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Comments on "On the Street...Print & Pattern, Paris"
Although I wouldn't wear this myself, I love the way she's not afraid to mix completely unexpected items at once.
Miss B xx
At last someone is experimenting with bold prints! Lovely.
She definitly has herstyle. Don't know bout the shoes and the hair though. A bit like a Japanese Tavi :-)
The skirt might be nice with a white shirt in the summer, but the whole things.......baffles me. The shoes too.
Sorry. But I like how you prob. made her day by taking her pic!
lot goin on but she pulls it off I tell you.
The combination is really daring - not sure at first - but the more you look at it the more you see the way the patterns work play together. Great simple accessories which balance it out!
yesssss. everyone can be beautiful. show courage!
Refreshing to see something other than the typical long-legged, flat-stomach, long-haired beauties. Anyone could wear the neutral ensemble posted here a couple posts back, but it's only "stylish" because of the woman's looks, right? This to me is much more interesting!
funny but this image seems to go with the shots from the Chanel show....to me, it shows that you can have a subtle and complex eye for color, pattern,texture and compose your look around those elements even if you're not in the position to have Karl dress you!
The feeling carries over...
I love her red hair and pink shoes!
very interesting. im into the gingham and the pink shoes ;))
interesting, eclectic mixture.
loving the perfect shade of pink shoes
<3 dennica pearl
- through the eyes of a pearl
- vintage shop
wow. this is a little different.
can't really seem to figure it out.
I really like the skirt with the pineaples. But i didn't like the hair and the shoes. But everything together looks nice, I like it.
kisses from Brazil
I don't know why but the look seems messy for me. Maybe the shoes are wrong or the jacket....
There are definitely not enough pineapple prints around, digging this skirt. And I love her hair, it's breathtaking.
I applaud her for her confidence. Very cute. And I love her bag!
I think it's pretty all over the place her styling.....definitely shoes are wrong, she screams let's not match anything to the extreme!
Nice photo though....
I love this bold display of mixed patterns and colors! XOXO, Natalya
The skirt suits her so much! I love this different look. x
PINEAPPLE skirt! Love it!
Anna of Green Gable
You guys are ridiculously positive. The Satorialist definitely knows how to make anything seem like fashion!
Anonymous at 5:23 PM--AGREED, AGREED, AGREED. Transfer the exact same outfit onto a model and no one won't say a thing.
Can I be her stylist?
A little to much...
Love it except for footwear--would prefer simple black flats, no socks. But I'm glad to know those shoes are in her repertoire!
That pantalon pattern looks very much the beginning of Gaspar Saldanha career, the very well know fashion designer in New York. I like his wonderful work...now totally different.
I like the colors in this look.
The pink in her shoes picks up the pink in her scarf. The pineapple with the gingham is very down home, and then add in the matching black socks and bag -- it's all very well crafted, including that lovely shock of color against the black of her red hair. The more I look; the more I like. Thank you!
I'd like it better with heels and without the boxy blazer, I think. You'd still have the clashing patterns but with a dash of elegance.
SO CUTE! i love it!
such courage, that worked out so well :)
The skirt is a Comme des Garcons Black. The print is not my cup of tea even though I'm a CDG fan myself, but I think she pulls it off quite well.
Mixed prints are great, but the proportions are all wrong. I'm so sick of huge, dumpy bags.
Getting a bit tired of all the glamour-girl shots. She's a breath of fresh air! I love everything about this look.
I don't like it.. it's not the patterns or colors mix.. it's the whole proportion of her figure.
The head looks so small in proportion to the bag, skirt and legs.
I think this is kinda cute actually, it reminds me of what kids in high school over in the Bay Area wear. Ballerina shoes, crazy patterns, a scarf, business man-like shirt, and dyed hair to top it off.
How does she manage to pull this off? Surely, this must be some sort of skill. I'm impressed.
Too many things going on for my liking. Although she has balls. I would never go out looking like that. Maybe if the skirt was a solid white pant I could like the outfit a little more.
Love the pop of color from the scarf.
Not so much.
The scale and proportion are all wrong. The silhouette is basically a little ball (her head) on top of a triangle. The silhouette gets so wide at the bottom. Would work better if she lost the scarf. She has a short neck already & the scarf makes it disappear. And the skirt should be replaced by short shorts, or a mini.
Difficult, unflattering outfits like this are always inspiring to me. I don't believe that fashion is about looking beautiful, flattering or conventional. And although I have as hard a time as any living by that, it give me hope to see people like this.
