On the Street....Alden Cordovan, New York

The color is exquisite and the quality/durability is world famous.
The difficulty is finding an Alden model that makes a good foot and has a toe that's not too rounded.
I had seen these wingtips before but I wasn't really sold on them until I saw this gentleman looking so respectable in them.
Comments on "On the Street....Alden Cordovan, New York"
nice detail on the shoes
There's nothing sexier than a man with a great scarf, especially one with color.
They're beautiful, and cordovan has always been an "under-used" color of leather. I still wear Bass loafers sometimes, because (for women) it's about the only cordovan shoe I can find. Very elegant man and great photo.
Great blue palette, love the deatiling on his coat.
Fetishist's Notes - ia-fetishistka.blogspot.com
Beautiful pic.. I love the shoes ;))
。* 。★ I Wish You a Merry Christmas ★ 。* 。
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I have the Alden cordovan tasselled loafer. They are 15 years old now, on their third re-sole.
Great trenka and shoes.Merry Christmas!! :)
The best shell cordovan color has got to be Alden's #8, as pictured.
i'd never think about pairing this scarf with this coat, but it really worked out.
Love the brogues and the duffel coat x
Such a lovely blue pallet with a splash of neutral!
Oh right , santa bring me these shoes !
Aye, in New York City I see that it's important to have your shoes polished and your jeans pressed...ever ready for the Sartorialist to take a pic!i
Alden cordovans - aha ;-)
Theire looks like "Buderpester Schuhe"
Happy Christmas from Germany
Love how it's all in tones of navy except for the pop of green and gold on the scarf and the deep burgundy of the shoes. They're so dark they have a black/blue undertone to them.
Great picture, Merry Christmas!
the jeans are too creased, iron a tiny bit please ! Makes it look sloppy.
Your last two posts have been from the same location on Mercer St.and both the guy and girl dress somewhat alike. Were they together? They both have good taste when it comes to clothes.
He looks lovely and smart. Those shoes look brand new! x
Love the Duffle Coat, scarf and the Alden's, I don't know about the jeans though, too high water for my taste.
In my promotion, jeans should always have a break and be PRESS!!
Very Crisp, Clean and well very nice:)
ya, they look good on this setup.
i dig that coat though!
great shot!
Great style !!
Merry christmas Scott !!
Alden one of the few shoe/boot makers from New England still around that actually used goodyear welt before the Brits made famous and now is the most important shoe in Italy and Japan but try to get an American to buy it... I have taken at least 10 pairs for friends in Italy since is cheer here in the states but I do have to say thanks to J.Crew, UNION MADE and others at least some young guys here are getting in to them but still so under appreciated in USA. The color is actually color number 8 Cordovan is the hide (horse butt) for the readers info which you are right is perfect color but also see their color Cigar that is also fantastic as Cordovan makes a simple brown even nicer. Also on the round toe, it is perfect and lets leave the square toes for the EURO trash shoes make in Italy/China for the USA market only..
Thanks for the memories. My father, who was very stylish particularly in his youth, loved those shoes and wore them for years. I had not thought about that in a long time.
Love the blue of the background and his style is very nice - simply & stylish.
Happy Christmas!
La Mode Outré
The slightly short length of the jeans really does make it. The spatial relationship is great.
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and all other felicitations of the day to all.
Great shoes!!
Ok. Honestly, this is not a good look. His jeans are too short and the coat is 'stiff'
am so into the well polished shoe...merry xmas everyone.
Very nice photo, those shoes are so well made. I agree, finding a dress shoe that isn't too rounded, pointed, or stubby looking is a bit of a task some times.
Check out my street style blog!
Angels Point of View
Nice shoes...
...just to clarify...Cordovan as is used by Alden refers to the leather- horse hide.
The color is #8 or burgundy.
Cordovan from Alden also comes in black, cigar, ravello, whiskey, #4 and probably a few others I missed...
Those shoes will last a life time.
I definitely love the color combination of the shoes, jacket and scarf. The pop of color on the scarf was a great choice! I also have been a big fan of toggle coats this season. I do agree with many here on the jeans though, although the color is great, they could definitely be pressed and maybe a half an inch to an inch longer. Besides that, great look!
Nice to see the wingtips getting some play.
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i wish you a merry christmas!!!
have a beautiful day!
xoxo, pink lady ♥
Great coat!
MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!.. i'd love to present that coat to my papa..
Now, this is a well dressed man. I <3 flooded jeans a la the UK boot boys.
