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Comments on "On the Street....Place Vendôme, Paris"
Love the shoes and the bike of course!
you can NOT go wrong with a black trench!! which is why i recently bought one! ;))
Those shoes are wicked. Love the juxtaposition of partially bared feet with a winter coat (which also has great details).
lovely photo!
Those shoes are so sexy. From the shoulders up I was like maybe, but then when i scrolled down, and saw the entire pic, it was pefection.
So perfect! I want an old-fashioned bicycle now and only wear black until the end of my days!
ahh those shoes are beautiful
The colour of her hair *makes* this outfit for me. I love how her shoes has a reddish tone to it just like her hair. A well pulled together look.
Love a cyclist with heels on!
So elegant, so French
Nice trench. The whole look is kind of architectural for me.
If you look closer, de soles have the same color as the seat in the bike, and really similar to her hari color too. It goes reddish borwn, black, brown, black,brown.
i love the shoes !!!
those shoes are like sculpture!
those heels are so fierce!! and everything else rock as well... i love her hair, too
Perfectly paired.
The whole shot is great, especially like how her hair's just perfect with the rest.
bike and heels! really great combination!
the bike is a beautiful accessory to this outfit! haha!
perfect snap, and her shoes are absolutely gorge
AMAZING shoes..
and such an unusual trench coat
<3 in love
Wow! Your shots just get better and better!
I love how she is about to ride a bike, wearing those awesome shoes!
very nice
love the bicycle and this trench
Stark and sexy! I love the Celine shoes so much.
isn't that karla?
In this case I have to argue that the bike is superfluous, Sart.
It's a nice addition, but not needed. Her look by itself is just phenomenal!! However, I will gladly add her to the ciclistas fashionistas team.
There is no way she got far on that bike dressed like that.......
those heels! amazing structure
I like it how her bike and her outfit go together
This photo literally make my eyes go "Ahhhh." Love the shoes, the bike, the quality of the light. I want to cut my hair, color it red, and wear all black!!
She looks perfect! so CHIC!
check out our fashion illustrations at http://www.illustrated-moodboard.com/ :)
As the resident of a mid-sized American city crisscrossed by busy highways, I just don't understand how women can ride bicycles in heels like this. I would be terrified for my life to ride a bike to work even wearing flats! It must be a whole different culture! Heels this high are attractive to look at, but in my experience, are killingly painful to wear for more than a few minutes.
Certainly, she must have had biking shoes that she just changed out of...
so chic, it's not even fair.
nicely framed. the shoes, the shoes.
This photo makes it seem like this lovely lady is approaching the crew in the photograph directly under it! All in black, same tones and hues, love it!
Tres chic...even the beautiful bicycle, which acts an accessory, elevates her look to higher level. Magnificent!
I dunno...somewhat od world creepy in a modern cool kinda way?
I want the shoes, I want the bike. I think it's the black basket that's making me think she's an undertaker leading a pet funeral procession.
really the image is very nice and romantic!
classy lady!
Love the shoes. Is that an Oma bike?
You are so great with details - her hair is almost the colour of the saddle.
amazing shoes! I never tryed to go in bike with heels!
2 words. Shoe Porn.
I'm in lust.
The shoes are fantastic!! I love her hair, it's soooo beautiful.
kisses from Brazil*
Gorgeous coat, love the leather detailing...
This severe and androgynous guise is finished perfectly with the feminine shoes! And love that bike. Are the shoes Dries?
She reminds me of Karla from Karla's Closet. Is this her?
She looks like Karla Deras from the back. Funny!
Check out these great Margiela heels!
Totally love it and the hair but I really want to know how far she travels on that bike in those shoes? Doe she have some cycling shoes in the bag for the other 15km we don't know about or is she riding to the other end of the block?
This questions are very much on my mind as someone who cycles to commute, wearing day clothes not lycra, but finding myself in rather more practical attire than illustrated here.
oh my god..perfect shoes!!
