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Comments on "The Collar Flip, Japan"
I like it!
Awesome detail, that lovely flower... I love it
Holy smokes!!! I'm SO into that!!!
Just looking at these photos makes me want to straighten the collars! This is probably why i'm not cool in Japan.
I actually really really like that !!!
Nonchalant? It looks a bit off to me. I'll need to see it on a real live person, but it seems a bit ridiculous.
I am absolutely loving this. How long before it catches on among the more trendy suit-wearers in Europe and North America? Quite impressed with them doing something so minimal, yet directional and unabashedly cool with the suited look.
I'm so glad you noticed this! It's one of those little things I picked up along my Japan journeys. I've since brought it back to Seattle.
Interesting approach, for sure!
Wow, looks charming though :)
I love this. You have the most amazing eye for detail. Thank you for the inspiration!
Sartorial Japan...is that in the North?
I've seen this on quite a few people here in New York City. Very unique styling.
Well it does make them seem more non chalant, but I think it looks sloppy. But that's just me!
velvet cupcakes
Wow, this is genius! I'm really liking the ties too. :D
in an era of pre-stressed jeans, this is an elegant subtle tweak.
Such a cool detail!!! Love it :)
Haha that's interesting, might try it sometime and see the reaction I get ;D
I love the tiny flower pin in the first picture - can anyone tell me what that is?
I love it!!!!!!
Huh .. guess it's considered the opposite of what it is here (preppy). Interesting!
I am a fan of all things Japan, but this is definitely a "Dislike".
such an exciting detail, I love it ! I hadn't noticed it at first... I thought the picture was about the flower button (which "flips" the jacket collar)
Just looks like bad ironing to me...........
I just love how the Japanese manage to subvert things all while showing deep respect. It takes a very evolved mindset to succeed at doing that.
I noticed when I've been there!!
Don't tell me your in Japan NOW! You have to literally submerge our browsers with pics and overwhelm our computers with the Japanese street style which is just AMAZING!
Oh I'm so excited, I hope to see more of these!!
-The Red Dot-
Perfect touch
it is like an elegant two fingers to the world from your shirt. love it.
Amazing. How does one "flip' their collar? With an iron?
Curious detail, I thought it was accidental! but of course, nothing is accidental in the fashion world!
Maybe the next sprezzatura trend should be unfinished hems. It's to the point where I almost want to ridicule the calculating, creativity-drained people who are Agnelli wannabes. Fashion editors: stop promoting this chalant bunkum!
I can't tell if I like that or not... I think it looks better if its less noticeable like in the first photo
That's interesting x
I kind of dig this. Suit wearing can get so boring and overly traditional sometimes...why not have some fun with it?
very cool
hmm! It sounds interesting!!!
I love it! I'd like to see some dapper Americans try it.
They flip their collars do they? Like soiled underwear filled vending machines, some things are better left in Japan. - It's All Style To Me
Its quirky but I think it looks a little untidy dont you?
interesting twist.
Pop your collar?
How do you do that?
hahahhaha Cool!!!
The first picture is lovely!
I certainly dig it, though I feel like it wouldn't stay in place for long, especially if one is engaging in anything more active than walking around the city.
This happens to me accidentally sometimes. I had no idea it was officially sanctioned sprezzatura. For shame, now I know better.
Trying to look effortlessly cool is very effortfull!
i do this already, but because I'm absent-minded!
the japanese always look great, speaking of those that i've seen in person...this shows they care about the very small details
Japan knows whats up. Keep shooting in japan!
Next silly trend will be to wear it inside out.....I believe that one begins next week in Japan.
I like that.I do stuff like ghetting all suited up and the no socks.
www.emmycollins.com. sleek but edgy menswear
I like the whimsical touches of flipped collar and flower boutonnière. I think that it's refreshing to contrast traditional masculinity in such ways.
I like the people who is sure of yes same at the moment of dressing and who has personality at the moment of doing it. Regards from andalucía!
