those boots are gorgeous x
Wow. How do you even approach someone that stunning?
What a sweet picture brilliant lighting and love the hat!
i like her style!!!
very nice!!
xx Ale
i like her style!!!
great look for a winter day!!
xx Ale
I love how her boots look identical to those our forebears wore even 200 years ago, yet they are still in fashion!
so in love with those boots!
the cape/coat looks soooooooo super warm, AND stylish
love the fur hat!!
Great look - chic and sculptural.
This outfit looks awesome, I love the hat
xoxo Sootjeelina <3
So chic...
pretty from head to boots...
and what a face!
Great look! I also just discovered how cosy a cape is... Like walking around with your duvet. And the boots... amazing!
perfect coat!! Love!
she looks just amazing.
amazing look!! love it ;))
i love when you do these side/silhouette shots. Its a fresh take on a typical silhouette. Lovely, really.
LOve that huge cape, isn´t she freezing????
winter fashion that is cute!
not so easy in stockholm i am finding out...
love it!!!!
Chinatown is complex and weird, maybe i don't like NY but yes, i love this boots so much
Looks cozy! Great hat!xx
I love the proportions.
cool girl - boots are rockin'
I really like her pose, good camera work as always
Absolutely beautiful
cool!! I want a hat like that :)
i love this cap..
treading a very fine line between fashionable or not.
great look, great hat, great shot!
oversized sweaters are now officially my favorite thing (:
She's lovely, but really what happened to the mens suits, the beautiful couture, the truly stylish? Your fascination with the urchin look has gone on long enough.
More Dior por favor!
She's so gorgeous!
I hope you would like to visit my blog and maybe become a follower if you like it.
Start dreaming and falling in love on www.dreamingthedayawaywithluca.blogspot.com
Is she coming from Siberia?! :) Funny outfit!
her haircolor is divine.
Very cool.
Angels Point of View - Street Fashion Blog
Is it that cold in New York? She looks like she could be in Sweden or something or somewhere in the artic circle.
She looks awesome - great cape, lovely hat and perfect attitude!
Have an almost similar cap - a little longer :-)
Long since been looking for a bag of that shape. But I´m not quite sure if like that red..........
What great look and a dont-you-wish-you-were-me expression.
divine...fab hat
her boots are amazing!
Comfort and warmth can be stylish!
Why do I never, ever see great boots, like hers, on the "world wide" internet? Is someone conspiring to keep great Italian style from us?
Great outfit!
oh such gorgeous color combinations. The boots are so nice, I think i could by millions of ankleboots! Have a nice day.
Love Iben
I love the outfit,but I have a baby sling that looks JUST like that bag...
That's designer Lindsey THornburg. She makes those Cloaks.
love the boots!!
The Handbags Blog
Oh! To be tall enough to wear a wrap like that without looking like a Hobbit who's gotten lost from the shire. Le sigh.
Ugh Lindsey Thornburg is the hottest girl of all time. Also a super talented designer:
Bellaaaaa!!!!! ^^
she's got this gamine appeal about her, lovely!
new york- great style
She's owning that hat!
awesome boots!
Love love this! Great style.
love the hat..
Her smile is the best part of it all!
Great hat, have been looking for one of these for along time, best one I have seen to date was in Glenorchy, just south of Queenstown in new Zealand. Made from Opossum fur. Love the big tongues on the boots, very non-chalent.
Hey Jed!
How far away were you to photo such an awesome washed out background! Do you use a tripod for a day shot like this? Really amazing images. Thanks again :)
-Madeline Puckette
I want one of your cloaks Lindsey...MamaG
this is lovely and chic! i wish i looked this good in the cold
I agree, her smile on the picture is the best part.
this outfit is amazing. love the hat and boots
xoxo Monroe
Fashion Steele NYC
Love, love love her jodhpurs!
love love LOVE the jacket!
She looks so good I almost wish it remained winter all year to see someone like her!
Loving this look.. I need that bag.. does it come in any other colors.. if it was blue or yellow it would look amazing with my new Sapphire Ring.
@ Leah B: ha ha!
@ anonymous: more dior? UGH
This is gorgeous, understated but striking.
She is a stunner.
Wow, I love how she looks to the camera. and the dash of red to her dark coloured outfit. And never forget this beautiful hat and the thin silver bangles she has on her wrist.She is really amazing and seems to know what she wants.