This is great! I love the basket type thing on the front of the bike, a pannier? I also love riding with heels, although I can't figure out how to do it. She is chic! Oh Paris!
mmm check out those shoes!
Oh Scott, this shot is absolute perfection!!
The light, the saddle, no brakes: stunning details. This girl is perfect.
How very, very chic! That bicycle is exquisite (not to mention the shoes).
I love the 'OMA bike'!
What style! In Australia you would get booked, no helmet and those shoes!!!
I love the whole picture, brings back memories of living in Amsterdam for a year.
The light, the saddle, no brakes, love the chromatic effect with brown and black. Just perfect.
The trench is beautiful. I love the detailing with the fabric. And the shoes could not go better. That heal looks wicked, but they're definitely beautiful sandals.
love the shoes!
cycle in style, here we go!
Gorgeous photo.
Great picture!
I love the shoes and the trench!
Shoes, shoes, shoes, mon amour.
love place Vandome!
I've a bycycle just like that!
so chic!
so green...
So Chic!!!
I fall in love!!! Shoes and coat are the best!!!! LOVE it!!!
To those of you who are saying she can't cycle in those heels - you must have never been on a bike.
You push with the balls of your feet, and therefore a high heel is fine as it exposes the balls of your feet. It's not ideal, and if you're going at some pace and have to stop it will probably be difficult but I've done it in Central London and it's not exactly rocket science.
The shoes are great but I love the coat!!
What an astounding picture.
ahhh the shoes!!!! <3
Ooh another girl with a pixie cut...
Also, can I steal her shoes? I love how the heels match the handle of her bike.
...Now, see if Mary Poppins had been Parisienne and arrived by bike you know this'd be her...Smashingly stunning!
Great composition. Nice vintage bike. I have no idea how she can pedal in those heels. C
Beautiful photo! It's the perfect coat/bicycle combination.
P.S. She also has the perfect hair length.
Love those heels !!!
This must be the "Je ne sais quoi" the french are always talking about.......effortless.......let um eat cake!
so chic..I was just there last week...I want to go back!!
For some reason, I think those heels look like an extension of her bones. Very cool.
It takes a real fashionista to match her outfit to her bicycle!
The long black trenchcoat looks great! And those shoes are to die for. Great pic!
I'm not normally fan of trench coats b/c I find them a bit boring, but this one conveys so much drama!
Completely impractical (but very sexy) shoes, painfully hip bike, interesting coat and wonderful androgynous haircut. How do French women get away with that?! I'm so jealous.
The picture perfect Parisienne>
And oh yes those shoes!
impractical much?
Bicycle, elegance and chic!!!)))
was this girl really riding the bike?
Perfect !
Oooeee! Those shoes and that coat are....just....aah-mazing!!
Love how the pants sit in the perfect spot for the shoes. How do some do it?
Does anyone know who she is?
If only everyone travelled everywhere like this!
You really are going to ride on that???
I am very impressed someone could look that chic, and have come off a bicycle.
My Heart Blogged
I love everything about this look...the shoes! the bike! <3
such an elegant shadow!
Is that Karla from Karlas Closet?
Love the shoes, but how the heck does she ride that bike in those shoes---and if she managed just think of how it would ding up the shoes especially those great heels!!!
the shoes are architecturally a masterpiece.
these shoes are super!!!
so chic. gorgeous colors in this photo
Fabulous shot.. and her shoes got my attention
I guess that she always wear black or that her mronings are well organiezed - no matter what - her look is beautiful.
An all-black outfit-always fashionable!
So elegant!!!
i love the shoooooooooeeeeees. nice heels. xxx
i've never seen someone standing by a bicycle look so elegant
Such striking compositions, both the woman with her hair, clothes, bike and your picture. How do you do it!?
Trust me skeptics, I am a high-heeled wearing Parisian woman who rides my bike in heels all of the time. It's really not a big deal...the bike works the same no matter what you are wearing. And there is no reason that the heels would get dinged since they are not doing the pushing, nor do high heels limit how far you can ride, be it 15 kms or 15 blocks. (That said, most people in major European cities live in them so that may be what is throwing the American readers off. And we have bike lanes all over Paris.)
oh, paris.