"Japanese" and "nonchalant" do not belong in the same sentence. calculated creativity is boring.
Oh my, that is so cute !I love how creative the japanese can get, haha !
That is AWESOME.
Love the flower on the lapel. I used to live in Japan (blew all my money on designer clothing in consignment shops. For example a Costume National wool coat for equivalent of $80!I highly recommend you find some). They have so much fun with fashion over there.
i'm thinking, secret code.
it must be.
Kakkoii! :) I would try it
Interesting look, wonder what kind of response that would get out here in the UK!?
Soon they'll be popping their collar all the way....
That's so cool! I'm liking that style.
xx The Little Dust Princess
hah! cool.
i was there last spring doing some work.
must be a new thing.
flower button...top!
the rest...ridiculous!
going back to the romantic style? it will be nice.
hey that's a good idea!
wow small thing makes big difference! genius. x
the half pop, jaja how marvelous!
Can't wait to spot one here on the west coast.
I love that! Polished and disheveled at the same time. xx
Most my shirts do that naturally from neglect! ebay time!
This is probably one of my most favorite posts. Please do more post like this about men’s fashion.
P.S: I am a woman.
I love that the first photo looks so accidental.
How tiring though, to have to work at looking nonchalant.
want to wear the same thing
i likey these
to those who say it looks sloppy or ridiculous...........please. if it were italians doing this, u'd be all over it.
I LOVE it. Panache with cute. I wonder how they flip it, though. Artful ironing with starch?
I didn't know it even I'm a Japanese...
i like it too) and i think skirts with lines nwill always in style.
That's fun. :)
that's pretty cool. like :)
The flower lapel pin is made by Lanvin. It came free in last month's issue of a Japanese men's fashion magazine called "Men's Precious." I actually wore mine for the first time a week ago; got a million compliments on it! Comes in a bunch of different color combinations-- mine's the same as the one in the picture here.
liking the flip! and that little curve that its holding up at the tip of the collar!
This is really interesting..I enjoy seeing how different parts of the world differ in how they dress up.
Are the collar's altered this way, or do the designers just insert a convexed collar support?
I can't quite seem to understand how they get that flip at the end of the collar.
Either way, I think this is an interesting approach at being nonchalant, if that really is the aim of the collar flip in the first place.
Very elegant. I like the kawai little flower
So cute! It sounds so Japanese to me -- aren't they always coming up with cute/cool things? I'm sure the guys will be copycating them over here before too long!
this is a really cool detail...I'd like to see it fully executed
I hope this replaces the frat boy collar flip ASAP. Come on people, let's promote this! :)
I would love to see someone with that. I seems stylish
Love it!
I had no idea. I'll have to keep a look out for it!
then what is the collar tip for?
then what are Collar stiffeners for?
What a crazy thing fashion is!!!
This is fairly common in India as well - a carryover from 60's and 70's Bollywood style. Interesting to see it in a place as different from India as Japan.
ooooo sì!!!!love it!
Actually, this is a Saville Row thing. Certain gentleman who get their shirts custom made have been specifying that one collar point be longer than the other for decades (to achieve this very effect).
Reminds me of some of my old scruffy school masters who were inadvertently wearing their collars like this years ago!
I did NOT know that!
I think it's pretty understandable, I don't like it. There's a habit of leaving the collars of polo tees up as well.
It annoys me.
I think Japanese guys often get on and take off their jackets and don't pay attention to their collars. I think that's how these happen.
Or, we have a short neck and if we straighten(or tuck in) a collar, it looks a bit tight around a neck. When I wear a button-down shirt, I never button two small buttons on the collar.
Nice, I always avoid to put the sticks int he collar to get that effect! Someone says orrible, SOme Girls say: "so nice". Tha nonchalant effect is cool when you have a very nice shirt with well made collar. Nice that you posted it, Scott!
On Wall St. this "look" happens when you don't check yourself in the mirror before leaving for work.
ahhh, i dunno, it could work in a subtle way. i just have visions of all the japanese host bars doing something like this, in a very gaudy way haha.