Merry Christmas!!
This look doesn't work for me.
He is so chic without being fussy---classics never die!
I usually hate toggle coats but the fabrication and color of this one are just beautiful....
suddenly...need...a...toggle coat....
Love the coat and the shoes... Great style!
Those ARE a lovely color and they have a sophisticated shape.... great find!
Those shoes are amazing, gorgeous look
Love the montgomery!
I like the shoes. I like the short duffel coat. I like the jeans. However, I think that the wing-tips look clunky with jeans and work better with other types of trousers.
Beautiful shoes!
Those shoes are ill.
wow, impressive center pieces & classic brown shoes, its perfect for this winter we've had!
Looks like he went though the dryer on 'high' setting.
Simply: Absolutely perfect shoes.
Have a merry christmas !
Greetings from Cologne,
Great outfit...except for the jeans. The outfit looks so distinguished until you get to the kiddie length of the jeans. It's just WAY too distracting.
I love the shoes, they remind me of my father, totally a class act, and the man by which all other men are measured! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all of you! We may have a white Christmas in Atlanta, GA. The 1st in over 100 years! :D I look forward to viewing your marvelous blog in the upcoming year...
My favourite pair from their range is the, Blk Alden Cordovan loafer.
I current pair is from Saks from around '95. Now, I just wear them as driving shoes. yet they still get compliments from street-guys who like fashion where I live around Brixton.
Just the other day, a very happy dude, who may have been a little high, told me "HIM (His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie) wore shoes from Lobb" as he nodded at my feet, and I told him these are from Chicago... and we both smiled...
Wow, just beautiful shoes. Thanks for the closeup shot!
Alden long wings are a celebrity shoe in my book. Definitely something my closet aspires to. This guy is killin' em!
Brooks Brothers, of all ppl, used to make a stellar cordovan brogue. Wonder if they still do? Not a fan of this guy's look. A prep-school kid could get away with this look with insouciant swag and, say, long, tousled hair or dreads/braids. On a grown man, it looks cute in quite the wrong way, not smooth. A grown man should either look smooth (Bryan Ferry) or knowingly wack (Lapo or Mickey Rourke). I think his jeans should be longer or, if this short, he should be wearing ankle boots. Too bad, he has a handsome face.
However, these aren't wingtips.
Love his look.. Lovely J Crew cardigan..
I want his brogues..
just not sure about his denim length.
Merry Christmas Scott
The shoes looks great and also the hall suit, I know is difficult for a man to find the nicest clothes. Merry Christmas for everyone!!!
Hey! What camera do you use?
Tank you for the outstanding inspiration.
like the wings but i still love alden's chukkas best.
btw...does everyone on that street dress in navy?
merry christmas
Burgundy is my colour! Love the shoes!
nice shoes!!!
Cordovan is not really a suitable leather to use for shoes. It is too thick and looks like plastic. The pair on the chap in the photo look like cartoon character shoes.
I loved these clothes
love that coat!
He looks tres chic!
Yes,a fabulous pair of shoes can be the splash to any ensemble...and they are such a personal statement, too.
Hence, they are the drug of choice for the ladies.
When you find a pair of truly exceptional shoes, male or female, having them is like having a star that shines just for you whenever you wear them.
(Or is that just me rationalizing again?) ;)
I love the Duffle Coat and the Shoes, are they burgundy? I really like that color
great post!))
From the hips up- love it
but... I don't really get these crumpled jeans.
Love it.
A perfect mix of English style and contemporary fashion.
Merry Christmas! :)
This guy is swedish and the ceo of J.Lindeberg
the duffle coat is the coat of the season!
The color of the shoes is so unusual, but I somehow have fallen in love with them anyway!
Looove the duffel coat!
good outfit: I like that kind of shoes with jeans for a woman too.
Season's Greetings, everyone!
the entire outfit is great, love the coat!
beautiful man in beautiful shoes
Alden Longwings. The leather is from Horween, in Chicago, the only folks left in the U.S. doing the process, a vegetable tanning on horsehide from Cordoba, Spain. The true miracle is that when they get scuffed and look in need of a polish, a stiff brushing brings the oils out of the leather, and restores the finish. Comfortable as can be, but the strength of a steeltoe. Felt compelled to share, perhaps it's the season.
Love his shoes...
and scarf!