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Love the pineapple printed skirt.
Great look, it's sophisticated but with vintage fabrics! Love the scarf and the shoes.
cute shoes!
mmm to many prints for my taste, but I like the colors and oxfords ;)
Love the color of the jacket with the color of the hair.
Japan Girl?
Scott keeps on saying that the photos he publishes are not always perfect - for him, there is something in it. they are for inspiration, i guess.
so nobody is angry if we don't like every detail.
I think this photo is a huge question to fashion. If Kate Moss was wearing it everybody would love it.
Anyhow, as many times has been said, fashion is not the same as style, and I cant find much of that either. She doesnt look comfortable on that.
Goood! I have nothing else but to kill myself because I don't get it! I mean I like the way she dressed - it is strange but in a magical way is pretty - but HOW! How could I make my mind create the looks like this? How? I am sure I could never combine all those separate clothes items in one ensemble. I can only copy the look, but it's impossible for me to create it myself. It is sad. I am sad.
I do remember the perfect words of Bobby McFerrin said on his concert here in Ukraine. Somebody asked him what is his breathing technique, and he replied
"my breathing technique? breath musically". Charming, don't you think?
Regarding the above I'd like to ask what's this gilr's dressing technique? :) How could I learn to dress stylishly? :) Yeah, this is a rhetorical question. I am hopeless.
I wore pieces similar to these (including the little jazz shoes) as an undergrad in the '80s, though never quite so many at once. Loved them then, still love them now--and the way she's put them all together makes me smile!
I cant stop starring at the hue of her hair... u think its all just interesting
Love the jacket an the shoes, but not the three fantasy mix
amazing look
Lovely skirt, so cute!!
I think it needs different shoes - like the colour but the style seems wrong with that shape/length of skirt?
While the outfit is more interesting than flattering, it's great to see a woman here who is not a size 2!
I love the pineapples on the skirt, very kitsch! Keep up the creativity!
Does anybody know where the bag´s from?
This look is puzzling. I get the mixed pattern and how the overall look is so daring, but to me it raises the question of style, and how a great style comes not from following every trend, but from knowing what really suits you -- inside and out. The inside part, she's got it right on: the one thing that this outfit doesn't lack of has to be personnality! But to me the outside part seems to be the problem here: style is also about knowing how to find the right pieces to complement your figure, how to build interesting proportions, right?
Anyway, wouldn't throw this look -- at all. But the wonders a belt and a shorter skirt (with the same pattern) would do to her!
This looks Balinese inspired. She reminds me of The Style Rookie a bit. Not great shapes for her figure, but I applaud her sense of individuality.
OMG! I know her! She's my colleague Monica, Fashion Editor from NuYou (Chinese Fashion and Beauty Mag) from Malaysia :) I'm just shocked to see her here!
Btw, she always dresses and wears her hair like that (the red is new tho).
I think the patterns are fun, but she needs to learn to dress to her body shape. A skirt that cuts off mid thigh is going to make a short girl look even shorter - which is does here, and it makes her legs look chubby. Love the scarf, the jacket and the bag, but I'm not feeling this length skirt on her.
Love the dress ! :)
Personally I find it too much and if doesn't really suit her..
contrived eccentric, not to be confused with trend setting.
Wrong skirt length, jacket has no shape and hides her waistline, the scarf and shoes look like she borrowed from her 8 year old sister and then... the giant bag. It the worst! It's obvious that she put some time and effort into this get up, but it's just not flattering.
On this fine girl - nothing is too much. She has the confidence and carefree grace to pull anything off in an individually chic way.
Great to see a normal size person,I was starting to think you only like very tall skinny model types. That's about 0.001% of the population. You should give us shorter, rounder people a chance. She looks great, non conformist we like x
...by mid thigh I mean mid calf. Sorry.
I AM LOVING the pineapples!
The mix of patterns definitely work, but i dislike very much the shapes, that skirt is not working at all!
my first reaction was: a young lynn yaeger-in-training. cute girl and i like what she's done here.
Wow, everyone. Who cares if it doesn't "suit" her body type? She very obviously dressed this way to cultivate a specific look. The beautiful thing about true style is the diversity and uniqueness it perpetuates, not whether the person looks sexy, thin, "in season" or whatever else. Much applause to this lovely lady.
I love a bit of controversy about a person's outfit. After all, the art of dressing should evoke some conversation, not a lock step hooray. Of course dressing this way will not be everyone's cup of tea, but that's the beauty of it. If you saw her walk down the street my guess is you would notice her, and then smile. Isn't that better than being just another nondescript face in the crowd?
