Aussies First Winter, New York

It has been equally fun to watch her layer and layer the few appropriate clothes she did bring with her in a beautiful attempt at freeze relief.
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Comments on "Aussies First Winter, New York"
Great style... ;D'
Oh, I feel like hugging her! lol
She looks so comfy & cozy! Cute!
Luciane at
i need her coat here in the Midwest!
love her scarf too!
--la vie en BROKE--
haha! Get ready!xx
Cool look! 90's grunge ish
looks coooozy<3
I love this mix red, black and beige !!
love the red plaid..
Why do I get the feeling this woman has no gloves? She needs that and a scarf! Some ill-prepared Aussie. Otherwise, beautiful.
I like that outfit and I want the coat for myself!
what a beaut. I think I've fallen in love.
I'm about to feel her pain as I move from Southern California (where we had a sunny and warm weekend spent at the beaches) to Switzerland covered in snow :)
Keep warm!
i love the socks with the boots!
take care darling! i'm doing the exact oposite...trying to prepare for a warm winter/and christmas in rome, and since i'm can anyone feel christmas atmosphere without snow?!?!?1
xoxo from rome
I Like...
I love the red in the outfit.
totally agree with alex, a very grungy ensemble especially with the lumberjack tunic!
this picture is so awesome. love the jacket
much love from hollywood ca
shea marie
Oh I feel her pain too as I'm an Aussie experiencing her first real winter in Toronto.
The struggles of trying to dress somewhat warm!
she looks really cute, I love the parka! I'm trying to prepare for my first real winter too as I'm moving to Berlin in a month. I freeze everytime I think about it...
Love the mix red and brown! Great style!
loving the jacket...wish I had one like it right now
Great outfits, the colours go together so well!
I can see why it is so fun to watch Emily winterize herself! I can relate this will be 3rd real winter......
I love the red accents. She looks perfectly cool but perfectly warm at the same time!
check out my Great "Wool & The Gang" give away:)
I love red-black, looks warm and pretty
oh! i know how it feels to face a first winter (european/american)!!
coming from a small island not far from Australia, i know how she should feel! I went through all this me too 2 years back!!
Wish her luck (and warmth!)
Poor girl! I've lived in Canada all my life and my shock about the increasing cold continues each winter.
I don't really like her style, but what she's wearing fits her really well! xx
love the boots!
As they say, necessity is the mother of invention. I think she'll manage winter just fine.
love the boots!
having moved from Sydney 9 years ago, I am still surprised by how cold it gets here in NYC - she looks adorable and stylish
Love the reds popping up from the socks, shirt and lips. Effortless.
Cool coat!
We're having a similar struggle here in my hometown of St. Paul. One of the newer hires at my favorite bar is an Australian ex-pat. I knew his co-workers were training him in on Minnesota winters when last week, he told us, "I have two pairs of socks on. I know how you people roll."
love the whole outfit! so cozy :)
seems like she has figured it out!
Love the layers! That coat with the red plaid is gorgeous x
Aw, poor thing. At least the cold hasn't thrown her sense of style! x
Nice outfit for these cold days!
xx Ale
Step one: zip up!
I know what you mean. I am married to an aussie. We live in Berlin and I have not yet been to New York (can't wait!!) but it's gets pretty cold here too.
The first and the last time that I was in New York it was February and I fainted on the street I was so cold!!
I like the glimpse of red socks matching the color of her shirt.
She's not doing badly so far, but she will need a nice scarf!
I love the winter out in NYC! Was just out there.
Its cold, so I had to bust out the layers.
Best thing ever though...
Winter in the big Apple is amazing!
I went off to the Dominican right after. Its the complete opposite climate wise! = )
She looks great, though!
great outfit for the cold!!!
as a newbie to snow, this is a great idea on how to keep warm for the winter! thank you!
love the color harmony in her outfit
ahh she is lovely! the perfect outfit for a cold weather like it's now:)))
Nice look ! She look pretty ;)
I love her boots :)
I love this look, it's kind of like my style.
She is beautiful! Love the red socks and red lips!
Is that Emily Barclay?
