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Comments on "On the Street... London Now, London"
Stunning. Love the black leather. And Black on Black
Anna of Green Gable
textural black against tailored black <3
Totally fierce. I love being British!
Great tailored jacket and a cool twist on the fauxhawk--
cant beat the street style you see in london
gosh. i absolutely love her hair. and boots. its really lovely.
the frontmost girl's boots are amazing.
all of them have great, crisp style. i love seeing women in black.
This is so London. I love the style!
I had that hair in Grade 9 - 1987. Is it back?
very London
London...Mon Amour...
you are in London!!!!!
Now THOSE are heals! I like the pants the guy is wearing too.
- David
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BRAVO!!! I have been missing these kind of shots. Thank you! What a fabulous bunch. Amazing hair, great clothes and the heels!
I like the black leather shorts with the ballet outfit, it's the tough with the tender. I'm not sure about the high heeled brown boots with the socks though. I like her hair, part shaved, part curled, part mohawk. She has a nice face. The guy, who is obscured behind, looks nice. The casual blue sweater with the blue shirt, rolled up pants and the cool shoes.
I really like the triangle shaped panel of fabric in the back of her jacket.
Dramatic! love the shoes
elegant goth... amazing
love the total black!
This is just incredible. I love the chick in the foreground; her hair, her skirt, her killer heels. The look is stylish and original. Beautiful work Scott!
Hand drawn:
My Closet in Sketches
Love the hair!
Great pic :)
loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove the skirt!!!
xoxo from rome
Finally, a post on British fashion! :)
Those heels!
amazing!! love them!!!! kisses!!
Really digging this look.
Different and unique!
I'm not a big fun of that skirt in the front but overall these three friends have a fine touch of style. London is a completely different city in terms of styling. Always a bit punky God bless Vivienne!
Love her Shoes!
i love the heavy knit socks with the boots!!
aah jeez, what a mess...
love the leather!!! http://www.fashionablenotebook.blogspot.com
YOW this is perfection
Great shot! Everyone in the picture makes a fashion statement. Did this just happen by chance?
Thats amazing, I LOVE LONDON! So ecclectic, so mixed, so British, just so fab! Love the heels. Nice one, look at the guy in the background. He's smartly dressed too.
Yay time to play with lengths. Where as the top is structured and fitted the bottom is frumpy, but it's a play on the shape so I guess I like it for that, but hate it for it's overall lack luster of orginality since I've seen this look a lot before.
I bet the front of the look is as perfect as the back:))))
They look absolutely smashing. And something about the ballerina's gaze captures Dark Romanticism perfectly...
His hair color is great, her loose bun is great, this shave is awesome. And I get a little too excited when I see fantastic mixes of black and brown together. I wish I had her boldness!
Love the look, esp the hair doo =)
Great! I love the haircut too. I would like one too but am worried that it's too radical for me.
I love the boots!! nice outfit
amazing these outfil!!
Very nice group. They realy rock.
wow I really love what's going on in her outfit. I love the detail of wrinkles on her dress and the socks paired with those boots. I lovee this
Though I can't quite appreciate her hair myself, I love the rest of that girl's outfit (the cropped jacket, draped skirt and killer boots all work together perfectly).
Miss B xx
They compliment their concrete jungle !
That's really fantastic.
great outfit. this haircut is getting VERY old though. especially in england, don't know about anywhere else. i did that 4 years ago when it first came back!!
I love the man, casual cool. How fashionable these young kids are these days!
what a gorgeous trio
All this black! I'm not sure whether I like the big city-dress code... It has style of course. But does it express your personality? It's a real question, since I'm not sure, neither of the answer, neither of the need to 'express yourself by clothing'. What do you think?
this is the most London thing I've ever seen!
They must be freezing!
Very nice and powerful shot.
Like a trinity with some secret bond.
Three musketeers..
Ready to deal with Richelieu's men coming from the right..
(Sorry, I'm getting a little carried away)
Love the hair styles.
I love the style "socks with shoes"!!
It's so good!
amazing shot, loved the composition
"C30, C60, C90, GO!" Looks like Bow Wow Wow. I love London, it's the best.
those ballerinas ruined her outfit.
hate them. unconditionally.
...So, now if Mary Poppins played in a band that'd be her and they'd all be in it...
London calling London cool.
Oh it's a perfection, remind me of ballet dancer!
love this, really love the hair!
simple yet fierce , hard to go wrong with all black , great look
The new "East End Boys, and West End Girls" - maybe? I muse...Oh, the Pet Shop Boys'd be salivating.
Love all of their hair. Also, love the leather shorts look there.
why do women think those high waisted leather shorts are flattering? they just aren't. not even a little.
bold haircut! and gorgeous heels. she's so edgy. xxx
interesting hair.
She's wearing bare legs in this weather! That's braver than the haircut in my opinion.
Crazy hair
great hair, love the edgy mix of the clothes and hair
Like the shoes and the skirts !
the 3 look amazing, but this girl in heels looks fierce!
good pic
I'm in London now too!
Can we hang out?
Love this!
Maria Ana
These heels are so HIGH! How can she walk in those?
so wonderful. especially the shorts!!
go undercuts! I just got one and it's so great for aussie summer, the breeze whistles past your ears and keeps you cool :)
love london!
Classic London, loving the guy in the background's attire
I think bare legs when it's cold is just ridiculous.Girls cover up!
That haircut is so brave but she pulls it off well. I love her skirt as well as the girl behind's shorts with the gold button.
Fantastic photograph!
oh, I miss London! Love it!
It's classy/grunge. Love it. Very bold though, not a style for the timid.
the hippest city on the planet.
I like your site and nice photo but fashion from these three --Blech!
These victims should be failed out of whatever fashion school the are in. They look awful. Derivative. Insincere. Fake and gaudy.
Fierce look...fabulous shot!Thank you...L
really nice skirt!!
i love to the look and specially LOVE the boots! I WANT!! (=
Is that Seth green in the background?
Reminds me of a pirate.
I mean, to me, it looks like the bottom of her feet were cut off and replaced by wood. Like peg legs.
so flossy
Not London unless your idea of London is Shoreditch/Brick Lane and Somerset House. When fashion historians try to piece together what the 00s looked like, it will be a blogger fabricated version. London is so much more diverse than fashion industry drone black and 80s throwbacks who were born in 1993.
Glorious brits..! Nice undercut!
what an interesting group of people
Love that skirt! I love when people dress like they're going to the same place...well the girls at least.
this post is why i keep coming back to your blog.
and also why it's time i revisited london.
Nice Pics here
her jacket, her heels, her shaved hair...mmmmm
for more London deliciousness look at:
Great Blog Beautiful Picture
Gimme more...Gimme, Gimme more of those boots!
Some things don't change- young Londoners- Mod
so british
love the hair style of the woman in front.
who IS that GIRL? name?
Your blog is insanely inspirational by the way
The Ballon Rouge
London girls are gorgeous very cool
i love this. simple. perfect.