I loved....
where do I buy a clock from this very talented Designer?
Love the cloak. xx
I suppose its difficult for a mere mortal to follow Carine in terms of a blog post and career...
Love the whole thing. I'd wear it all. Would espcially enjoy wearing the hat and carrying the bag.
Hat and shoes are very playful and stylish for this time of year. I like the model too, she has this mischievous look in her eye.
She looks warm and stylish, love it!
loove those boots!xx
That's my kind of girl! She looks so cool yet she is comfortable. Gorgeous lady. Love the boots, cape and hat. Good hair...everything is in place.
I love Lindsey Thornburg designs!!She is so gorgeous and so talented..love her.
I Love the look in her eyes. Her hats cool too.xx
Are those vintage Ferragamo boots? Because I have a pair that look just like that, in an oxblood sort of color. Great look.
Her face reminds me of Isabella Rossellini. I like that her sling has a punch of holiday color. That is a sling, right?
I just love dark brown and black. It's almost as pretty as the navy and black trend that is still fabulous!
The cape seems warm and confortble. I'm in love with her hat.
absolutely gorgeous picture
Le Kiss Kiss- Click Here!
beautiful!! I want everything she's wearing, looks like a cool chickie!
a slightly unfortunate positioning on the bag, but...
a very fresh, very lovely winter city look!
love love love this. amazing photo she looks so great, i am DIGGING that jacket/poncho deal with the red bag...!!! xoxo
is it a bag or a baby sling?? i totally thought right away what a sweet photo of a stylish lady and her beb!
beauty. love her bangs.
absolutely love the bag and hat!
i love her poncho. so cute
lovely picture...
love the color combo...
Loving the overexposure shots Scott..
She is beautiful
so risky wearing a cape coat like that - easy to look frumpy but i think she pulls it off.
love how the red bag stands out of the mundane colours. hat completes the outfit x
Of course the cape and the hat, she looks so beutiful!!
Really digging this simply dark brown and black juxtaposition with an abstract pop of saturated color. I'm also having the major boot lusties. Pointy toes and those very walkable but still sassy Cuban-ish heels. And yes, the tongues - insouciant, as someone said upthread. So cool.
Funny that earlier this evening I dug a deep merlot-red wool cape out of storage with plans to wear it tomorrow. (Quite warm, contrary to the impression it may give because of its unstructured shape.) Very appropriate attire, I think, for the Winter Solstice (and the lunar eclipse going on outside right now as I type this). She's rocking her look, and I also plan to have fun with mine.
Happy Solstice, fellow Sartorialists!
amazing pic and cute girl!
interesting look) great coat)))
WOW!! I can't believe you found someone fashionable in Chinatown! lol.
I mean it's not impossible, but it's hard.
I just love her overall outfit! Great capture!!!
I would love it if you could stop by my site scott! I do similar things like you, but I hope one day to be up there!
love it))
Love the hat with that smile :)
I am not a fan of capes either, or not capes this huge and long as this one. The shoes are horrible, as is the hat, but she makes it all work somehow anyway. Cute woman!
Loverly :) The way she looks at the camera is so wonderfully disarming...
She looks beautiful!
Gorgeous photo, gorgeous outfit.
She looks amazing!
She is like my sister
Look at my sister "LARA" and my dog "LOLA"
very cute!
The trapper hat and red & black bag make this outfit outstanding.
Merry Christmas Scott. xo d
I give all my Christmas love to this outfit!
Love the jacket
pretty girl. but that cape is sooo unflattering.
I love it..
TOTALLY digging the boots.
wow this is just perfection! it hits that spot between looking careless and carefull - like she's put in an effort but not stressed too much over it. I LOVE LOVE LOVE those shoes and the cape is jsut fab.
I love this picture! I love her outfit! i love your blog!
I love this outfit
This whole outift is just so effortlessly beautiful :)
Very cool. I love her hat.
This, I want this to be my winter outfit.
Am I the only one who looks at those boots and thinks, "Snow-catchers—she better dash inside if it starts coming down!"?
love the hat!
i love the whole outfit!!!
Exquisite beauty; effortless style. A magical shot!
I love the whole look! And the woman reminds me of Isabella Rosellini. Beautiful!