Enjoy my giveaway: Dior Mascara
Love the shoes & I want a coat like that:O!!!Merry Christmas & Happy New Year 2011 Mr Sartorialist! Thank you for sharing your work! It is very much appreciated!! we love you!! woot! woot! :)
I love your work! Congratulations for the amazing pictures you have.
Very good blog.
Happy New Wear 2011
shoes are wonderful....and the whole outfit looks so comfy!
happy holidays!
The story here is the shoe. Alden represents probably the finest mid priced men's foot wear in the U S. At $580 it's a steal. The Cordovan is superbly made. I still have the Alden's that I bought five years ago. The detail on the shoe adds character to the otherwise staid but tasteful blue palette
I'm sure Alden shoes are excellent quality but, seriously, this man's brogues don't look any different from anyone else's brogues.
What is it that makes him stylish, other than the brand name, that is? The toggle coat with floods.
amazing scarf! and the shoes are very chic and classy.
I bought a pair of cordovan knee-high Prada boots in NYC five years ago that were marked down from $800 to 200 because nobody wanted them. Not Carrie Bradshaw enough apparently. I will have those suckers for the rest of my life--indestructible and only get better with time.
I have to agree with the others that those jeans are just too high water for me. You would think it would show off the shoe. Why doesn't it work?
Other than their legendary loafer the best looking shoe in Alden Cordovan is the plain captoe blucher. This brogue is a little over ornamented for my taste. But the plain captoe with years of wear and fading, brushed with preferably dry brushes (maybe occasional neutral shoe cream) acquires a magnificent rich patina which looks knockout with grey flannels or brown pants.
My dad wore these! Haven't seen them in years. Love them and the coat.
Most people will not have noticed the correct stiff waxed laces, but it makes a difference.
Love the look and that handsome coat. I love seeing the details of men w/ nice shoes too--esp. their choice of hosiery/socks. Nice photo/handsome man. Jack
Ah. Swedish style!
Your website is pure elegance.
love his coat!!!
Mr.Stefan Engström from JLindenberg..
ALWAYS sooo polished...
I bought my first pair nearly 20 years ago. Bought another pair ten years ago and yet another pair two years ago (Madison & 44th Str).
Exact model as pictured. Can't go wrong. It's also nice that they make them in an extensive size selection, which many shoe companies do not.
J.Lindeberg's CEO Stefan Engstrom
Background, outfit, shoes, weather, and even his head all work in harmony to produce a clean crisp look.
I love his hair LOL I'm kidding, sorry.
I love the jacket, really fantastic!!! I want it!
kisses from Brazil*
Everything about this outfit looks so clean and crisp.
LOVE the classic brown shoes!!!
The shoes gives this man a stylish edge and separates him from the rest of the plain jacks
I'm confused by a few of the comments--are people seriously suggesting that jeans be pressed?
Didn't think anyone did that after disco died.
the pattern on the scarf is uniquely lovely.
Elegance and style begins on the shoes...and those are PERFECT.
Nice jacket.
My grandad would say if he was expecting a flood because his pants are kind of short. lol...still formidable.
As he is Stefan Engström, CEO of Swedish J Lindeberg (or his identical twin), he knows how to dress.
I am in love with this gentleman's style - pairing deep brown and navy blue together with a pop of colour and pattern in the scarf. Very polished. *thumbs up*
Fan freaking tastic!
So very much good... from bald head to shoes :-)
I like the shoes very much!
Awesome! I know who he his!
The length of the jeans is unfortunate, but everything else is quite beautiful.
I kind of agree with the post that said these look plastic to me, the horse hide makes it too thick for shoes.
On my last trip to New York I treated myself with a pair of shoes exacly like them. I bought them at a great store in New York; Leffot. The service was remarquable the owner Steven knows a lot about shoes and is a great guy.
Guy D.
@Lost in Florence
I agree that the look doesn't quite work. Why? I think the proportions are off. The coat seems a little too long and, overall, too big for the man.
Or maybe it's as simple as men with short legs shouldn't wear floods (or pants that sit low on the hips) because they shorten the legs even more.
Cannot deny the classic Duffle coat. I prefer Gloverall with a pair of Havanna Joe Spanish leather oxfords and an wool blackwatch scarf. These are necessity for life in Buffalo NY.
http://newvilleny.blogspot.com/ Cordovans a close second.
Not too sure if the Duct tape will catch on as a high fashion item, but it is useful for keeping water and slush out!
Casual meets classy. He looks lovely.
Ripped from the pages of the J.Crew catalog.