Oooh, this brings back memories of my first North-American winter in the late 90's. I was a high-school grad straight out of the boat from sunny Brazil. I bought a pair of duck boots to commute between my college campuses in North Jersey and people made fun of me to no end. My nose and lips were bone-dry and cracking most the time. I was always cold and fatigued, as my body was working harder to maintain its normal temperature. I loved the geography and the people of the U.S., but hated the weather. Nowadays, I enjoy the crisp, soothing cool air as well as the opportunity to experiment with a wide variety of clothes. In fact, I think I've adjusted a little too much, because last time I was in Rio, I actually fainted in a public bus due to the heat. Go figure. Anyway, good luck to the girl in the picture! I'm sure she'll do very well.
Interesting mix with the military color and red show pieces!
Socks and scarf.
Cozy-chic! Love the layers.
Cozy-chic! Love the layers.
She looks great! You would never know she wasn't an experienced winter weather dresser :)
Lucky girl! I wish I could work for the Satorialist.
Ha ha Jus Kidding but very modern grunge! Nice!
if she's cold, she should zip/button up! :)
love the boots and the pops of red
xoxo Monroe
Fashion Steele NYC
Layering is key.
And staying indoors!!!
I want to know where she got her parka!
love outfit!!!!!!!!!!!!
great pic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love her outfit- she's mastered the layering perfectly! Her hood makes her look so cosy and snug yet uber chic and stylish!
Youth is a quality, not a matter of circumstances.
Frank Lloyd Wright
I envy her, as I myself would layer upon layer of comfy fabric when I lived in Chicago, where even one's nose hairs freeze over!! Here in Portland, its just rain gear I use mostly. But she proves one can always look stylish no matter what Mother Nature throws at you. Love the red lips too.
I'm looking forward to the real northern edition when it comes... snow and all.
I understand how Emily feels! I moved to CT from Australia a few years ago and we spent that first Christmas in Manhattan. I was in such shock! But you get used to it when you know what to expect :)
She reminds me Winona Ryder in Reality Bites but much better Emily, of course.
So cute, I feel her pain, Its my first winter in over 6 years and the cold hit in November and we've been in the teens and sub-zero temps for 3 weeks now. She is pulling it off much better that I, Fashion has taken a backseat to function.
Angels Point of View - Street Fashion Blog
I love that coat, missed a hoody like that today
very sweet, love this look! especially those red socks peeking out her boots :)
Looks cute, but won't last unless she gets gloves, hat and warm boots. Surely as she is from Australia she should be wearing Uggs......or are they only for export. Buy her one of those really cute furry hats with ear flaps. her outfit.....<3
She looks cute, the hood is the way to go, especially with the drafts from wind. I'm not sure what the coat is made of... nylon? What I hate about winter is how it destroys your hair.
I like the plaid on plaid--and the boots are great!
love the way she wears red socks together with black booties :) XXXX ♥
What on earth is so special about this?
Oh wow. I am in love with those pants! So cute!
Sir, I need more photos of men. Please. More Beppe :-)
Melbourne girl?
love the boots and socks combo!
Aussies can be very creative when need be!
totally perfect
i love it
she looks great. love her socks ;)
Nice red accent. :)
Looks nice & warm and adorable, too!
who makes that coat? or one like it?
Fantastic photo as always!!!
This look is simply and particular at the same cute!!!
Well she certainly is adjusting to the cold weather stylishly. Love the bright color peeking out here and there. She looks warm without being too covered up. Who knows---over time she may grow to love bracing cold air.
I love, love , love layers...perfectly done.
She's so cute, great story!
Just love the look!!! Kisses from Brazil
Uhh, for Aussie's first winter she's doing a great job! Very chic...
i love the plaid almost lumberjack elements to this... oh and the red socks peaking out!
And yet she manages to look AMAZING!!!
I'm sure Emily will do fine - we Aussies are a resilient lot!
As I found last February - it was 35C when I left Melbourne, and -8C when I arrived in DC - you can't really prepare for such a shock, you just need to go shopping real quick! (Oh - and pack some longjohns to get started!)
i love the layered flannel. But its sad to see thats she's wearing leather boots...
theres so many other options!
She does cold well. The red lip really pops.
My Heart Blogged
Merry Christmas Emily - we'll think of you as we sit on the veranda on Boxing Day with the cricket on the radio, cicadas buzzing in the background, left-over ham sangers and watermelon for lunch - and sweltering!