Great hat, great boots, great cape! Love this picture. She's beautiful!
Xx Sophie
Wow I love this outfit. The perfect winter chic. It would look beautiful in the city or in the mountains. Love!!
-Heather http://beachesandpeaches.wordpress.com/
Love the russian look & attitude, speaks 100% confidence!
shoes are wicked!
great shoes !
love the light, and her stye. very nice pic
I love the bag.. wonderful!
Great shot!
I've met her the same week during my stay in NYC..asked her to pose in front of my camera...
she did! :) Lindsey Thornburg: Love her style, and her collection
Her expression is so CUTE! The boots are divine as well.
I love the slouchy look!
I've just bought a pair of boots quite similar today at Sfera, love them.
adorable!!! the inocent face the total rock!!! look
Capes are the perfect outerwear for sunny but chilly days!
great look !!!
I adore this photo.
Is she famous? she looks like an actress
I love the movement of this poncho.
One of my favorite pictures.
so beautiful; love everything about the photo and outfit.. the moment of you asking to photograph her in the documentary above.. priceless!
one of those informative posts i get interested reading with. this is very helpful not just to bloggers but also to those readers out there.
Hello, I think this is such a nice info in this blog and link related fashion style you have shared with us. I like it because i was seeking for such type of info.
is she the actress in "She's Out of My League"? Those eyes and that grin look SO familiar and the only reference I can draw is the main actress' best friend, Krysten Ritter. anyone else agree with this!?
I'm from London and i remember when i lived on Forsyth st, where i think this pic was taken, and i would just walk out my apartment on any given day and marvel at people like this. How much i miss the people of New York!
this shot is brilliant. loved seeing you take this picture in the documentary video too.
a gorgeous girl. great style, mighty coat, tricky bag, but I think anything would look great on her, such a beauty..I wish I was in NY now:)
Beautiful shot, beautiful style, beautiful subject, beautiful photographic vision.
Absolutly love this. well done
Just discovered your blog via the film clip...so interesting... literally 5 mins ago.
I LOVE this photo!
Happy New Year 2011
shes beautiful and this is a beautiful picture. But she was so rude to you when you asked to take her picture!!!!
She definitely is beautiful, but I couldn't get over what a snob she was in the short documentary... Look up from your phone for a second, then maybe you'll actually see who's trying to take your picture, lady.
she's so hip!
love your shots.. just watched your youtube video and loved it!
what lens do you use the most?
great shot.. love the outfit..i wish i had the moxie to pull something like that off :)
she exudes confidence!
just watched your youtube video..loved it! love all of your shots..
if you dont mind me asking..what L series lens were you using?
so chic. sui generis!
it´s amazing can see you work in accion in the intel video, and then just came to your blog and see the photo you post, and then see you watching the comments on it... i see myself watching the same comments box and it give sense to my life!!! i feel connected. Thanks for your work your honesty its very inspiring to me.
That is simply great!
keep coming back to this photo, absolutely desirable
i nearly tripped over myself when i realized who this girl was. the lovely beautiful girl in this photo is (i believe) Krysten Ritter. model/actress who was in the banana republic ads a few years back and most recently the best friend to Molly in She's Out of My League.
Love this picture! Amazing! It´s genius!
love her looks! great photo! :o)
I would say that's Krysten Ritter -- from Breaking Bad fame...
Great shot...
What a great shot. Wondering: This is Lindsay Thornburg right? Here is more to understand why she wears this poncho-look http://www.lindseythornburg.com/bio.html
great film short...beautiful photo...love your site...
She was in the short film right? Wow, ur short film inspired me....i hope the ball for my design blog begins to roll and gain momentum this year x
Keep up the great work and take care....
Louboutininthemaking.blogspot.com x
she's too cute for this outfit, but I love her anyway. Fantastic photo...
I've never been here but after seeing the documentary today, am so glad to have found you.
Love this shot. Love your work ~
I was so impressed by the way you asked this woman to be photographed. I would not be able to count the number of times in New York that I would have loved to have photographed various people. This image is stunning: Kudos.
I love your way of presenting people characters
She looks like Anne Hathaway a little. The eyes.
She is so lovely!
She is gorgeous, less a defensive bitch, more an aware and sophisticated New Yorker...love her look, love the Sartorialist.