It always makes me laugh, how people wonder how you can ride a bike in heels. They probably have never been on a bike? It's easier to ride in heels than walk in heels!
Vanessa, no one is saying this woman cannot ride in these shoes but a number of people are questioning how far and how they'd be in the variety of situations that cyclist inevitably meet. Any of us could ride to the corner shop in them...once :-)
I wish I could bike in Lisbon, it's so chic and cool in such a environment way.
I agree with Vanessa above - cycling in heels really is not that hard. Frankly with these babies I'd much rather be cycling in them than walking in them! Is it my imagination, or can you see red marks on her feet where the shoes are chafing?...
But, this is all very elegant. I have a similar bicycle but I have never dressed to match it. Maybe I'll have to start.
I JUST LOVE THOSE SHOES!! And the bike just completely adds to the look, amazing!
It's so perfect that it looks like a part of vogue editorial. Great shape....... very architectural!
This is performance fashion. The bike is an accessory. If women want to wear those instruments of torture on their feet, chacune à son goût.
As one who commutes 5 miles by bike, always with tennis shoes or flats, I appreciate the currents of doubt surrounding the feasibility of this striking outfit. Like Vanessa, I can confirm that for short trips, such as going from my office to another research building, biking in heels is not that difficult. Either way, I'm not sure that practicality is the point of this photo: it's a gorgeous shot of a gorgeous woman!
Very elegant look -bike included-.
Gorgeous! The bycicle just made her look so vintage and classic. Absolutely love how she reveals some skin at her legs, very enticing!
who's trench is that? love the details. the contrasting leather back yoke and belt, the peeking out lining...perfect!
Biker chic.
Do you suppose she has a different colored bike for all her outfits?
What a stylish lady. Great hair and coat, and heels... even her bicycle is classical and fine. Paris is not just a random place. It is for a reason called the city of style and fashion.
I love how the colours compliment each other so well. It's very chic and very french!
Parisian chic, j'adore ! Love the shooooes. <3
She is stunning, the bike is stunning, but how does one bike in heels...?
slick shoes!
Gorgeous shoes and I love her hair! How come every stylish woman seems to have a bike!!
Nice coat!
gorgeous shoes....
amazing celine shoes!!
I hope it is not freezing in Paris.
gorgeous black look and what a beautiful bicycle too!
I love that Europeans aren't afraid to wear black. Americans seem to think it marks you as a Satanist, but it looks so elegant. This and the London photo below are just gorgeous.
heels on the bike go round and round...
cool little get up she's got going on!
I ride my bike thru downtown Los Angeles and crowded Venice Beach while wearing heels. It is not difficult and not all that different than riding in flats. I find it impractical to change shoes to ride a bike. Like someone pointed out, your weight is in the ball of the foot in heels anyway. What...are there people out there trying to walk in heels on their heels?
The shoes are nice, but stupid for biking. Here is a real fashion victim.
love the photography x
follow my journey as a final year fashion student
Great haircut, coat and shoes but the best the haircut, great style
Where to start? This is just to good to be true.
love the bike and coat! So ready for winter.
Want more seasonal posts? Check out my blog :)
xoxo, Taryn Juliette
Beautiful bike xxx
So classy :)
Maria Ana
that, is how you do it!
Absolutely fabulous, a gorgeous moment in time.
Maryjane xoxo
Fantastic photo! I love it.
Very lovely shoes and a beautiful coat...with the bike as the finishing touch this makes one perfect picture!
Simply awesome.
Keep on doing such a good work!
Greetings from Spain
one of the most perfect pictures i've ever seen!no joke
I love her style but it doesn't look very practical to bike. Wonder why she has one since she's walking it?
Totally stunning, the photo and the entire ensemble.