During my trips to Japan I couldn't help but notice how stylish the men and women were, but this collar thing? I wish I could reach into that first photo and smooth down that collar!
Rather Agnelli, don't you think?
I agree with those that say this is contrived... How odd to have to "do" something to "appear" nonchalant. You either are, or you aren't.
Japan is the epicenter of cool!
I'm not so keen. It looks a bit like they just couldn't be bothered to iron their shirt collar and it curled by accident.
it is so calculated that how in the world could this appear nonchalant? Having dinner with a guy that flips his collar? Like pulling out fingernails one. at. a. time.
This is very unusual. Thanks for letting us in on this style secret :)
But is it nonchalant to work to appear nonchalant? Not so much. It would be cooler if it just "happened".
Fascinating! If a guy did that here someone would probably try 'fix' his collar for him.
Burn the Blonde
like the idea of men's suits being lightened up.
women's clothing has evolved and so should men's.
what makes the first photo interesting is the shape and colour of the geometric in the tie, mimics the floral lapel pin.
the non chalance of a flipped up collar is fresh.
I love seeing men's fashion done correctly!! this is perfect! thanks
Mmmm, I'm undecided! It's a thin line, stylish vs. pretentious... love that the Japanese play with the subtle details, and keep classic style alive (check out the reissued 'Ivy Look' book for preppy heaven), but maybe I'm too conditioned by collar stays...
The Savile Row thing about stays from Anonymous is interesting...I don't think there can be any stay in the top pic, short or not.
As usual the blog continues to challenge, and so it should. Bravo!
Maybe collar stays are banned by Japanese airport security?
I have to say, coming 100+ comments into this situation, the abject enthusiasm over a detail that's normally associated with schlubs who only wear a collared shirt when they're going to family court is highly entertaining.
I never knew this! but i love it!!
The Craft
Very funny ... is it April first again already ?
It is a take off on Italian Style. Scott detailed it himself in the beginning when he discussed Fabio Borrelli removing his shirt stays. Although Fabio is a salesman and massages the habit "to be comfortable", not wearing stays in your shirt, a common practice in the South of Italy, creates this look as your shirt collar starts to stick up and out. No offense to the Japanese, but this another thing they took from Italian styling.
Oh wow, this is such a small detail that I normally would not notice! But I can see how it would have that nonchalant effect, especially if I saw it over and over again!
Haha, where did that come from? Would love to know who or what originated it..
The annoying thing about trends is that the moment something becomes a trend, it's already passé really..
Not to be negative, just an observation :)
Those are some great styles for men.
I LOVE IT!!!! :)
So subtle. I love Japan!
I rocked this look last Thursday when I forgot my collar stays- everybody at work "fixed" my collar all day- Don't know if Atlanta is ready for this look!
It looks a bit quirky. I don't think it would be appropriate during work 'cause it gives a twisted feeling about that person.
I've actually noticed this in some french new wave films! Have you seen The 400 Blows by Truffaut? The little boy's father has his collar like this the entire time.
Ladies Slingbacks
Ladies Wedges
There is such a clear distinction between the purposeful collar flip and the unkempt accidental collar flip. Honestly, does the guy in the picture look like an absent minded school master or a trader who just forgot to check the mirror before heading to work? Of course not. The line between the sloppy and the rakishly nonchalant is obvious here. Don't cross it and you're golden.
really like this post!
It looks a bit ridiculous with the suit collar, but I think it might work without the suit.
Thank you, Scott! I learned something new today.
i dunno. trying too hard? but look at your post of 9/3/10! the difference between effortless and contrived...
Cool thing!! I like it and I'm gonna try it asap!! :)
yes, i like it too! although, i think using the collar flip requires a degree of being overall, formally polished. nothing else can be out of sorts - it would seem - if you are going to use the collar flip. otherwise it would appear unintentional, haphazard.
The little flower is by an Italian company called Lardini.
