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Comments on "On the Street...The Cut, Paris"
The Cut alright..absolutely suits her face. w
Although I had this exact haircut at high school snd was teased for looking like a boy (kids are cruel and don't get style), I still absolutely love it! And the perfect red lips to boot.
Miss B xx
This reminds me, I need a good place for a haircut in Paris... though most hairstylists won't allow me to cut off my long hair :(
It suits her face.
What a great haircut. As someone with random curly hair that never stays put, I'm always jealous of people who can pull of really angular styles and geometric shapes...what I love is how this cut frames her face and makes you notice the beauty spot MORE not less.
It suits her face.
Love the cut! It's gorgeous.
This haircut looks like a boy haircut, but it matches very well with her face
Perfectly blunt and great for her face.
she's so lovely - reminds me a little of the young Ines de la Fressange - who is even more stunning at 53!
She is completely breath-taking. I just had all my hair cut off and it feels wonderful seeing a photo of another girl sporting a short 'do!
Short hair can be so sexy. Not on me though, it makes me look "hard".
I love short hair in women and I love this one.
kisses from Brazil
forget the hair...
that collar on that top is rad!
great shot.
Moley Moley Moley
Absolutely steller haircut, Old school Mod yet todays Modern take on it..
Well done..
P.S. What show was that at?
dapper cut, she looks very nice with it - full of esprit! her mole reminds me of cindy crawford or was that the other side? ;)
stilage vienna
This is a boy, isn't it? Cool.
Sorry, is it only me? That this person looks indeed like a guy; apart from the do of course?
.. short hair on women is so stylish ... just got mine chopped ... love it.
She can really pull it off. Choppy and adorable.
What a pretty, soft haircut. Looks like it would be flattering to many types of hair - straight, wavy or curly.
"i'm asking. are you a boy or a girl...?" ;)
lovely pic!
Looks like a boy to me?
Androgyny! Wish I looked good with a short cut instead of looking like a child ...
@match.box.muse.... What?? It's YOUR hair, not theirs. If you want it short and you can't find someone to do it (which is unbelievable!) then cut it yourself and then go get it 'fixed'. That'll show 'em :)
It really takes confidence to have short hair. I had it for 2 years, but I'm growing it out now because I miss the feeling of long hair. But anyway, this girl rocks the short hair!
The nose bridge, curve of the eyes, eyebrow bone, jaw line and lack of an adam's apple all point to this being a girl. Not to mention the berry lipstick and sleek hair.
There are some girlish boys out there, but for the people questioning this GIRL'S identity...come on! Don't be so in the box.
Mine is short, short...but wish I could do bangs! This cut suits the face...nice!
can't figure out the gender..
androgyny back in fashion.
cindy crawford beauty mark meets ines de la fressange meets british school boy meets justin beiber in drag.
I love how the color of her hair matches her eye. It's kind of like a chestnut light brownish color!
She's making Justin Bieber so jealous right now.
Very Louise Brooks or my girlfriend circa 1980
great snap and great face too
That's true style--taking a classic (the bob), tweaking it (the mod feel and serious rocker bangs), and making it just right for you (she looks spectacular!).
Sorry but I don't get it - I could have 'cut' this myself - it's uneven and choppy - you can't see her face, which without the lipstick makes her look like a man-boy.
She oozes style
Justin Bieber.
A great haircut makes all the difference in a look. Her's is great, she looks androgenous and sexy at the same time, and of course, very French.
I like long cuts and short cuts.
But what's practical is that you're done quickly washing and drying. Every day!
Besides, we don't really need hair. Evolution may even rid us of hair.
Then we can get really creative up there. Start with a blank slate.
She rocks it well.
It really suits her face. Not everyone can carry that look but she does it well. Mahalo.
She is like... amazing!
And that haircut fits her perfectly, it's so cute!
a great cut!
Androgyne, why not ?
Looks like the vampire girl in the 70's flick, 'Daughters of Darkness'
the haircut is not well done, its not blended, and takes over her eyes. . (im a hairstylist)
however cut properly (either completely blunt or textured) she could look amazing. great lips.
does anyone even know there was a time not so long ago when this hairlength was considered girlish (for men, obviously). this girl looks really lovely with this cut, and different from most of the other girls. good for her.
the sad truth is that many women would look better if they had a real haircut every now and then.
re the boy/girl 'debate' here. What on earth does it matter? The person pictured looks wonderful, excellent cut, elegant make-up and the promise of stylish clothes on a healthy frame. The nearly smile is captivating; I'd be delighted if this image of loveliness was walking with me.
Love this cut. More short haircuts please. I have sent this request before and am grateful for one at least.
the cut is lookin awesome. Just love it.