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Comments on "On the Street...The Perfect Vintage Barbour Coat, Milan"
Cool rugged look.
I love a navy with cream together.. looks very stylish.
Haven't I seen him before here?
love the jacket!!
He's fit!!
well well well.... put me in contact with him and I will check EVERYTHING and tell you later..such a sexy daddy!!
He's never washed, and, i'd say, weather-worn.
everyday work wear and lots of loving...
...maybe it's not a real one?
sun damage, i have an army jacket that used to be green but looks like that now
Impressive how he makes that old favorite look modern.
He bought it in that color
Barbour made coats in a light green until the mid 2000's. I have one.
I suggested on twitter that Barbour offers Sandstone in the ladies range & it may have been offered in mens at some point.
Or that he might have picked up a larger sized ladies coat. However the buttons are on the correct side for the mens, so that theory is out the window.
If it _was_ olive at some stage... I'm guessing a liberal sandblasting..
So I go back to my original theory. Old line mens, offered in sandstone.
ahahha he probably went fishing with it...but i love the destryed look, it makes the whole look more legit (and sexy!!)
miss scarlet
Horse riding in England?! I just love it. Check the new Barbour collection in Liberty by To Ki To... x V
Is that the same guy that's been on here 1 or 2 times before?
You could have asked him?
LOVE how the red and blue traffic "circle/slash" just barely sits over his left shoulder. I'm sure that is no accident... great eye.
Righ Hand Man approves.
Now that's all Man! Great shot.
by wearing it!:)
I'm not able to guess the original color of this barbour, but this man is the most handsome you've ever shot!
Wow. If it truly is a Barbour, than it is an old one. Barbour made tan coats only for a short period (as far as I know). Basically he got it to look like that because it has likely never been re-waxed. That process requires the owner to brush melted Barbour Wax (or oil if you will) on the coat on wear spots and overall- a ritual I actually like. When you don't do that, all the wax wears off and you end up with this: looks cool, but without the typical anti-rain performance of a Barbour. It's a nice, relaxed look and why such things will never go out of style.
I thought it was out of fashion in the city...
good to hear!
Oh he looks so good. I love Barbour jackets. I've been sneakily asking my husband for one for about 2 years now! The colour is unique. I don't know, maybe Barbour was offering that hue back when he bought it?
...the wax is gone...
and he still looking
hot as hell!
Fabulous just fabulous !
Looks like he "achieved" that color by not washing it. Handsome man.
Great shot. You've photographed this guy before, right? He's beautiful and rugged and stylish. The whole aesthetic package :)
It's just the coulour of an old green Barbour coat who spent hours outside on rainy days...
great shot!!thanks for sharing!
follow my blog adventures in florence!:)
I know how it happened:
He washed the barbour and never put on again the protective wax.
When i was a kid, I always helped my mom to put that stuff on my dad's borbour!!
How was that colour achieved?
it's a vintage jacket.
Barbour jackets fade pretty drastically if you don't rewax them. His was probably a chocolate brown when it was new and he just hasn't waxed it in years. My flyweight Barbour was dark green when I first bought it and now it's a nice olive just by not waxing it for three years. If you put them in the sun the remaining wax just melts together and spreads more evenly.
Break me off a piece of *that*.
I love how men's wardrobes usually revolve around a very few key pieces that show such love and actual wear. You rarely get that with ours, what with three different jackets for every day of the week and occasion.
Lots and lots of time standing out in the rain.
probably it got wet and some jackets don't look the way they looked before after getting wet
Beginning my day with a blast of pure brawn & masculinity, not a bad start to my day:) When I need to smile I will just click and swoon!
uh, wow! Never thought a guy like that would pull this out the bag! Probs over washed or very very old to get it that colour. So great tho! XO
I'd say designer shabby chic! Or he's been dragged through a hedge backwards..
Zero artifice. How refreshing. One very cool looking guy.
oh my oh my oh my!! He's just oozing with sexy confidence! who said u can't be sexy when u r bald?? who said u need designer clothes to look good??? love his rugged look!
come to make mama pretty!
Gosh he is: UBER YUMMY!
Don't know how he got it, but i love that colour!
That jacket is perfect!
I'm guessing he's owned it before it was even considered vintage.