Its not that original tuxedo shirts have collars that I am sure inspired this look. To me it looks like he needs his suit lapel and his shirt collar pressed.
so cool, but at the same time it makes my OCD self a little uneasy^^
my fashion inspiration blog:
This is just a sign of an untidy mind.
Collar: Awful
Flower: Amazing
Come on people. Over here (in Finland) all the teenagers in middle school do that. Seriously....
I do not like it at all!! It makes me want to tuck it back in the jacket....where it belongs!
Looks like wings... but careless.
Am most pleased that this picture is engendering a discussion on Japanese quirks.
It would be most refreshing if you would do this - Show us pictures of classy but fashionably offbeat Asian girls, Scott. Especially the Korean and Japanese ladies, please.
p.s. I am a female residing in Asia; in case anyone is wondering....
Pre-fab sprezzatura for the masses - I think I'll pass...
Oh wow, people really will do anything these days won't they? What next? "oh hey guys, hold up, I need to spill some coffee on my lapel so I don't look so put together." GTFO, this is one of the worst trends I've heard of. face-palm.
I love Japan!
subtle but effective! amazing
Oh gosh! That looks so spontanteous...
Shouldn't nonchalance give, well, a nonchalant look?
I guess it is possible to catch one or two litte japanese men, carefully placing their collars in that position, hoping noone will see them doing it.
Synthetic sprezzatura gone bad.
Could anyone kindly point me towards a source for those lovely flower-pins?
Someone mentioned Lanvin and a japanese magazine above, but so far searching for that has failed to come up with anything...
Thanks a bunch!
Wow, that's so funny!
I think it's a bit ironic to intentionally flip your collar to appear nonchalant. Why not just be nonchalant and let your collar do what it will?
The shirt looks like it needs to be ironed.
flower >> LARDINI
the flower is combined with the jacket
I didn't know these were deliberately done!
my b/f got one of these in Japan and I thought it needed to be ironed
but I guess I was wrong!!
collars up/ hands up!
nonchalant it is!! :)
I was on vacation in Japan this fall and saw a few guys on the subway wearing their shirts this way, and we thought that they were in a hurry getting dressed and forgot to tuck in the collars!
I think I will definitely have to be trying this.
Can you buy pre-bent collar stays to ahieve the perfect look?
I've never seen it though I'm living in Japan right now...
hmmm, gonna try to find it.
I like flower pink!!!
Been searching all over for a lapel flower like that. Found some that might just be cooler at JandHP.com
Great pic.
These Lapel flowers are quite snazzy http://jandhp.bigcartel.com/product/yellow-and-pink
I rather like this, perhaps not for every occasion, but I truly think it's a little hot.
This is really easy to do.
Wear a widespread collar in the morning without the collar stays.
By the afternoon the shirt will develop a natural "roll" like this and it looks more relaxed yet elegent and tends to lengthen our "short" necks.
BUT taking yanking it out of the jacket...I find too manipulated...and it shows that you tried too hard...
A bit of a weird thing to come about but the more I see it the more I like it
I guess I'm more traditional than I thought, but, uh... no!
love it!
In a word. No.
Love the suit ... look at all the lines - they all match! sublime piece of tailoring excellence!
I decided to try this out today. I'm curious as to whether anyone will comment on it.
It's an adorable flip, I'll admit. Not sure how well that nonchalance would fly in a business meeting, though. Or a date, where you want to feel you're worth impressing.
I was a fan of the tie over the should "accidentally" look, reserved for the end of the day.
Love this! I remember in Hong Kong everyone in the business district (I mean EVERYONE) was in a black suit. Man or woman, so sometimes pants and sometimes a skirt with the woman, but always, always, ultrablack fine fabric. And the shirts were white or some shade of blue in 99.9% of the cases. Don't know if you can compare this with Tokyo, but I'm thinking you'd latch onto any little personal style fillip you can get away with....
collar flip H&M ???
Never seen or heard about flipping collars...though I've lived in Japan almost 30yrs. I wonder how the collars are kept flipped...