Hahahha -- I can entirely sympathize. It was freezing in NYC today! She looks beautiful thought! I think boots are key.
Just wondering how exactly one gets to work with garance and yourself???? What does Emily do???
ps love that parka!
as a straight dude I think she is super hot. emily if you are single...find me
ohhhhh, LOVE! she knows how to layer!
her outfit is so cute! i love the red throughout the outfit, especially on her lips.
lovely photo!
haha, she looks so cute!
She looks perfect, she needs a short fox coat or a mink shawl for Feb. She should fair well at least she took time to do her makeup!
he is going to need a short fox fur in Feb, but she will be alright. At least she put on her makeup!
And yet she still looks amazing, despite how thrown-together her outfit sounds! Looovee it <3
Emily should buy some knit silk underwear - tees, camisoles, and even "long johns" to layer under her clothes. They take little space and keep the warm air close to the skin - particularly if a light wool layer is over top. Even a silk blouse under a wool sweater will help her stay warm.
Silk is cool in the summer, too, so it is an all-season fabric.
I love her outfit, but seriously how cold could it really get in Manhattan. Try braving a Canadian winter where -25°C and snow up to your waist is just the average.
under it's grey york has a huge heart.
the heart of the city will warm you.
there are always a few days in january can get brutally bitter cold.
think in terms of 'two'..
two scarves.
two sweaters.
gloves inside of mittens.
double socks.
moisturiser by the tubfull...for your skin and hair.
keep yourself hydrated..the winters are so dry.
the best thing about all of can always nip into a store and thaw out as you walk.
* source: native new yorker :)
She's the only person I've ever seen look good in one of those long parkas! :) Great layering, too, and the red actually _looks_ warm..
She also seems to have picked up one trademark of true cold-climate dwellers (or at least the hardy New Englanders I grew up among): Unless you're on the verge of hypothermia, the coat stays unfastened!
It´s cold, too much cold!!
LOL! How cute ^__^ It's like San Diegans experiencing legitimate seasons. I sympathize with Emily.
wonderful pic, great job, congrats!
I love the parka. It always works for me.
Parka is still best for this season!
Love the khaki in combination with fur...All-time-favourite!
I'm thinking about next purchase - what do you think?
All my best!
I adore her red burning lips.
she is simple but, at the same time,so stylish!
wow i wonna dress like her tomorrow!
She looks fab. I love this layered look - a Melbourne Girl?
absolutely cool!!!...I love this style
this is so adorable!
It's funny how she looks at you (Scott)... like, come on, get it over with.... take this picture... you know I'm freezin' ;-)
ps. Can I work with you too?
Hi, why don't you say the brands of people's apparel? That's the most iportant thing otherwise if we see somthing that we like, how can we find it?
Great Winter Fashion!
Emily looks great!
Greets from freezing Estonia.
FB: Nolita Vintage Shop & Blog
I love the pop of red in her shirt and her socks..
Ahhh the winter. Something that I do not miss.
Loving the scarf and the red socks... Great pic!
She looks wonderful! All the Australians I know here in London have already left for 'home'. Lucky them!
Any one know who makes that jacket???
Nice use of layering, especially since it is functional as well as fashionable. I like the eskimo coat :)
OH so adorable!
love the coat
Sweet and sour.
Love it!
I really like this look. The plaid, the jacket and the boots!
love the reds,red shirt,red (I think)sock,and a nice red lips.
Matching socks,shirt and lippy - Fantastic! Red cheers up the coldest of days.....well done!
Such a charming model. I'd love to see a photo series depictng her year in fashion in NYC.
Em! Amazing fash PR, I've worked with her. Had no idea that's what she was doing in NY!
Very nice. Reminiscent of winter in Toronto.
I wont tease her by telling her how warm and sunny it is here back in her homeland!
I love the red socks and shirt!
I want her boots!
You take care of our aussie over there Scott..
She is stunning.. love here style..
Zip up your jacket
Love her coat!
Haha, for cold winter, try Norway. Even here, in the capitol city, it's been as much as -20C/-4F continuosly for the past month. Brr.
fabuleux ces reflets ! la nana a une parka énorme mais un style dingue, j'adore !
