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Comments on "Valentino - Shoe of the Season, Paris"
I love them! The studs are absolutely gorgeous :)
love the shoes!
I literally gasped. They will be mine.
oh wow. i do enjoy them on the "dark" legs :))
Oh my Gad! Gasp!! I want these!!!
OMG i just saw these shoes at Valentino and I fell in love with them!!! They're simply amazing! I want them!!
Check out my blog!!
no high hells??? :-)
they are very beautiful of course, specially the light ones
Love it over the dark tights. And they look relatively comfortable too!
i want
I spotted these too the other day, thrilled that you did too :)
They are GORGEOUS!!
They're so fierce yet romantic...perfection!
They look awesome, is this the return of the pointy shoe? did it ever leave though? Nice job! LOve the pink ones
So cute... The shoes!!! :)
I like them, hate the heels though.
lovely legs.
pity about the shoes.
Just my luck, I can't ever wear this style of shoe. Most peculiar, my feet hurt wearing this style more than any shoe. I just can't wear it. Even 4 inch heals don't hurt as much, oh well. I still lust them:)
kitten heel! thank you
Besides being a total studs-aholic, for shoes as gorgeous as these I might even embrace kitten heels. Totally to die for.
I saw Alexa Chung wearing these and fell in love with them!
I want them like know!!!!
gorgeous shoes!!
Check out our fashion illustrations at Illustrated-Moodboard.com ! = )
Sexy,punk,femenine¡love it
Alexa Chung wears these, love them !!
Seems like everybody loves these shoes!
--Nolita Vintage--
Gawd! I would kill to have those shoes! Fabulous!
So true, have seen these babies every where!
Are those Garance's legs on the left? I absolutely love these shoes. Although I do think one needs to have the legs of a racehorse to be able to pull them off without getting 'cankles'.
Miss B xx
Valentino is Valentino!!!
Don't like them! the studs don't match with the pointed toe and the kitten heel... and haven't we been there not too long ago!
yay real shoes not objects of torture even a cart horse like me could walk in these
They look fabulous, but I can feel corns growing on my feet just thinking of them. Ouch!
fab,,,absolutely gorgeous
Amazing shoese! Would love me a pair!! :)
wow.. amazing shoes !
they're really nice, i just wish they weren't kitten heels...people with bigger legs, like me, cannot pull it off.
Very ladylike.
oh gawwd.. there goes my credit card.. up in flames again..
The return of the pointy!
Oh my god! These photos have made my day!
I've gone from ecstasy, drooling, to peace of mind knowing I won't be able to afford them:)
oh! love it.
So pretty. Love the return of heels that I can actually walk around New York in, without having to take a cab if I'm going more than 10 feet away!
I dont know what's so great about these shoes.Looks like in chains. Am I the only one who really dislikes them? Imo something is wrong with the proportions
i don't like...
first time in sartorialist
@5:45 they have it in higher heels, they're nicer imo.
Im not a fan of them !! Not so good for me...
I love these shoes. I can see Anna Wintour wearing them and of course I would own a pair if I wasn't spending money on my business and saving for a house. But I digress. It is refreshing to see a classic heel come back and at a reasonable height.
LOVE these Valentino shoes - how they are soft and feminine, but with an edge! Great images.
what shoes are these? never seen it. hmmm im not really into kitten heels and pointed toe. xxx
Now those are some foot candy worthy of my collection!
Wow - shoes that are beautiful that I could actually walk in. Love These!
had it not been for the studs and the bondage element of the ankle straps this shoe would have still be lingering on the shelf.
Love the shoes.... but not sure the lower heel height is that flattering for not-so-shapely legs???? Would prefer them either high or flat, not this in-between
Siiigh. I'm so tired of studs. They're everywhere, on everything and everyone. The thrill is gone...
I am in love. I want!
I love the ankle straps and studs!
ugly & tacky
Way too much going on with these shoes. Trashy and cheap looking, imo.
Those are some flashy sandals. Not sure about the studs, but I love the flashy shape and low heel.
Didn't Alexa Chung have these on the other day? I don't like them they make the foot look huge.
See? Lower heels can be done! Nice, sexy and very cool!
hm, hopefully it's just A trend, cause I don't like shoes like that
Wow, those are the first designer shoes I've seen that I love. They actually look wearable! If only they were affordable...
absolutely gorgeous!
very smart.
what will happen for those who have grown addicted to having an additional seven inches of leg length?