Very odd, i was wearing a Barbour international, Black Ray Bans and a number one crewcut myself today and this is the first picture I see on the internet.
He washed it ! :)
Love Barbour jackets !
He's so hot, no doubt he melted the wax right off the coat!
I'm loving the weather-worn shoes!
Wow, this thing has been through it all.
I dig it.
nice photo
fabulous! i guess the faded color effect is because he has not waxed his for years!! Barbour jackets are actually coming with a pot of wax ..for regularly waterproofing.
i love the different shade at the pockets, obviously someone worked with dirty hands!
fabulous, RRL CAN BE JEALOUS!!!
they used to make them that color - it was a weird peanut butter tan - my dad has one from the UK
but to be sure...id be happy to ask the guy in the picture myself!!
"Any idea how he got it that color?"
He actually wore it for work and not just for fashion?
takes a bit of thought to make this look...look effortless. nice going.
Oh my, it looks like it's been a very long-time favourite!
years of neglect?
The Italian sun will do that to your skin.
Oh, you meant the coat!
wore it sailing, perhaps?
yeah I guess wearing it actually does some good ;)
my dads old military jacket had to deal with the strain of time and now it's the greatest shade of olive.. it's old and has to many holes and tears to count but I can't let go.
it's been around the blog. handsomely brute.
JJ Scholl
how? why, rolling around in the hay with me of course.
Some Tricks of the Trade-
You could probably get a similar effect if you were to wash the coat with some new dark jeans- and or break up some willow branch charcoal (found in art supply stores) in your hands (dust some off so you don't over do it and roughly wipe them all over the jacket- focus on the high traffic areas like end of sleeves, pockets, collar, and button ares. Then throw it into the drier on medium heat for 15 to 20 mins.
Also if you are anxious for your jackets and jeans to look more worn- wash then a few times with TIDE- it is the harshest of detergents and it's what the pros use in wardrobe for TV shows to break in cloths faster so it doesn't look like everyone is always wearing brand new clothes...
yeahh!!! The perfect vintage look in an ultra - male example. LOVE IT!!!
i love how his jacket looks "used" in a good way. And brown-ish goes really well with blue ;)
What Petey said!
he is carpenter, for sure!
look at the trashy shoes!
There's a marvellous second hand emporium in Edinburgh called Armstrong's that has rails of ancient Barbour coats, in all sorts of interesting faded colours, perhaps he got it from there.
He did not erase this jacket for years..)but i like his look!that's cool
vintage and lovely!great picture
just don't reproof it!
I've probably never reproofed my old beaufort and its turning a really nice, light olive color (not really waterproof anymore though, and its more prone to rips and tears when its dry)
my guess is that this one used to be a darker brown?
nice jacket!love the photo
Looks like a Filson Field Jacket that was not re-waxed. The raglan sleeve may throw off this theory though.
It's the kind of thing you can get at CP Company at huge expense...I like the real thing though, definitely vintage, love-worn!
I like the vintage boots and the way he wears this look!!!
Maybe he swam in a sea of mud... his shoes are just the same!!! :)
ahh the casual rugged style every man should aspire to. Scrumptious :)
WTF is up with all these women commenting on how "hot" or "sexy" he is... Please... This is a fashion site, go back to eHarmony.
Thomas Maier makes this look work. no wonder, he's a pro and knows who to make effortless look chic. the looks works especially well as he buffed up a bit recently. suits him well.
only an italian could pull off such a nonchalant stylish look as this...the most chic people on the planet!!
is he wearing jeans? or is it another kind of trouser?
Can anyone tell me what boots he is wearing?
it looks like it's been dragged in dirt
I've machine washed mine a bunch of times: its about that color.
Wow !!! What a great photo. Can relate to this guy / jacket in a good way. Love his style (lack of concern about it). Anyone though think he ( or at least his expression ) is reminiscent of Dubya?!
Working in dust and dirt? Well, whatever it is he does, it looks great.
OK, this got my attention. Love it! This guys just exudes the "I don't give a #@&% attitude! My kind of guy. :D
Like others have mentioned, I love the color play here. Navy with gray with black with cream? Very nice. What I don't quite like is the cut of the pants, but I'm wondering if the man's height is a contributing factor to how awkwardly flared they look at the ankle.
that is a country/hunting jacket. grown men trying too hard is so sad to watch. i bet this guy also wears boat shoes in the city during summer.
if you don't regularly apply wax on the barbour it will wear out and its colour will turn into green and eventually will become something similar to the photo!!
weather?? or he never washes it? lol great picture...