His coat is wonderful.
I know who that is. It´s the vice president of Johan Lindbergh, stefan engström. good looking anyway
I love the fact that his jeans are high waters (they show off his shoes) and that they are slightly wrinkle. It adds more character to the fabulous shoes he's wearing.
Nice look, but the trousers are too short. It makes the legs look short.
Great pic. He looks so clean and spiffy in his new shoes (not a single scuff) and new jeans (they still have the "new" creases). His looks seem effortless. Very cool.
c'est cosy et chic !
The proportions are a bit strange, but I like the pieces.
Interesting combination and it works well. Would never have put that together myself.
Very nice look! I love the shoes!
The jeans have a nice cut and the fabric is clearly well made :)
Good luck with the blog and keep up the good work!
Wow what a post and nice pics. Very nice one dear. I hope you post more like this one.
beautifull dresses.
Who makes the coat?
Nice shoes, duffle coat : Hyped
If you wan french men street looks : http://les-freres-jo.blogspot.com
Longwings, not wingtips.
I like the 'highwater' look with denim. It allows you to show off those handsome brogues. The 'highwater' is quite common in the UK.... it's only those-who-know in the US. Alden's, Trickers, Crocket & Jones, Lodger, Loake, George Cleverley, Edward Greene, Church, John Lobb..... I need my fix
Great shot, he'd look top on a UK street! I think us Brits can claim the original Duffle design from wartime naval coats and classic brands like Gloverall.
Cordovan is actually a type of leather rather than a style or colour...(but love the deep burgundy anyway)
There's a small but dedicated UK following of classic US shoe makers like Alden and Florsheims, (only for he who knows!) despite us having Loake, Grenson, Trickers etc here (and Church's in my home town!)
A thoughtful shot as always - thanks Scott!
Alden are nice.
Trickers are nicer and Church's are fine as well.
I do not like his coat.
A nice hunting wool field jacket would be make it a better look.
This big bold guy seems to look for his inner child with this brave coat.
However he is the one wearing it.
I'm sorry, but it just looks like he's wearing highwaters. If only he had longer pants... iI love the rest of his outfit though...
Stefan Engström, CEO of the Swedish Fashion House J Lindeberg.
The man wearing the shoes should be almost as known in the fashion industry himself, as the shoes he is wearing.
Stefan Engström, currently the CEO of swedish J. Lindeberg.
The shoes are perfect. Its amazing and wonderful to me that the trend in men's wear has returned to beautiful, hand made goods and these shoes are the show piece for that ethos. Jeans should never be pressed, and although I like the length, I think they would benefit even from a small cuff to break up the blue of the pant and sock. It would show off the shoe, but add a bit more texrture down there. That's just me though.
He looks so debonair. Those are really exquisite shoes as well.
My Heart Blogged
we sell alden cordovan shoes and i noticed them at the very first sight ! =)
Every guy should pay attention to this for a casual-inspired look. Jeans, sweatshirt and sneakers get old.
Check out the shoe store J. Gilbert, several locations including Seattle, for custom Aldens with a more pointed toe. Just bought a pair of the sexist Cognac colored lace ups. Cheers.
Go Sweden! Love his shoes!
Gorgeous colour.
Actually, I love the duffle coat but the shoes are a bit on the ordinary side - would prefer some suedes with this outfit!
The shoes are great.
But sorry, these trouser urgently need some proper ironing. They look awful that way.
wearing the wolverine 1000 mile bradley wing tips. made in the usa and very durable.
J.Crew carries great Alden shoes, esp their wingtip models. If you can fork over the dough (upwards of 200, sometimes 300 dollars) they're are truly the best in durable and respectable footwear.
Great outfit all the way through, and suitable, since I believe this gentleman is one of the top CEO's of a swedish top clothing label!
Have a good one everybody!
Br from Sweden
my husband wore these shoes and i am so happy to show the photograph to my daughter who follows your site since he passed when she was two. This is just one of the little ways i can share a bit of him with her 22 years later. Fun to have a fresh detail for her. You are mentioned in an article on her blog today at inslee.net
Jeans are too short.
Is the hooded toggle jacket also from J. Lindeberg? Anyone know?
are you sure that's not john malkovich?
Super villain on casual Friday. Well put together.
the facets on this coat are spectacular!
fyi...i think jcrew sells the alden brand shoe..as well as a great wing tip made in italy
I love his toggle coat. I wan't one.
Gorgeous Italan brogues!