Very beautiful.
Ciao Daniela
I agree with the few people who don't like them. The pointy toes with the studs somehow don't work for me. And they're sooo costumey, Cruella DeVille.
Love!! I want!
Dont like at all! maybe without the studs
Yes, finally bring back the streamline shoes for women! The elegant look is extremely desirable to me.
I'll just sit quietly and wait 'till Baker's knocks them off.
I love these shoes! I would wear the beige-coloured pair in the bottom photo.
I like them also--something edgy yet traditional and soft about them. However, they will be old hat and overkilled very quickly if everyone starts wearing them, like in these photos. Sort of the shame of appealing beautiful and popular things.
Normally I’m not a huge fan of kitten heels but these work for me, maybe it’s the studs + color + material….dunno but I want a pair.
i loved this show. it was sooooo fabulous. the use of color was incredible. they do it again!!!!
OMG.........I want.
a quick check online....Bergdorf's doesn't have them. Sak's has the flat version, but god love Neiman's they have them in 2 colors!
Excellent for them.
YES YES YES! I loved these shoes the instant I saw them at Valentino. I wish with all my heart I could have the flats. The first black and white pair is stunning!
these shoes are delicious!
Gladiator, kitten heel, pump.
Love it, rock meets kitten heels!
like rubber wrapped around ur toes then pulled to shackle ur ankles.
How lovely. What an improvement on the hooves we've been seeing lately.
Who are they? They look amazing!
It's like a cross between gladiator shoes and pumps. I can't stop looking at them.
I love everything but the pinpointy toe. A slightly more open curve on the toe would have given them more umph.
Horribles shoes!
For the right legs...tres magnifique.
I'm not liking them. They look uncomfortable, and for me there's always been something markedly trashy about kitten heels. What particularly bothers me is that the ridiculously sharp point at the toe and low heel really elongate women's feet. This is just a really bizarre, impractical trend to me. I can already pinpoint ten areas where these would chafe and ache, and I feel that the ankle straps really cut off the leg and make it appear shorter. In my opinions these are not pretty, not flattering, and not practical.
They are flattering for almost everyone! I can see it. YOu don't ned to have a certain foot. Of course it looks great on everyone tall but I don't think you must be for this elegant/trendy shoe.
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Love love love love love!!! J'adore!
There is nothing flattering about these.. such an overkill with the studs.
I agree, those are definitely shoes to see and be seen in, and the heel is a perfectly wearable height!
Splendid indeed!
I don't love them, but I am SO GLAD to see heels of a reasonable height. Hate, hate, hate the skyscraper look. We've had far too much of that nonsense the past few years - stilettos make women's feet look deformed. Glad to see a return to common sense.
Egads! The shoes themselves are pretty enough, nothing too special. But am I the only person who thinks they looks horrible on the feet? the openness combined with the pointy toe makes every single one of these women look like her feet are boats and the shoes are somehow falling off the toe and only restrained by the straps, which are horribly stumpifying themselves. No! No! No! Say no to unflattering shoes.
ugh, I thought we would finally be done with the studs...enough is enough! Only good thing about these shoes are the heels, you can actually walk a day in them.
Shoes are perfect. Combination of elegance and "Rock" chic.
They look like pseudo-rock shoes sold in cheap chinese plastic shoes boutiques in Paris,20 seasons ago...It was in this time very chic to wear them with long boot cut nylon black pants and later with black skinny jeans...
How fantastic it is to see them again !!!
I can accept pointed toe... but I HATE kitten heels...they remind me to those shoes worn by teenagers wannabe femmes fatale at wedding parties :D
To the people who comment that this heel height makes women's feet look large - no, it doesn't. It makes them look normal. You've just grown used to seeing the unnatural position created by higher heels.
Sooooo........ cuuuute!!!!
Oh my YES!
Great shot: Valentino at its best! For those that have ever been to Frankfurt, Germany also may want to check out Hysterie...
The point is back! so glad i kept a pair form Marc Jacobs, circa 2005..
They look absolutely stunning on the black woman. The contrast of her ebony skin and the studs, the black leather, and the sharp, white tip is perfect mix of sensuality and formality.
i work for Valentino accessories. So proud everyone loves them. they are going to be done in other colors/fabrics for spring 11 as well....xx
SICK!! in a good way.Louie is one of my favorites.. So jealous you got to go to see the show in person. :)
they're meh to me. make your feet kind of look fat, unless you have skinny feet.