Des bisous, Alizée G.
I love all these on the street pictures. They are awesome.
Looks like the perfect winter outfit! I think I'll be needing similar this weekend.
She looks great. But it's so sad she missed Oprah.
perfect outfit to fight against the cold. I love the red socks matching the shirt
Cute Emily! :)
omg so smokin hot. and with an aussie accent? you kiddin me? fuhgedabowdit!
check on check.
very advanced!!
try being covered in snow at -4F. Visit Romania!
happy holidays!
definitely love layering
twitter @divalicious_m
Obsessed with her coat! Also paired well with the skinnies.
I love the jacket with the fur hood. I have a similar one just with a belt. And the splash of red is great. On the lips, the shirt and especially the red sock you see a bit over the boots.
It is really difficult to find something warm enough but at the same time good looking in this times. Here in Germany it is very very cold with twenty to thirty centimeters of snow.
I have layer over layer because when you wear a huge pullover you are warm enough outside but literally melt inside...
You're so lucky it's so warm there in Nyc! In Finland it has been around -15/5F some days. That's cold. Dressing is interesting, gotta think about layering coats, using big scarfs and mittens, furry's fun actually. Photographing outside is nearly impossible though.
Oh wow. Yep i can relate-tis my first cold christmas in paris!!
wow. cutest thing ever. two button nonchalance, matches her socks, perfect parka. i would find it impossible to resist asking her for coffee
red lipstick and red socks
As an Australian experiencing her first Parisian winter in a while; I can completely relate to her pain. My body has gone into some sort of toxic shock as northern Europe has its coldest autumn in decades [and winter really hasn't yet began!!].
Ooooh, finally! A post that features real winter clothes! I'm always on the lookout for how to look stylish while dressing for the weather where I live (the northernmost city in Canada).
Uhhh... they have winter in australia too. you've got no ida how freezing it gets in melbourne and tasmania. its not like it's just some big dry desert ahahaa. pffft I'm sure she'll be fine
well dressed for it!
I love the touches like coordinated socks peeping out of the boots. Makes a nice statement.
check out
Hey Emily, you're not missing much; it's 15C and bucketing rain in Melbourne today. Congratulations on a beautifully proportioned outfit with dynamic splashes of crimson. I wish I were wearing it right now!
my favorite part is the color story of the red, accented by the red lipstick! as a new yorker, you have to balance style with WARMTH, because in the end, the new york winter is brutal!
really cute, I just wish the boots were brown.. Her parka is something every girl in new york should own, love it!
I WANT HER WHOLE OUTFIT! ALL OF IT! In fact I was shopping today with the mission for olive/army green and flannel red. Hahah, ended up buying a pair of really green pants. Sigh* I will accomplish this mission.
not special to me, it's the basic winter warmer look.
Great look! Its always a challenge to find beautiful but warm womens clothing, especially for New York winters.
the socks are genius!
She looks lovely, appropriately dressed, and beautifully dressed
this is so, So rad. im ripping it off, and im a dude! double plaid. the ol' flannelette shirt/s. im an aussie too, so i got plenty of those winter warmers. its our uniform.
i saw in a documentory on B-boys in NYC back in the 70's, how they matched socks with belts, shoe-laces with belts, belts with kangols caps, socks with layers under your jacket in winter... everything in this, is just pure gold.
She's done well!
she is really nice! so cute :-) like the eyes.
really young and cool...right style for right place
know how she feels. i wore thick stockings under my jeans during my first NY winter! well its strange for an aussie :) happy to see an ausie working along side such an inspiration.
she should come in finland, it's two meter snow in here and soon it will be -30c
anyone know a lipstick/lipstick shade like hers?!
in love with this picture
i totally love this.
i love how the socks match the flannel
I love the outfit, but yes, she is going to need to bundle up a little more. Invest in a scarf, gloves and a hat at least.
Manhattan winter?
I have three friends from Brisbane living here in Winnipeg Canada - yeah, the coldest city in the world with a population over 600 thousand.
They are adjusting fine.
Love her outfit!!
Go the aussies!
she looks beautiful,
loving the red in the socks and the plaid, and on her lips
love from melbourne, aus!