He looks great, may be working in dust and dirt?
love this guy. so relaxed and effortless.
He looks very nice. Love the beige and blue toghether
Great look. His RayBan aviator shades are a tad tiny on him though. He should opt for the slightly larger model. And yes, wld like to know how his Barbour went from green or black to that fine colur?
love the boots and jacket
..it´s at least 20 years old and never rewaxed:
mine looks just the same. they did a brown then....
just imagine it in another 20 years.
that colour? suppose, wearing it for a long, long time??
he's not Italian but German. Tomas maier was the Hermes menswear designer and is quite sucessful with his designs for Bottega Veneta and his own bathing suit line and Miami shop. Could well be that the well rugged look stems from the Bottega Veneta men's collection ;-)
Wear it, wear it, wear it! That's what I'm going to tell my man, so that in 10 years his jacket will look as cool as this one.
Voilà, that's why I like him so much (for face and dress): he's German NOT ITALIAN!!!!!
This guy has style: his posture, the dark glasses, the shoes, the pants.
This is perfect. I yearn for those pants. Where'd he get em.
You can buy it in that colour. It is called "sand" (but I am not sure). And then: Wear it in the mud.
Great blog!!!
With respect to the coat, based on how short it is and that the pockets are too round (and not square), I would say it is a lady's coat.
Please correct me if anybody thinks I am wrong.
Can not decide what I like the better, the men or his jacket... both very nice! Isabel
This is right up my alley. I love worn-in gear that develops an interesting patina.
Forget the jacket, look at THE man!
He's probably a sailor. That looks like it is the work of salt air and sea spray.
Omg, rugged and handsome. A 'man's man'.
He paid someone to wear it a lot?
There is a seller on UK ebay that specializes in vintage Barbour and the like. Happy to find it for you if you need.
So not fair that a man can have no hair and still be so damn sexy.
I know how it got that color because mine is the same--almost 20 years old and yes it's a Barbour.
I washed it in the machine once--all the wax came off and voila!
Never, ever wash a Barbour waxed jacket.
I have a Barbour in that color, it was a special edition in tan for Duck's Unlimited about a decade ago. I bought mine on Ebay.
i have to love this simple .....YES it gives me such utter joy.....LOVE IT xoxo~hugs n kisses~
I wonder if he's not the original owner...the sleeves and length look a tad short. Love that its being worn to death.
It comes in that shade/color, at least here in Europe.
Of course it takes some wear to get it absolutely right
Perfect... and great shoes!
cant beat a battered barbour
Soooo cool!
Hello, I think the color si a result for not waxing it. If you wax the jacket it gets darker. So probably this used to be a light brown or chaki color jacket but is a lot darker when you buy it.
oh my god i want this man........
he must have used saffron.
Barbour made some jackets in this color called "sandstone" a few years ago.
I guess I like it because the patina of age shows. I like things that look broken in on a man, as much as I love a good suit.
That color ? It is because of the SUN ! For sure !
i know that man, his name's Alessandro Squarzi!
it's an italian fashion guru!
always cool, he and his staff!!!!
He probably works with cars or motorcycles wearing the jacket seems like oil, it's pretty amazing! love it !
I've got a Harbour International in sandstone and rather than re-proof it I've let it age naturally and it's has started to take on a very similar appearance.
I've just seen this man photographed on your blog, I just want to let you know that your pictures are amazing.
I love this outfit!!!
Hi there!
So cool the coat as cool is the charming man!!!!!!
Anyone knows his phone number :-)
Even the perfect man: the greatest cool-hunter with the greatest fashion appeal!!!
I know this one isn't the same but it comes close to it: http://www.theshopforshoes.com/shop/Grenson_Mens_Shoes.html
how he got it that color? easy... just buy a cheap chinesse bag and wear it on both sides during rain... and voila! ;D
my guess is that he bought a vintage barbour and washed it with soap. it's the exact colour of an olive barbour without any wax. get the wax out and it will be that light.