Only in Paris could there be such an image.
the shoes, the coat, l'allure !
how to be a classy cyclist :)
wow what an incredible piece!
damn she hella classy
Hello! Anybody there?
Big and tall
It's not all about cycling, it's all about fashion instead. :-)
All black is her theme for today. Yes, she got a nice coat which I like too.
Well, this blog has fulfilled my expectations, every picture tells some of that slide, and the image is described as a good poem. Congratulations. This is my blog www.blogs.clarin.com/maxymus/ literature is in Spanish.
she looks like emma watson
i agree with the intelligent people saying it's not hard to bike in heels. it's probably much easier to bike in them than to walk in them, really.
that being said, i always get jealous of photos of ladies wearing sky high heels and looking like they're not in any pain. this lady does not make me jealous. her poor chafed feet make me want to hand her a pair of fuzzy slippers and tell her that people won't judge her if she takes her heels off for only a day.
ahah yes i'd like to see her actually ride the bike in those heels. but they're divine either way.
omg amaze!! and i give her credit being able to bike and wear those shoes at the same time =)
Isn't it dangerous to ride a bicycle with shoes like that?
love the trench and love to see a girl in heels or in a dress riding or even holding a bike!
The coat looks like Acne Jeans a season or two ago, they had it in beige as well with brown leather. Gorgeous!
this lady is the definition of an ELEGANT WOMAN
She sure as hec does not ride through the muddy paths that I have to!
Why aren't people talking about her fantastic hair?
i always wonder how girls manage to ride in heels... surely its not comfortable and possible dangerous ..yet so many seem to do it...
Beautifully dark!
Elegance, charme and contemporary.
Great Photo!
Everything in this pic is perfect!
FB: Nolita Vintage Shop & Blog
The Shoes, The bike.. pure perfection ! I love it.
Heels and Amsterdam bike - a perfect combination.
Ou, I don't know which one of is perfect, woman or bicycle:)
this is so good! so classic! nice coat and shoes!
her shoes :O :))
So super cool!
wonderful pic, great job! She's very elegant!
wow she looks really cool,I love her shoes and that bike.
Everything about her chic and lovely, except the shoes. Unlike many comment's above I find them rather ugly and uncomfortable looking. They clash with the rest of her outfit.
Read the reportage about you from Aftonbladet in Sweden. I got some good ideas for my blog. Thanks!
Saw thw reportage about you in Aftonbladet, SWEDEN. I got some good ideas, thanks!
I haven't visited this blog in a while and I've realized how much I've missed it! Nothing beats a sartorialist bicycle post :)
seriously insanely good. those shoes.
I live in a cycling town (Cambridge, UK) and have drunkenly cycled home in heels many-a-time (miraculous that i'm still alive, really) and while I'll agree that it's very easy to do because the pedals just hook into the gap nicely, this absolutely MURDERS the underside of your shoe and can scratch the heel pretty badly. Learned this the hard way when I practically destroyed a pair of brand new lanvins...
Coincidentally, if you like to live on the edge, try cycling in wedges!
Have just read your blog for the first time, and I am largely impressed. Not just with the blog, but with the number of people not hesitating to dress it up! I have recently started my own blog site aimed at inspiring women to glam it up for no reason at all other than they feel like it! Keep up the good work, and keep us inspired! www.whynotwearit.blogspot.com
Amazing shot!! :)
Classic photo. Great style and I love the bike. The fashion and bike combo are deserving of this photo and post. Thanks for sharing as always.
Hey Sar, You think you can give a lady some holiday gift ideas for the fashionable man who has everything? Thanks!
This photo makes me want her to turn around. If I saw this woman while on the street, I'd try my darn-est to catch up and see her face.
wow elegant photo!!! love the outfit, the shoes, her bike!! her hair! perfect!
I also immediately thought of Karla. Either way, gorgeous shoes, gorgeous bike, gorgeous poise!
Never has a bike matched an outfit so seemlessly.
It looks like Karla from karlascloset.....hmm.....very pretty and stylish.