So what if I don't think this outfit flatters her body shape/fits this fall's prescribed wear? She has style, and that is something very hard to capture in a photo. Fashion can be photographed without any problem; you can show off how a certain cut or pattern gives a certain impression or shape to something. But someone's style is not so easy to capture. She's got mad guts, and a good eye for what she'd need to wear to let people know "I *meant* to dress like this," not leaving them thinking she just walked into a hurricane of clothing.
I dig it.
Very creative! Very lovely. She looks amazing.
To whoever wrote "you prob made her day" - no, actually she made ours. This is why I love this blog - because we can all experience the creative flares of others and enjoy the fun that they have when they get dressed in the morning, even with things we'd never think of. She is wonderful, fresh, unique! Love it.
Fun way to mix patterns, but the shapes don't work as well.
i love the whole "anti-fashion" thing she has going on :D
tons more personality in this than hal;f the runway shows this year.
you go girl! :))
i also have that blazer, its mens topman collection. i like when woman wears mens fashion.
I think this outfit would be amazing if she left off the scarf-
3 different black and white prints, all in different proportions topped with fire red hair--- i love it.
I love the idea of the pink shoes with the outfit but, i think bc of her red hair it comes off as distracting to me.
this outfit would have been totally noteworthy, minus the scarf and with black ot RED/BROWN oxfords.
I do appreciate seeing a different body type represented.
It is funny that everyone seems to be assuming she is an "everyday girl" and there was a comment about how having her picture taken "made her day".
I have a feeling that she is very well educated/cultured influencer with an artistic flare and having her picture taken probably ment very little to her.
love the print!
check out my fashion blog at http://thetalesofselfindulgence.blogspot.com
It's certainly brave, and I applaud the mixing of prints, but somehow she still looks like a hot mess. I think it's the proportions. Skirt a little too full, bag echoes the skirt's slouchy dowdy feel (but would look great paired with other items), the jacket seems likely too small to meet... she just looks like she got dressed by raiding a stranger's laundry line to me.
Is this included to see who will gush over this thrown together outfit with no thought to fashion? I mean, I run to the store in tee shirt and jeans, but geez. This is not fashion.
I only love the top half of her outfit. The cool hair color stands out! The print is awesome but I felt it didn't go well with the top.
Her style is cute, daring and interesting.
I need to rant for a bit.
I cannot believe some of the comments I read about this woman.
I can't believe that there are people (mostly 'anonymous')who have the audacity to:
a) Nitpick and tear apart her outfit. IE unflattering,not stylish, not fashion..
b) Comment on what she should wear/do instead. IE heels, shorter skirt, remove the scarf.
If you are a person who believes in expressing personal style, but brazenly nitpick and critique a strangers outfit (without their knowledge and permission). Then you do not embrace the spirit of personal style, you are just imposing your taste and standards on other people.
I find it incredibly obnoxious and unfair.
She is wearing the outfit, not you. These are her clothes not yours. It is no ones business to tell her how to dress.
I admit was guilty of doing this before. I stopped because I realized how hurtful it can be.
I wish everybody would stop doing this. It would make everyone a lot less self conscious and make
fashion a lot more fun. Especially for people who are intimidated by it.
Sorry everyone for the rant.
so proud of her, she's my frenz, yay!!!
@CJLP what do you expect?
Do you want us all to just praise this woman on her style? I mean style is based on opinion. What one person likes another might hate.
This is a fashion blog after all, and beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Although I must agree some of the comments are a bit harsh, but to each their own.
I really don't think people being anonymous or not has anything to do with it...as I'm anon because I don't feel like logging in. =D
@anonymous 2:44pm
Fair enough.
No, I don't expect people to praise every single photo.
I am just surprised by how people can easily dismiss an outfit just because it is a little different.
But you are right, to each their own.
wish i could mix prints as boldly... more power to her! as for tailoring/fit, i think if that pineapple skirt were a pair of high-waisted pineapple pants slightly tapered at the ankles, it would seal the deal for me.
Some LOVE and RESPECT for the pineapples on the skirt :)
The comment "taking her photo probably made her day" just makes me mad and sad. From what stone did you crawl out of? I hate that. Don´t you get it that people like her is the real deal? Fashionistas and fashionslaves are just.. blargh.. I dont know... a bit tragic and narrowminded.
like the individual pies and her moxie...but really too much!